The DragQueening of American Children

Calypso Jones

Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2020

This is not accidental people. It is not confined to just blue areas. They want our kids.

Back in the early 1990s, some men I knew when I worked in San Francisco performed as part of a Drag Queen acapella group. Unlike many of the drag queens parading around today, these guys were actually talented performers, so I enjoyed the first show I attended. By the second show, though, I’d had enough. While some songs were clever parodies of pop culture issues, way too many were obsessed with gay sex (in more detail than most people should ever want to know), fecal matter, and STDs. That’s when I realized that people who define themselves by non-traditional (some might say deviant) sexuality, tend to obsess about that sexuality and, moreover, seem to have stopped developmentally at the “poo-poo is funny” stage of humor (around 3 years old).

Armed with that knowledge, I’ve found very disturbing the number of drag queens swarming children’s reading rooms. Were my kids still small, I wouldn’t want them under the tutelage of someone whose entire identity revolves around his genitals and what he does with them. However, when parents objected, they were schooled as “transphobes” and “homophobes” and, of course, most backed down.

So, the drag queens have continued to dig their way into children’s lives. It’s not just at libraries. The big children’s entertainment media companies are on board. Andrew Levitt, an untalented drag performer but highly talented self-promoter, inveigled his way into Nickelodeon, appearing on the children’s show Blue’s Clues and You and singing about LGBTQ identities in a video aimed at children. And now Disney+ has Levitt urging little children to celebrate gay pride and drag queens with him.

The rest of this insanity in all its 'GLORY' can be found at the link.
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I have no problem with drag queens.

What I oppose is this mad rush to sexualize children at an early age. There is a reason our species has such a long childhood and that is because we need that time to develop our cognitive ability. An age of innocence is vitally important to that process.

Those who want to take that away because of their agenda are beneath contempt.
I have no problem with drag queens.

What I oppose is this mad rush to sexualize children at an early age. There is a reason our species has such a long childhood and that is because we need that time to develop our cognitive ability. An age of innocence is vitally important to that process.

Those who want to take that away because of their agenda are beneath contempt.
Then you must have hated the TV and film industry for the last fifty years after sexualization and sexploitation of kids in media..
The way I look at it, if they want to celebrate or make their mental disorders the focus of their lives, it's a free country & leave me out of it.
I don't play their gender or pronoun game. Bruce Jenner will always be Bruce Jenner
Coming after our children is a perverted attack as far as I'm concerned & I would defend the kids in an appropriate manner.
Keep your depravities to yourself & we won't have a problem

This is not accidental people. It is not confined to just blue areas. They want our kids.

Back in the early 1990s, some men I knew when I worked in San Francisco performed as part of a Drag Queen acapella group. Unlike many of the drag queens parading around today, these guys were actually talented performers, so I enjoyed the first show I attended. By the second show, though, I’d had enough. While some songs were clever parodies of pop culture issues, way too many were obsessed with gay sex (in more detail than most people should ever want to know), fecal matter, and STDs. That’s when I realized that people who define themselves by non-traditional (some might say deviant) sexuality, tend to obsess about that sexuality and, moreover, seem to have stopped developmentally at the “poo-poo is funny” stage of humor (around 3 years old).

Armed with that knowledge, I’ve found very disturbing the number of drag queens swarming children’s reading rooms. Were my kids still small, I wouldn’t want them under the tutelage of someone whose entire identity revolves around his genitals and what he does with them. However, when parents objected, they were schooled as “transphobes” and “homophobes” and, of course, most backed down.

So, the drag queens have continued to dig their way into children’s lives. It’s not just at libraries. The big children’s entertainment media companies are on board. Andrew Levitt, an untalented drag performer but highly talented self-promoter, inveigled his way into Nickelodeon, appearing on the children’s show Blue’s Clues and You and singing about LGBTQ identities in a video aimed at children. And now Disney+ has Levitt urging little children to celebrate gay pride and drag queens with him.

The rest of this insanity in all its 'GLORY' can be found at the link.

Think back to the days when most American children grew up going to Sunday school and summer vacation bible school. Regardless of the good intentions of parents and clergy or church volunteer teachers, that was a form of religious indoctrination and represented the dissemination of a religious message into the minds of kids. This drag queen story bullshit is the same religious indoctrination, only this time, instead of indoctrinating kids into Christianity which taught a pro-human message they are indoctrinating our kids into Satanism, which carries a completely anti-human message. These freaks are only getting away with drag queen story time because parents are doing very little to stop it.
The way I look at it, if they want to celebrate or make their mental disorders the focus of their lives, it's a free country & leave me out of it.
I don't play their gender or pronoun game. Bruce Jenner will always be Bruce Jenner
Coming after our children is a perverted attack as far as I'm concerned & I would defend the kids in an appropriate manner.
Keep your depravities to yourself & we won't have a problem

The problem with turning the other cheek when slapped by this madness is they will never leave you or you children out of it; the whole point of the contemporary trans and gay movement is to convert as many "heathens" as possible for their cause, which is a slow simmering end to human reproduction.
The bottom line remains, they are OUR children. WE pay for them, WE comfort them in the middle of the night when they're scared, WE make sure they have food, shelter, clothing, everything they need. WE stay home with them when they're sick, and WE have the right and privilege to teach them, no one else does.
The bottom line remains, they are OUR children. WE pay for them, WE comfort them in the middle of the night when they're scared, WE make sure they have food, shelter, clothing, everything they need. WE stay home with them when they're sick, and WE have the right and privilege to teach them, no one else does.
How many of you are there?
Think back to the days when most American children grew up going to Sunday school and summer vacation bible school. Regardless of the good intentions of parents and clergy or church volunteer teachers, that was a form of religious indoctrination and represented the dissemination of a religious message into the minds of kids. This drag queen story bullshit is the same religious indoctrination, only this time, instead of indoctrinating kids into Christianity which taught a pro-human message they are indoctrinating our kids into Satanism, which carries a completely anti-human message. These freaks are only getting away with drag queen story time because parents are doing very little to stop it.
You seem to think that parents do not have a right to teach them their morals and ethics. That, only the government has that right and somehow that isn't indoctrination. I would say that not teaching a child morals and ethics is a form of indoctrination of the carnal and devilishness of the world. Leaving it up to a 2 year old up to an 18 year old is child abuse and neglect.
I saw on Fox News the other day, of all things, a propaganda piece about parents who thought their daughter was a trans and began to give him by his doctor hormonal treatments at the age of 6. The piece was hosted by Dana Perino, of all people, supposedly conservative. The only major TV news organization still "conservative' hosting a propaganda piece for parents to begin mutilation proceedings to a child. That to me is child abuse! Complete indoctrination of evil. If Fox News continues, where do we go to get sanity news? I don't mind reports, but not indoctrination propaganda stuff like that. I did write them. They will lose millions of viewerships.

So, please explain how religion, something protected by the U.S. Constitution, is indoctrination and bad?
Legion? Is that you again? Long time no see? lol..Still stampeding off a cliff with a herd of swine?

Thats a shame.
You're going off into a wild tangent there. Please do try to stay on topic.
So, please explain how religion, something protected by the U.S. Constitution, is indoctrination and bad?

By teaching children that they are inherently sinful, which is a lie, they are crippled and paralyzed, many for life. Then to add insult to injury they are taught that the cure is to apologize to God for being human and then worship an edible trinity, a violation of divine law under penalty of death.

How is that good?
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You're going off into a wild tangent there. Please do try to stay on topic.

When one person starts talking and acting like legion, the Gerasene demoniac in the NT, cutting himself on the rocks, shouting among the tombstones, "our children", "we this", "we that", "we are millions", etc., stampeding over a cliff with a herd of swine, that becomes a more interesting topic.

Its like seeing the NT unfolding live and in living color! Deja vu all over again! I think it's awesome, although maybe not for you.
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When one person starts talking and acting like legion, the Gerasene demoniac in the NT, cutting himself on the rocks, shouting among the tombstones, "our children", "we this", "we that", "we are millions", etc., stampeding over a cliff with a herd of swine, that becomes a more interesting topic.

Its like seeing the NT unfolding live and in living color! Deja vu all over again! I think it's awesome, although maybe not for you.
So you stumble on a discussion about parents wanting to be responsible for the children they raise and think, "Oh, wow, that's fascinating. It's just like when Yeshua proved Himself to be superior to demons"? Do we have that right?
You seem to think that parents do not have a right to teach them their morals and ethics. That, only the government has that right and somehow that isn't indoctrination. I would say that not teaching a child morals and ethics is a form of indoctrination of the carnal and devilishness of the world. Leaving it up to a 2 year old up to an 18 year old is child abuse and neglect.
I saw on Fox News the other day, of all things, a propaganda piece about parents who thought their daughter was a trans and began to give him by his doctor hormonal treatments at the age of 6. The piece was hosted by Dana Perino, of all people, supposedly conservative. The only major TV news organization still "conservative' hosting a propaganda piece for parents to begin mutilation proceedings to a child. That to me is child abuse! Complete indoctrination of evil. If Fox News continues, where do we go to get sanity news? I don't mind reports, but not indoctrination propaganda stuff like that. I did write them. They will lose millions of viewerships.

So, please explain how religion, something protected by the U.S. Constitution, is indoctrination and bad?

A tl;dr approach to reading comprehension will get you into trouble every time.

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