The dreaded gay-wedding-cake saga ends: bakers must pay 135 K

I'm most offended that these Homophobes are still calling themselves Christian.

Homophobia has no place in Christ's world.

I know a few non christian gym owners that refuse access to men in women's locker / shower rooms even though they allow lesbians. They base that on moral judgements I guess because it appears that public accomodations laws would prohibit this b

The basis of bathroom use isn't sexual orientation. Rendering your entire argument moot.

Please tell me what is that falls outside the public accomodations laws. You do know they cover more than sexual orientation, Right?
I'm most offended that these Homophobes are still calling themselves Christian.

Homophobia has no place in Christ's world.

I know a few non christian gym owners that refuse access to men in women's locker / shower rooms even though they allow lesbians. They base that on moral judgements I guess because it appears that public accomodations laws would prohibit this b

The basis of bathroom use isn't sexual orientation. Rendering your entire argument moot.

Please tell me what is that falls outside the public accomodations laws. You do know they cover more than sexual orientation, Right?

Because you're using a false basis. Bathrooms are assigned by gender. Not race, religion, creed, ethnicity, sexual orientation or any other criteria.

Your argument makes as much as sense as insisting that a man should be able to go into the women's bathroom if he's white. His race is an irrelevant criteria to bathroom use. As is his sexual orientation.
I am sure that "Christian" bakers have sold cakes to lots of gay people, but didn't know.
And I am QUITE sure that they have sold sweet goods to masturbators out there as well.
Masturbation is classified as a deadly sin in the Bible. The Book of Genesis (Beresheet), chapter 38, is dedicated to this:

Onan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

8 And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy brother's wife, and marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother.

9 And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brother's wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother.

10 And the thing which he did displeased the Lord: wherefore he slew him also.

Early Rabbis argued that this was about masturbation. Catholics argue that this story is about contracepted sex.

Either way, if your seed lands on the earth, you die, according to the Bible...

So, why are those bakers selling sweet stuff to all those masturbators out there?

Christian bakers, including the Oregon bakers, gladly sold many baked goods to homos that they knew were homos.

They just refused to participate in sacrilege.
I am sure that "Christian" bakers have sold cakes to lots of gay people, but didn't know.
And I am QUITE sure that they have sold sweet goods to masturbators out there as well.
Masturbation is classified as a deadly sin in the Bible. The Book of Genesis (Beresheet), chapter 38, is dedicated to this:

Onan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

8 And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy brother's wife, and marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother.

9 And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brother's wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother.

10 And the thing which he did displeased the Lord: wherefore he slew him also.

Early Rabbis argued that this was about masturbation. Catholics argue that this story is about contracepted sex.

Either way, if your seed lands on the earth, you die, according to the Bible...

So, why are those bakers selling sweet stuff to all those masturbators out there?

The Bible does not classify it as a deadly sin. It does tell a story that might involve it. Again, you need to stop talking about shit you know nothing about. Which is most things.
The bakers sold plenty of baked goods to gay people. They never had an issue with it either. They did have an issue with abetting a gay marriage. Try to stay focused here.
Christian bakers, including the Oregon bakers, gladly sold many baked goods to homos that they knew were homos.

They just refused to participate in sacrilege.
It doesn't matter what they thought of it, they didn't have the right to care, and shouldn't have. What I do with the cake I pay you to bake is my goddamned business, not yours. Yours is baking cakes, period.
I am sure that "Christian" bakers have sold cakes to lots of gay people, but didn't know.
And I am QUITE sure that they have sold sweet goods to masturbators out there as well.
Masturbation is classified as a deadly sin in the Bible. The Book of Genesis (Beresheet), chapter 38, is dedicated to this:

Onan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

8 And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy brother's wife, and marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother.

9 And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brother's wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother.

10 And the thing which he did displeased the Lord: wherefore he slew him also.

Early Rabbis argued that this was about masturbation. Catholics argue that this story is about contracepted sex.

Either way, if your seed lands on the earth, you die, according to the Bible...

So, why are those bakers selling sweet stuff to all those masturbators out there?

The Bible does not classify it as a deadly sin. It does tell a story that might involve it. Again, you need to stop talking about shit you know nothing about. Which is most things.
The bakers sold plenty of baked goods to gay people. They never had an issue with it either. They did have an issue with abetting a gay marriage. Try to stay focused here.
They could have had an issue with their choice of panties and it doesn't fucking matter, it wasn't any of their goddamned business to care.
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Sanctuary cities: No big deal, that's fine, these are good people

Nope. Arrest and deport undocumented criminals. Go for it. Feds can step in anytime.

These people you're lamely attempting to disparage, are trying to change immigration laws. Anyone trying to get rid of all the Federal PA laws or even ignore them? No...they're trying for special "we really hate the queers" carve outs.

Businesses not allowing legal guns: Hey, that's up to the business, who can blame them

Feel free to demonstrate a need for legal gun owners to be a protected class. Additionally, I can't leave my gay in the car.

Illegal pot smoking: Big deal, leave 'em alone, they're not hurting anyone

Again, movements to actually change the law not simply ignore them or create special "hate the gays" exemptions.
Christian bakers, including the Oregon bakers, gladly sold many baked goods to homos that they knew were homos.

They just refused to participate in sacrilege.

Really? Which ones refused to sell to the interfaith or divorced and remarrying couple? None?

That's because they aren't being good Christians, they're being transparent bigots.
I am sure that "Christian" bakers have sold cakes to lots of gay people, but didn't know.
And I am QUITE sure that they have sold sweet goods to masturbators out there as well.
Masturbation is classified as a deadly sin in the Bible. The Book of Genesis (Beresheet), chapter 38, is dedicated to this:

Onan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

8 And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy brother's wife, and marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother.

9 And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brother's wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother.

10 And the thing which he did displeased the Lord: wherefore he slew him also.

Early Rabbis argued that this was about masturbation. Catholics argue that this story is about contracepted sex.

Either way, if your seed lands on the earth, you die, according to the Bible...

So, why are those bakers selling sweet stuff to all those masturbators out there?

The Bible does not classify it as a deadly sin. It does tell a story that might involve it. Again, you need to stop talking about shit you know nothing about. Which is most things.
The bakers sold plenty of baked goods to gay people. They never had an issue with it either. They did have an issue with abetting a gay marriage. Try to stay focused here.

The story of Onan is clear for any person to read, you disgusting miserable worthless fuck.

You are a fake Jew and wouldn't know a Siddur or Machzor were it to hit you in the ass.

Thank you, and have a nice day.
I am sure that "Christian" bakers have sold cakes to lots of gay people, but didn't know.
And I am QUITE sure that they have sold sweet goods to masturbators out there as well.
Masturbation is classified as a deadly sin in the Bible. The Book of Genesis (Beresheet), chapter 38, is dedicated to this:

Onan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

8 And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy brother's wife, and marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother.

9 And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brother's wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother.

10 And the thing which he did displeased the Lord: wherefore he slew him also.

Early Rabbis argued that this was about masturbation. Catholics argue that this story is about contracepted sex.

Either way, if your seed lands on the earth, you die, according to the Bible...

So, why are those bakers selling sweet stuff to all those masturbators out there?

The Bible does not classify it as a deadly sin. It does tell a story that might involve it. Again, you need to stop talking about shit you know nothing about. Which is most things.
The bakers sold plenty of baked goods to gay people. They never had an issue with it either. They did have an issue with abetting a gay marriage. Try to stay focused here.

The story of Onan is clear for any person to read, you disgusting miserable worthless fuck.

You are a fake Jew and wouldn't know a Siddur or Machzor were it to hit you in the ass.

Thank you, and have a nice day.
Please quote the passage of the Torah that describes masturbation as a deadly sin.
You are once again, two days running, demonstrating what an ignorant arrogant ass you are. Quit while you're way behind.
Christian bakers, including the Oregon bakers, gladly sold many baked goods to homos that they knew were homos.

They just refused to participate in sacrilege.

Really? Which ones refused to sell to the interfaith or divorced and remarrying couple? None?

That's because they aren't being good Christians, they're being transparent bigots.
Can you show they prepared wedding cakes for such weddings?
Christian bakers, including the Oregon bakers, gladly sold many baked goods to homos that they knew were homos.

They just refused to participate in sacrilege.

Really? Which ones refused to sell to the interfaith or divorced and remarrying couple? None?

That's because they aren't being good Christians, they're being transparent bigots.
Can you show they prepared wedding cakes for such weddings?
Well it was deadly for Onan but he wasn't jerking off, just disobeying God...
I'm most offended that these Homophobes are still calling themselves Christian.

Homophobia has no place in Christ's world.

I know a few non christian gym owners that refuse access to men in women's locker / shower rooms even though they allow lesbians. They base that on moral judgements I guess because it appears that public accomodations laws would prohibit this b

The basis of bathroom use isn't sexual orientation. Rendering your entire argument moot.

Please tell me what is that falls outside the public accomodations laws. You do know they cover more than sexual orientation, Right?

Because you're using a false basis. Bathrooms are assigned by gender. Not race, religion, creed, ethnicity, sexual orientation or any other criteria.

Your argument makes as much as sense as insisting that a man should be able to go into the women's bathroom if he's white. His race is an irrelevant criteria to bathroom use. As is his sexual orientation.

Poor Skylar, stuck in the past, trying to push tradition as a defense.

We now have public accomodation laws that take all that morality bullshit
Out of the law.

Bath and public or quasi public restrooms were segregated for privacy issues WHEN GENDER WAS A BASIS FOR SOUND PUBLIC POLICY.

That's all changed now. A lesbian looks sexually at a woman in the same way a male does. A lesbian married couple is allowed to share a locker room with its spouse, but a straight male can't? The privacy issue flew out the window when a married lesbian self identified by signing a document that is of public record.

The lesbian couple now had GREATER rights to public accomodations than straight couples.

What is the compelling state reason to deny the heterosexual couple equal access when you allow lesbians in the shower.

Go ahead, all you will come up with is a MORAL STANDARD , which, by the way, IS THE EXACT SAME ARGUMENT USED BY THE BAKER.

Face it, equality sucks some times
Sanctuary cities: No big deal, that's fine, these are good people

Businesses not allowing legal guns: Hey, that's up to the business, who can blame them

Illegal pot smoking: Big deal, leave 'em alone, they're not hurting anyone




Hey, if you feel that your civil rights have been violated, then you are also entitled to file a suit.

You don't understand the law much do you? It's not simply about filing suit, the government has a duty to protect your rights.

Another red herring fail.

Look fool. You are the same as the tools who tried to use "religious rights" to deny black people the same rights. Now suck it up. The fact of the matter is, the government isn't going to recognize your stupidity and allow you to discriminate against other groups of American citizens.
I'm most offended that these Homophobes are still calling themselves Christian.

Homophobia has no place in Christ's world.

I know a few non christian gym owners that refuse access to men in women's locker / shower rooms even though they allow lesbians. They base that on moral judgements I guess because it appears that public accomodations laws would prohibit this b

Again, this has already been explained to you. Do they have accommodations at the club? Do they have a shower room there for men and women? Yes? Then you are wrong.
Sanctuary cities: No big deal, that's fine, these are good people

Businesses not allowing legal guns: Hey, that's up to the business, who can blame them

Illegal pot smoking: Big deal, leave 'em alone, they're not hurting anyone




Hey, if you feel that your civil rights have been violated, then you are also entitled to file a suit.

You don't understand the law much do you? It's not simply about filing suit, the government has a duty to protect your rights.

Another red herring fail.

Look fool. You are the same as the tools who tried to use "religious rights" to deny black people the same rights. Now suck it up. The fact of the matter is, the government isn't going to recognize your stupidity and allow you to discriminate against other groups of American citizens.

You look dumber and dumber with each and every post. You say the government isn't going to recognize........?

Prove it by stating the compelling state interest in denying these individuals RIGHT that are guaranteed them under the constitution now that the USSC deamed them so.

Go ahead dimwit, I'm sure your eighth grade education will allow you the ability to come up with a more stimulating argument then..........

Cuz I say so!
Sanctuary cities: No big deal, that's fine, these are good people

Businesses not allowing legal guns: Hey, that's up to the business, who can blame them

Illegal pot smoking: Big deal, leave 'em alone, they're not hurting anyone




Hey, if you feel that your civil rights have been violated, then you are also entitled to file a suit.

You don't understand the law much do you? It's not simply about filing suit, the government has a duty to protect your rights.

Another red herring fail.

Look fool. You are the same as the tools who tried to use "religious rights" to deny black people the same rights. Now suck it up. The fact of the matter is, the government isn't going to recognize your stupidity and allow you to discriminate against other groups of American citizens.

You look dumber and dumber with each and every post. You say the government isn't going to recognize........?

Prove it by stating the compelling state interest in denying these individuals RIGHT that are guaranteed them under the constitution now that the USSC deamed them so.

Go ahead dimwit, I'm sure your eighth grade education will allow you the ability to come up with a more stimulating argument then..........

Cuz I say so!

This has already been proven in the 1950s and 60s when people like you tried it back then to deny rights to women and black people! Lol! The courts do not recognize discrimination as a religious right. You cannot violate another person's civil rights and claim it is your religious right! You just cannot. :lol:
I'm most offended that these Homophobes are still calling themselves Christian.

Homophobia has no place in Christ's world.

I know a few non christian gym owners that refuse access to men in women's locker / shower rooms even though they allow lesbians. They base that on moral judgements I guess because it appears that public accomodations laws would prohibit this b

Again, this has already been explained to you. Do they have accommodations at the club? Do they have a shower room there for men and women? Yes? Then you are wrong.

Good god, you are so yesterday. Did blacks have separate but equal restrooms? How'd that work out dummy?
I'm most offended that these Homophobes are still calling themselves Christian.

Homophobia has no place in Christ's world.

I know a few non christian gym owners that refuse access to men in women's locker / shower rooms even though they allow lesbians. They base that on moral judgements I guess because it appears that public accomodations laws would prohibit this b

Again, this has already been explained to you. Do they have accommodations at the club? Do they have a shower room there for men and women? Yes? Then you are wrong.

Good god, you are so yesterday. Did blacks have separate but equal restrooms? How'd that work out dummy?

You can separate restrooms by gender. You cannot separate by race. Good Lord! These laws are WELL ESTABLISHED.

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