The dreaded gay-wedding-cake saga ends: bakers must pay 135 K

I am sure that "Christian" bakers have sold cakes to lots of gay people, but didn't know.
And I am QUITE sure that they have sold sweet goods to masturbators out there as well.
Masturbation is classified as a deadly sin in the Bible. The Book of Genesis (Beresheet), chapter 38, is dedicated to this:

Onan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

8 And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy brother's wife, and marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother.

9 And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brother's wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother.

10 And the thing which he did displeased the Lord: wherefore he slew him also.

Early Rabbis argued that this was about masturbation. Catholics argue that this story is about contracepted sex.

Either way, if your seed lands on the earth, you die, according to the Bible...

So, why are those bakers selling sweet stuff to all those masturbators out there?


I agree. If I do not know what the cake is for, then I am not held accountable for it. But if they tell me "This is for an SSM", then I would have to say 'no'.

Because that would violate my religious views.

No, Masturbation is not 'classified' as a sin. Moron lol. This is what happens when pagans read the Bible, and think they understand what they are reading. The sin that Onan committed is that he did not want to raise up a child in his brothers name, which is required in the law of Moses. He spilled his seed on the ground to avoid doing his duty to his brothers wife. Why, we don't know. But nevertheless, he sinned in refusing to do his duty, and G-d struck him down for it.

Now I would agree that a Christian male should not masturbate. He should use his energy to please his wife, and his wife him. The Bible says that a man should not think of a women he is not married to. Unless you are thinking of your wife, while doing it.... which most men are not.... then they are sinning.

Equally, some men would rather please themselves, than please their wives. And that is also a sin. But next time, do real Christians a favor, if you don't understand the Bible, stop pretending you do.
Yes, according to the bible it is. Get over yourself.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

You're a clown, you got that right. Actually, the bible doesn't talk about masturbation. Once again you get caught making your shit up
Yes, it does. Thanks for showing your ignorance.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Yes it does, great argument. What about putting some bullets in your pecker and backing it up?
I am sure that "Christian" bakers have sold cakes to lots of gay people, but didn't know.
And I am QUITE sure that they have sold sweet goods to masturbators out there as well.
Masturbation is classified as a deadly sin in the Bible. The Book of Genesis (Beresheet), chapter 38, is dedicated to this:

Onan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

8 And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy brother's wife, and marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother.

9 And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brother's wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother.

10 And the thing which he did displeased the Lord: wherefore he slew him also.

Early Rabbis argued that this was about masturbation. Catholics argue that this story is about contracepted sex.

Either way, if your seed lands on the earth, you die, according to the Bible...

So, why are those bakers selling sweet stuff to all those masturbators out there?


I agree. If I do not know what the cake is for, then I am not held accountable for it. But if they tell me "This is for an SSM", then I would have to say 'no'.

Because that would violate my religious views.

No, Masturbation is not 'classified' as a sin. Moron lol. This is what happens when pagans read the Bible, and think they understand what they are reading. The sin that Onan committed is that he did not want to raise up a child in his brothers name, which is required in the law of Moses. He spilled his seed on the ground to avoid doing his duty to his brothers wife. Why, we don't know. But nevertheless, he sinned in refusing to do his duty, and G-d struck him down for it.

Now I would agree that a Christian male should not masturbate. He should use his energy to please his wife, and his wife him. The Bible says that a man should not think of a women he is not married to. Unless you are thinking of your wife, while doing it.... which most men are not.... then they are sinning.

Equally, some men would rather please themselves, than please their wives. And that is also a sin. But next time, do real Christians a favor, if you don't understand the Bible, stop pretending you do.
Yes, according to the bible it is. Get over yourself.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

You have the right to be wrong. Please continue.....
I am sure that "Christian" bakers have sold cakes to lots of gay people, but didn't know.
And I am QUITE sure that they have sold sweet goods to masturbators out there as well.
Masturbation is classified as a deadly sin in the Bible. The Book of Genesis (Beresheet), chapter 38, is dedicated to this:

Onan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

8 And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy brother's wife, and marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother.

9 And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brother's wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother.

10 And the thing which he did displeased the Lord: wherefore he slew him also.

Early Rabbis argued that this was about masturbation. Catholics argue that this story is about contracepted sex.

Either way, if your seed lands on the earth, you die, according to the Bible...

So, why are those bakers selling sweet stuff to all those masturbators out there?


I agree. If I do not know what the cake is for, then I am not held accountable for it. But if they tell me "This is for an SSM", then I would have to say 'no'.

Because that would violate my religious views.

No, Masturbation is not 'classified' as a sin. Moron lol. This is what happens when pagans read the Bible, and think they understand what they are reading. The sin that Onan committed is that he did not want to raise up a child in his brothers name, which is required in the law of Moses. He spilled his seed on the ground to avoid doing his duty to his brothers wife. Why, we don't know. But nevertheless, he sinned in refusing to do his duty, and G-d struck him down for it.

Now I would agree that a Christian male should not masturbate. He should use his energy to please his wife, and his wife him. The Bible says that a man should not think of a women he is not married to. Unless you are thinking of your wife, while doing it.... which most men are not.... then they are sinning.

Equally, some men would rather please themselves, than please their wives. And that is also a sin. But next time, do real Christians a favor, if you don't understand the Bible, stop pretending you do.
Yes, according to the bible it is. Get over yourself.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

You're a clown, you got that right. Actually, the bible doesn't talk about masturbation. Once again you get caught making your shit up
Yes, it does. Thanks for showing your ignorance.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Usually when people want to prove their point they offer, well, proof. Like a verse citation or something. Anything, really.
The only reason not to do that is because you are wrong and of course too arrogant and stupid to admit it. So you look like the moron you are, while you tapdance around. You arent fooling anyone, Mohammed.
Forgot about Hobby Lobby already, did you? Leftwats sure do have short memories.

Nothing to forget...didn't read the opinions did you?

But on Monday morning, the apocalypse didn’t come. In fact, quite the opposite: In its ruling for Hobby Lobby, the court—in an opinion authored by arch-conservative Justice Samuel Alito—explicitly stated that RFRA could not be used as a “shield” to “cloak … discrimination in hiring” as a “religious practice to escape legal sanction.” RFRA doesn’t permit employers to break a law when there is a compelling government interest backing that regulation, and, according to Alito, the government “has a compelling interest in providing an equal opportunity to participate in the workforce.”

Alito cites racial discrimination in his opinion. But Justice Anthony Kennedy, in a concurrence, cabins the court’s ruling even further, making clear that the majority isn’t rewriting RFRA (or the First Amendment) to protect anti-gay discrimination. Kennedy denies that the opinion is a startling “breadth and sweep,” noting that this case could easily be “distinguish[ed] ... from many others in which it is more difficult” to strike a balance between legal regulations and “an alleged statutory right of free exercise.” While religious liberty may permit employers to exercise their own beliefs to a point, “neither may that same exercise unduly restrict … employees in protecting their own interests.” Translation: This case is about birth control and nothing more—and as a general rule, employees still have a compelling interest in most laws that protect their rights.

The Hobby Lobby ruling is good for gays and doesn t allow discrimination.

Oh, good, you're still alive..

The case had to do with a specific law that pointedly forced a company to violate it's religious beliefs and it falls in line with the simple fact that the Constitution protects religious freedom. The courts will likely also distinguish serving gays in general and serving them in a specific fashion that forces company owners to violate their religious sense of right and wrong. The Constitution protects religious belief, it does NOT protect the "right" to be served by any business...

Which is why the unconstitutional public accommodation laws will soon be in our cross hairs too.

Great! Make sure you start with the Federal law that protects Christians.

Not a "states rights" guy?
States don't have rights under the Constitution, they have powers. I wouldn't expect you to know that.
I have to disagree. For years the powers the states have have been coined "states' rights."

states' rights
  1. the rights and powers held by individual US states rather than by the federal government."
I have read books on the topic.
Rights and powers are two different things. Rights are vouchsafed by government whether they originated from God or not. Powers are a salient reminder that the states created the Constitution and the federal government and can dissolve both. Powers cannot be rescinded by its products.
I am sure that "Christian" bakers have sold cakes to lots of gay people, but didn't know.
And I am QUITE sure that they have sold sweet goods to masturbators out there as well.
Masturbation is classified as a deadly sin in the Bible. The Book of Genesis (Beresheet), chapter 38, is dedicated to this:

Onan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Early Rabbis argued that this was about masturbation. Catholics argue that this story is about contracepted sex.

Either way, if your seed lands on the earth, you die, according to the Bible...

So, why are those bakers selling sweet stuff to all those masturbators out there?


I agree. If I do not know what the cake is for, then I am not held accountable for it. But if they tell me "This is for an SSM", then I would have to say 'no'.

Because that would violate my religious views.

No, Masturbation is not 'classified' as a sin. Moron lol. This is what happens when pagans read the Bible, and think they understand what they are reading. The sin that Onan committed is that he did not want to raise up a child in his brothers name, which is required in the law of Moses. He spilled his seed on the ground to avoid doing his duty to his brothers wife. Why, we don't know. But nevertheless, he sinned in refusing to do his duty, and G-d struck him down for it.

Now I would agree that a Christian male should not masturbate. He should use his energy to please his wife, and his wife him. The Bible says that a man should not think of a women he is not married to. Unless you are thinking of your wife, while doing it.... which most men are not.... then they are sinning.

Equally, some men would rather please themselves, than please their wives. And that is also a sin. But next time, do real Christians a favor, if you don't understand the Bible, stop pretending you do.
Yes, according to the bible it is. Get over yourself.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

You're a clown, you got that right. Actually, the bible doesn't talk about masturbation. Once again you get caught making your shit up
Yes, it does. Thanks for showing your ignorance.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Usually when people want to prove their point they offer, well, proof. Like a verse citation or something. Anything, really.
The only reason not to do that is because you are wrong and of course too arrogant and stupid to admit it. So you look like the moron you are, while you tapdance around. You arent fooling anyone, Mohammed.

But I already did. And I doesn't matter what I write, you will go stuff your head in the pillow, you know, the one you usually bite when you are getting popped by some BBC, and you will cry. And then you will cry and you will cry and you will cry.

The story of Onan is in the the Torah, or?

And how was this story interpreted by Rabbis for how many thousands of years, you stupid fuck?

And then there is Proverbs 31:3

And then there is Maimonides commentary on this:

“Semen constitutes the strength of the body, its life, and the light of the eyes. Its emission to excess causes physical decay, debility, and diminished vitality. Thus Solomon, in his wisdom, says: ‘Do not give your strength to women’ (Proverbs 31:3). Whoever indulges in sexual dissipation becomes prematurely aged; his strength fails; his eyes become dim; a foul odor proceeds from his mouth and armpits; the hair of his head, eyebrows, and eyelashes drop out; the hair of his beard, armpits, and legs grow abnormally; his teeth fall out; and besides these, he becomes subject to numerous other diseases. Medical authorities have stated that for each one who dies of other maladies, a thousand are the victims of sexual excess.”

Back to Onan:

Taking their cue from this biblical phrase, the mystics asserted that since a man who masturbates prevents the use of that semen for conceiving a child, he is guilty not only of murder but of the murder of his own (potential) children. He is therefore a criminal more reprehensible than any other. On the other hand, ejaculation is prized in heterosexual relations, even in those that do not lead to procreation, and no “murder” is said to take place, nor are the forces of evil enhanced.

The mystics also claimed that even involuntary emissions of semen created demons, which were a danger not only to the man who masturbated but to the entire community. Such notions appear in folk literature as well as in rabbinic mystical texts. Thus the narrator in I.B. Singer’s short story, “From the Diary of One Not Born,” says: “I was not born. My father, a yeshivah student, sinned as did Onan, and from his seed I was created‑half spirit, half‑demon…I am and I am not.”

Masturbation A Touchy Subject - My Jewish Learning

So, you are sticking your fingers in your ears and acting as if masturbation was never a subject in the Torah and in the teachings of the last 5,700+ years, when it is. I never said that I agreed with the interpretation. I said that the verses and the admonitions exist.

Your lack of comprehension and your inability to build context can mean only one thing: you are a worthless Conservative.

Yes it is a civil right. We are ALL entitled to the same rights and privileges. If you deny a specific group one of the same rights or privileges that you have (such as the privilege to marry who you want within the confines of the law), then you are violating that group's civil rights. This is America and we are all equal here.

Explain then the Complelling state interest in the denial of this "right" to those seeking plural or sibling same sex marriage.

You realize you don't get to have it both ways legally, right?

You're an obsessive nut, poppy. Start worrying about yourself and your own marriage. Your marriage is what you define it as, not what other people define their marriage as.

Hypocricy!, you seem to want to define marriage, but if it falls out of YOUR definition, SCREW THEM.

Do you have a reasonable legal defense to deny any of the relationships from attaining the legal status of marriage?

ANSWER: You do not.
Incestuous sexual relationships between close relations cause serious birth defects. That's a scientific fact and a reason for incestuous relationships to be illegal.

That is a 'reasonable legal defense to deny [incestuous] relationships from attaining the legal status of marriage.' Capisce?

Sure, in the old world it was.

You are now dealing with same sex marriage. To defend your argument, please forward the names, or better yet, link to the documentation that any same sex coupling had ever created offspring.

Without that, your denial of this right would be arbitrary at best. And if you can't claim a compelling state interest to deny a right, you lose. Next you would have to afford due process to the opposite sex blood relatives and afford them equal protection

But, and this is the paradox, you are now arguing procreation as the compelling state issue? To deny same sex relatives from a right?

How's that work?
Your logic is completely faulty. I am not at all 'arguing procreation as the compelling state issue." For you to jump to that conclusion is ridiculous.

We do not need to include the idea of producing children as part of the marriage contract. Many people do not want to have children, many cannot. It is only religious (Christian) values that say marriage is for reproduction. Most folks, Christian folks too, and even you, I'll bet, have sexual intercourse without the intention of reproduction. The purpose of marriage is to have a life partner, not to reproduce.

However, if an incestuous relationship results in children, the likelihood of the child being severely handicapped is there, so it behooves the State to disallow such marriages or such couplings. This is really simple stuff, Pop, why can't you get it?

This is why I have said incestuous marriage and gay marriage are two completely different things and that trying to compare them is a false analogy.
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Hypocricy!, you seem to want to define marriage, but if it falls out of YOUR definition, SCREW THEM.

Do you have a reasonable legal defense to deny any of the relationships from attaining the legal status of marriage?

ANSWER: You do not.

Well, fortunately for me, it is not me who is trying to "define" anyone else's relationship. I support gay marriage. That is all. Gay people pay taxes, work and contribute to the economy and are American citizens entitled to all the same rights and privileges that you enjoy.

And a legal, one to one, marriage contract between two consenting adults hurts no one.

Poppy thinks the gay people getting married are destroying his life and the meaning of his marriage. Lol. :D That is how delusional some of these people are.
It also suggests how fragile is his emotional, mental and spiritual involvement in his marriage vows when something that has nothing whatsoever to do with him is such a huge threat to his commitment to his marriage. That's what homophobia is too, men who are so insecure about their own heterosexuality and their own masculinity that they are severely threatened by the idea of homosexuality.

^^^^^a two for one troll day!!!!
Nothing trolling about it. Your denial of a gay lifestyle and your hatred and fear of gays is obvious and obviously linked to your own mental and emotional issues. Other people being gay has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with you. It threatens you in no way at all, though you seem to believe it does.You say it is against your religious values, but there are multitudes of religious people who accept it as an alternative lifestyle and go on with their own, completely non-threatened by what other adults do. You are severely threatened by gay marriage: that says a whole lot about you, psychologically.
Explain then the Complelling state interest in the denial of this "right" to those seeking plural or sibling same sex marriage.

You realize you don't get to have it both ways legally, right?

You're an obsessive nut, poppy. Start worrying about yourself and your own marriage. Your marriage is what you define it as, not what other people define their marriage as.

Hypocricy!, you seem to want to define marriage, but if it falls out of YOUR definition, SCREW THEM.

Do you have a reasonable legal defense to deny any of the relationships from attaining the legal status of marriage?

ANSWER: You do not.
Incestuous sexual relationships between close relations cause serious birth defects. That's a scientific fact and a reason for incestuous relationships to be illegal.

That is a 'reasonable legal defense to deny [incestuous] relationships from attaining the legal status of marriage.' Capisce?

Sure, in the old world it was.

You are now dealing with same sex marriage. To defend your argument, please forward the names, or better yet, link to the documentation that any same sex coupling had ever created offspring.

Without that, your denial of this right would be arbitrary at best. And if you can't claim a compelling state interest to deny a right, you lose. Next you would have to afford due process to the opposite sex blood relatives and afford them equal protection

But, and this is the paradox, you are now arguing procreation as the compelling state issue? To deny same sex relatives from a right?

How's that work?
Your logic is completely faulty. I am not at all 'arguing procreation as the compelling state issue." For you to jump to that conclusion is ridiculous.

We do not need to include the idea of producing children as part of the marriage contract. Many people do not want to have children, many cannot. It is only religious (Christian) values that say marriage is for reproduction. Most folks, Christian folks too, and even you, I'll bet, have sexual intercourse without the intention of reproduction. The purpose of marriage is to have a life partner, not to reproduce.

However, if an incestuous relationship results in children, the likelihood of the child being severely handicapped is there, so it behooves the State to disallow such marriages or such couplings. This is really simple stuff, Pop, why can't you get it?
Did anyone happen to mention this?

Sweet Cakes by Melissa raises more than $200,000 to cover fine by Oregon Gaystapo ^ | July 8, 2015 | Dan Calabrese
Score one for the good guys.......
Good guys? You mean the small minded, mean spirited, bigoted, hypocritical, self rightous Christians? LMAO Good guys indeed....quel imbécile.

They take the long veiw, without the limiting factor of one man to one woman, not blood related, incest is just a few steps away.

Not good, not good at all

:eusa_boohoo: Poor poppy.

Not me, the poor children created by defective bloodlines. Such horrible disfigurements they will have to endure.

But that's OK to progressives, right?
I am sure that "Christian" bakers have sold cakes to lots of gay people, but didn't know.
And I am QUITE sure that they have sold sweet goods to masturbators out there as well.
Masturbation is classified as a deadly sin in the Bible. The Book of Genesis (Beresheet), chapter 38, is dedicated to this:

Onan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Early Rabbis argued that this was about masturbation. Catholics argue that this story is about contracepted sex.

Either way, if your seed lands on the earth, you die, according to the Bible...

So, why are those bakers selling sweet stuff to all those masturbators out there?


I agree. If I do not know what the cake is for, then I am not held accountable for it. But if they tell me "This is for an SSM", then I would have to say 'no'.

Because that would violate my religious views.

No, Masturbation is not 'classified' as a sin. Moron lol. This is what happens when pagans read the Bible, and think they understand what they are reading. The sin that Onan committed is that he did not want to raise up a child in his brothers name, which is required in the law of Moses. He spilled his seed on the ground to avoid doing his duty to his brothers wife. Why, we don't know. But nevertheless, he sinned in refusing to do his duty, and G-d struck him down for it.

Now I would agree that a Christian male should not masturbate. He should use his energy to please his wife, and his wife him. The Bible says that a man should not think of a women he is not married to. Unless you are thinking of your wife, while doing it.... which most men are not.... then they are sinning.

Equally, some men would rather please themselves, than please their wives. And that is also a sin. But next time, do real Christians a favor, if you don't understand the Bible, stop pretending you do.
Yes, according to the bible it is. Get over yourself.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

You're a clown, you got that right. Actually, the bible doesn't talk about masturbation. Once again you get caught making your shit up
Yes, it does. Thanks for showing your ignorance.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Usually when people want to prove their point they offer, well, proof. Like a verse citation or something. Anything, really.
The only reason not to do that is because you are wrong and of course too arrogant and stupid to admit it. So you look like the moron you are, while you tapdance around. You arent fooling anyone, Mohammed.

He repeated it without proof, isn't that enough for you? I mean sure he'd lie once, but would he lie twice?
I agree. If I do not know what the cake is for, then I am not held accountable for it. But if they tell me "This is for an SSM", then I would have to say 'no'.

Because that would violate my religious views.

No, Masturbation is not 'classified' as a sin. Moron lol. This is what happens when pagans read the Bible, and think they understand what they are reading. The sin that Onan committed is that he did not want to raise up a child in his brothers name, which is required in the law of Moses. He spilled his seed on the ground to avoid doing his duty to his brothers wife. Why, we don't know. But nevertheless, he sinned in refusing to do his duty, and G-d struck him down for it.

Now I would agree that a Christian male should not masturbate. He should use his energy to please his wife, and his wife him. The Bible says that a man should not think of a women he is not married to. Unless you are thinking of your wife, while doing it.... which most men are not.... then they are sinning.

Equally, some men would rather please themselves, than please their wives. And that is also a sin. But next time, do real Christians a favor, if you don't understand the Bible, stop pretending you do.
Yes, according to the bible it is. Get over yourself.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

You're a clown, you got that right. Actually, the bible doesn't talk about masturbation. Once again you get caught making your shit up
Yes, it does. Thanks for showing your ignorance.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Usually when people want to prove their point they offer, well, proof. Like a verse citation or something. Anything, really.
The only reason not to do that is because you are wrong and of course too arrogant and stupid to admit it. So you look like the moron you are, while you tapdance around. You arent fooling anyone, Mohammed.

But I already did. And I doesn't matter what I write, you will go stuff your head in the pillow, you know, the one you usually bite when you are getting popped by some BBC, and you will cry. And then you will cry and you will cry and you will cry.

The story of Onan is in the the Torah, or?

And how was this story interpreted by Rabbis for how many thousands of years, you stupid fuck?

And then there is Proverbs 31:3

And then there is Maimonides commentary on this:

“Semen constitutes the strength of the body, its life, and the light of the eyes. Its emission to excess causes physical decay, debility, and diminished vitality. Thus Solomon, in his wisdom, says: ‘Do not give your strength to women’ (Proverbs 31:3). Whoever indulges in sexual dissipation becomes prematurely aged; his strength fails; his eyes become dim; a foul odor proceeds from his mouth and armpits; the hair of his head, eyebrows, and eyelashes drop out; the hair of his beard, armpits, and legs grow abnormally; his teeth fall out; and besides these, he becomes subject to numerous other diseases. Medical authorities have stated that for each one who dies of other maladies, a thousand are the victims of sexual excess.”

Back to Onan:

Taking their cue from this biblical phrase, the mystics asserted that since a man who masturbates prevents the use of that semen for conceiving a child, he is guilty not only of murder but of the murder of his own (potential) children. He is therefore a criminal more reprehensible than any other. On the other hand, ejaculation is prized in heterosexual relations, even in those that do not lead to procreation, and no “murder” is said to take place, nor are the forces of evil enhanced.

The mystics also claimed that even involuntary emissions of semen created demons, which were a danger not only to the man who masturbated but to the entire community. Such notions appear in folk literature as well as in rabbinic mystical texts. Thus the narrator in I.B. Singer’s short story, “From the Diary of One Not Born,” says: “I was not born. My father, a yeshivah student, sinned as did Onan, and from his seed I was created‑half spirit, half‑demon…I am and I am not.”

Masturbation A Touchy Subject - My Jewish Learning

So, you are sticking your fingers in your ears and acting as if masturbation was never a subject in the Torah and in the teachings of the last 5,700+ years, when it is. I never said that I agreed with the interpretation. I said that the verses and the admonitions exist.

Your lack of comprehension and your inability to build context can mean only one thing: you are a worthless Conservative.


Actually, the Onan story was about manning up to his responsibilities, not masturbation.

Just so you know, that's the go to story for Christian on the topic and they always misunderstand it like you did. LOL, you walked right into that one
Actually, the Onan story was about manning up to his responsibilities, not masturbation.

Just so you know, that's the go to story for Christian on the topic and they always misunderstand it like you did. LOL, you walked right into that one

So it was cool that God killed a guy for not wanting to knock up his sister-in-law who he never wanted to marry to start with?

This would be the same Tamar that Judah knocked up and then wanted to burn alive because she got pregnant.

Keep in mind, this is the book the Right thinks we need to derive morality from.
I agree. If I do not know what the cake is for, then I am not held accountable for it. But if they tell me "This is for an SSM", then I would have to say 'no'.

Because that would violate my religious views.

No, Masturbation is not 'classified' as a sin. Moron lol. This is what happens when pagans read the Bible, and think they understand what they are reading. The sin that Onan committed is that he did not want to raise up a child in his brothers name, which is required in the law of Moses. He spilled his seed on the ground to avoid doing his duty to his brothers wife. Why, we don't know. But nevertheless, he sinned in refusing to do his duty, and G-d struck him down for it.

Now I would agree that a Christian male should not masturbate. He should use his energy to please his wife, and his wife him. The Bible says that a man should not think of a women he is not married to. Unless you are thinking of your wife, while doing it.... which most men are not.... then they are sinning.

Equally, some men would rather please themselves, than please their wives. And that is also a sin. But next time, do real Christians a favor, if you don't understand the Bible, stop pretending you do.
Yes, according to the bible it is. Get over yourself.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

You're a clown, you got that right. Actually, the bible doesn't talk about masturbation. Once again you get caught making your shit up
Yes, it does. Thanks for showing your ignorance.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Usually when people want to prove their point they offer, well, proof. Like a verse citation or something. Anything, really.
The only reason not to do that is because you are wrong and of course too arrogant and stupid to admit it. So you look like the moron you are, while you tapdance around. You arent fooling anyone, Mohammed.

But I already did. And I doesn't matter what I write, you will go stuff your head in the pillow, you know, the one you usually bite when you are getting popped by some BBC, and you will cry. And then you will cry and you will cry and you will cry.

The story of Onan is in the the Torah, or?

And how was this story interpreted by Rabbis for how many thousands of years, you stupid fuck?

And then there is Proverbs 31:3

And then there is Maimonides commentary on this:

“Semen constitutes the strength of the body, its life, and the light of the eyes. Its emission to excess causes physical decay, debility, and diminished vitality. Thus Solomon, in his wisdom, says: ‘Do not give your strength to women’ (Proverbs 31:3). Whoever indulges in sexual dissipation becomes prematurely aged; his strength fails; his eyes become dim; a foul odor proceeds from his mouth and armpits; the hair of his head, eyebrows, and eyelashes drop out; the hair of his beard, armpits, and legs grow abnormally; his teeth fall out; and besides these, he becomes subject to numerous other diseases. Medical authorities have stated that for each one who dies of other maladies, a thousand are the victims of sexual excess.”

Back to Onan:

Taking their cue from this biblical phrase, the mystics asserted that since a man who masturbates prevents the use of that semen for conceiving a child, he is guilty not only of murder but of the murder of his own (potential) children. He is therefore a criminal more reprehensible than any other. On the other hand, ejaculation is prized in heterosexual relations, even in those that do not lead to procreation, and no “murder” is said to take place, nor are the forces of evil enhanced.

The mystics also claimed that even involuntary emissions of semen created demons, which were a danger not only to the man who masturbated but to the entire community. Such notions appear in folk literature as well as in rabbinic mystical texts. Thus the narrator in I.B. Singer’s short story, “From the Diary of One Not Born,” says: “I was not born. My father, a yeshivah student, sinned as did Onan, and from his seed I was created‑half spirit, half‑demon…I am and I am not.”

Masturbation A Touchy Subject - My Jewish Learning

So, you are sticking your fingers in your ears and acting as if masturbation was never a subject in the Torah and in the teachings of the last 5,700+ years, when it is. I never said that I agreed with the interpretation. I said that the verses and the admonitions exist.

Your lack of comprehension and your inability to build context can mean only one thing: you are a worthless Conservative.

OK so you cannot show that the Bible condemns masturbation as a sin. This is of a piece with your other contention, all of which you fail to support after shooting your mouth off.
You are an arrogant, ignorant piece of shit and this becomes apparent the more you post.
Well, fortunately for me, it is not me who is trying to "define" anyone else's relationship. I support gay marriage. That is all. Gay people pay taxes, work and contribute to the economy and are American citizens entitled to all the same rights and privileges that you enjoy.

And a legal, one to one, marriage contract between two consenting adults hurts no one.

Poppy thinks the gay people getting married are destroying his life and the meaning of his marriage. Lol. :D That is how delusional some of these people are.
It also suggests how fragile is his emotional, mental and spiritual involvement in his marriage vows when something that has nothing whatsoever to do with him is such a huge threat to his commitment to his marriage. That's what homophobia is too, men who are so insecure about their own heterosexuality and their own masculinity that they are severely threatened by the idea of homosexuality.

^^^^^a two for one troll day!!!!
Nothing trolling about it. Your denial of a gay lifestyle and your hatred and fear of gays is obvious and obviously linked to your own mental and emotional issues. Other people being gay has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with you. It threatens you in no way at all, though you seem to believe it does.You say it is against your religious values, but there are multitudes of religious people who accept it as an alternative lifestyle and go on with their own, completely non-threatened by what other adults do. You are severely threatened by gay marriage: that says a whole lot about you, psychologically.
Why are you seething with hatred? You must get help!
Yes, according to the bible it is. Get over yourself.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

You're a clown, you got that right. Actually, the bible doesn't talk about masturbation. Once again you get caught making your shit up
Yes, it does. Thanks for showing your ignorance.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Usually when people want to prove their point they offer, well, proof. Like a verse citation or something. Anything, really.
The only reason not to do that is because you are wrong and of course too arrogant and stupid to admit it. So you look like the moron you are, while you tapdance around. You arent fooling anyone, Mohammed.

But I already did. And I doesn't matter what I write, you will go stuff your head in the pillow, you know, the one you usually bite when you are getting popped by some BBC, and you will cry. And then you will cry and you will cry and you will cry.

The story of Onan is in the the Torah, or?

And how was this story interpreted by Rabbis for how many thousands of years, you stupid fuck?

And then there is Proverbs 31:3

And then there is Maimonides commentary on this:

“Semen constitutes the strength of the body, its life, and the light of the eyes. Its emission to excess causes physical decay, debility, and diminished vitality. Thus Solomon, in his wisdom, says: ‘Do not give your strength to women’ (Proverbs 31:3). Whoever indulges in sexual dissipation becomes prematurely aged; his strength fails; his eyes become dim; a foul odor proceeds from his mouth and armpits; the hair of his head, eyebrows, and eyelashes drop out; the hair of his beard, armpits, and legs grow abnormally; his teeth fall out; and besides these, he becomes subject to numerous other diseases. Medical authorities have stated that for each one who dies of other maladies, a thousand are the victims of sexual excess.”

Back to Onan:

Taking their cue from this biblical phrase, the mystics asserted that since a man who masturbates prevents the use of that semen for conceiving a child, he is guilty not only of murder but of the murder of his own (potential) children. He is therefore a criminal more reprehensible than any other. On the other hand, ejaculation is prized in heterosexual relations, even in those that do not lead to procreation, and no “murder” is said to take place, nor are the forces of evil enhanced.

The mystics also claimed that even involuntary emissions of semen created demons, which were a danger not only to the man who masturbated but to the entire community. Such notions appear in folk literature as well as in rabbinic mystical texts. Thus the narrator in I.B. Singer’s short story, “From the Diary of One Not Born,” says: “I was not born. My father, a yeshivah student, sinned as did Onan, and from his seed I was created‑half spirit, half‑demon…I am and I am not.”

Masturbation A Touchy Subject - My Jewish Learning

So, you are sticking your fingers in your ears and acting as if masturbation was never a subject in the Torah and in the teachings of the last 5,700+ years, when it is. I never said that I agreed with the interpretation. I said that the verses and the admonitions exist.

Your lack of comprehension and your inability to build context can mean only one thing: you are a worthless Conservative.

OK so you cannot show that the Bible condemns masturbation as a sin. This is of a piece with your other contention, all of which you fail to support after shooting your mouth off.
You are an arrogant, ignorant piece of shit and this becomes apparent the more you post.

It was shown to you repeatedly. The passage dealing with Onan has been interpreted for centuries to be a prohibition on masturbation. That's what people do with the bible, interpret it to fit their prejudices.

Just like the prohibitions on blacks marrying whites and gays marrying each other. Some interpret the bible to prohibit them...others don't.

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