The dreaded gay-wedding-cake saga ends: bakers must pay 135 K

But I already did. And I doesn't matter what I write, you will go stuff your head in the pillow, you know, the one you usually bite when you are getting popped by some BBC, and you will cry. And then you will cry and you will cry and you will cry.

The story of Onan is in the the Torah, or?

And how was this story interpreted by Rabbis for how many thousands of years, you stupid fuck?

And then there is Proverbs 31:3

And then there is Maimonides commentary on this:

“Semen constitutes the strength of the body, its life, and the light of the eyes. Its emission to excess causes physical decay, debility, and diminished vitality. Thus Solomon, in his wisdom, says: ‘Do not give your strength to women’ (Proverbs 31:3). Whoever indulges in sexual dissipation becomes prematurely aged; his strength fails; his eyes become dim; a foul odor proceeds from his mouth and armpits; the hair of his head, eyebrows, and eyelashes drop out; the hair of his beard, armpits, and legs grow abnormally; his teeth fall out; and besides these, he becomes subject to numerous other diseases. Medical authorities have stated that for each one who dies of other maladies, a thousand are the victims of sexual excess.”

Back to Onan:

Taking their cue from this biblical phrase, the mystics asserted that since a man who masturbates prevents the use of that semen for conceiving a child, he is guilty not only of murder but of the murder of his own (potential) children. He is therefore a criminal more reprehensible than any other. On the other hand, ejaculation is prized in heterosexual relations, even in those that do not lead to procreation, and no “murder” is said to take place, nor are the forces of evil enhanced.

The mystics also claimed that even involuntary emissions of semen created demons, which were a danger not only to the man who masturbated but to the entire community. Such notions appear in folk literature as well as in rabbinic mystical texts. Thus the narrator in I.B. Singer’s short story, “From the Diary of One Not Born,” says: “I was not born. My father, a yeshivah student, sinned as did Onan, and from his seed I was created‑half spirit, half‑demon…I am and I am not.”

Masturbation A Touchy Subject - My Jewish Learning

So, you are sticking your fingers in your ears and acting as if masturbation was never a subject in the Torah and in the teachings of the last 5,700+ years, when it is. I never said that I agreed with the interpretation. I said that the verses and the admonitions exist.

Your lack of comprehension and your inability to build context can mean only one thing: you are a worthless Conservative.

OK so you cannot show that the Bible condemns masturbation as a sin. This is of a piece with your other contention, all of which you fail to support after shooting your mouth off.
You are an arrogant, ignorant piece of shit and this becomes apparent the more you post.

It was shown to you repeatedly. The passage dealing with Onan has been interpreted for centuries to be a prohibition on masturbation. That's what people do with the bible, interpret it to fit their prejudices.

Just like the prohibitions on blacks marrying whites and gays marrying each other. Some interpret the bible to prohibit them...others don't.
The story of Onan is not about masturbation.
No one reputable interpreted the Bible as prohibiting marriage between blacks and whites. Moses himself married a black woman.
The prohibition on same sex marriage is explicit, as is the prohibition on homosexual sex.

So what? Our laws are not based on your religious beliefs. There is no realistic or valid reason to deny giving an entire group of American tax-paying citizens who contribute to our economy the same rights and privileges that you enjoy. None.

Well, it's my business, and you don't have a right to my business. So if I don't want to serve you for any reason, that's it. And especially if you ask me to do something that violates my Religious views, I'm not doing it.

I don't care what the basis is for your laws. I follow the laws of G-d. Period. The end.

And neither you, nor your laws, are going to stop me. Sorry.

I doubt that you know all 613 of the commandments or their practical application, so, no, you don't follow Adoshem's laws. You are just a loudmouth, just the right type for a fake Jew like the fake Rabbi.

Carry on. It's fun to watch you wallow.
But I already did. And I doesn't matter what I write, you will go stuff your head in the pillow, you know, the one you usually bite when you are getting popped by some BBC, and you will cry. And then you will cry and you will cry and you will cry.

The story of Onan is in the the Torah, or?

And how was this story interpreted by Rabbis for how many thousands of years, you stupid fuck?

And then there is Proverbs 31:3

And then there is Maimonides commentary on this:

“Semen constitutes the strength of the body, its life, and the light of the eyes. Its emission to excess causes physical decay, debility, and diminished vitality. Thus Solomon, in his wisdom, says: ‘Do not give your strength to women’ (Proverbs 31:3). Whoever indulges in sexual dissipation becomes prematurely aged; his strength fails; his eyes become dim; a foul odor proceeds from his mouth and armpits; the hair of his head, eyebrows, and eyelashes drop out; the hair of his beard, armpits, and legs grow abnormally; his teeth fall out; and besides these, he becomes subject to numerous other diseases. Medical authorities have stated that for each one who dies of other maladies, a thousand are the victims of sexual excess.”

Back to Onan:

Taking their cue from this biblical phrase, the mystics asserted that since a man who masturbates prevents the use of that semen for conceiving a child, he is guilty not only of murder but of the murder of his own (potential) children. He is therefore a criminal more reprehensible than any other. On the other hand, ejaculation is prized in heterosexual relations, even in those that do not lead to procreation, and no “murder” is said to take place, nor are the forces of evil enhanced.

The mystics also claimed that even involuntary emissions of semen created demons, which were a danger not only to the man who masturbated but to the entire community. Such notions appear in folk literature as well as in rabbinic mystical texts. Thus the narrator in I.B. Singer’s short story, “From the Diary of One Not Born,” says: “I was not born. My father, a yeshivah student, sinned as did Onan, and from his seed I was created‑half spirit, half‑demon…I am and I am not.”

Masturbation A Touchy Subject - My Jewish Learning

So, you are sticking your fingers in your ears and acting as if masturbation was never a subject in the Torah and in the teachings of the last 5,700+ years, when it is. I never said that I agreed with the interpretation. I said that the verses and the admonitions exist.

Your lack of comprehension and your inability to build context can mean only one thing: you are a worthless Conservative.

OK so you cannot show that the Bible condemns masturbation as a sin. This is of a piece with your other contention, all of which you fail to support after shooting your mouth off.
You are an arrogant, ignorant piece of shit and this becomes apparent the more you post.

It was shown to you repeatedly. The passage dealing with Onan has been interpreted for centuries to be a prohibition on masturbation. That's what people do with the bible, interpret it to fit their prejudices.

Just like the prohibitions on blacks marrying whites and gays marrying each other. Some interpret the bible to prohibit them...others don't.
The story of Onan is not about masturbation.
No one reputable interpreted the Bible as prohibiting marriage between blacks and whites. Moses himself married a black woman.
The prohibition on same sex marriage is explicit, as is the prohibition on homosexual sex.

So what? Our laws are not based on your religious beliefs. There is no realistic or valid reason to deny giving an entire group of American tax-paying citizens who contribute to our economy the same rights and privileges that you enjoy. None.

Well, it's my business, and you don't have a right to my business. So if I don't want to serve you for any reason, that's it. And especially if you ask me to do something that violates my Religious views, I'm not doing it.

I don't care what the basis is for your laws. I follow the laws of G-d. Period. The end.

And neither you, nor your laws, are going to stop me. Sorry.

Same attitude as the Taliban and Isis.

God said it, that settles it.

Sorry, you want that kind of theocracy move to Iraq.
It was shown to you repeatedly. The passage dealing with Onan has been interpreted for centuries to be a prohibition on masturbation. That's what people do with the bible, interpret it to fit their prejudices.

Just like the prohibitions on blacks marrying whites and gays marrying each other. Some interpret the bible to prohibit them...others don't.
The story of Onan is not about masturbation.
No one reputable interpreted the Bible as prohibiting marriage between blacks and whites. Moses himself married a black woman.
The prohibition on same sex marriage is explicit, as is the prohibition on homosexual sex.

I agree, it's not. It has been interpreted to prohibit it though...for CENTURIES.

Has the bible been used to justify slavery? Yes.

Has the bible been used to justify segregation? Yes.

Has the bible been used to justify anti miscegenation? Yes.

Has the bible been used to justify anti gay bigotry? Yes.

Are they all ignorant and wrong? Yes.
Has the Bible been used to predict earthquakes? Yes
Has the Bible been used to support space aliens? Yes

It really doesnt matter what some whack job said at some point or other. The plain meaning of the Bible is that marriage is between a man an a woman and homosexual sodomy is severe sin.

The bible is the best evidence that it should not be followed.

Says the Pagan to the Christian. Well... don't care what you think. We're following it. People like you have been saying that since the Roman times. No one has stopped us for 2,000 years, and you certainly won't now.

You have delusions of grandeur. The bible contradicts itself on every other page because it was written by unintelligent men 2000 years ago. If 'god' had written it, it would be perfect. It isn't.
OK so you cannot show that the Bible condemns masturbation as a sin. This is of a piece with your other contention, all of which you fail to support after shooting your mouth off.
You are an arrogant, ignorant piece of shit and this becomes apparent the more you post.

It was shown to you repeatedly. The passage dealing with Onan has been interpreted for centuries to be a prohibition on masturbation. That's what people do with the bible, interpret it to fit their prejudices.

Just like the prohibitions on blacks marrying whites and gays marrying each other. Some interpret the bible to prohibit them...others don't.
The story of Onan is not about masturbation.
No one reputable interpreted the Bible as prohibiting marriage between blacks and whites. Moses himself married a black woman.
The prohibition on same sex marriage is explicit, as is the prohibition on homosexual sex.

I agree, it's not. It has been interpreted to prohibit it though...for CENTURIES.

Has the bible been used to justify slavery? Yes.

Has the bible been used to justify segregation? Yes.

Has the bible been used to justify anti miscegenation? Yes.

Has the bible been used to justify anti gay bigotry? Yes.

Are they all ignorant and wrong? Yes.
Has the Bible been used to predict earthquakes? Yes
Has the Bible been used to support space aliens? Yes

It really doesnt matter what some whack job said at some point or other. The plain meaning of the Bible is that marriage is between a man an a woman and homosexual sodomy is severe sin.

The bible is the best evidence that it should not be followed.
Sure thing, Sherlock.
OK so you cannot show that the Bible condemns masturbation as a sin. This is of a piece with your other contention, all of which you fail to support after shooting your mouth off.
You are an arrogant, ignorant piece of shit and this becomes apparent the more you post.

It was shown to you repeatedly. The passage dealing with Onan has been interpreted for centuries to be a prohibition on masturbation. That's what people do with the bible, interpret it to fit their prejudices.

Just like the prohibitions on blacks marrying whites and gays marrying each other. Some interpret the bible to prohibit them...others don't.
The story of Onan is not about masturbation.
No one reputable interpreted the Bible as prohibiting marriage between blacks and whites. Moses himself married a black woman.
The prohibition on same sex marriage is explicit, as is the prohibition on homosexual sex.

I agree, it's not. It has been interpreted to prohibit it though...for CENTURIES.

Has the bible been used to justify slavery? Yes.

Has the bible been used to justify segregation? Yes.

Has the bible been used to justify anti miscegenation? Yes.

Has the bible been used to justify anti gay bigotry? Yes.

Are they all ignorant and wrong? Yes.
Has the Bible been used to predict earthquakes? Yes
Has the Bible been used to support space aliens? Yes

It really doesnt matter what some whack job said at some point or other. The plain meaning of the Bible is that marriage is between a man an a woman and homosexual sodomy is severe sin.

So "non-homosexual sodomy" is A-OK!
Yes. Cogitate on that some. Maybe get an adult to explain it.
The story of Onan is not about masturbation.
No one reputable interpreted the Bible as prohibiting marriage between blacks and whites. Moses himself married a black woman.
The prohibition on same sex marriage is explicit, as is the prohibition on homosexual sex.

I agree, it's not. It has been interpreted to prohibit it though...for CENTURIES.

Has the bible been used to justify slavery? Yes.

Has the bible been used to justify segregation? Yes.

Has the bible been used to justify anti miscegenation? Yes.

Has the bible been used to justify anti gay bigotry? Yes.

Are they all ignorant and wrong? Yes.
Has the Bible been used to predict earthquakes? Yes
Has the Bible been used to support space aliens? Yes

It really doesnt matter what some whack job said at some point or other. The plain meaning of the Bible is that marriage is between a man an a woman and homosexual sodomy is severe sin.

The bible is the best evidence that it should not be followed.

Says the Pagan to the Christian. Well... don't care what you think. We're following it. People like you have been saying that since the Roman times. No one has stopped us for 2,000 years, and you certainly won't now.

You have delusions of grandeur. The bible contradicts itself on every other page because it was written by unintelligent men 2000 years ago. If 'god' had written it, it would be perfect. It isn't.
It actually is perfect. Imperfect morons like you simply don't get it.
But I already did. And I doesn't matter what I write, you will go stuff your head in the pillow, you know, the one you usually bite when you are getting popped by some BBC, and you will cry. And then you will cry and you will cry and you will cry.

The story of Onan is in the the Torah, or?

And how was this story interpreted by Rabbis for how many thousands of years, you stupid fuck?

And then there is Proverbs 31:3

And then there is Maimonides commentary on this:

“Semen constitutes the strength of the body, its life, and the light of the eyes. Its emission to excess causes physical decay, debility, and diminished vitality. Thus Solomon, in his wisdom, says: ‘Do not give your strength to women’ (Proverbs 31:3). Whoever indulges in sexual dissipation becomes prematurely aged; his strength fails; his eyes become dim; a foul odor proceeds from his mouth and armpits; the hair of his head, eyebrows, and eyelashes drop out; the hair of his beard, armpits, and legs grow abnormally; his teeth fall out; and besides these, he becomes subject to numerous other diseases. Medical authorities have stated that for each one who dies of other maladies, a thousand are the victims of sexual excess.”

Back to Onan:

Taking their cue from this biblical phrase, the mystics asserted that since a man who masturbates prevents the use of that semen for conceiving a child, he is guilty not only of murder but of the murder of his own (potential) children. He is therefore a criminal more reprehensible than any other. On the other hand, ejaculation is prized in heterosexual relations, even in those that do not lead to procreation, and no “murder” is said to take place, nor are the forces of evil enhanced.

The mystics also claimed that even involuntary emissions of semen created demons, which were a danger not only to the man who masturbated but to the entire community. Such notions appear in folk literature as well as in rabbinic mystical texts. Thus the narrator in I.B. Singer’s short story, “From the Diary of One Not Born,” says: “I was not born. My father, a yeshivah student, sinned as did Onan, and from his seed I was created‑half spirit, half‑demon…I am and I am not.”

Masturbation A Touchy Subject - My Jewish Learning

So, you are sticking your fingers in your ears and acting as if masturbation was never a subject in the Torah and in the teachings of the last 5,700+ years, when it is. I never said that I agreed with the interpretation. I said that the verses and the admonitions exist.

Your lack of comprehension and your inability to build context can mean only one thing: you are a worthless Conservative.

OK so you cannot show that the Bible condemns masturbation as a sin. This is of a piece with your other contention, all of which you fail to support after shooting your mouth off.
You are an arrogant, ignorant piece of shit and this becomes apparent the more you post.

It was shown to you repeatedly. The passage dealing with Onan has been interpreted for centuries to be a prohibition on masturbation. That's what people do with the bible, interpret it to fit their prejudices.

Just like the prohibitions on blacks marrying whites and gays marrying each other. Some interpret the bible to prohibit them...others don't.
The story of Onan is not about masturbation.
No one reputable interpreted the Bible as prohibiting marriage between blacks and whites. Moses himself married a black woman.
The prohibition on same sex marriage is explicit, as is the prohibition on homosexual sex.

So what? Our laws are not based on your religious beliefs. There is no realistic or valid reason to deny giving an entire group of American tax-paying citizens who contribute to our economy the same rights and privileges that you enjoy. None.

Well, it's my business, and you don't have a right to my business. So if I don't want to serve you for any reason, that's it. And especially if you ask me to do something that violates my Religious views, I'm not doing it.

I don't care what the basis is for your laws. I follow the laws of G-d. Period. The end.

And neither you, nor your laws, are going to stop me. Sorry.

At last! We have found both a rich, and a stupid man! Do you mind giving us the address of your shop?
You're a bigot.

We both are

The difference is you won't admit it

You're still missing the point.....I don't go around calling others a bigot....while being a bigot. That makes you....wait for it....a hypocritical bigot
You just called someone a bigot. :rofl:
So thinking it, instead of saying just fine huh?

You're still missing the point. I am pointing out your hypocrisy. You loons wore out the racist angle and now are wearing out the bigot card. I laugh at it
It doesn't matter how many times someone points out the bigotry that you deny, or minimize, the fact is you are a bigot, and you just want people to stop pointing that out
Pegged her. Dead to rights.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
You're still missing the point.....I don't go around calling others a bigot....while being a bigot. That makes you....wait for it....a hypocritical bigot
You just called someone a bigot. :rofl:
So thinking it, instead of saying just fine huh?

You're still missing the point. I am pointing out your hypocrisy. You loons wore out the racist angle and now are wearing out the bigot card. I laugh at it
It doesn't matter how many times someone points out the bigotry that you deny, or minimize, the fact is you are a bigot, and you just want people to stop pointing that out
Pegged her. Dead to rights.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

LOL Oh look, it's the know nothing chiming in. Effin moon bat
I agree, it's not. It has been interpreted to prohibit it though...for CENTURIES.

Has the bible been used to justify slavery? Yes.

Has the bible been used to justify segregation? Yes.

Has the bible been used to justify anti miscegenation? Yes.

Has the bible been used to justify anti gay bigotry? Yes.

Are they all ignorant and wrong? Yes.
Has the Bible been used to predict earthquakes? Yes
Has the Bible been used to support space aliens? Yes

It really doesnt matter what some whack job said at some point or other. The plain meaning of the Bible is that marriage is between a man an a woman and homosexual sodomy is severe sin.

The bible is the best evidence that it should not be followed.

Says the Pagan to the Christian. Well... don't care what you think. We're following it. People like you have been saying that since the Roman times. No one has stopped us for 2,000 years, and you certainly won't now.

You have delusions of grandeur. The bible contradicts itself on every other page because it was written by unintelligent men 2000 years ago. If 'god' had written it, it would be perfect. It isn't.
It actually is perfect. Imperfect morons like you simply don't get it.

Even theologians admit the contradictions rampant in the bible.

And for those who claim to be Christians today, why don't they practice "what you do to the least of these my brothers you do also to me". Instead, kristians in America step over homeless people like lepers to be avoided.

The contradictions just keep on coming.
Has the Bible been used to predict earthquakes? Yes
Has the Bible been used to support space aliens? Yes

It really doesnt matter what some whack job said at some point or other. The plain meaning of the Bible is that marriage is between a man an a woman and homosexual sodomy is severe sin.

The bible is the best evidence that it should not be followed.

Says the Pagan to the Christian. Well... don't care what you think. We're following it. People like you have been saying that since the Roman times. No one has stopped us for 2,000 years, and you certainly won't now.

You have delusions of grandeur. The bible contradicts itself on every other page because it was written by unintelligent men 2000 years ago. If 'god' had written it, it would be perfect. It isn't.
It actually is perfect. Imperfect morons like you simply don't get it.

Even theologians admit the contradictions rampant in the bible.

And for those who claim to be Christians today, why don't they practice "what you do to the least of these my brothers you do also to me". Instead, kristians in America step over homeless people like lepers to be avoided.

The contradictions just keep on coming.

Complete unadulterated BS. Christians do more to help the homeless than any other group. Stop lying
The bible is the best evidence that it should not be followed.

Says the Pagan to the Christian. Well... don't care what you think. We're following it. People like you have been saying that since the Roman times. No one has stopped us for 2,000 years, and you certainly won't now.

You have delusions of grandeur. The bible contradicts itself on every other page because it was written by unintelligent men 2000 years ago. If 'god' had written it, it would be perfect. It isn't.
It actually is perfect. Imperfect morons like you simply don't get it.

Even theologians admit the contradictions rampant in the bible.

And for those who claim to be Christians today, why don't they practice "what you do to the least of these my brothers you do also to me". Instead, kristians in America step over homeless people like lepers to be avoided.

The contradictions just keep on coming.

Complete unadulterated BS. Christians do more to help the homeless than any other group. Stop lying

No I know some do. But many don't. Many in fact step over the homeless as leeches to be shunned. Many join groups like, oh I don't know, the Tea Party, and then scream at the disabled on the street to stop asking for a handout.

This is really the problem with most people that claim to be Christian, they CLAIM it but they live in opposition to what Jesus was.
Says the Pagan to the Christian. Well... don't care what you think. We're following it. People like you have been saying that since the Roman times. No one has stopped us for 2,000 years, and you certainly won't now.

You have delusions of grandeur. The bible contradicts itself on every other page because it was written by unintelligent men 2000 years ago. If 'god' had written it, it would be perfect. It isn't.
It actually is perfect. Imperfect morons like you simply don't get it.

Even theologians admit the contradictions rampant in the bible.

And for those who claim to be Christians today, why don't they practice "what you do to the least of these my brothers you do also to me". Instead, kristians in America step over homeless people like lepers to be avoided.

The contradictions just keep on coming.

Complete unadulterated BS. Christians do more to help the homeless than any other group. Stop lying

No I know some do. But many don't. Many in fact step over the homeless as leeches to be shunned. Many join groups like, oh I don't know, the Tea Party, and then scream at the disabled on the street to stop asking for a handout.

This is really the problem with most people that claim to be Christian, they CLAIM it but they live in opposition to what Jesus was.

You're full of shit.
You have delusions of grandeur. The bible contradicts itself on every other page because it was written by unintelligent men 2000 years ago. If 'god' had written it, it would be perfect. It isn't.
It actually is perfect. Imperfect morons like you simply don't get it.

Even theologians admit the contradictions rampant in the bible.

And for those who claim to be Christians today, why don't they practice "what you do to the least of these my brothers you do also to me". Instead, kristians in America step over homeless people like lepers to be avoided.

The contradictions just keep on coming.

Complete unadulterated BS. Christians do more to help the homeless than any other group. Stop lying

No I know some do. But many don't. Many in fact step over the homeless as leeches to be shunned. Many join groups like, oh I don't know, the Tea Party, and then scream at the disabled on the street to stop asking for a handout.

This is really the problem with most people that claim to be Christian, they CLAIM it but they live in opposition to what Jesus was.

You're full of shit.

Hey, you used your big words for that one eh. You get a green star.
It actually is perfect. Imperfect morons like you simply don't get it.

Even theologians admit the contradictions rampant in the bible.

And for those who claim to be Christians today, why don't they practice "what you do to the least of these my brothers you do also to me". Instead, kristians in America step over homeless people like lepers to be avoided.

The contradictions just keep on coming.

Complete unadulterated BS. Christians do more to help the homeless than any other group. Stop lying

No I know some do. But many don't. Many in fact step over the homeless as leeches to be shunned. Many join groups like, oh I don't know, the Tea Party, and then scream at the disabled on the street to stop asking for a handout.

This is really the problem with most people that claim to be Christian, they CLAIM it but they live in opposition to what Jesus was.

You're full of shit.

Hey, you used your big words for that one eh. You get a green star.

Post your proof.....I won't wait. In the future don't spew BS and I won't have to make you look like a jack ass

I mean I know you are lazy but come on , YouTube has been around forever. Here's one to get you started, you'll be able to find pages and pages of videos.
OK so you cannot show that the Bible condemns masturbation as a sin. This is of a piece with your other contention, all of which you fail to support after shooting your mouth off.
You are an arrogant, ignorant piece of shit and this becomes apparent the more you post.

It was shown to you repeatedly. The passage dealing with Onan has been interpreted for centuries to be a prohibition on masturbation. That's what people do with the bible, interpret it to fit their prejudices.

Just like the prohibitions on blacks marrying whites and gays marrying each other. Some interpret the bible to prohibit them...others don't.
The story of Onan is not about masturbation.
No one reputable interpreted the Bible as prohibiting marriage between blacks and whites. Moses himself married a black woman.
The prohibition on same sex marriage is explicit, as is the prohibition on homosexual sex.

So what? Our laws are not based on your religious beliefs. There is no realistic or valid reason to deny giving an entire group of American tax-paying citizens who contribute to our economy the same rights and privileges that you enjoy. None.

Well, it's my business, and you don't have a right to my business. So if I don't want to serve you for any reason, that's it. And especially if you ask me to do something that violates my Religious views, I'm not doing it.

I don't care what the basis is for your laws. I follow the laws of G-d. Period. The end.

And neither you, nor your laws, are going to stop me. Sorry.

I doubt that you know all 613 of the commandments or their practical application, so, no, you don't follow Adoshem's laws. You are just a loudmouth, just the right type for a fake Jew like the fake Rabbi.

Carry on. It's fun to watch you wallow.

I don't remember claiming to be Jewish. Only that I've talked to Jews. Nor did I claim to be an expert in everything.

That said, you have already proven your ignorance. And that's ok. I don't expect much from someone who doesn't believe.

Ironically, Matthew 13:10 Jesus responded to his disciples

The disciples came to him and asked, “Why do you speak to the people in parables?”
He replied, “Because the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them."​

In other words, the truths in the Bible are deliberately hidden from the non-believers.

So it's not surprising that you can 'know' the whole Bible, and yet not grasp the meaning.
"In other words, the truths in the Bible are deliberately hidden from the non-believers."

Interesting! I never noticed that passage! So, Jesus has this secret handshake thing going, kind of like fraternities in college, and Shriners, and such.....
Has the Bible been used to predict earthquakes? Yes
Has the Bible been used to support space aliens? Yes

It really doesnt matter what some whack job said at some point or other. The plain meaning of the Bible is that marriage is between a man an a woman and homosexual sodomy is severe sin.

The Plain meaning of the bible is that women who cheat on their husbands or aren't virgins on their wedding nights should be killed. We don't do that anymore.

The plain meaning of the bible is that women should be burned to to death for being witches.
Apparently, a $135K fine isn't enough for the Special Snowflake Totalitarians.

Now the state is threatening to take away their home if they don't pay up. This is a preview of future state asset forfeitures for anyone who doesn't share the required Groupthink.

Fox News is reporting that the fascist state of Oregon is ramping up its persecution campaign against Christian bakers who declined to bake a wedding cake for a same sex lesbian couple. Aaron and Melissa Klein, the owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa, have been told that if they don’t pay the $135,000 awarded to the lesbian couple who sued them, a lien will be placed against their home next week.

Speaking to Todd Starnes of Fox News, Klein said that the case in on appeal and the couple is worried that if they win the appeal, they will never get their money back. ” “This is intimidation and bullying – that’s exactly what it is,” Klein said.

The fascist state of Orgeon has also placed a gag order on the Kleins that makes it illegal for them to talk openly about their desire to participate and profit from same sex weddings through their small business....

H8 Wins Oregon Threatens Home of Christian Bakers - Breitbart

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