The dreaded gay-wedding-cake saga ends: bakers must pay 135 K

Yes, according to the bible it is. Get over yourself.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

You're a clown, you got that right. Actually, the bible doesn't talk about masturbation. Once again you get caught making your shit up
Yes, it does. Thanks for showing your ignorance.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Usually when people want to prove their point they offer, well, proof. Like a verse citation or something. Anything, really.
The only reason not to do that is because you are wrong and of course too arrogant and stupid to admit it. So you look like the moron you are, while you tapdance around. You arent fooling anyone, Mohammed.

But I already did. And I doesn't matter what I write, you will go stuff your head in the pillow, you know, the one you usually bite when you are getting popped by some BBC, and you will cry. And then you will cry and you will cry and you will cry.

The story of Onan is in the the Torah, or?

And how was this story interpreted by Rabbis for how many thousands of years, you stupid fuck?

And then there is Proverbs 31:3

And then there is Maimonides commentary on this:

“Semen constitutes the strength of the body, its life, and the light of the eyes. Its emission to excess causes physical decay, debility, and diminished vitality. Thus Solomon, in his wisdom, says: ‘Do not give your strength to women’ (Proverbs 31:3). Whoever indulges in sexual dissipation becomes prematurely aged; his strength fails; his eyes become dim; a foul odor proceeds from his mouth and armpits; the hair of his head, eyebrows, and eyelashes drop out; the hair of his beard, armpits, and legs grow abnormally; his teeth fall out; and besides these, he becomes subject to numerous other diseases. Medical authorities have stated that for each one who dies of other maladies, a thousand are the victims of sexual excess.”

Back to Onan:

Taking their cue from this biblical phrase, the mystics asserted that since a man who masturbates prevents the use of that semen for conceiving a child, he is guilty not only of murder but of the murder of his own (potential) children. He is therefore a criminal more reprehensible than any other. On the other hand, ejaculation is prized in heterosexual relations, even in those that do not lead to procreation, and no “murder” is said to take place, nor are the forces of evil enhanced.

The mystics also claimed that even involuntary emissions of semen created demons, which were a danger not only to the man who masturbated but to the entire community. Such notions appear in folk literature as well as in rabbinic mystical texts. Thus the narrator in I.B. Singer’s short story, “From the Diary of One Not Born,” says: “I was not born. My father, a yeshivah student, sinned as did Onan, and from his seed I was created‑half spirit, half‑demon…I am and I am not.”

Masturbation A Touchy Subject - My Jewish Learning

So, you are sticking your fingers in your ears and acting as if masturbation was never a subject in the Torah and in the teachings of the last 5,700+ years, when it is. I never said that I agreed with the interpretation. I said that the verses and the admonitions exist.

Your lack of comprehension and your inability to build context can mean only one thing: you are a worthless Conservative.

OK so you cannot show that the Bible condemns masturbation as a sin. This is of a piece with your other contention, all of which you fail to support after shooting your mouth off.
You are an arrogant, ignorant piece of shit and this becomes apparent the more you post.
Context. Something you do not understand. And since you hate Maimonides and other great Rabbis, you cannot accept what they write, for you are a fake Jew.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
You're a clown, you got that right. Actually, the bible doesn't talk about masturbation. Once again you get caught making your shit up
Yes, it does. Thanks for showing your ignorance.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Usually when people want to prove their point they offer, well, proof. Like a verse citation or something. Anything, really.
The only reason not to do that is because you are wrong and of course too arrogant and stupid to admit it. So you look like the moron you are, while you tapdance around. You arent fooling anyone, Mohammed.

But I already did. And I doesn't matter what I write, you will go stuff your head in the pillow, you know, the one you usually bite when you are getting popped by some BBC, and you will cry. And then you will cry and you will cry and you will cry.

The story of Onan is in the the Torah, or?

And how was this story interpreted by Rabbis for how many thousands of years, you stupid fuck?

And then there is Proverbs 31:3

And then there is Maimonides commentary on this:

“Semen constitutes the strength of the body, its life, and the light of the eyes. Its emission to excess causes physical decay, debility, and diminished vitality. Thus Solomon, in his wisdom, says: ‘Do not give your strength to women’ (Proverbs 31:3). Whoever indulges in sexual dissipation becomes prematurely aged; his strength fails; his eyes become dim; a foul odor proceeds from his mouth and armpits; the hair of his head, eyebrows, and eyelashes drop out; the hair of his beard, armpits, and legs grow abnormally; his teeth fall out; and besides these, he becomes subject to numerous other diseases. Medical authorities have stated that for each one who dies of other maladies, a thousand are the victims of sexual excess.”

Back to Onan:

Taking their cue from this biblical phrase, the mystics asserted that since a man who masturbates prevents the use of that semen for conceiving a child, he is guilty not only of murder but of the murder of his own (potential) children. He is therefore a criminal more reprehensible than any other. On the other hand, ejaculation is prized in heterosexual relations, even in those that do not lead to procreation, and no “murder” is said to take place, nor are the forces of evil enhanced.

The mystics also claimed that even involuntary emissions of semen created demons, which were a danger not only to the man who masturbated but to the entire community. Such notions appear in folk literature as well as in rabbinic mystical texts. Thus the narrator in I.B. Singer’s short story, “From the Diary of One Not Born,” says: “I was not born. My father, a yeshivah student, sinned as did Onan, and from his seed I was created‑half spirit, half‑demon…I am and I am not.”

Masturbation A Touchy Subject - My Jewish Learning

So, you are sticking your fingers in your ears and acting as if masturbation was never a subject in the Torah and in the teachings of the last 5,700+ years, when it is. I never said that I agreed with the interpretation. I said that the verses and the admonitions exist.

Your lack of comprehension and your inability to build context can mean only one thing: you are a worthless Conservative.

OK so you cannot show that the Bible condemns masturbation as a sin. This is of a piece with your other contention, all of which you fail to support after shooting your mouth off.
You are an arrogant, ignorant piece of shit and this becomes apparent the more you post.

It was shown to you repeatedly. The passage dealing with Onan has been interpreted for centuries to be a prohibition on masturbation. That's what people do with the bible, interpret it to fit their prejudices.

Just like the prohibitions on blacks marrying whites and gays marrying each other. Some interpret the bible to prohibit them...others don't.

I interpret the Bible to be nonsense from cover to cover. If it were filmed, it would be at least rated R. I respect people's right to base their life decisions on it, but, to me, it is kind of like finding inspiration in Grimm's Fairy Tales. Isn't that where kids were taught that there are times when ugly old women should be burned alive in their ovens?
Yes, it does. Thanks for showing your ignorance.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Usually when people want to prove their point they offer, well, proof. Like a verse citation or something. Anything, really.
The only reason not to do that is because you are wrong and of course too arrogant and stupid to admit it. So you look like the moron you are, while you tapdance around. You arent fooling anyone, Mohammed.

But I already did. And I doesn't matter what I write, you will go stuff your head in the pillow, you know, the one you usually bite when you are getting popped by some BBC, and you will cry. And then you will cry and you will cry and you will cry.

The story of Onan is in the the Torah, or?

And how was this story interpreted by Rabbis for how many thousands of years, you stupid fuck?

And then there is Proverbs 31:3

And then there is Maimonides commentary on this:

“Semen constitutes the strength of the body, its life, and the light of the eyes. Its emission to excess causes physical decay, debility, and diminished vitality. Thus Solomon, in his wisdom, says: ‘Do not give your strength to women’ (Proverbs 31:3). Whoever indulges in sexual dissipation becomes prematurely aged; his strength fails; his eyes become dim; a foul odor proceeds from his mouth and armpits; the hair of his head, eyebrows, and eyelashes drop out; the hair of his beard, armpits, and legs grow abnormally; his teeth fall out; and besides these, he becomes subject to numerous other diseases. Medical authorities have stated that for each one who dies of other maladies, a thousand are the victims of sexual excess.”

Back to Onan:

Taking their cue from this biblical phrase, the mystics asserted that since a man who masturbates prevents the use of that semen for conceiving a child, he is guilty not only of murder but of the murder of his own (potential) children. He is therefore a criminal more reprehensible than any other. On the other hand, ejaculation is prized in heterosexual relations, even in those that do not lead to procreation, and no “murder” is said to take place, nor are the forces of evil enhanced.

The mystics also claimed that even involuntary emissions of semen created demons, which were a danger not only to the man who masturbated but to the entire community. Such notions appear in folk literature as well as in rabbinic mystical texts. Thus the narrator in I.B. Singer’s short story, “From the Diary of One Not Born,” says: “I was not born. My father, a yeshivah student, sinned as did Onan, and from his seed I was created‑half spirit, half‑demon…I am and I am not.”

Masturbation A Touchy Subject - My Jewish Learning

So, you are sticking your fingers in your ears and acting as if masturbation was never a subject in the Torah and in the teachings of the last 5,700+ years, when it is. I never said that I agreed with the interpretation. I said that the verses and the admonitions exist.

Your lack of comprehension and your inability to build context can mean only one thing: you are a worthless Conservative.

OK so you cannot show that the Bible condemns masturbation as a sin. This is of a piece with your other contention, all of which you fail to support after shooting your mouth off.
You are an arrogant, ignorant piece of shit and this becomes apparent the more you post.

It was shown to you repeatedly. The passage dealing with Onan has been interpreted for centuries to be a prohibition on masturbation. That's what people do with the bible, interpret it to fit their prejudices.

Just like the prohibitions on blacks marrying whites and gays marrying each other. Some interpret the bible to prohibit them...others don't.

I interpret the Bible to be nonsense from cover to cover. If it were filmed, it would be at least rated R. I respect people's right to base their life decisions on it, but, to me, it is kind of like finding inspiration in Grimm's Fairy Tales. Isn't that where kids were taught that there are times when ugly old women should be burned alive in their ovens?

Right, you don't base your life on lies and fairy tales, you put your trust in the Democratic party. Politicians you can trust...
Usually when people want to prove their point they offer, well, proof. Like a verse citation or something. Anything, really.
The only reason not to do that is because you are wrong and of course too arrogant and stupid to admit it. So you look like the moron you are, while you tapdance around. You arent fooling anyone, Mohammed.

But I already did. And I doesn't matter what I write, you will go stuff your head in the pillow, you know, the one you usually bite when you are getting popped by some BBC, and you will cry. And then you will cry and you will cry and you will cry.

The story of Onan is in the the Torah, or?

And how was this story interpreted by Rabbis for how many thousands of years, you stupid fuck?

And then there is Proverbs 31:3

And then there is Maimonides commentary on this:

“Semen constitutes the strength of the body, its life, and the light of the eyes. Its emission to excess causes physical decay, debility, and diminished vitality. Thus Solomon, in his wisdom, says: ‘Do not give your strength to women’ (Proverbs 31:3). Whoever indulges in sexual dissipation becomes prematurely aged; his strength fails; his eyes become dim; a foul odor proceeds from his mouth and armpits; the hair of his head, eyebrows, and eyelashes drop out; the hair of his beard, armpits, and legs grow abnormally; his teeth fall out; and besides these, he becomes subject to numerous other diseases. Medical authorities have stated that for each one who dies of other maladies, a thousand are the victims of sexual excess.”

Back to Onan:

Taking their cue from this biblical phrase, the mystics asserted that since a man who masturbates prevents the use of that semen for conceiving a child, he is guilty not only of murder but of the murder of his own (potential) children. He is therefore a criminal more reprehensible than any other. On the other hand, ejaculation is prized in heterosexual relations, even in those that do not lead to procreation, and no “murder” is said to take place, nor are the forces of evil enhanced.

The mystics also claimed that even involuntary emissions of semen created demons, which were a danger not only to the man who masturbated but to the entire community. Such notions appear in folk literature as well as in rabbinic mystical texts. Thus the narrator in I.B. Singer’s short story, “From the Diary of One Not Born,” says: “I was not born. My father, a yeshivah student, sinned as did Onan, and from his seed I was created‑half spirit, half‑demon…I am and I am not.”

Masturbation A Touchy Subject - My Jewish Learning

So, you are sticking your fingers in your ears and acting as if masturbation was never a subject in the Torah and in the teachings of the last 5,700+ years, when it is. I never said that I agreed with the interpretation. I said that the verses and the admonitions exist.

Your lack of comprehension and your inability to build context can mean only one thing: you are a worthless Conservative.

OK so you cannot show that the Bible condemns masturbation as a sin. This is of a piece with your other contention, all of which you fail to support after shooting your mouth off.
You are an arrogant, ignorant piece of shit and this becomes apparent the more you post.

It was shown to you repeatedly. The passage dealing with Onan has been interpreted for centuries to be a prohibition on masturbation. That's what people do with the bible, interpret it to fit their prejudices.

Just like the prohibitions on blacks marrying whites and gays marrying each other. Some interpret the bible to prohibit them...others don't.

I interpret the Bible to be nonsense from cover to cover. If it were filmed, it would be at least rated R. I respect people's right to base their life decisions on it, but, to me, it is kind of like finding inspiration in Grimm's Fairy Tales. Isn't that where kids were taught that there are times when ugly old women should be burned alive in their ovens?

Right, you don't base your life on lies and fairy tales, you put your trust in the Democratic party. Politicians you can trust...

I really don't have much choice. I refuse to vote for anyone with an IQ of less than 75, and that pretty much rules out people like Palin, Bachmann, Jindal, Trump, Huckabee, etc., etc..., etc....

I suppose that I could vote for another Bush, but frankly, I would rather have a leg amputation with no anesthetic.
You're a clown, you got that right. Actually, the bible doesn't talk about masturbation. Once again you get caught making your shit up
Yes, it does. Thanks for showing your ignorance.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Usually when people want to prove their point they offer, well, proof. Like a verse citation or something. Anything, really.
The only reason not to do that is because you are wrong and of course too arrogant and stupid to admit it. So you look like the moron you are, while you tapdance around. You arent fooling anyone, Mohammed.

But I already did. And I doesn't matter what I write, you will go stuff your head in the pillow, you know, the one you usually bite when you are getting popped by some BBC, and you will cry. And then you will cry and you will cry and you will cry.

The story of Onan is in the the Torah, or?

And how was this story interpreted by Rabbis for how many thousands of years, you stupid fuck?

And then there is Proverbs 31:3

And then there is Maimonides commentary on this:

“Semen constitutes the strength of the body, its life, and the light of the eyes. Its emission to excess causes physical decay, debility, and diminished vitality. Thus Solomon, in his wisdom, says: ‘Do not give your strength to women’ (Proverbs 31:3). Whoever indulges in sexual dissipation becomes prematurely aged; his strength fails; his eyes become dim; a foul odor proceeds from his mouth and armpits; the hair of his head, eyebrows, and eyelashes drop out; the hair of his beard, armpits, and legs grow abnormally; his teeth fall out; and besides these, he becomes subject to numerous other diseases. Medical authorities have stated that for each one who dies of other maladies, a thousand are the victims of sexual excess.”

Back to Onan:

Taking their cue from this biblical phrase, the mystics asserted that since a man who masturbates prevents the use of that semen for conceiving a child, he is guilty not only of murder but of the murder of his own (potential) children. He is therefore a criminal more reprehensible than any other. On the other hand, ejaculation is prized in heterosexual relations, even in those that do not lead to procreation, and no “murder” is said to take place, nor are the forces of evil enhanced.

The mystics also claimed that even involuntary emissions of semen created demons, which were a danger not only to the man who masturbated but to the entire community. Such notions appear in folk literature as well as in rabbinic mystical texts. Thus the narrator in I.B. Singer’s short story, “From the Diary of One Not Born,” says: “I was not born. My father, a yeshivah student, sinned as did Onan, and from his seed I was created‑half spirit, half‑demon…I am and I am not.”

Masturbation A Touchy Subject - My Jewish Learning

So, you are sticking your fingers in your ears and acting as if masturbation was never a subject in the Torah and in the teachings of the last 5,700+ years, when it is. I never said that I agreed with the interpretation. I said that the verses and the admonitions exist.

Your lack of comprehension and your inability to build context can mean only one thing: you are a worthless Conservative.

OK so you cannot show that the Bible condemns masturbation as a sin. This is of a piece with your other contention, all of which you fail to support after shooting your mouth off.
You are an arrogant, ignorant piece of shit and this becomes apparent the more you post.

It was shown to you repeatedly. The passage dealing with Onan has been interpreted for centuries to be a prohibition on masturbation. That's what people do with the bible, interpret it to fit their prejudices.

Just like the prohibitions on blacks marrying whites and gays marrying each other. Some interpret the bible to prohibit them...others don't.
The story of Onan is not about masturbation.
No one reputable interpreted the Bible as prohibiting marriage between blacks and whites. Moses himself married a black woman.
The prohibition on same sex marriage is explicit, as is the prohibition on homosexual sex.
You're a clown, you got that right. Actually, the bible doesn't talk about masturbation. Once again you get caught making your shit up
Yes, it does. Thanks for showing your ignorance.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Usually when people want to prove their point they offer, well, proof. Like a verse citation or something. Anything, really.
The only reason not to do that is because you are wrong and of course too arrogant and stupid to admit it. So you look like the moron you are, while you tapdance around. You arent fooling anyone, Mohammed.

But I already did. And I doesn't matter what I write, you will go stuff your head in the pillow, you know, the one you usually bite when you are getting popped by some BBC, and you will cry. And then you will cry and you will cry and you will cry.

The story of Onan is in the the Torah, or?

And how was this story interpreted by Rabbis for how many thousands of years, you stupid fuck?

And then there is Proverbs 31:3

And then there is Maimonides commentary on this:

“Semen constitutes the strength of the body, its life, and the light of the eyes. Its emission to excess causes physical decay, debility, and diminished vitality. Thus Solomon, in his wisdom, says: ‘Do not give your strength to women’ (Proverbs 31:3). Whoever indulges in sexual dissipation becomes prematurely aged; his strength fails; his eyes become dim; a foul odor proceeds from his mouth and armpits; the hair of his head, eyebrows, and eyelashes drop out; the hair of his beard, armpits, and legs grow abnormally; his teeth fall out; and besides these, he becomes subject to numerous other diseases. Medical authorities have stated that for each one who dies of other maladies, a thousand are the victims of sexual excess.”

Back to Onan:

Taking their cue from this biblical phrase, the mystics asserted that since a man who masturbates prevents the use of that semen for conceiving a child, he is guilty not only of murder but of the murder of his own (potential) children. He is therefore a criminal more reprehensible than any other. On the other hand, ejaculation is prized in heterosexual relations, even in those that do not lead to procreation, and no “murder” is said to take place, nor are the forces of evil enhanced.

The mystics also claimed that even involuntary emissions of semen created demons, which were a danger not only to the man who masturbated but to the entire community. Such notions appear in folk literature as well as in rabbinic mystical texts. Thus the narrator in I.B. Singer’s short story, “From the Diary of One Not Born,” says: “I was not born. My father, a yeshivah student, sinned as did Onan, and from his seed I was created‑half spirit, half‑demon…I am and I am not.”

Masturbation A Touchy Subject - My Jewish Learning

So, you are sticking your fingers in your ears and acting as if masturbation was never a subject in the Torah and in the teachings of the last 5,700+ years, when it is. I never said that I agreed with the interpretation. I said that the verses and the admonitions exist.

Your lack of comprehension and your inability to build context can mean only one thing: you are a worthless Conservative.

OK so you cannot show that the Bible condemns masturbation as a sin. This is of a piece with your other contention, all of which you fail to support after shooting your mouth off.
You are an arrogant, ignorant piece of shit and this becomes apparent the more you post.
Context. Something you do not understand. And since you hate Maimonides and other great Rabbis, you cannot accept what they write, for you are a fake Jew.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Another failed appeal to "context." Dont you ever get embarassed when caught lying?
As for the Rambam, that is irrelevant to your claim about Onan. No one doubts halakha proscribes masturbation (something to consider the next time you watch a HillaryClinton speech). But your claim was the Bible explicitly made it prohibited. That is a claim you cannot sustain, so you deflect to irrelevance, and of course insult.
But I already did. And I doesn't matter what I write, you will go stuff your head in the pillow, you know, the one you usually bite when you are getting popped by some BBC, and you will cry. And then you will cry and you will cry and you will cry.

The story of Onan is in the the Torah, or?

And how was this story interpreted by Rabbis for how many thousands of years, you stupid fuck?

And then there is Proverbs 31:3

And then there is Maimonides commentary on this:

“Semen constitutes the strength of the body, its life, and the light of the eyes. Its emission to excess causes physical decay, debility, and diminished vitality. Thus Solomon, in his wisdom, says: ‘Do not give your strength to women’ (Proverbs 31:3). Whoever indulges in sexual dissipation becomes prematurely aged; his strength fails; his eyes become dim; a foul odor proceeds from his mouth and armpits; the hair of his head, eyebrows, and eyelashes drop out; the hair of his beard, armpits, and legs grow abnormally; his teeth fall out; and besides these, he becomes subject to numerous other diseases. Medical authorities have stated that for each one who dies of other maladies, a thousand are the victims of sexual excess.”

Back to Onan:

Taking their cue from this biblical phrase, the mystics asserted that since a man who masturbates prevents the use of that semen for conceiving a child, he is guilty not only of murder but of the murder of his own (potential) children. He is therefore a criminal more reprehensible than any other. On the other hand, ejaculation is prized in heterosexual relations, even in those that do not lead to procreation, and no “murder” is said to take place, nor are the forces of evil enhanced.

The mystics also claimed that even involuntary emissions of semen created demons, which were a danger not only to the man who masturbated but to the entire community. Such notions appear in folk literature as well as in rabbinic mystical texts. Thus the narrator in I.B. Singer’s short story, “From the Diary of One Not Born,” says: “I was not born. My father, a yeshivah student, sinned as did Onan, and from his seed I was created‑half spirit, half‑demon…I am and I am not.”

Masturbation A Touchy Subject - My Jewish Learning

So, you are sticking your fingers in your ears and acting as if masturbation was never a subject in the Torah and in the teachings of the last 5,700+ years, when it is. I never said that I agreed with the interpretation. I said that the verses and the admonitions exist.

Your lack of comprehension and your inability to build context can mean only one thing: you are a worthless Conservative.

OK so you cannot show that the Bible condemns masturbation as a sin. This is of a piece with your other contention, all of which you fail to support after shooting your mouth off.
You are an arrogant, ignorant piece of shit and this becomes apparent the more you post.

It was shown to you repeatedly. The passage dealing with Onan has been interpreted for centuries to be a prohibition on masturbation. That's what people do with the bible, interpret it to fit their prejudices.

Just like the prohibitions on blacks marrying whites and gays marrying each other. Some interpret the bible to prohibit them...others don't.

I interpret the Bible to be nonsense from cover to cover. If it were filmed, it would be at least rated R. I respect people's right to base their life decisions on it, but, to me, it is kind of like finding inspiration in Grimm's Fairy Tales. Isn't that where kids were taught that there are times when ugly old women should be burned alive in their ovens?

Right, you don't base your life on lies and fairy tales, you put your trust in the Democratic party. Politicians you can trust...

I really don't have much choice. I refuse to vote for anyone with an IQ of less than 75, and that pretty much rules out people like Palin, Bachmann, Jindal, Trump, Huckabee, etc., etc..., etc....

I suppose that I could vote for another Bush, but frankly, I would rather have a leg amputation with no anesthetic.

You don't want an IQ lower than yours, huh? That seems reasonable.

Yes, of course, intelligence is agreeing with each other on every issue like the Democrats do. That you respect
OK so you cannot show that the Bible condemns masturbation as a sin. This is of a piece with your other contention, all of which you fail to support after shooting your mouth off.
You are an arrogant, ignorant piece of shit and this becomes apparent the more you post.

It was shown to you repeatedly. The passage dealing with Onan has been interpreted for centuries to be a prohibition on masturbation. That's what people do with the bible, interpret it to fit their prejudices.

Just like the prohibitions on blacks marrying whites and gays marrying each other. Some interpret the bible to prohibit them...others don't.

I interpret the Bible to be nonsense from cover to cover. If it were filmed, it would be at least rated R. I respect people's right to base their life decisions on it, but, to me, it is kind of like finding inspiration in Grimm's Fairy Tales. Isn't that where kids were taught that there are times when ugly old women should be burned alive in their ovens?

Right, you don't base your life on lies and fairy tales, you put your trust in the Democratic party. Politicians you can trust...

I really don't have much choice. I refuse to vote for anyone with an IQ of less than 75, and that pretty much rules out people like Palin, Bachmann, Jindal, Trump, Huckabee, etc., etc..., etc....

I suppose that I could vote for another Bush, but frankly, I would rather have a leg amputation with no anesthetic.

You don't want an IQ lower than yours, huh? That seems reasonable.

Yes, of course, intelligence is agreeing with each other on every issue like the Democrats do. That you respect

Ok, Kaz. Just keep running half wits for president. Keep losing presidential elections. We are Ok with that. Hell, for the last 8 years, you could not even defeat a Kenyan born, gay, half breed Muslim with a fake college education and birth certificate who's favorite pal was a terrorist and whose minister hates America, and who's only experience was voting "present' in the state legislature. Far be it for us to tell you who the GOP should run!
It was shown to you repeatedly. The passage dealing with Onan has been interpreted for centuries to be a prohibition on masturbation. That's what people do with the bible, interpret it to fit their prejudices.

Just like the prohibitions on blacks marrying whites and gays marrying each other. Some interpret the bible to prohibit them...others don't.

I interpret the Bible to be nonsense from cover to cover. If it were filmed, it would be at least rated R. I respect people's right to base their life decisions on it, but, to me, it is kind of like finding inspiration in Grimm's Fairy Tales. Isn't that where kids were taught that there are times when ugly old women should be burned alive in their ovens?

Right, you don't base your life on lies and fairy tales, you put your trust in the Democratic party. Politicians you can trust...

I really don't have much choice. I refuse to vote for anyone with an IQ of less than 75, and that pretty much rules out people like Palin, Bachmann, Jindal, Trump, Huckabee, etc., etc..., etc....

I suppose that I could vote for another Bush, but frankly, I would rather have a leg amputation with no anesthetic.

You don't want an IQ lower than yours, huh? That seems reasonable.

Yes, of course, intelligence is agreeing with each other on every issue like the Democrats do. That you respect

Ok, Kaz. Just keep running half wits for president. Keep losing presidential elections. We are Ok with that. Hell, for the last 8 years, you could not even defeat a Kenyan born, gay, half breed Muslim with a fake college education and birth certificate who's favorite pal was a terrorist and whose minister hates America, and who's only experience was voting "present' in the state legislature. Far be it for us to tell you who the GOP should run!

I''m not a Republican, Holmes. This isn't your day for intelligence, is it?
Yes, it does. Thanks for showing your ignorance.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Usually when people want to prove their point they offer, well, proof. Like a verse citation or something. Anything, really.
The only reason not to do that is because you are wrong and of course too arrogant and stupid to admit it. So you look like the moron you are, while you tapdance around. You arent fooling anyone, Mohammed.

But I already did. And I doesn't matter what I write, you will go stuff your head in the pillow, you know, the one you usually bite when you are getting popped by some BBC, and you will cry. And then you will cry and you will cry and you will cry.

The story of Onan is in the the Torah, or?

And how was this story interpreted by Rabbis for how many thousands of years, you stupid fuck?

And then there is Proverbs 31:3

And then there is Maimonides commentary on this:

“Semen constitutes the strength of the body, its life, and the light of the eyes. Its emission to excess causes physical decay, debility, and diminished vitality. Thus Solomon, in his wisdom, says: ‘Do not give your strength to women’ (Proverbs 31:3). Whoever indulges in sexual dissipation becomes prematurely aged; his strength fails; his eyes become dim; a foul odor proceeds from his mouth and armpits; the hair of his head, eyebrows, and eyelashes drop out; the hair of his beard, armpits, and legs grow abnormally; his teeth fall out; and besides these, he becomes subject to numerous other diseases. Medical authorities have stated that for each one who dies of other maladies, a thousand are the victims of sexual excess.”

Back to Onan:

Taking their cue from this biblical phrase, the mystics asserted that since a man who masturbates prevents the use of that semen for conceiving a child, he is guilty not only of murder but of the murder of his own (potential) children. He is therefore a criminal more reprehensible than any other. On the other hand, ejaculation is prized in heterosexual relations, even in those that do not lead to procreation, and no “murder” is said to take place, nor are the forces of evil enhanced.

The mystics also claimed that even involuntary emissions of semen created demons, which were a danger not only to the man who masturbated but to the entire community. Such notions appear in folk literature as well as in rabbinic mystical texts. Thus the narrator in I.B. Singer’s short story, “From the Diary of One Not Born,” says: “I was not born. My father, a yeshivah student, sinned as did Onan, and from his seed I was created‑half spirit, half‑demon…I am and I am not.”

Masturbation A Touchy Subject - My Jewish Learning

So, you are sticking your fingers in your ears and acting as if masturbation was never a subject in the Torah and in the teachings of the last 5,700+ years, when it is. I never said that I agreed with the interpretation. I said that the verses and the admonitions exist.

Your lack of comprehension and your inability to build context can mean only one thing: you are a worthless Conservative.

OK so you cannot show that the Bible condemns masturbation as a sin. This is of a piece with your other contention, all of which you fail to support after shooting your mouth off.
You are an arrogant, ignorant piece of shit and this becomes apparent the more you post.
Context. Something you do not understand. And since you hate Maimonides and other great Rabbis, you cannot accept what they write, for you are a fake Jew.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Another failed appeal to "context." Dont you ever get embarassed when caught lying?
As for the Rambam, that is irrelevant to your claim about Onan. No one doubts halakha proscribes masturbation (something to consider the next time you watch a HillaryClinton speech). But your claim was the Bible explicitly made it prohibited. That is a claim you cannot sustain, so you deflect to irrelevance, and of course insult.

When I mention this passage to orthodox Jews, and tell them the pagan screwballs say the entire thing is about masturbation, they just laugh.

But these are pagans. What do you expect? I keep my expectations very very low when pagans start trying to tell me what the Bible says. I've rarely been disappointed.
I interpret the Bible to be nonsense from cover to cover. If it were filmed, it would be at least rated R. I respect people's right to base their life decisions on it, but, to me, it is kind of like finding inspiration in Grimm's Fairy Tales. Isn't that where kids were taught that there are times when ugly old women should be burned alive in their ovens?

Right, you don't base your life on lies and fairy tales, you put your trust in the Democratic party. Politicians you can trust...

I really don't have much choice. I refuse to vote for anyone with an IQ of less than 75, and that pretty much rules out people like Palin, Bachmann, Jindal, Trump, Huckabee, etc., etc..., etc....

I suppose that I could vote for another Bush, but frankly, I would rather have a leg amputation with no anesthetic.

You don't want an IQ lower than yours, huh? That seems reasonable.

Yes, of course, intelligence is agreeing with each other on every issue like the Democrats do. That you respect

Ok, Kaz. Just keep running half wits for president. Keep losing presidential elections. We are Ok with that. Hell, for the last 8 years, you could not even defeat a Kenyan born, gay, half breed Muslim with a fake college education and birth certificate who's favorite pal was a terrorist and whose minister hates America, and who's only experience was voting "present' in the state legislature. Far be it for us to tell you who the GOP should run!

I''m not a Republican, Holmes. This isn't your day for intelligence, is it?

And I am not a democrat, Sherlock. I voted Republican for every presidential election from Ford to baby Bush.
Yes, it does. Thanks for showing your ignorance.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Usually when people want to prove their point they offer, well, proof. Like a verse citation or something. Anything, really.
The only reason not to do that is because you are wrong and of course too arrogant and stupid to admit it. So you look like the moron you are, while you tapdance around. You arent fooling anyone, Mohammed.

But I already did. And I doesn't matter what I write, you will go stuff your head in the pillow, you know, the one you usually bite when you are getting popped by some BBC, and you will cry. And then you will cry and you will cry and you will cry.

The story of Onan is in the the Torah, or?

And how was this story interpreted by Rabbis for how many thousands of years, you stupid fuck?

And then there is Proverbs 31:3

And then there is Maimonides commentary on this:

“Semen constitutes the strength of the body, its life, and the light of the eyes. Its emission to excess causes physical decay, debility, and diminished vitality. Thus Solomon, in his wisdom, says: ‘Do not give your strength to women’ (Proverbs 31:3). Whoever indulges in sexual dissipation becomes prematurely aged; his strength fails; his eyes become dim; a foul odor proceeds from his mouth and armpits; the hair of his head, eyebrows, and eyelashes drop out; the hair of his beard, armpits, and legs grow abnormally; his teeth fall out; and besides these, he becomes subject to numerous other diseases. Medical authorities have stated that for each one who dies of other maladies, a thousand are the victims of sexual excess.”

Back to Onan:

Taking their cue from this biblical phrase, the mystics asserted that since a man who masturbates prevents the use of that semen for conceiving a child, he is guilty not only of murder but of the murder of his own (potential) children. He is therefore a criminal more reprehensible than any other. On the other hand, ejaculation is prized in heterosexual relations, even in those that do not lead to procreation, and no “murder” is said to take place, nor are the forces of evil enhanced.

The mystics also claimed that even involuntary emissions of semen created demons, which were a danger not only to the man who masturbated but to the entire community. Such notions appear in folk literature as well as in rabbinic mystical texts. Thus the narrator in I.B. Singer’s short story, “From the Diary of One Not Born,” says: “I was not born. My father, a yeshivah student, sinned as did Onan, and from his seed I was created‑half spirit, half‑demon…I am and I am not.”

Masturbation A Touchy Subject - My Jewish Learning

So, you are sticking your fingers in your ears and acting as if masturbation was never a subject in the Torah and in the teachings of the last 5,700+ years, when it is. I never said that I agreed with the interpretation. I said that the verses and the admonitions exist.

Your lack of comprehension and your inability to build context can mean only one thing: you are a worthless Conservative.

OK so you cannot show that the Bible condemns masturbation as a sin. This is of a piece with your other contention, all of which you fail to support after shooting your mouth off.
You are an arrogant, ignorant piece of shit and this becomes apparent the more you post.

It was shown to you repeatedly. The passage dealing with Onan has been interpreted for centuries to be a prohibition on masturbation. That's what people do with the bible, interpret it to fit their prejudices.

Just like the prohibitions on blacks marrying whites and gays marrying each other. Some interpret the bible to prohibit them...others don't.
The story of Onan is not about masturbation.
No one reputable interpreted the Bible as prohibiting marriage between blacks and whites. Moses himself married a black woman.
The prohibition on same sex marriage is explicit, as is the prohibition on homosexual sex.

So what? Our laws are not based on your religious beliefs. There is no realistic or valid reason to deny giving an entire group of American tax-paying citizens who contribute to our economy the same rights and privileges that you enjoy. None.
Right, you don't base your life on lies and fairy tales, you put your trust in the Democratic party. Politicians you can trust...

I really don't have much choice. I refuse to vote for anyone with an IQ of less than 75, and that pretty much rules out people like Palin, Bachmann, Jindal, Trump, Huckabee, etc., etc..., etc....

I suppose that I could vote for another Bush, but frankly, I would rather have a leg amputation with no anesthetic.

You don't want an IQ lower than yours, huh? That seems reasonable.

Yes, of course, intelligence is agreeing with each other on every issue like the Democrats do. That you respect

Ok, Kaz. Just keep running half wits for president. Keep losing presidential elections. We are Ok with that. Hell, for the last 8 years, you could not even defeat a Kenyan born, gay, half breed Muslim with a fake college education and birth certificate who's favorite pal was a terrorist and whose minister hates America, and who's only experience was voting "present' in the state legislature. Far be it for us to tell you who the GOP should run!

I''m not a Republican, Holmes. This isn't your day for intelligence, is it?

And I am not a democrat, Sherlock. I voted Republican for every presidential election from Ford to baby Bush.

An I'm Shirley Temple
It was shown to you repeatedly. The passage dealing with Onan has been interpreted for centuries to be a prohibition on masturbation. That's what people do with the bible, interpret it to fit their prejudices.

Just like the prohibitions on blacks marrying whites and gays marrying each other. Some interpret the bible to prohibit them...others don't.

I interpret the Bible to be nonsense from cover to cover. If it were filmed, it would be at least rated R. I respect people's right to base their life decisions on it, but, to me, it is kind of like finding inspiration in Grimm's Fairy Tales. Isn't that where kids were taught that there are times when ugly old women should be burned alive in their ovens?

Right, you don't base your life on lies and fairy tales, you put your trust in the Democratic party. Politicians you can trust...

I really don't have much choice. I refuse to vote for anyone with an IQ of less than 75, and that pretty much rules out people like Palin, Bachmann, Jindal, Trump, Huckabee, etc., etc..., etc....

I suppose that I could vote for another Bush, but frankly, I would rather have a leg amputation with no anesthetic.

You don't want an IQ lower than yours, huh? That seems reasonable.

Yes, of course, intelligence is agreeing with each other on every issue like the Democrats do. That you respect

Ok, Kaz. Just keep running half wits for president. Keep losing presidential elections. We are Ok with that. Hell, for the last 8 years, you could not even defeat a Kenyan born, gay, half breed Muslim with a fake college education and birth certificate who's favorite pal was a terrorist and whose minister hates America, and who's only experience was voting "present' in the state legislature. Far be it for us to tell you who the GOP should run!

you got a point there...the wimps the GOP has put forth lately couldn't swat a fly....

however when you consider how many progressives have invaded the GOP you realize why....
Yes, it does. Thanks for showing your ignorance.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Usually when people want to prove their point they offer, well, proof. Like a verse citation or something. Anything, really.
The only reason not to do that is because you are wrong and of course too arrogant and stupid to admit it. So you look like the moron you are, while you tapdance around. You arent fooling anyone, Mohammed.

But I already did. And I doesn't matter what I write, you will go stuff your head in the pillow, you know, the one you usually bite when you are getting popped by some BBC, and you will cry. And then you will cry and you will cry and you will cry.

The story of Onan is in the the Torah, or?

And how was this story interpreted by Rabbis for how many thousands of years, you stupid fuck?

And then there is Proverbs 31:3

And then there is Maimonides commentary on this:

“Semen constitutes the strength of the body, its life, and the light of the eyes. Its emission to excess causes physical decay, debility, and diminished vitality. Thus Solomon, in his wisdom, says: ‘Do not give your strength to women’ (Proverbs 31:3). Whoever indulges in sexual dissipation becomes prematurely aged; his strength fails; his eyes become dim; a foul odor proceeds from his mouth and armpits; the hair of his head, eyebrows, and eyelashes drop out; the hair of his beard, armpits, and legs grow abnormally; his teeth fall out; and besides these, he becomes subject to numerous other diseases. Medical authorities have stated that for each one who dies of other maladies, a thousand are the victims of sexual excess.”

Back to Onan:

Taking their cue from this biblical phrase, the mystics asserted that since a man who masturbates prevents the use of that semen for conceiving a child, he is guilty not only of murder but of the murder of his own (potential) children. He is therefore a criminal more reprehensible than any other. On the other hand, ejaculation is prized in heterosexual relations, even in those that do not lead to procreation, and no “murder” is said to take place, nor are the forces of evil enhanced.

The mystics also claimed that even involuntary emissions of semen created demons, which were a danger not only to the man who masturbated but to the entire community. Such notions appear in folk literature as well as in rabbinic mystical texts. Thus the narrator in I.B. Singer’s short story, “From the Diary of One Not Born,” says: “I was not born. My father, a yeshivah student, sinned as did Onan, and from his seed I was created‑half spirit, half‑demon…I am and I am not.”

Masturbation A Touchy Subject - My Jewish Learning

So, you are sticking your fingers in your ears and acting as if masturbation was never a subject in the Torah and in the teachings of the last 5,700+ years, when it is. I never said that I agreed with the interpretation. I said that the verses and the admonitions exist.

Your lack of comprehension and your inability to build context can mean only one thing: you are a worthless Conservative.

OK so you cannot show that the Bible condemns masturbation as a sin. This is of a piece with your other contention, all of which you fail to support after shooting your mouth off.
You are an arrogant, ignorant piece of shit and this becomes apparent the more you post.

It was shown to you repeatedly. The passage dealing with Onan has been interpreted for centuries to be a prohibition on masturbation. That's what people do with the bible, interpret it to fit their prejudices.

Just like the prohibitions on blacks marrying whites and gays marrying each other. Some interpret the bible to prohibit them...others don't.
The story of Onan is not about masturbation.
No one reputable interpreted the Bible as prohibiting marriage between blacks and whites. Moses himself married a black woman.
The prohibition on same sex marriage is explicit, as is the prohibition on homosexual sex.

I agree, it's not. It has been interpreted to prohibit it though...for CENTURIES.

Has the bible been used to justify slavery? Yes.

Has the bible been used to justify segregation? Yes.

Has the bible been used to justify anti miscegenation? Yes.

Has the bible been used to justify anti gay bigotry? Yes.

Are they all ignorant and wrong? Yes.
Usually when people want to prove their point they offer, well, proof. Like a verse citation or something. Anything, really.
The only reason not to do that is because you are wrong and of course too arrogant and stupid to admit it. So you look like the moron you are, while you tapdance around. You arent fooling anyone, Mohammed.

But I already did. And I doesn't matter what I write, you will go stuff your head in the pillow, you know, the one you usually bite when you are getting popped by some BBC, and you will cry. And then you will cry and you will cry and you will cry.

The story of Onan is in the the Torah, or?

And how was this story interpreted by Rabbis for how many thousands of years, you stupid fuck?

And then there is Proverbs 31:3

And then there is Maimonides commentary on this:

“Semen constitutes the strength of the body, its life, and the light of the eyes. Its emission to excess causes physical decay, debility, and diminished vitality. Thus Solomon, in his wisdom, says: ‘Do not give your strength to women’ (Proverbs 31:3). Whoever indulges in sexual dissipation becomes prematurely aged; his strength fails; his eyes become dim; a foul odor proceeds from his mouth and armpits; the hair of his head, eyebrows, and eyelashes drop out; the hair of his beard, armpits, and legs grow abnormally; his teeth fall out; and besides these, he becomes subject to numerous other diseases. Medical authorities have stated that for each one who dies of other maladies, a thousand are the victims of sexual excess.”

Back to Onan:

Taking their cue from this biblical phrase, the mystics asserted that since a man who masturbates prevents the use of that semen for conceiving a child, he is guilty not only of murder but of the murder of his own (potential) children. He is therefore a criminal more reprehensible than any other. On the other hand, ejaculation is prized in heterosexual relations, even in those that do not lead to procreation, and no “murder” is said to take place, nor are the forces of evil enhanced.

The mystics also claimed that even involuntary emissions of semen created demons, which were a danger not only to the man who masturbated but to the entire community. Such notions appear in folk literature as well as in rabbinic mystical texts. Thus the narrator in I.B. Singer’s short story, “From the Diary of One Not Born,” says: “I was not born. My father, a yeshivah student, sinned as did Onan, and from his seed I was created‑half spirit, half‑demon…I am and I am not.”

Masturbation A Touchy Subject - My Jewish Learning

So, you are sticking your fingers in your ears and acting as if masturbation was never a subject in the Torah and in the teachings of the last 5,700+ years, when it is. I never said that I agreed with the interpretation. I said that the verses and the admonitions exist.

Your lack of comprehension and your inability to build context can mean only one thing: you are a worthless Conservative.

OK so you cannot show that the Bible condemns masturbation as a sin. This is of a piece with your other contention, all of which you fail to support after shooting your mouth off.
You are an arrogant, ignorant piece of shit and this becomes apparent the more you post.

It was shown to you repeatedly. The passage dealing with Onan has been interpreted for centuries to be a prohibition on masturbation. That's what people do with the bible, interpret it to fit their prejudices.

Just like the prohibitions on blacks marrying whites and gays marrying each other. Some interpret the bible to prohibit them...others don't.
The story of Onan is not about masturbation.
No one reputable interpreted the Bible as prohibiting marriage between blacks and whites. Moses himself married a black woman.
The prohibition on same sex marriage is explicit, as is the prohibition on homosexual sex.

I agree, it's not. It has been interpreted to prohibit it though...for CENTURIES.

Has the bible been used to justify slavery? Yes.

Has the bible been used to justify segregation? Yes.

Has the bible been used to justify anti miscegenation? Yes.

Has the bible been used to justify anti gay bigotry? Yes.

Are they all ignorant and wrong? Yes.
Has the Bible been used to predict earthquakes? Yes
Has the Bible been used to support space aliens? Yes

It really doesnt matter what some whack job said at some point or other. The plain meaning of the Bible is that marriage is between a man an a woman and homosexual sodomy is severe sin.
But I already did. And I doesn't matter what I write, you will go stuff your head in the pillow, you know, the one you usually bite when you are getting popped by some BBC, and you will cry. And then you will cry and you will cry and you will cry.

The story of Onan is in the the Torah, or?

And how was this story interpreted by Rabbis for how many thousands of years, you stupid fuck?

And then there is Proverbs 31:3

And then there is Maimonides commentary on this:

“Semen constitutes the strength of the body, its life, and the light of the eyes. Its emission to excess causes physical decay, debility, and diminished vitality. Thus Solomon, in his wisdom, says: ‘Do not give your strength to women’ (Proverbs 31:3). Whoever indulges in sexual dissipation becomes prematurely aged; his strength fails; his eyes become dim; a foul odor proceeds from his mouth and armpits; the hair of his head, eyebrows, and eyelashes drop out; the hair of his beard, armpits, and legs grow abnormally; his teeth fall out; and besides these, he becomes subject to numerous other diseases. Medical authorities have stated that for each one who dies of other maladies, a thousand are the victims of sexual excess.”

Back to Onan:

Taking their cue from this biblical phrase, the mystics asserted that since a man who masturbates prevents the use of that semen for conceiving a child, he is guilty not only of murder but of the murder of his own (potential) children. He is therefore a criminal more reprehensible than any other. On the other hand, ejaculation is prized in heterosexual relations, even in those that do not lead to procreation, and no “murder” is said to take place, nor are the forces of evil enhanced.

The mystics also claimed that even involuntary emissions of semen created demons, which were a danger not only to the man who masturbated but to the entire community. Such notions appear in folk literature as well as in rabbinic mystical texts. Thus the narrator in I.B. Singer’s short story, “From the Diary of One Not Born,” says: “I was not born. My father, a yeshivah student, sinned as did Onan, and from his seed I was created‑half spirit, half‑demon…I am and I am not.”

Masturbation A Touchy Subject - My Jewish Learning

So, you are sticking your fingers in your ears and acting as if masturbation was never a subject in the Torah and in the teachings of the last 5,700+ years, when it is. I never said that I agreed with the interpretation. I said that the verses and the admonitions exist.

Your lack of comprehension and your inability to build context can mean only one thing: you are a worthless Conservative.

OK so you cannot show that the Bible condemns masturbation as a sin. This is of a piece with your other contention, all of which you fail to support after shooting your mouth off.
You are an arrogant, ignorant piece of shit and this becomes apparent the more you post.

It was shown to you repeatedly. The passage dealing with Onan has been interpreted for centuries to be a prohibition on masturbation. That's what people do with the bible, interpret it to fit their prejudices.

Just like the prohibitions on blacks marrying whites and gays marrying each other. Some interpret the bible to prohibit them...others don't.
The story of Onan is not about masturbation.
No one reputable interpreted the Bible as prohibiting marriage between blacks and whites. Moses himself married a black woman.
The prohibition on same sex marriage is explicit, as is the prohibition on homosexual sex.

I agree, it's not. It has been interpreted to prohibit it though...for CENTURIES.

Has the bible been used to justify slavery? Yes.

Has the bible been used to justify segregation? Yes.

Has the bible been used to justify anti miscegenation? Yes.

Has the bible been used to justify anti gay bigotry? Yes.

Are they all ignorant and wrong? Yes.
Has the Bible been used to predict earthquakes? Yes
Has the Bible been used to support space aliens? Yes

It really doesnt matter what some whack job said at some point or other. The plain meaning of the Bible is that marriage is between a man an a woman and homosexual sodomy is severe sin.

The bible is the best evidence that it should not be followed.
Usually when people want to prove their point they offer, well, proof. Like a verse citation or something. Anything, really.
The only reason not to do that is because you are wrong and of course too arrogant and stupid to admit it. So you look like the moron you are, while you tapdance around. You arent fooling anyone, Mohammed.

But I already did. And I doesn't matter what I write, you will go stuff your head in the pillow, you know, the one you usually bite when you are getting popped by some BBC, and you will cry. And then you will cry and you will cry and you will cry.

The story of Onan is in the the Torah, or?

And how was this story interpreted by Rabbis for how many thousands of years, you stupid fuck?

And then there is Proverbs 31:3

And then there is Maimonides commentary on this:

“Semen constitutes the strength of the body, its life, and the light of the eyes. Its emission to excess causes physical decay, debility, and diminished vitality. Thus Solomon, in his wisdom, says: ‘Do not give your strength to women’ (Proverbs 31:3). Whoever indulges in sexual dissipation becomes prematurely aged; his strength fails; his eyes become dim; a foul odor proceeds from his mouth and armpits; the hair of his head, eyebrows, and eyelashes drop out; the hair of his beard, armpits, and legs grow abnormally; his teeth fall out; and besides these, he becomes subject to numerous other diseases. Medical authorities have stated that for each one who dies of other maladies, a thousand are the victims of sexual excess.”

Back to Onan:

Taking their cue from this biblical phrase, the mystics asserted that since a man who masturbates prevents the use of that semen for conceiving a child, he is guilty not only of murder but of the murder of his own (potential) children. He is therefore a criminal more reprehensible than any other. On the other hand, ejaculation is prized in heterosexual relations, even in those that do not lead to procreation, and no “murder” is said to take place, nor are the forces of evil enhanced.

The mystics also claimed that even involuntary emissions of semen created demons, which were a danger not only to the man who masturbated but to the entire community. Such notions appear in folk literature as well as in rabbinic mystical texts. Thus the narrator in I.B. Singer’s short story, “From the Diary of One Not Born,” says: “I was not born. My father, a yeshivah student, sinned as did Onan, and from his seed I was created‑half spirit, half‑demon…I am and I am not.”

Masturbation A Touchy Subject - My Jewish Learning

So, you are sticking your fingers in your ears and acting as if masturbation was never a subject in the Torah and in the teachings of the last 5,700+ years, when it is. I never said that I agreed with the interpretation. I said that the verses and the admonitions exist.

Your lack of comprehension and your inability to build context can mean only one thing: you are a worthless Conservative.

OK so you cannot show that the Bible condemns masturbation as a sin. This is of a piece with your other contention, all of which you fail to support after shooting your mouth off.
You are an arrogant, ignorant piece of shit and this becomes apparent the more you post.

It was shown to you repeatedly. The passage dealing with Onan has been interpreted for centuries to be a prohibition on masturbation. That's what people do with the bible, interpret it to fit their prejudices.

Just like the prohibitions on blacks marrying whites and gays marrying each other. Some interpret the bible to prohibit them...others don't.
The story of Onan is not about masturbation.
No one reputable interpreted the Bible as prohibiting marriage between blacks and whites. Moses himself married a black woman.
The prohibition on same sex marriage is explicit, as is the prohibition on homosexual sex.

So what? Our laws are not based on your religious beliefs. There is no realistic or valid reason to deny giving an entire group of American tax-paying citizens who contribute to our economy the same rights and privileges that you enjoy. None.

Well, it's my business, and you don't have a right to my business. So if I don't want to serve you for any reason, that's it. And especially if you ask me to do something that violates my Religious views, I'm not doing it.

I don't care what the basis is for your laws. I follow the laws of G-d. Period. The end.

And neither you, nor your laws, are going to stop me. Sorry.
OK so you cannot show that the Bible condemns masturbation as a sin. This is of a piece with your other contention, all of which you fail to support after shooting your mouth off.
You are an arrogant, ignorant piece of shit and this becomes apparent the more you post.

It was shown to you repeatedly. The passage dealing with Onan has been interpreted for centuries to be a prohibition on masturbation. That's what people do with the bible, interpret it to fit their prejudices.

Just like the prohibitions on blacks marrying whites and gays marrying each other. Some interpret the bible to prohibit them...others don't.
The story of Onan is not about masturbation.
No one reputable interpreted the Bible as prohibiting marriage between blacks and whites. Moses himself married a black woman.
The prohibition on same sex marriage is explicit, as is the prohibition on homosexual sex.

I agree, it's not. It has been interpreted to prohibit it though...for CENTURIES.

Has the bible been used to justify slavery? Yes.

Has the bible been used to justify segregation? Yes.

Has the bible been used to justify anti miscegenation? Yes.

Has the bible been used to justify anti gay bigotry? Yes.

Are they all ignorant and wrong? Yes.
Has the Bible been used to predict earthquakes? Yes
Has the Bible been used to support space aliens? Yes

It really doesnt matter what some whack job said at some point or other. The plain meaning of the Bible is that marriage is between a man an a woman and homosexual sodomy is severe sin.

The bible is the best evidence that it should not be followed.

Says the Pagan to the Christian. Well... don't care what you think. We're following it. People like you have been saying that since the Roman times. No one has stopped us for 2,000 years, and you certainly won't now.
But I already did. And I doesn't matter what I write, you will go stuff your head in the pillow, you know, the one you usually bite when you are getting popped by some BBC, and you will cry. And then you will cry and you will cry and you will cry.

The story of Onan is in the the Torah, or?

And how was this story interpreted by Rabbis for how many thousands of years, you stupid fuck?

And then there is Proverbs 31:3

And then there is Maimonides commentary on this:

“Semen constitutes the strength of the body, its life, and the light of the eyes. Its emission to excess causes physical decay, debility, and diminished vitality. Thus Solomon, in his wisdom, says: ‘Do not give your strength to women’ (Proverbs 31:3). Whoever indulges in sexual dissipation becomes prematurely aged; his strength fails; his eyes become dim; a foul odor proceeds from his mouth and armpits; the hair of his head, eyebrows, and eyelashes drop out; the hair of his beard, armpits, and legs grow abnormally; his teeth fall out; and besides these, he becomes subject to numerous other diseases. Medical authorities have stated that for each one who dies of other maladies, a thousand are the victims of sexual excess.”

Back to Onan:

Taking their cue from this biblical phrase, the mystics asserted that since a man who masturbates prevents the use of that semen for conceiving a child, he is guilty not only of murder but of the murder of his own (potential) children. He is therefore a criminal more reprehensible than any other. On the other hand, ejaculation is prized in heterosexual relations, even in those that do not lead to procreation, and no “murder” is said to take place, nor are the forces of evil enhanced.

The mystics also claimed that even involuntary emissions of semen created demons, which were a danger not only to the man who masturbated but to the entire community. Such notions appear in folk literature as well as in rabbinic mystical texts. Thus the narrator in I.B. Singer’s short story, “From the Diary of One Not Born,” says: “I was not born. My father, a yeshivah student, sinned as did Onan, and from his seed I was created‑half spirit, half‑demon…I am and I am not.”

Masturbation A Touchy Subject - My Jewish Learning

So, you are sticking your fingers in your ears and acting as if masturbation was never a subject in the Torah and in the teachings of the last 5,700+ years, when it is. I never said that I agreed with the interpretation. I said that the verses and the admonitions exist.

Your lack of comprehension and your inability to build context can mean only one thing: you are a worthless Conservative.

OK so you cannot show that the Bible condemns masturbation as a sin. This is of a piece with your other contention, all of which you fail to support after shooting your mouth off.
You are an arrogant, ignorant piece of shit and this becomes apparent the more you post.

It was shown to you repeatedly. The passage dealing with Onan has been interpreted for centuries to be a prohibition on masturbation. That's what people do with the bible, interpret it to fit their prejudices.

Just like the prohibitions on blacks marrying whites and gays marrying each other. Some interpret the bible to prohibit them...others don't.
The story of Onan is not about masturbation.
No one reputable interpreted the Bible as prohibiting marriage between blacks and whites. Moses himself married a black woman.
The prohibition on same sex marriage is explicit, as is the prohibition on homosexual sex.

I agree, it's not. It has been interpreted to prohibit it though...for CENTURIES.

Has the bible been used to justify slavery? Yes.

Has the bible been used to justify segregation? Yes.

Has the bible been used to justify anti miscegenation? Yes.

Has the bible been used to justify anti gay bigotry? Yes.

Are they all ignorant and wrong? Yes.
Has the Bible been used to predict earthquakes? Yes
Has the Bible been used to support space aliens? Yes

It really doesnt matter what some whack job said at some point or other. The plain meaning of the Bible is that marriage is between a man an a woman and homosexual sodomy is severe sin.

So "non-homosexual sodomy" is A-OK!

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