The dreaded gay-wedding-cake saga ends: bakers must pay 135 K

You're an obsessive nut, poppy. Start worrying about yourself and your own marriage. Your marriage is what you define it as, not what other people define their marriage as.

Hypocricy!, you seem to want to define marriage, but if it falls out of YOUR definition, SCREW THEM.

Do you have a reasonable legal defense to deny any of the relationships from attaining the legal status of marriage?

ANSWER: You do not.

Well, fortunately for me, it is not me who is trying to "define" anyone else's relationship. I support gay marriage. That is all. Gay people pay taxes, work and contribute to the economy and are American citizens entitled to all the same rights and privileges that you enjoy.

And a legal, one to one, marriage contract between two consenting adults hurts no one.

Poppy thinks the gay people getting married are destroying his life and the meaning of his marriage. Lol. :D That is how delusional some of these people are.
It also suggests how fragile is his emotional, mental and spiritual involvement in his marriage vows when something that has nothing whatsoever to do with him is such a huge threat to his commitment to his marriage. That's what homophobia is too, men who are so insecure about their own heterosexuality and their own masculinity that they are severely threatened by the idea of homosexuality.

I agree. They must be extremely insecure in their own relationships and bodies.
It's not a civil right.

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Yes it is a civil right. We are ALL entitled to the same rights and privileges. If you deny a specific group one of the same rights or privileges that you have (such as the privilege to marry who you want within the confines of the law), then you are violating that group's civil rights. This is America and we are all equal here.

Explain then the Complelling state interest in the denial of this "right" to those seeking plural or sibling same sex marriage.

You realize you don't get to have it both ways legally, right?

You're an obsessive nut, poppy. Start worrying about yourself and your own marriage. Your marriage is what you define it as, not what other people define their marriage as.

Hypocricy!, you seem to want to define marriage, but if it falls out of YOUR definition, SCREW THEM.

Do you have a reasonable legal defense to deny any of the relationships from attaining the legal status of marriage?

ANSWER: You do not.
Incestuous sexual relationships between close relations cause serious birth defects. That's a scientific fact and a reason for incestuous relationships to be illegal.

That is a 'reasonable legal defense to deny [incestuous] relationships from attaining the legal status of marriage.' Capisce?

Sure, in the old world it was.

You are now dealing with same sex marriage. To defend your argument, please forward the names, or better yet, link to the documentation that any same sex coupling had ever created offspring.

Without that, your denial of this right would be arbitrary at best. And if you can't claim a compelling state interest to deny a right, you lose. Next you would have to afford due process to the opposite sex blood relatives and afford them equal protection

But, and this is the paradox, you are now arguing procreation as the compelling state issue? To deny same sex relatives from a right?

How's that work?
You're an obsessive nut, poppy. Start worrying about yourself and your own marriage. Your marriage is what you define it as, not what other people define their marriage as.

Hypocricy!, you seem to want to define marriage, but if it falls out of YOUR definition, SCREW THEM.

Do you have a reasonable legal defense to deny any of the relationships from attaining the legal status of marriage?

ANSWER: You do not.

Well, fortunately for me, it is not me who is trying to "define" anyone else's relationship. I support gay marriage. That is all. Gay people pay taxes, work and contribute to the economy and are American citizens entitled to all the same rights and privileges that you enjoy.

And a legal, one to one, marriage contract between two consenting adults hurts no one.

Poppy thinks the gay people getting married are destroying his life and the meaning of his marriage. Lol. :D That is how delusional some of these people are.
It also suggests how fragile is his emotional, mental and spiritual involvement in his marriage vows when something that has nothing whatsoever to do with him is such a huge threat to his commitment to his marriage. That's what homophobia is too, men who are so insecure about their own heterosexuality and their own masculinity that they are severely threatened by the idea of homosexuality.

^^^^^a two for one troll day!!!!
That's because the law was not applied equally for gays.

It wasn't? Straight people can marry the same sex? I think you're wrong on that
Flaming imbecile, straight people had the right to marry the person they love. How do you still not get this? :eusa_doh:

Yes, "who they love." Laws are always based on what you want. That's the way our legal system works. And you call me the "flaming imbecile?"

I am a vegetarian except I eat fish. So can I fish during hunting season? I don't want to eat game, just fish. They have to accommodate me, don't they?
It really is no one's fault but your own that you don't know the primary reason for getting married is to make a life long commitment to the person you love. That's why it's a fundamental right towards the inalienable right to pursue happiness.

That has nothing to do with what I said
Of course it does. The main purpose of marriage is to make a life long commitment to the purpose you love. That's why it's a fundamental right. You're trying desperately to make about something other than that. Apparently, you think marriage isn't about love.
Hypocricy!, you seem to want to define marriage, but if it falls out of YOUR definition, SCREW THEM.

Do you have a reasonable legal defense to deny any of the relationships from attaining the legal status of marriage?

ANSWER: You do not.

Well, fortunately for me, it is not me who is trying to "define" anyone else's relationship. I support gay marriage. That is all. Gay people pay taxes, work and contribute to the economy and are American citizens entitled to all the same rights and privileges that you enjoy.

And a legal, one to one, marriage contract between two consenting adults hurts no one.

Poppy thinks the gay people getting married are destroying his life and the meaning of his marriage. Lol. :D That is how delusional some of these people are.

and you think that homosexuality is a normal human condition-----------thats how delusional you are.

it is mental abnormality. Gays should not be shunned or discriminated against any more than bi-polar people should be shunned or discriminated against.

Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. Nobody really knows whether or not it is a "normal" human condition, and that is no reason to deny them rights and privileges.

I agree, and I do not want them denied rights and privileges. allowing gay marriage is analagous to allowing men in a women's locker room or vice versa. Marriage is a union of one man and one woman, not two men or two women.

Gays should be able to legally commit to each other and have all the rights and benefits of a man/woman marriage. But a gay union is not a marriage, it is a legal commitment between two adults of the same sex.

AND, since reproduction is not an option or a concern, gay unions should be permitted between sisters and brothers. After all, its about tax breaks and love, Right?
You're an obsessive nut, poppy. Start worrying about yourself and your own marriage. Your marriage is what you define it as, not what other people define their marriage as.

Hypocricy!, you seem to want to define marriage, but if it falls out of YOUR definition, SCREW THEM.

Do you have a reasonable legal defense to deny any of the relationships from attaining the legal status of marriage?

ANSWER: You do not.

Well, fortunately for me, it is not me who is trying to "define" anyone else's relationship. I support gay marriage. That is all. Gay people pay taxes, work and contribute to the economy and are American citizens entitled to all the same rights and privileges that you enjoy.

And a legal, one to one, marriage contract between two consenting adults hurts no one.

Poppy thinks the gay people getting married are destroying his life and the meaning of his marriage. Lol. :D That is how delusional some of these people are.
It also suggests how fragile is his emotional, mental and spiritual involvement in his marriage vows when something that has nothing whatsoever to do with him is such a huge threat to his commitment to his marriage. That's what homophobia is too, men who are so insecure about their own heterosexuality and their own masculinity that they are severely threatened by the idea of homosexuality.

It is your opinion that only men object to the normalization of homosexuality and women never do. Say, do you have any basis or did you just pull it out of a hat?
Hypocricy!, you seem to want to define marriage, but if it falls out of YOUR definition, SCREW THEM.

Do you have a reasonable legal defense to deny any of the relationships from attaining the legal status of marriage?

ANSWER: You do not.

Well, fortunately for me, it is not me who is trying to "define" anyone else's relationship. I support gay marriage. That is all. Gay people pay taxes, work and contribute to the economy and are American citizens entitled to all the same rights and privileges that you enjoy.

And a legal, one to one, marriage contract between two consenting adults hurts no one.

Poppy thinks the gay people getting married are destroying his life and the meaning of his marriage. Lol. :D That is how delusional some of these people are.
It also suggests how fragile is his emotional, mental and spiritual involvement in his marriage vows when something that has nothing whatsoever to do with him is such a huge threat to his commitment to his marriage. That's what homophobia is too, men who are so insecure about their own heterosexuality and their own masculinity that they are severely threatened by the idea of homosexuality.

I agree. They must be extremely insecure in their own relationships and bodies.

Sorry, chrissie, but the insecurity is on your side when you insist that a gay union be called a marriage. Admit it, this is not about rights, equality, or discrimination. Its about using the power of government to mandate societal acceptance of homosexuality as a normal human condition. You guys think that the word "marriage" accomplishes that, but it doesn't.
Well, fortunately for me, it is not me who is trying to "define" anyone else's relationship. I support gay marriage. That is all. Gay people pay taxes, work and contribute to the economy and are American citizens entitled to all the same rights and privileges that you enjoy.

And a legal, one to one, marriage contract between two consenting adults hurts no one.

Poppy thinks the gay people getting married are destroying his life and the meaning of his marriage. Lol. :D That is how delusional some of these people are.
It also suggests how fragile is his emotional, mental and spiritual involvement in his marriage vows when something that has nothing whatsoever to do with him is such a huge threat to his commitment to his marriage. That's what homophobia is too, men who are so insecure about their own heterosexuality and their own masculinity that they are severely threatened by the idea of homosexuality.

I agree. They must be extremely insecure in their own relationships and bodies.

Sorry, chrissie, but the insecurity is on your side when you insist that a gay union be called a marriage. Admit it, this is not about rights, equality, or discrimination. Its about using the power of government to mandate societal acceptance of homosexuality as a normal human condition. You guys think that the word "marriage" accomplishes that, but it doesn't.

No, sorry, fish boy, you are the one who is obviously insecure with yourself. Nobody cares what you accept or do not accept. You are pretty much irrelevant when it comes to other people's lives. What we do care about is you discriminating against and treating American citizens as second class citizens and that you somehow feel you have this imaginary right to dictate to others.
And a legal, one to one, marriage contract between two consenting adults hurts no one.

Poppy thinks the gay people getting married are destroying his life and the meaning of his marriage. Lol. :D That is how delusional some of these people are.
It also suggests how fragile is his emotional, mental and spiritual involvement in his marriage vows when something that has nothing whatsoever to do with him is such a huge threat to his commitment to his marriage. That's what homophobia is too, men who are so insecure about their own heterosexuality and their own masculinity that they are severely threatened by the idea of homosexuality.

I agree. They must be extremely insecure in their own relationships and bodies.

Sorry, chrissie, but the insecurity is on your side when you insist that a gay union be called a marriage. Admit it, this is not about rights, equality, or discrimination. Its about using the power of government to mandate societal acceptance of homosexuality as a normal human condition. You guys think that the word "marriage" accomplishes that, but it doesn't.

No, sorry, fish boy, you are the one who is obviously insecure with yourself. Nobody cares what you accept or do not accept. You are pretty much irrelevant when it comes to other people's lives. What we do care about is you discriminating against and treating American citizens as second class citizens and that you somehow feel you have this imaginary right to dictate to others.

I have said just the opposite many times. Do you have a reading comprehension problem?

2nd question, why is this country so obsessed with homosexuality? why does 3% of the population get 100% of the attention. Is our society this sick?
And a legal, one to one, marriage contract between two consenting adults hurts no one.

Poppy thinks the gay people getting married are destroying his life and the meaning of his marriage. Lol. :D That is how delusional some of these people are.
It also suggests how fragile is his emotional, mental and spiritual involvement in his marriage vows when something that has nothing whatsoever to do with him is such a huge threat to his commitment to his marriage. That's what homophobia is too, men who are so insecure about their own heterosexuality and their own masculinity that they are severely threatened by the idea of homosexuality.

I agree. They must be extremely insecure in their own relationships and bodies.

Sorry, chrissie, but the insecurity is on your side when you insist that a gay union be called a marriage. Admit it, this is not about rights, equality, or discrimination. Its about using the power of government to mandate societal acceptance of homosexuality as a normal human condition. You guys think that the word "marriage" accomplishes that, but it doesn't.

No, sorry, fish boy, you are the one who is obviously insecure with yourself. Nobody cares what you accept or do not accept. You are pretty much irrelevant when it comes to other people's lives. What we do care about is you discriminating against and treating American citizens as second class citizens and that you somehow feel you have this imaginary right to dictate to others.

One more question: is homosexuality a normal human condition? yes or no. no talking points just a yes or no.
Sanctuary cities: No big deal, that's fine, these are good people

Businesses not allowing legal guns: Hey, that's up to the business, who can blame them

Illegal pot smoking: Big deal, leave 'em alone, they're not hurting anyone



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Poppy thinks the gay people getting married are destroying his life and the meaning of his marriage. Lol. :D That is how delusional some of these people are.
It also suggests how fragile is his emotional, mental and spiritual involvement in his marriage vows when something that has nothing whatsoever to do with him is such a huge threat to his commitment to his marriage. That's what homophobia is too, men who are so insecure about their own heterosexuality and their own masculinity that they are severely threatened by the idea of homosexuality.

I agree. They must be extremely insecure in their own relationships and bodies.

Sorry, chrissie, but the insecurity is on your side when you insist that a gay union be called a marriage. Admit it, this is not about rights, equality, or discrimination. Its about using the power of government to mandate societal acceptance of homosexuality as a normal human condition. You guys think that the word "marriage" accomplishes that, but it doesn't.

No, sorry, fish boy, you are the one who is obviously insecure with yourself. Nobody cares what you accept or do not accept. You are pretty much irrelevant when it comes to other people's lives. What we do care about is you discriminating against and treating American citizens as second class citizens and that you somehow feel you have this imaginary right to dictate to others.

I have said just the opposite many times. Do you have a reading comprehension problem?

2nd question, why is this country so obsessed with homosexuality? why does 3% of the population get 100% of the attention. Is our society this sick?

Yes our society is this sick. But it's more than that. This is laying the foundation for even more perversion later on.
Sanctuary cities: No big deal, that's fine, these are good people

Businesses not allowing legal guns: Hey, that's up to the business, who can blame them

Illegal pot smoking: Big deal, leave 'em alone, they're not hurting anyone




Hey, if you feel that your civil rights have been violated, then you are also entitled to file a suit.
It also suggests how fragile is his emotional, mental and spiritual involvement in his marriage vows when something that has nothing whatsoever to do with him is such a huge threat to his commitment to his marriage. That's what homophobia is too, men who are so insecure about their own heterosexuality and their own masculinity that they are severely threatened by the idea of homosexuality.

I agree. They must be extremely insecure in their own relationships and bodies.

Sorry, chrissie, but the insecurity is on your side when you insist that a gay union be called a marriage. Admit it, this is not about rights, equality, or discrimination. Its about using the power of government to mandate societal acceptance of homosexuality as a normal human condition. You guys think that the word "marriage" accomplishes that, but it doesn't.

No, sorry, fish boy, you are the one who is obviously insecure with yourself. Nobody cares what you accept or do not accept. You are pretty much irrelevant when it comes to other people's lives. What we do care about is you discriminating against and treating American citizens as second class citizens and that you somehow feel you have this imaginary right to dictate to others.

I have said just the opposite many times. Do you have a reading comprehension problem?

2nd question, why is this country so obsessed with homosexuality? why does 3% of the population get 100% of the attention. Is our society this sick?

Yes our society is this sick. But it's more than that. This is laying the foundation for even more perversion later on.

Lol. Yup. It's all about corrupting you. It's all about YOU! :beer:
Lol. Gay people aren't concerned or bothered when they are treated like shit. No! They are only doing this to hurt YOU. :cuckoo:
Sanctuary cities: No big deal, that's fine, these are good people

Businesses not allowing legal guns: Hey, that's up to the business, who can blame them

Illegal pot smoking: Big deal, leave 'em alone, they're not hurting anyone




Hey, if you feel that your civil rights have been violated, then you are also entitled to file a suit.

You don't understand the law much do you? It's not simply about filing suit, the government has a duty to protect your rights.

Another red herring fail.
It wasn't? Straight people can marry the same sex? I think you're wrong on that
Flaming imbecile, straight people had the right to marry the person they love. How do you still not get this? :eusa_doh:

Yes, "who they love." Laws are always based on what you want. That's the way our legal system works. And you call me the "flaming imbecile?"

I am a vegetarian except I eat fish. So can I fish during hunting season? I don't want to eat game, just fish. They have to accommodate me, don't they?
It really is no one's fault but your own that you don't know the primary reason for getting married is to make a life long commitment to the person you love. That's why it's a fundamental right towards the inalienable right to pursue happiness.

That has nothing to do with what I said
Of course it does. The main purpose of marriage is to make a life long commitment to the purpose you love. That's why it's a fundamental right. You're trying desperately to make about something other than that. Apparently, you think marriage isn't about love.

Name another law that changes based on what you want.

You like ignoring it, but I keep pointing out you have a Constitutional option. The legislature. It is your circumventing the Constitution that is the big issue
I'm most offended that these Homophobes are still calling themselves Christian.

Homophobia has no place in Christ's world.
I'm most offended that these Homophobes are still calling themselves Christian.

Homophobia has no place in Christ's world.

I know a few non christian gym owners that refuse access to men in women's locker / shower rooms even though they allow lesbians. They base that on moral judgements I guess because it appears that public accomodations laws would prohibit this b
I'm most offended that these Homophobes are still calling themselves Christian.

Homophobia has no place in Christ's world.

I know a few non christian gym owners that refuse access to men in women's locker / shower rooms even though they allow lesbians. They base that on moral judgements I guess because it appears that public accomodations laws would prohibit this b

The basis of bathroom use isn't sexual orientation. Rendering your entire argument moot.

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