The dude Lia Thomas wins women's NCAA swimming title

Moron......Christian conservative, Republicans.....fought to end slavery, it was the democrat party christians who supported slavery.....

The Republicans weren't a "conservative" party in 1860, doofus. They were a radical party. That's why you hear the term "Radical Republicans" in describing poltiics of the era.

The Churches in the south supported slavery fully.

The Republicans weren't a "conservative" party in 1860, doofus. They were a radical party. That's why you hear the term "Radical Republicans" in describing poltiics of the era.

The Churches in the south supported slavery fully.

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Democrat party Christians suppored moron........Republicans fought can try your best but you can't change the truth.
You socialists can't get past the fact that since 1917 close to if not over 200 million people were murdered by socialist atheists..........

Yeah, because they are bullshit numbers you don't get anywhere near unless you throw in every famine that happened in a socialist country.
Okay, in that case, I think we need a league specifically for pudgy, middle aged men because it's totally unfair to me that guys who are more athletic than I am should have all the NBA endorsements!!!

No one would care about female athletics if there wasn't a huge bags of money being thrown about by Title IX.
There are leagues specifically for pudgy middle-aged men. You've just never heard about them because they're not televised and you've never looked for them. There's no reason for the NBA to be forced to admit you. And, in fact, if you had a unique talent that made you successful against other NBA players, you could play for an NBA team.

And yes, we know. You keep going on and on about how you don't care about women's sports. Geez, you spend so much time and effort telling everybody you don't care that the only logical conclusion is that you care a great deal (and apparently don't like women very much). If you really didn't care, you know how many comments you would be making? None. I don't care about bowling shoes and if you started threads on them I wouldn't comment. The last thing I'd do is go on each one and tell everyone multiple times that I don't care about them.
Democrat party Christians suppored moron........Republicans fought can try your best but you can't change the truth.

Yes, LIBERAL REPUBLICANS opposed slavery. CONSERVATIVE Democrats supported it
And yes, we know. You keep going on and on about how you don't care about women's sports. Geez, you spend so much time and effort telling everybody you don't care that the only logical conclusion is that you care a great deal (and apparently don't like women very much). If you really didn't care, you know how many comments you would be making? None. I don't care about bowling shoes and if you started threads on them I wouldn't comment. The last thing I'd do is go on each one and tell everyone multiple times that I don't care about them.

Actually, I never pass up an opportunity to mock transphobic bigots like yourself.
Yeah, because they are bullshit numbers you don't get anywhere near unless you throw in every famine that happened in a socialist country.

Yeah.....look at you mass murder denier........
Yes, LIBERAL REPUBLICANS opposed slavery. CONSERVATIVE Democrats supported it


Tap dance all you want....the truth is it was the "democrat" part of the equation that supported slavery........and you vote for the slave rapist party...:dance:
Actually, I never pass up an opportunity to mock transphobic bigots like yourself.
Oh, hey, wow, I see what you did there. Having completely failed to make your point and being revealed as the intellectually rigor free lightweight you are, you attempted to insult me, hoping to divert from the topic at hand, on which you are on the wrong side of history. Want to try again, now that you know there are leagues that cater to your level of ability? Want to take another stab at insulting women who enjoy competing in sports against other women?
The thing is, you can not believe in a magic sky fairy and still believe that murder and theft are wrong.

So- tell me why gay marriage is bad, without relying on God or your ick factor.

True; I've even come to an understanding and acceptance of war. (Good thing, huh, since it's nearly men's favorite pastime.)

I refuse to give up the ick factor when talking of homosexuals! The ick factor is primary in all those perverts.
Sorry bout that,

1. Women everywhere, should stand up, and say; "Prove you're a women have a baby."
2. Then and only then can you compete as a women.
3. Bring forth a *CHILD*.

But the democrat party leadership of the south took the country to war to keep their ability to own slaves...
What nonsense. The South tried very hard to avoid, avoid war! The South simply wanted to be left alone.

It was the North that attacked. We whipped them good at Bull Run, though -----
Its a sad deal. I feel sorry for the FEMALES that competed.

One thing good that has come out of it is that more people are talking about NCAA women's swimming than at any point in history. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

And before anyone freaks out and makes bad assumptions, I have let my views be known on the other threads about this

What nonsense. The South tried very hard to avoid, avoid war! The South simply wanted to be left alone.

It was the North that attacked. We whipped them good at Bull Run, though -----

Do you not understand history....the democrats fired the first shots in the war........and they succeeded from the Union as Lincoln was traveling to his inauguration....... went to a public school............
Here you go. In honor of you and dancers like you. Now let's see that snappy happy double squat clap and point. It's all in the rhythm and timing.

Now tell me snappy and happy and yappy, do you really think real women are attracted to you dandy men with all your little feelings and sensitivity or do you think they yearn for real men and they they used to be?

You'll have to talk to my wife about that.
What nonsense. The South tried very hard to avoid, avoid war! The South simply wanted to be left alone.

It was the North that attacked. We whipped them good at Bull Run, though -----

Here...this might help....

Fact #4: The Civil War began when Southern troops bombarded Fort Sumter, South Carolina.

When the southern states seceded from the Union, war was still not a certainty. Federal forts, barracks, and naval shipyards dotted the southern landscape. Many Regular Army officers clung tenaciously to their posts, rather than surrender their facilities to the growing southern military presence. President Lincoln attempted to resupply these garrisons with food and provisions by sea. The Confederacy learned of Lincoln’s plans and demanded that the forts surrender under threat of force. When the U.S. soldiers refused, South Carolinians bombarded Fort Sumter in the center of Charleston harbor. After a 34-hour battle, the soldiers inside the fort surrendered to the Confederates. Legions of men from north and south rushed to their respective flags in the ensuing patriotic fervor.

On December 20, 1860, a special convention called in South Carolina unanimously passed an ordinance of secession. Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, and Louisiana followed in January, and Texas voted to secede on February 1, 1861—still more than a month before Lincoln was actually inaugurated.


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