The dude Lia Thomas wins women's NCAA swimming title

I often feel that poster argues just for the sake of arguing. They actually think they are playing devil's advocate or some such stupid thing. This is why that poster is usually in my time-out corner, because like folks who are so invested in just arguing for the hell of it, they generally don't make any sense.

Of course they don't. you can't make sense out of nonsense.

So they tell us, leftist voters are more educated than right voters. If that is the case, it tells you what advanced education robs you of.

You can't teach logic or common sense. It's like trying to teach somebody about music or athletics that simply don't have the traits for those kinds of things. Logic is a gift of sorts that has nothing to do with educational achievements. Very few leftists have logic which is why they're leftists in the first place. If we were able to teach logic, that would be the end of the Democrat party.
It's funny you bring that up.....went for a colonoscopy and did that thing where I tried to stay concious as they gassed me.........Went in, they put on the gas and the next thing I was in the recovery room......realized that just "going away," wouldn't be so bad........still hoping that there is heaven though.......

Whatever God intends we'll likely find out when we die......

It's one of the reasons I never bought into the religion thing. I went through primary education in an all Catholic school and learned quite a bit. A lot of it never made sense to me. As for my mother and sister they follow the religion to a tee. I try to screw with their heads by asking religious questions they can't answer because of the way they've been taught to believe, like why would God need to torture and kill his son because of the sins of man? He's God, he could do anything he wants. He can forgive every single man and woman just by his own word. They usually end up by saying it's not our position to question God.

But speaking of God, I am a true believer. I didn't find God from the Holy Bible, a book that was rewritten dozens of times by man. I found God watching nature shows. The hundreds of things by insects, animals and nature that take place every day and sustain this planet is much more than just dumb luck. It has to be orchestrated by somebody or something.

If you look at this planet objectively, and I mean compared to all other planets in the universe, this place is unbelievable and amazing. We get our energy from a star millions of miles away with no cables, food magically grows out of the ground. Water magically falls out of the sky usually when needed. Sex is the most enjoyable feeling in the world which helps populate the planet, and even the reproductive system is truly amazing in that we can create other human beings to replace us when we're gone and expand the species. We just take this stuff for granted. I mean, every medication we created comes from the planet earth in some way or form. Amazing.
It's one of the reasons I never bought into the religion thing. I went through primary education in an all Catholic school and learned quite a bit. A lot of it never made sense to me. As for my mother and sister they follow the religion to a tee. I try to screw with their heads by asking religious questions they can't answer because of the way they've been taught to believe, like why would God need to torture and kill his son because of the sins of man? He's God, he could do anything he wants. He can forgive every single man and woman just by his own word. They usually end up by saying it's not our position to question God.

But speaking of God, I am a true believer. I didn't find God from the Holy Bible, a book that was rewritten dozens of times by man. I found God watching nature shows. The hundreds of things by insects, animals and nature that take place every day and sustain this planet is much more than just dumb luck. It has to be orchestrated by somebody or something.

If you look at this planet objectively, and I mean compared to all other planets in the universe, this place is unbelievable and amazing. We get our energy from a star millions of miles away with no cables, food magically grows out of the ground. Water magically falls out of the sky usually when needed. Sex is the most enjoyable feeling in the world which helps populate the planet, and even the reproductive system is truly amazing in that we can create other human beings to replace us when we're gone and expand the species. We just take this stuff for granted. I mean, every medication we created comes from the planet earth in some way or form. Amazing.

If you look at this planet objectively, and I mean compared to all other planets in the universe, this place is unbelievable and amazing. We get our energy from a star millions of miles away with no cables, food magically grows out of the ground. Water magically falls out of the sky usually when needed. Sex is the most enjoyable feeling in the world which helps populate the planet, and even the reproductive system is truly amazing in that we can create other human beings to replace us when we're gone and expand the species. We just take this stuff for granted. I mean, every medication we created comes from the planet earth in some way or form. Amazing.

Great way of explaining it.....for me, I like to listen to Dennis Prager and Andrew Klavan...they really clear up a lot about understanding you, I look at the world and came to the conclusion that it makes too much sense to have been an accident...
ap dance all you want....the truth is it was the "democrat" part of the equation that supported slavery........and you vote for the slave rapist party...

No tap dancing involved, buddy

Southern conservatives were but one faction in the Democratic party... one that found itself unwelcome after 1964... and the GOP welcomed these racist twatnoodles with open arms.

Oh, hey, wow, I see what you did there. H
I'm glad you are figuring out your transphobia.... It's the first step to getting help.

True; I've even come to an understanding and acceptance of war. (Good thing, huh, since it's nearly men's favorite pastime.)

I refuse to give up the ick factor when talking of homosexuals! The ick factor is primary in all those perverts.

Okay, here's the thing. There are a lot of sexual practices someone finds "icky". A lot of which I didn't even know existed until the internet told me about them. But my basic rule of thumb is, as long as everyone involved is a consenting adult, I just don't have a problem with it.

That might be the dumbest thing you've ever posted.

The dumbest thing I post is still better than the smartest thing you repeat off hate radio like you had an original idea.

Catholics attend mass.
The ones in my family don't.

Some churches supported slavery, some didn't. The Supreme Court supported slavery. It was the law of the land.

You miss the point entirely, and I'm not sure explaining it again really helps.

For 1800 years ALL Churches accepted slavery as normal. And I can point out a ton of bible verses that support slavery as an institution.

When people started to question it in the 18th century, there were Churches that supported slavery and quoted the bible as proof it was moral.

Today you won't find a single church that supports slavery. Everyone agrees it is wrong. God didn't change his mind, we changed ours.

for 2000 years, most churches accepted homophobia. Today, more progressive churches reject it the way they reject slavery or witch burning or child abuse, all endorsed by the Bible.

Eventually, we will get to the point where the Churches accept gay relationships, and you will see them all playing dumb about their part of homophobia, which history books will look back upon with the scorn they look at slaverholders with.
Bullshit, it has everything to do with the American left, because you guys are the ones who tolerate shit like this. Anyone on my side dares say anything against this, and we are shouted down and silenced. No public person dares say anything, they'll immediately be branded a hater, homophobe, etc.
Well, it doesn’t help your case when you don’t just want to not have them compete with actual women but you want cancel them altogether even passing laws preventing them from getting access to medical care.

They don't have to give up anything. 50% of the population is Cis-Gendered female. 0.15% of the population is trans-gendered female. Statistically, they are far more likely to lose to a cis-gendered woman.

Um, okay. Victoria's Secret is about selling hookerwear... sounds to me like they are just going for a niche market. "Look how well this hides your package, Trans-ladies..."

Nobody watches female sports.. except maybe women's beach volleyball.


So again, the only reason why these "sports" exist is because there's are bag loads of Title IX money lying around, that someone who isn't terribly athletic ends up paying for.

Here's what they should do if they really want a scholarship. Do what I did. Join the military. I paid for mine going part time in the National Guard, and it was kind of awesome.
It's one of the reasons I never bought into the religion thing. I went through primary education in an all Catholic school and learned quite a bit. A lot of it never made sense to me. As for my mother and sister they follow the religion to a tee. I try to screw with their heads by asking religious questions they can't answer because of the way they've been taught to believe, like why would God need to torture and kill his son because of the sins of man? He's God, he could do anything he wants. He can forgive every single man and woman just by his own word. They usually end up by saying it's not our position to question God.

Well since God is his own son, or Jesus is his own father (just go with it), I don't have a big problem with that part of the story.

The problem I had with it was why God needed to drown every baby in the world because their parents made choices God didn't like after he gave them free will.

When I asked some frustrated old lesbian in a habit, Sr. Mary Butch replied, "They were wicked babies! Wicked!!!" and that's when little Joey started on his long path to not believing in any of this bullshit.

If you look at this planet objectively, and I mean compared to all other planets in the universe, this place is unbelievable and amazing. We get our energy from a star millions of miles away with no cables, food magically grows out of the ground. Water magically falls out of the sky usually when needed. Sex is the most enjoyable feeling in the world which helps populate the planet, and even the reproductive system is truly amazing in that we can create other human beings to replace us when we're gone and expand the species. We just take this stuff for granted. I mean, every medication we created comes from the planet earth in some way or form. Amazing.

Works on the assumption that life exists here and only here...

The existence of life does not mean there is a magic fairy in the sky responsible for it all.

But let's say creation has a divine author.

Why does it necessarily have to be Jehovah/Yahweh/Jesus? Why couldn't it be Allah. Or Krishna? Or Amaterasu?
No tap dancing involved, buddy

Southern conservatives were but one faction in the Democratic party... one that found itself unwelcome after 1964... and the GOP welcomed these racist twatnoodles with open arms.

I'm glad you are figuring out your transphobia.... It's the first step to getting help.

Okay, here's the thing. There are a lot of sexual practices someone finds "icky". A lot of which I didn't even know existed until the internet told me about them. But my basic rule of thumb is, as long as everyone involved is a consenting adult, I just don't have a problem with it.

The dumbest thing I post is still better than the smartest thing you repeat off hate radio like you had an original idea.

The ones in my family don't.

You miss the point entirely, and I'm not sure explaining it again really helps.

For 1800 years ALL Churches accepted slavery as normal. And I can point out a ton of bible verses that support slavery as an institution.

When people started to question it in the 18th century, there were Churches that supported slavery and quoted the bible as proof it was moral.

Today you won't find a single church that supports slavery. Everyone agrees it is wrong. God didn't change his mind, we changed ours.

for 2000 years, most churches accepted homophobia. Today, more progressive churches reject it the way they reject slavery or witch burning or child abuse, all endorsed by the Bible.

Eventually, we will get to the point where the Churches accept gay relationships, and you will see them all playing dumb about their part of homophobia, which history books will look back upon with the scorn they look at slaverholders with.
So Hitler wasn't a church goer. Your lie about Hitler and Mussolini being Christians is noted.
No tap dancing involved, buddy

Southern conservatives were but one faction in the Democratic party... one that found itself unwelcome after 1964... and the GOP welcomed these racist twatnoodles with open arms.

I'm glad you are figuring out your transphobia.... It's the first step to getting help.

Okay, here's the thing. There are a lot of sexual practices someone finds "icky". A lot of which I didn't even know existed until the internet told me about them. But my basic rule of thumb is, as long as everyone involved is a consenting adult, I just don't have a problem with it.

The dumbest thing I post is still better than the smartest thing you repeat off hate radio like you had an original idea.

The ones in my family don't.

You miss the point entirely, and I'm not sure explaining it again really helps.

For 1800 years ALL Churches accepted slavery as normal. And I can point out a ton of bible verses that support slavery as an institution.

When people started to question it in the 18th century, there were Churches that supported slavery and quoted the bible as proof it was moral.

Today you won't find a single church that supports slavery. Everyone agrees it is wrong. God didn't change his mind, we changed ours.

for 2000 years, most churches accepted homophobia. Today, more progressive churches reject it the way they reject slavery or witch burning or child abuse, all endorsed by the Bible.

Eventually, we will get to the point where the Churches accept gay relationships, and you will see them all playing dumb about their part of homophobia, which history books will look back upon with the scorn they look at slaverholders with.
No, you can't point to any Bible verses that support slavery. Slavery is not the will of God, but you go ahead and try. Go for it.
Well since God is his own son, or Jesus is his own father (just go with it), I don't have a big problem with that part of the story.

The problem I had with it was why God needed to drown every baby in the world because their parents made choices God didn't like after he gave them free will.

When I asked some frustrated old lesbian in a habit, Sr. Mary Butch replied, "They were wicked babies! Wicked!!!" and that's when little Joey started on his long path to not believing in any of this bullshit.

Works on the assumption that life exists here and only here...

The existence of life does not mean there is a magic fairy in the sky responsible for it all.

But let's say creation has a divine author.

Why does it necessarily have to be Jehovah/Yahweh/Jesus? Why couldn't it be Allah. Or Krishna? Or Amaterasu?

I never said it couldn't be. I really don't believe in anything I read from a book without evidence. That's why I said I believe in a higher being based on how extremely organized and amazing this planet is. Somebody or something would have to control it.

For instance if somebody said they'd pay you to build a birds nest or bee hive just using the raw materials of this earth, you wouldn't be able to do it. Yet birds with no instruction do it before they lay their eggs almost to perfection in their first year of life. These insects and animals are like little computers. They simply do what they're supposed to do. Earth has oxygen enriched air for life to be present. It has gravity so you can't float away. It has a cleaning process to offset pollution caused by volcano's and forest fires. And look at all the elements of earth that make it possible for man to survive. Trees are neat looking, but they provided us with heat to stay warm and cook, plus shelter to keep dangers away. What would our life be like with no oil? If anybody thinks oil is only good for making polluting gasoline they don't know much about it.

As I said in the post you responded to, all elements we use come from this little planet. The cement or asphalt roads we drive on, ability to create electricity and store it, the steel that we made work saving products out of like backhoes, bulldozers and cranes, it all came from this planet. And plastic. Where the hell did that come from?

Bottom line is these raw materials were put here for a reason. It's why I believe this is the only planet of it's kind, even if we find one that could possibly sustain life. it wouldn't contain the elements to advance in any way. So in conclusion there has to be a God, and we were all put here for a reason.
They don't have to give up anything. 50% of the population is Cis-Gendered female. 0.15% of the population is trans-gendered female. Statistically, they are far more likely to lose to a cis-gendered woman.

Um, okay. Victoria's Secret is about selling hookerwear... sounds to me like they are just going for a niche market. "Look how well this hides your package, Trans-ladies..."

Nobody watches female sports.. except maybe women's beach volleyball.

So again, the only reason why these "sports" exist is because there's are bag loads of Title IX money lying around, that someone who isn't terribly athletic ends up paying for.

Here's what they should do if they really want a scholarship. Do what I did. Join the military. I paid for mine going part time in the National Guard, and it was kind of awesome.
You are babbling nonsense-----One male in dress will in most all instances defeat all true females. The rest is just babbling not even on subject--just babbling to babble. Women join sports teams like the guys do for sports scholarships---guys in dresses are stealing real women's chances at a scholarship and turning most everybody off of all female sports.

Tranny guys want to compete--they should do so in their own league of all tranny guys.
Lia became such a strong swimmer because she/it had to drag a wanker through the water all these years.
No tap dancing involved, buddy

Southern conservatives were but one faction in the Democratic party... one that found itself unwelcome after 1964... and the GOP welcomed these racist twatnoodles with open arms.

I'm glad you are figuring out your transphobia.... It's the first step to getting help.

Okay, here's the thing. There are a lot of sexual practices someone finds "icky". A lot of which I didn't even know existed until the internet told me about them. But my basic rule of thumb is, as long as everyone involved is a consenting adult, I just don't have a problem with it.

The dumbest thing I post is still better than the smartest thing you repeat off hate radio like you had an original idea.

The ones in my family don't.

You miss the point entirely, and I'm not sure explaining it again really helps.

For 1800 years ALL Churches accepted slavery as normal. And I can point out a ton of bible verses that support slavery as an institution.

When people started to question it in the 18th century, there were Churches that supported slavery and quoted the bible as proof it was moral.

Today you won't find a single church that supports slavery. Everyone agrees it is wrong. God didn't change his mind, we changed ours.

for 2000 years, most churches accepted homophobia. Today, more progressive churches reject it the way they reject slavery or witch burning or child abuse, all endorsed by the Bible.

Eventually, we will get to the point where the Churches accept gay relationships, and you will see them all playing dumb about their part of homophobia, which history books will look back upon with the scorn they look at slaverholders with.

The old, "The Parties switched sides," lie that you guys try to use to cover your actual racism today.......

Again, democrat party members, in their churches, supported slavery.....Republican religious groups supported and fought for the abolition of slavery........
I never said it couldn't be. I really don't believe in anything I read from a book without evidence. That's why I said I believe in a higher being based on how extremely organized and amazing this planet is. Somebody or something would have to control it.

For instance if somebody said they'd pay you to build a birds nest or bee hive just using the raw materials of this earth, you wouldn't be able to do it. Yet birds with no instruction do it before they lay their eggs almost to perfection in their first year of life. These insects and animals are like little computers. They simply do what they're supposed to do. Earth has oxygen enriched air for life to be present. It has gravity so you can't float away. It has a cleaning process to offset pollution caused by volcano's and forest fires. And look at all the elements of earth that make it possible for man to survive. Trees are neat looking, but they provided us with heat to stay warm and cook, plus shelter to keep dangers away. What would our life be like with no oil? If anybody thinks oil is only good for making polluting gasoline they don't know much about it.

As I said in the post you responded to, all elements we use come from this little planet. The cement or asphalt roads we drive on, ability to create electricity and store it, the steel that we made work saving products out of like backhoes, bulldozers and cranes, it all came from this planet. And plastic. Where the hell did that come from?

Bottom line is these raw materials were put here for a reason. It's why I believe this is the only planet of it's kind, even if we find one that could possibly sustain life. it wouldn't contain the elements to advance in any way. So in conclusion there has to be a God, and we were all put here for a reason.

Yup.................exactly. Well said.
Wonderful news...

Title IX complaint filed against NCAA over Lia Thomas' participation, win in women's swimming​

On Thursday, Concerned Women for America filed a formal complaint with the US Department of Education Office for Civil Rights against the University of Pennsylvania for allowing a biological male who identifies as a woman and goes by the name Lia Thomas to compete on the women’s swim team.

In a letter to Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Catherine Lhamon, the group stated that the complaint was filed against the school "for its egregious violations of the protections for women on the basis of sex secured a half-century ago in the landmark passage of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972."

I hope they have some real women with "standing" signed on to the lawsuit. I didn't see that mentioned in the long article.

They haven't filed a lawsuit yet. They filed a complaint with the Department of Education for failure to comply with Title IX federal law.
No tap dancing involved, buddy

Southern conservatives were but one faction in the Democratic party... one that found itself unwelcome after 1964... and the GOP welcomed these racist twatnoodles with open arms.

I'm glad you are figuring out your transphobia.... It's the first step to getting help.

Okay, here's the thing. There are a lot of sexual practices someone finds "icky". A lot of which I didn't even know existed until the internet told me about them. But my basic rule of thumb is, as long as everyone involved is a consenting adult, I just don't have a problem with it.

The dumbest thing I post is still better than the smartest thing you repeat off hate radio like you had an original idea.

The ones in my family don't.

You miss the point entirely, and I'm not sure explaining it again really helps.

For 1800 years ALL Churches accepted slavery as normal. And I can point out a ton of bible verses that support slavery as an institution.

When people started to question it in the 18th century, there were Churches that supported slavery and quoted the bible as proof it was moral.

Today you won't find a single church that supports slavery. Everyone agrees it is wrong. God didn't change his mind, we changed ours.

for 2000 years, most churches accepted homophobia. Today, more progressive churches reject it the way they reject slavery or witch burning or child abuse, all endorsed by the Bible.

Eventually, we will get to the point where the Churches accept gay relationships, and you will see them all playing dumb about their part of homophobia, which history books will look back upon with the scorn they look at slaverholders with.
The old parties switched sides myth. If it were true then why did the South stay majority Democrat into the 80's ? All of those racist politicians (except for Strom Thurman) stayed in the Democratic party. Why didn't they all switch to Republican ?
The old parties switched sides myth. If it were true then why did the South stay majority Democrat into the 80's ? All of those racist politicians (except for Strom Thurman) stayed in the Democratic party. Why didn't they all switch to Republican ?

A total of 2 I think became republicans after renouncing their old, racist, democrat party ways.....

The lie about dixie crats changing parties...

What happened to all those racist Dixiecrats that, according to the progressive narrative, all picked up their tents and moved from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party? Actually, they exist only in the progressive imagination.

This is the world not as it is but as progressives wish it to be. Of all the Dixiecrats who broke away from the Democratic Party in 1948, of all the bigots and segregationists who voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, I count just two—one in the Senate and one in the House—who switched from Democrat to Republican.

In the Senate, that solitary figure was Strom Thurmond. In the House, Albert Watson. The constellation of racist Dixiecrats includes Senators William Murray, Thomas P. Gore, Spessard Holland, Sam Ervin, Russell Long, Robert Byrd, Richard Russell, Olin Johnston, Lister Hill, John C. Stennis, John Sparkman, John McClellan, James Eastland, Herman Talmadge, Herbert Walters, Harry F. Byrd, George Smathers, Everett Jordan, Allen Ellender, A. Willis Robertson, Al Gore Sr., William Fulbright, Herbert Walters, W. Kerr Scott, and Marion Price Daniels.

The list of Dixiecrat governors includes William H. Murray, Frank Dixon, Fielding Wright, and Benjamin Laney. I don’t have space to include the list of Dixiecrat congressmen and other officials. Suffice to say it is a long list. And from this entire list we count only two defections.

Thus the progressive conventional wisdom that the racist Dixiecrats became Republicans is exposed as a big lie.

The Dixiecrats remained in the Democratic Party for years, in some cases decades. Not once did the Democrats repudiate them or attempt to push them out.

Segregationists like Richard Russell and William Fulbright were lionized in their party throughout their lifetimes, as of course was Robert Byrd, who died in 2010 and was eulogized by leading Democrats and the progressive media.

The Switch That Never Happened: How the South Really Went GOP › American Greatness

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