The dude Lia Thomas wins women's NCAA swimming title

Once a man always a man. You can no more change from being a man into a woman than you can being a fire hydrant by painting yourself red.
There's people here I wish would imitate a fire hydrant.

I've got a dog who wants to meet them.
Show me in those Bible verses where it says slavery is the will of God.

Holy shit, seriously! I Just listed a bunch of them. Look, man, I realize you need to believe your savage deity wasn't so savage in the oldy days, but he was a savage sky pixie imagined by savages.

I don't imagine much of this is about SWIMMING. Mutilating himself and pretending he's a woman is great for getting attention. At least in this degenerate time.

Every generation thought it was degenerate and had bad morals... usually because the prudes say so.

I was watching a documentary last night on the Comic Book panic of the 1950's... Where supposedly serious people thought reading Batman comics would make your kid gay.


The thing is there have always been trans people. In Ancient Japan, they were considered a third gender known as the Wakashu... It was only after they encountered westerners they thought this was something bad. .
The problem for women is this.......

In order to compete now, schools will need their own "Dude looks like a ladies." They won't be able to compete with just biological women, so they will begin to recruit "Dudes who look like ladies," for their teams, making it even harder for women to find places on the teams.......

I don't think that there's a cisgender male who is going to dress up like a girl to win a trophy or even a scholarship, do you?

So what's your price? How much money would it take for you to dress like a lady and let us cut off your wiener?

Anyone who declaring themselves trans is doing so knowing damned well that it will have an impact on their lives.
The problem for women is this.......

In order to compete now, schools will need their own "Dude looks like a ladies." They won't be able to compete with just biological women, so they will begin to recruit "Dudes who look like ladies," for their teams, making it even harder for women to find places on the teams.......

Women's sports is not all that popular in the first place. Females who have the ability to be in sports are about the only people watching the events. Once you start putting enough weirdos in the mix, they will lose interest and switch to another channel. The woman and girls will give up their aspirations of being a female athlete and the competitions will disappear. Then sports will be dominated by males only.
Holy shit, seriously! I Just listed a bunch of them. Look, man, I realize you need to believe your savage deity wasn't so savage in the oldy days, but he was a savage sky pixie imagined by savages.

Every generation thought it was degenerate and had bad morals... usually because the prudes say so.

I was watching a documentary last night on the Comic Book panic of the 1950's... Where supposedly serious people thought reading Batman comics would make your kid gay.

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The thing is there have always been trans people. In Ancient Japan, they were considered a third gender known as the Wakashu... It was only after they encountered westerners they thought this was something bad. .
Just because something is mentioned in the Bible doesn't mean it's the will of God. You're an idiot. Life is really hard, huh.
Just because something is mentioned in the Bible doesn't mean it's the will of God. You're an idiot. Life is really hard, huh.

And just because he believes he's "so much more civilized that savages of older times" doesn't mean he is.

I'm always amused by people - using that term loosely - like Joe who want to judge God for not being moral enough according to their standard, especially when they ALSO want to insist He doesn't exist. Except if he doesn't exist, there's no moral standard to judge Him by at all, and if He does exist, He IS the moral standard by definition.
And just because he believes he's "so much more civilized that savages of older times" doesn't mean he is.

I'm always amused by people - using that term loosely - like Joe who want to judge God for not being moral enough according to their standard, especially when they ALSO want to insist He doesn't exist. Except if he doesn't exist, there's no moral standard to judge Him by at all, and if He does exist, He IS the moral standard by definition.
He's deranged. Happens to people who reject God and become their own God.


Even after a Wednesday team meeting where a source says Penn administration “strongly advised” its swimmers to avoid talking to the media about the situation surrounding transgender Penn swimmer Lia Thomas, a second female Penn swimmer has stepped forward to speak out via an exclusive interview with OutKick.

The second female Penn swimmer to speak out, who was granted anonymity due to what is viewed as threats from the university, activists, and the political climate, wants people to know that Penn swimmers are “angry” over the lack of fairness in the sport as Lia Thomas destroys the record books and brings fellow teammates to tears.

The second Penn swimmer to come forward was at the University of Akron Zippy Invitational where she watched Lia Thomas beat fellow teammate Anna Kalandadze by 38 seconds in the 1650 freestyle. OutKick’s source described Penn swimmers on the Akron pool deck as upset and crying, knowing they were going to be demolished by Thomas.

“They feel so discouraged because no matter how much work they put in it, they’re going to lose. Usually, they can get behind the blocks and know they out-trained all their competitors and they’re going to win and give it all they’ve got,” the source said.

“Now they’re having to go behind the blocks knowing no matter what, they do not have the chance to win. I think that it’s really getting to everyone.”

After just five meets and the Akron Invitational, Thomas has not just destroyed opponents. The Penn freestyle records are being rewritten by a swimmer who was second-team All-Ivy league in 2018-19 — as a male.
Women's sports is not all that popular in the first place. Females who have the ability to be in sports are about the only people watching the events. Once you start putting enough weirdos in the mix, they will lose interest and switch to another channel. The woman and girls will give up their aspirations of being a female athlete and the competitions will disappear. Then sports will be dominated by males only.


A few Trannies will compete in a few sports.
It might get a little attention in a Train Wreck sort of way. (Who cared about women's swimming before we heard of Lia Thomas?)
Then we'll go back to ignoring it.
Girl Athlete's will go back to scamming some of that sweet, sweet Title IX money that the other 98% of kids who don't get Athletic scholarships end up paying for.

Just because something is mentioned in the Bible doesn't mean it's the will of God. You're an idiot. Life is really hard, huh.

NO, but when the words are put in the mouths of Moses and the Disciples of Jesus, that's pretty much an endorsement by "God".
And just because he believes he's "so much more civilized that savages of older times" doesn't mean he is.

I'm always amused by people - using that term loosely - like Joe who want to judge God for not being moral enough according to their standard, especially when they ALSO want to insist He doesn't exist. Except if he doesn't exist, there's no moral standard to judge Him by at all, and if He does exist, He IS the moral standard by definition.

I think you are kind of confused here. There is no God to judge, but you can judge the savages who wrote the bible.

Clearly to us in the 21st century, slavery is savage, witch-burning is savage, fighting genocidal wars is savage.

But WE decided these things are savage. God didn't change his mind, we changed ours. And we try to pretend God was on our side the whole time. And well, since he's busy with the whole 'not existing" thing,

A few Trannies will compete in a few sports.
It might get a little attention in a Train Wreck sort of way. (Who cared about women's swimming before we heard of Lia Thomas?)
Then we'll go back to ignoring it.
Girl Athlete's will go back to scamming some of that sweet, sweet Title IX money that the other 98% of kids who don't get Athletic scholarships end up paying for.

NO, but when the words are put in the mouths of Moses and the Disciples of Jesus, that's pretty much an endorsement by "God".
You don't understand what endorsement means. When God tells a slave how to act or tells a master how to treat a slave, that isn't an endorsement of slavery. That was their culture. God met them where they were just like He does everyone, then people grow in faith and their culture changes as they grow in the knowledge of God's will. You can't understand that concept because you aren't seeking God's will. You're blind and deaf to the Holy Spirit.
I think you are kind of confused here. There is no God to judge, but you can judge the savages who wrote the bible.

Clearly to us in the 21st century, slavery is savage, witch-burning is savage, fighting genocidal wars is savage.

But WE decided these things are savage. God didn't change his mind, we changed ours. And we try to pretend God was on our side the whole time. And well, since he's busy with the whole 'not existing" thing,
Yet, the nation was divided on slavery. Obviously, some people didn't evolve. Slavery still exists in the world. You're the only one here confused. How do you explain the Christians who worked the underground railroad?
Oh, noes, the effeminate man is beating the mannish women! It's chaos, I tell you, chaos.

If this is the worst thing we have to worry about, our lives are pretty good. Was it only two years ago we had recession, riots and plague?
Those were the good old days now we have WWIII gas like $23 bucks a gallon and a big mac $89 bucks
You don't understand what endorsement means. When God tells a slave how to act or tells a master how to treat a slave, that isn't an endorsement of slavery. That was their culture. God met them where they were just like He does everyone, then people grow in faith and their culture changes as they grow in the knowledge of God's will. You can't understand that concept because you aren't seeking God's will. You're blind and deaf to the Holy Spirit.

Um, it's God. God is talking directly to Moses or Jesus. If God thinks slavery is wrong, he should straight up say, "Slavery is wrong". You know the kind of way he says gay sex and eating shellfish is wrong. Come on, the OT is full of silly rules from God, and severe penalties for violating them, like the man who gathered sticks on the sabbath being stoned to death.

Numbers 16:32 Now while the children of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man gathering sticks on the Sabbath day. 33 And those who found him gathering sticks brought him to Moses and Aaron, and to all the congregation. 34 They put him under guard, because it had not been explained what should be done to him.

35 Then the Lord said to Moses, “The man must surely be put to death; all the congregation shall stone him with stones outside the camp.” 36 So, as the Lord commanded Moses, all the congregation brought him outside the camp and stoned him with stones, and he died.

Now, you think that after God's people just made an escape from slavery in Egypt, and God and Moses were rapping on a daily basis, you think that God would say something like, "Hey, Moe, you know, Slavery is actually kind of a bad thing!"

Yet, the nation was divided on slavery. Obviously, some people didn't evolve. Slavery still exists in the world. You're the only one here confused. How do you explain the Christians who worked the underground railroad?

I don't have to. The fact is, the Confederates felt completely comfortable whipping on their bibles and pointing to the verses I quoted and said slavery was fine. It should not have taken 1800 years for Christians to figure out Slavery was bad.

Those were the good old days now we have WWIII gas like $23 bucks a gallon and a big mac $89 bucks
Put down the bottle.
Um, it's God. God is talking directly to Moses or Jesus. If God thinks slavery is wrong, he should straight up say, "Slavery is wrong". You know the kind of way he says gay sex and eating shellfish is wrong. Come on, the OT is full of silly rules from God, and severe penalties for violating them, like the man who gathered sticks on the sabbath being stoned to death.

Numbers 16:32 Now while the children of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man gathering sticks on the Sabbath day. 33 And those who found him gathering sticks brought him to Moses and Aaron, and to all the congregation. 34 They put him under guard, because it had not been explained what should be done to him.

35 Then the Lord said to Moses, “The man must surely be put to death; all the congregation shall stone him with stones outside the camp.” 36 So, as the Lord commanded Moses, all the congregation brought him outside the camp and stoned him with stones, and he died.

Now, you think that after God's people just made an escape from slavery in Egypt, and God and Moses were rapping on a daily basis, you think that God would say something like, "Hey, Moe, you know, Slavery is actually kind of a bad thing!"

I don't have to. The fact is, the Confederates felt completely comfortable whipping on their bibles and pointing to the verses I quoted and said slavery was fine. It should not have taken 1800 years for Christians to figure out Slavery was bad.

Put down the bottle.
Yes, you have to explain who the people were that ran the underground railroad. Go ahead.
A few Trannies will compete in a few sports.
It might get a little attention in a Train Wreck sort of way. (Who cared about women's swimming before we heard of Lia Thomas?)
Then we'll go back to ignoring it.
Girl Athlete's will go back to scamming some of that sweet, sweet Title IX money that the other 98% of kids who don't get Athletic scholarships end up paying for.

If you're a girl that may have to compete against a weirdo in high heels, what's the point? Might as well stay home which is what most females will do if this stupidity becomes wide spread.

I used to be in a dart league at our local bar. The darting association had different leagues depending on your abilities. It would make no sense for our team to play against a dart team in a higher league. Those guys could do more with six darts than anybody on our team could do with twelve. They would beat us before we even got warmed up. In fact many sports have different leagues as well. Baseball players don't march into the pros until they've played for the minor league for a while, and some in the minor league never get good enough to get into the majors. Boxing is segregated by weight. That's why you don't see a light weight boxer compete against a heavy weight boxer.

In sports people compete against others in their own category. I don't care what a guy does to himself, he will always be a guy. He will always be "out of his league" competing against real women.

It's like I've always said, you can't be a true leftist unless you're ruining good things for other people.

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