The dude Lia Thomas wins women's NCAA swimming title

Thomas just finished dead last. Must have been humiliating, beaten out by a bunch of women. :p

Yes, you have to explain who the people were that ran the underground railroad. Go ahead.

Nope, I don't have to at all. Because they weren't that big of a deal.

There were four million slaves in the US in 1860. Maybe, tops, 100,000 people escaped through the underground railroad.

This was a case of Christians going along with evil and mostly ignoring it because God said it was just fine.

Thankfully, God didn't change his mind, so we changed ours.

Just like we are changing our minds on homophobia.
If you're a girl that may have to compete against a weirdo in high heels, what's the point? Might as well stay home which is what most females will do if this stupidity becomes wide spread.

Actually, they'll be competing against men their entire lives for jobs and opportunities, and life won't always be fair.

I used to be in a dart league at our local bar. The darting association had different leagues depending on your abilities. It would make no sense for our team to play against a dart team in a higher league. Those guys could do more with six darts than anybody on our team could do with twelve. They would beat us before we even got warmed up. In fact many sports have different leagues as well. Baseball players don't march into the pros until they've played for the minor league for a while, and some in the minor league never get good enough to get into the majors. Boxing is segregated by weight. That's why you don't see a light weight boxer compete against a heavy weight boxer.

Um. Okay. completely irrelevant to the point, but do go on.

It's like I've always said, you can't be a true leftist unless you're ruining good things for other people.

Okay, let's look at this statement. Before the 1970's, there were almost no women's athletics in College. Why? No one was really interested in them. The colleges gave out big fat juicy scholarships to men because they could get a return on investment on some of that. = i.e. ticket sales, merchandising, etc.

Then some feminists agitated for Title IX, and suddenly, all the colleges had to start handing out bags of money for athletics scholarships for girls. Which sounds great, except those scholarships were paid for by students who worked their way through college with minimum wage jobs like I did, so maybe not so much. But it did what it was supposed to do, it got girls into athletics. So there wouldn't have been a "good thing" to ruin if it weren't for liberals to start with.

Not that a few trans women in sports would actually ruin much of anything. Transgender women are only .15% of the population, compared to the 49.85% who are cisgendered women. Statistically, if you are going to be beaten out for that sweet, sweet scholarship money, it's going to be by another woman who was born that way.
Context: this woman was talking abour this issue on tiktok. This reflects the comments she got. Moral of the story: maybe these leftist women in college are getting exactly what they deserve

It was the "God botherers" whatever the hell that means, who ended slavery you imbecile

No, it wasn't. It was actually international pressure. Slave states that stayed in the union got to keep their slaves. Emancipation was only a ploy to intimidate the south into surrender.

Slave-owners pointed to their bibles with all it's verses supporting slavery, and said, "God is on our side."
No, it wasn't. It was actually international pressure. Slave states that stayed in the union got to keep their slaves. Emancipation was only a ploy to intimidate the south into surrender.

Slave-owners pointed to their bibles with all it's verses supporting slavery, and said, "God is on our side."
Actually….both you and Death Angel are right.

It wasn’t just international pressure. There were growing abolitionist movements in the US, almost all of which were associated with one church or another. Most prominant and earliest were the Quakers. Religion played a role on both sides.
Nope, I don't have to at all. Because they weren't that big of a deal.

There were four million slaves in the US in 1860. Maybe, tops, 100,000 people escaped through the underground railroad.

This was a case of Christians going along with evil and mostly ignoring it because God said it was just fine.

Thankfully, God didn't change his mind, so we changed ours.

Just like we are changing our minds on homophobia.
You're a dishonest propaganda parrot.
Moral decay. This is what you get when you embrace politically motivated blind acceptance. Maybe Joe will invite it to the WH for tea.
No tap dancing involved, buddy

Southern conservatives were but one faction in the Democratic party... one that found itself unwelcome after 1964... and the GOP welcomed these racist twatnoodles with open arms.

I'm glad you are figuring out your transphobia.... It's the first step to getting help.

Okay, here's the thing. There are a lot of sexual practices someone finds "icky". A lot of which I didn't even know existed until the internet told me about them. But my basic rule of thumb is, as long as everyone involved is a consenting adult, I just don't have a problem with it.

The dumbest thing I post is still better than the smartest thing you repeat off hate radio like you had an original idea.

The ones in my family don't.

You miss the point entirely, and I'm not sure explaining it again really helps.

For 1800 years ALL Churches accepted slavery as normal. And I can point out a ton of bible verses that support slavery as an institution.

When people started to question it in the 18th century, there were Churches that supported slavery and quoted the bible as proof it was moral.

Today you won't find a single church that supports slavery. Everyone agrees it is wrong. God didn't change his mind, we changed ours.

for 2000 years, most churches accepted homophobia. Today, more progressive churches reject it the way they reject slavery or witch burning or child abuse, all endorsed by the Bible.

Eventually, we will get to the point where the Churches accept gay relationships, and you will see them all playing dumb about their part of homophobia, which history books will look back upon with the scorn they look at slaverholders with.
Look, we all can see you just don't like women all that much, stop projecting.
They don't have to give up anything. 50% of the population is Cis-Gendered female. 0.15% of the population is trans-gendered female. Statistically, they are far more likely to lose to a cis-gendered woman.

Um, okay. Victoria's Secret is about selling hookerwear... sounds to me like they are just going for a niche market. "Look how well this hides your package, Trans-ladies..."

Nobody watches female sports.. except maybe women's beach volleyball.

So again, the only reason why these "sports" exist is because there's are bag loads of Title IX money lying around, that someone who isn't terribly athletic ends up paying for.

Here's what they should do if they really want a scholarship. Do what I did. Join the military. I paid for mine going part time in the National Guard, and it was kind of awesome.
And the odds are far greater that they will lose to the biological man in any race he happens to be in. They will lose to biological women if there are no biological men competing against them. Regardless, unless something changes, it will not be long before every sports record is held by a biological man, as a mere handful will be sufficient to defeat all the female players, something your 50's mindset about women should cheer.
Actually, they'll be competing against men their entire lives for jobs and opportunities, and life won't always be fair.

Um. Okay. completely irrelevant to the point, but do go on.

Okay, let's look at this statement. Before the 1970's, there were almost no women's athletics in College. Why? No one was really interested in them. The colleges gave out big fat juicy scholarships to men because they could get a return on investment on some of that. = i.e. ticket sales, merchandising, etc.

Then some feminists agitated for Title IX, and suddenly, all the colleges had to start handing out bags of money for athletics scholarships for girls. Which sounds great, except those scholarships were paid for by students who worked their way through college with minimum wage jobs like I did, so maybe not so much. But it did what it was supposed to do, it got girls into athletics. So there wouldn't have been a "good thing" to ruin if it weren't for liberals to start with.

Not that a few trans women in sports would actually ruin much of anything. Transgender women are only .15% of the population, compared to the 49.85% who are cisgendered women. Statistically, if you are going to be beaten out for that sweet, sweet scholarship money, it's going to be by another woman who was born that way.

And so what? My point is that sports have always had different levels and still do today. When you put somebody superior on a lower level then the game is rigged. The superior athlete has no real competition.

So they say Trump lost the married women vote because of his personality. I hope now that women see who really has the War on Women, because it certainly isn't Republicans. In fact it was Trump that reversed DumBama's policy to have weirdos in female school athletics. Let women compete against other women, not compete against guys wearing high heels and makeup.
Thomas just finished dead last. Must have been humiliating, beaten out by a bunch of women. :p

I'm told that it was obvious he was throwing the race, because it wasn't one he particularly cared about and it gave his supporters the fodder they needed for their dishonesty.
Look, we all can see you just don't like women all that much, stop projecting.

Not at all, I treat racist, homophobic and transphobic women with the same contempt I show racist, homophobic and transphobic men. If you are engaging in hate and discrimination, I have little use for you.

And the odds are far greater that they will lose to the biological man in any race he happens to be in. They will lose to biological women if there are no biological men competing against them. Regardless, unless something changes, it will not be long before every sports record is held by a biological man, as a mere handful will be sufficient to defeat all the female players, something your 50's mindset about women should cheer.

Who wins a little plastic trophy is so far down on my list of 'things that are really important" that it barely registers.

I mean, I know the Plutocrats are running very low on "others" to get dumb white people to hate in fear if all they have left are the transsexuals.

I can't imagine anything more trivial than sports.

All the guys who wouldn't be caught dead watching an WNBA game are SUDDENLY horrified that a trans-gal might show up and sports they normally don't care about.

Simply put, I see ending transphobia and homophobia as the greater good. Then we can worry about who wins little plastic trophies that get stuck in someone's attic.
And so what? My point is that sports have always had different levels and still do today. When you put somebody superior on a lower level then the game is rigged. The superior athlete has no real competition.

So what?

So they say Trump lost the married women vote because of his personality. I hope now that women see who really has the War on Women, because it certainly isn't Republicans. In fact it was Trump that reversed DumBama's policy to have weirdos in female school athletics. Let women compete against other women, not compete against guys wearing high heels and makeup.

Here's the thing...

Most women aren't going to compete in sports events. For the ones who do, their chance of encountering a trans-athlete are a little higher than them running into Bigfoot.

Most women are going to need contraception, face job discrimination at work, or encounter sexual harassment. And we all know where the GOP stands on those issues- they want to roll back the clock.

Trump didn't lose women because of his "personality", he lost them because he puts rapists and troglydytes on the courts and supports laws that actually WILL take women back.

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