The dude Lia Thomas wins women's NCAA swimming title

I don't respect ANYONE as equals to myself. Frankly, talking to most of you is like talking to retarded five year olds.

IF that's the ONLY thing she can possibly think of, then um, yeah, we've already decided as a society to mistreat her.

I would be all for legalizing prostitution, regulating it and protecting women - and men - who engage in it. It's the right wing and the moral prudes who outlaw it on the way to the bordello.

Except no one said they couldn't play.. I just don't pretend it would exist at all if the government wasn't mandating and subsidizing it. But we've decided to put out a system to be gamed, and then complain when someone games it.

I personally don't watch sports at all, but if you actually paid attention, at least in men's sports, something is like.. actually happening.
The only guys who don’t watch sports are gay. So you diss something that you don’t even watch, that’s also very much like a faggot.
IOW, things they already have. It's already illegal to discriminate on the basis of sex, as well as harassment in the workplace. I keep telling you, this isn't 1954, but you still don't get it.

Yeah, let's get real here, buddy. Saying something is the law and actually having it as a policy are two different things. It's kind of like saying racism doesn't exist.

Let's look at reality.


Or if she's forced into it, you don't care about that either. All you care about is that she's doing it and that's enough for you to treat her with contempt.

Except no one is forced into it. Just like no one is forced to be a drug addict.

We created a system to allow girls and woman a chance to compete in sports, not against biologically superior men, and because you don't like women very much you cheer on guys destroying it.

If one trans guy is going to "destroy" it, then it wasn't all that much to start with, was it? It's kind of like the little kid who yells "The Emperor has no clothes".
Actually, there are several.

The obvious one being the right to choose. But also the right to get equal pay for equal work, to be protected from sexual harassment in the workplace, you know, shit that Republicans have openly opposed when not putting misogynists like Thomas and Kavanaugh on the court.

Republicans had total control over Trump's first two years, so why haven't we seen the right to choose taken away? When have Republicans wanted to take the right of equal pay away, or sexual harassment in the workplace?

I tried to warn you so many times about using lies to make your point, but you don't have the intelligence to take my advice.
Republicans had total control over Trump's first two years, so why haven't we seen the right to choose taken away? When have Republicans wanted to take the right of equal pay away, or sexual harassment in the workplace?

They put three knuckle draggers on the Supreme Court, and any attempt to take away the right the choose is contingent on overturn Roe v. Wade.

The Republicans have opposed EVERY attempt to get equal pay or reduce sexual harassment. They opposed the Lily Ledbetter Act. They opposed the violence against women act.
Or watching grown ass men getting paid millions to play a game is kind of silly.

I'm too busy actually doing important stuff to watch such shit.

Also, quit hitting on me, you're not my type, "Mr. Blow". So who do you "Blow"?
All you think about is homo stuff, you're a faggot. But you knew that already, didn't you?
Except no one is forced into it. Just like no one is forced to be a drug addict.
Keep believing that, it might make you feel better at night.
If one trans guy is going to "destroy" it, then it wasn't all that much to start with, was it? It's kind of like the little kid who yells "The Emperor has no clothes".
One guy? And you expect to be taken seriously? Not happening when you say things like that.
They put three knuckle draggers on the Supreme Court, and any attempt to take away the right the choose is contingent on overturn Roe v. Wade.

The Republicans have opposed EVERY attempt to get equal pay or reduce sexual harassment. They opposed the Lily Ledbetter Act. They opposed the violence against women act.

But it was never overturned and still isn't. Those same judges under Trump are still there today.
No to worry, you guys are going to get your wank fantasy of outlawing abortions...

And then you'll see some really upset women. A lot more upset than a tranny in the pool.

Nobody is outlawing abortion. The reversal of Roe only removes constitutional protections which it never should have had in the first place. You will still get your abortions in commie states. Nothing to worry about.
The Supreme Court can't outlaw abortions. You're not really very good at this, are you?
Are you fucking retarded? You know damned well that when SCOTUS overturns Roe, there are a raft of laws that will kick in that will make abortion unavailable in much of the country.

Overturning Roe doesn't outlaw Abortions in the United States.

Now, I expect the retardation from Hadit, because he is like a high-functioning autistic, but I kind of expect better from you.



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Nobody is outlawing abortion. The reversal of Roe only removes constitutional protections which it never should have had in the first place. You will still get your abortions in commie states. Nothing to worry about.

Oh, I'm not worried. In fact, I kind of hope you guys overturn Roe. It will turn Texas and Florida blue.
Oh, I'm not worried. In fact, I kind of hope you guys overturn Roe. It will turn Texas and Florida blue.

Abortion is a divided issue. If you don't like the laws set forth by the state legislature, you elect different state representatives. If my state would outlaw abortion, they can still go to New Jersey, New York, DC, just a number of places where abortion is still legal.
Are you fucking retarded? You know damned well that when SCOTUS overturns Roe, there are a raft of laws that will kick in that will make abortion unavailable in much of the country.

Now, I expect the retardation from Hadit, because he is like a high-functioning autistic, but I kind of expect better from you.

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Total bans will only be in the States that want them, and for those to happen many women in those States would HAVE to be in favor of them.

I made my statement clearly, you did not. overturning Roe would not outlaw abortion, only allow the States to do what they want (within the limits, if any imposed by the SC decision overturning Roe)

Maybe "most of the country" as applied to land mass, but most of the population will be in States that are as of now supporting abortion rights to the point of idiocy.
Are you fucking retarded? You know damned well that when SCOTUS overturns Roe, there are a raft of laws that will kick in that will make abortion unavailable in much of the country.
And you seriously think the Court is going to overturn Roe? Of course, if they do there will be great rejoicing all over the country, but I find it unlikely because Roberts will come up with some reason to not hear the case. You seem very terrified of the possibility, however.
Abortion is a divided issue. If you don't like the laws set forth by the state legislature, you elect different state representatives. If my state would outlaw abortion, they can still go to New Jersey, New York, DC, just a number of places where abortion is still legal.

Awesome, let's do the same for Guns. Let's let any state that wants to outlaw guns do so. And if you still want to shoot a gun, you can go to another state. Deal?

Total bans will only be in the States that want them, and for those to happen many women in those States would HAVE to be in favor of them.

I made my statement clearly, you did not. overturning Roe would not outlaw abortion, only allow the States to do what they want (within the limits, if any imposed by the SC decision overturning Roe)

Maybe "most of the country" as applied to land mass, but most of the population will be in States that are as of now supporting abortion rights to the point of idiocy.

Why should your ability to control your own body depend on what state you live in?

And you seriously think the Court is going to overturn Roe? Of course, if they do there will be great rejoicing all over the country, but I find it unlikely because Roberts will come up with some reason to not hear the case. You seem very terrified of the possibility, however.

Try to keep up, they've already heard a case. Dobbs vs. Jackson's women Center. Even if Roberts has the good sense to realize this is a bad idea, the other five knuckledraggers won't.

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