The dude Lia Thomas wins women's NCAA swimming title

Arms, unlike abortion, are specifically mentioned in the Constitution.

Okay. So that means I can own a howitzer that shoots Anthrax laced shells at neighboring downs. "Fuck you, Addison!!!"


Oh, wait, no, that would be too dangerous.
Okay. So that means I can own a howitzer that shoots Anthrax laced shells at neighboring downs. "Fuck you, Addison!!!"


Oh, wait, no, that would be too dangerous.

All rights have restrictions.
All rights have restrictions.

Actually, there are no rights. There are only privileges society agrees you should have.

So let's go back to what the original intent of the Second was, that you can have arms in the context of being part of a well-regulated militia, not some crazy person with an AR-15 shooting up a preschool.
Actually, there are no rights. There are only privileges society agrees you should have.

So let's go back to what the original intent of the Second was, that you can have arms in the context of being part of a well-regulated militia, not some crazy person with an AR-15 shooting up a preschool.

No, that was not their intent. Their intent was so people have the right to bear arms. Government didn't supply firearms like they do today in our military. If you were called to fight, you had to bring your own guns.
Awesome, let's do the same for Guns. Let's let any state that wants to outlaw guns do so. And if you still want to shoot a gun, you can go to another state. Deal?

You can't do that when it's a constitutional right no matter what state you live in.
Actually, there are no rights. There are only privileges society agrees you should have.

So let's go back to what the original intent of the Second was, that you can have arms in the context of being part of a well-regulated militia, not some crazy person with an AR-15 shooting up a preschool.
Well 1) The second amendment doesn't grant you the right to own a fire arm, in the context of well regulated give you the right to own arms for self-defense.. ".The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home." - SCOTUS .2) nothing gives you the right to shoot up a preschool. Well, I suppose you would have the right to a trial, if you in fact do such a thing...and you can attempt to raise the defense, of self-defense, and you'll have the right to have a jury decide if that makes any sense.

We do have rights....rights and privledges are two different things...a right is something that legally can't be can be taken only via due process of law....such as the right to liberty, or ownership of a firearm.....a privilege is something granted to a specific group...such as a professional licence, or drivers license and can be taken away....for example, you have the right to work....but that doesn't mean you have the right to work as a doctor, or lawyer, etc...not without special privledges granted to you via education, and licence etc.
Awesome, let's do the same for Guns. Let's let any state that wants to outlaw guns do so. And if you still want to shoot a gun, you can go to another state. Deal?

Why should your ability to control your own body depend on what state you live in?

Try to keep up, they've already heard a case. Dobbs vs. Jackson's women Center. Even if Roberts has the good sense to realize this is a bad idea, the other five knuckledraggers won't.

Unlike abortion, RKBA is explicit in the Constitution. Try again.

Because that's how the constitution is setup. There is no right to an abortion at the federal level, just a Roe created construct, and a poorly created construct at that.
Awesome, let's do the same for Guns. Let's let any state that wants to outlaw guns do so. And if you still want to shoot a gun, you can go to another state. Deal?
Can't do that. The Constitution forbids it. Too bad. There is no amendment on abortion, nor is it codified as a right in the Constitution.
Try to keep up, they've already heard a case. Dobbs vs. Jackson's women Center. Even if Roberts has the good sense to realize this is a bad idea, the other five knuckledraggers won't.
Man, you are really terrified, aren't you?
No, that was not their intent. Their intent was so people have the right to bear arms. Government didn't supply firearms like they do today in our military. If you were called to fight, you had to bring your own guns.
There intent was for the LANDED GENTRY to have guns, not the unwashed rabble.

So essentially, you are admitting the intent of the 2nd was not practical, as eventually, we had to go to a professional army where they issue the guns?

The Second Amendment is as meaningless as the third, a situation that existed at the time, but isn't relevant now.
Can't do that. The Constitution forbids it. Too bad. There is no amendment on abortion, nor is it codified as a right in the Constitution.

Well-Regulated Militia. You can totally regulate guns.

Man, you are really terrified, aren't you?

More worried about the damage it can cause. I mean, REAL FUCKING DAMAGE, not "Boo-hoo, I didn't get a little plastic trophy because a girly-boy outran me."

More like, maiming, death, child abuse, etc.

If you want to see what America would look like without Roe, you only need to look at the Philippines. 500,000 abortions performed a year, (more per capita than the US) 5000 women a year maimed in botched procedures, and more than a million abandoned children on the streets.
Well-Regulated Militia. You can totally regulate guns.
And you have even more freedom to totally regulate abortion, as it's not mentioned in the Constitution, while arms has a whole amendment to itself. That's why Roe is on thin ice. It can literally be banned if enough people want it banned. That's what you're afraid of, that you will be in the minority.
More worried about the damage it can cause. I mean, REAL FUCKING DAMAGE, not "Boo-hoo, I didn't get a little plastic trophy because a girly-boy outran me."

More like, maiming, death, child abuse, etc.

If you want to see what America would look like without Roe, you only need to look at the Philippines. 500,000 abortions performed a year, (more per capita than the US) 5000 women a year maimed in botched procedures, and more than a million abandoned children on the streets.
Quit panicking, abortion won't be outlawed. There will still be plenty of chop shops in operation, and I'm sure you'll be right there to take all those underage girls to another state so they can be cut open and you can dump them on Mommy and Daddy's doorstep so they have to take care of the after effects. Because, you know, you care so much about women and stuff.
There intent was for the LANDED GENTRY to have guns, not the unwashed rabble.

So essentially, you are admitting the intent of the 2nd was not practical, as eventually, we had to go to a professional army where they issue the guns?

The Second Amendment is as meaningless as the third, a situation that existed at the time, but isn't relevant now.

When enough people feel that way they can try to put in an amendment stating so. After all, that's why our founders created the amendment process. Of course you need a very overwhelming majority which you will never get because gun ownership and the right of self-defense is growing every year. More gun sales, more martial arts studios opening up. It's like there's one around every corner.

Believe it or not, back when the Constitution was created, there were no grocery stores or cell phones. If you were attacked by bad guys or an Indian tribe, you couldn't call the cops. You had to fight off your enemies yourself and perhaps your sons. When your family was hungry, you had to hunt food, not go to the convenient store. Our founders would never dream of allowing government to forbid firearms for those reasons alone. People had to survive and some couldn't do that without firearms.
There is some thing wrong with allowing Lea Thomas to race against women. Basic muscle structure is not changed by sex changes. At some point maybe there should be a separate category for Trans people.
From what I’ve read he’s completely intact as a male, and supposedly still attracted to females. He’s allowed to use the women’s locker at his home school UPenn, even though many of the female athletes have complained about it. And he supposedly walks around in there completely nude on a frequent basis. So they keep talking about him ‘transitioning’, what it that supposed to even mean, hormones and letting his hair grow? And then when you think about doing such a thing yourself, what kind of person, who knows they have major physical advantages, even competes against women to begin with, let alone accepts a medal or trophy while even remotely thinking you’re worthy of it? Someone who does that is completely lacking in any ethics or humility, in addition to being mentally ill. In one race I read that he tied a girl for 5th place, and she was informed he would get the trophy and the spot on the podium, and she could hold the 6th place trophy. He had already been awarded the women’s championship, and he allowed himself to be placed ahead of this girl. Anyone with any honor would have insisted she get it, so apparently he’s a narcissist on top of everything else. Sounds like a great person. 🙄
There intent was for the LANDED GENTRY to have guns, not the unwashed rabble.

So essentially, you are admitting the intent of the 2nd was not practical, as eventually, we had to go to a professional army where they issue the guns?

The Second Amendment is as meaningless as the third, a situation that existed at the time, but isn't relevant now.
Can you show some evidence to support your argument that was their intent?

Why is the 3rd not relevent?
And you have even more freedom to totally regulate abortion, as it's not mentioned in the Constitution, while arms has a whole amendment to itself. That's why Roe is on thin ice. It can literally be banned if enough people want it banned. That's what you're afraid of, that you will be in the minority.

Oh, I'll be the first to admit that Roe was a lot of legal jiggerypokery to get rid of unworkable laws. If you take the logic of Roe to it's logical conclusion, you could get rid of prostitution and drug laws on the same principle of "my body, my choice".

Most people are against abortion in principle but are darned glad we have it in application.

Quit panicking, abortion won't be outlawed. There will still be plenty of chop shops in operation, and I'm sure you'll be right there to take all t....Because, you know, you care so much about women and stuff.

Reported your claim that I abuse minors.

Again, the problem I see is that in a lot of red states, abortion WILL be outlawed, and women will be harmed trying to take abortion pills or getting back-alley procedures.

The thing is, the Philippines already have the kinds of laws you want, and it's a hot mess.
Can you show some evidence to support your argument that was their intent?

Why is the 3rd not relevent?

They didn't want their slaves to own guns.
Selling guns to Native Americans was illegal.

The founders never meant for guns to be as prolific as they are now. This notion of gun ownership is a recent invention. Before 1970, even the NRA supported common sense gun laws.
They didn't want their slaves to own guns.
Selling guns to Native Americans was illegal.

The founders never meant for guns to be as prolific as they are now. This notion of gun ownership is a recent invention. Before 1970, even the NRA supported common sense gun laws.
The NRA still does

Yes, you are right many people didn't want slaves etc to own guns...that speaks volumes
Oh, I'll be the first to admit that Roe was a lot of legal jiggerypokery to get rid of unworkable laws. If you take the logic of Roe to it's logical conclusion, you could get rid of prostitution and drug laws on the same principle of "my body, my choice".

Most people are against abortion in principle but are darned glad we have it in application.

Reported your claim that I abuse minors.

Again, the problem I see is that in a lot of red states, abortion WILL be outlawed, and women will be harmed trying to take abortion pills or getting back-alley procedures.

The thing is, the Philippines already have the kinds of laws you want, and it's a hot mess.
Touch sensitive there, are we? At least you admit that taking minors for abortions without their parents' knowledge and approval is abuse. There might be hope for you after all.

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