The Dying Sect: Seventh Day Adventists

abu afak

Mar 3, 2006
FEBRUARY 21, 2020
Why Are so Many Leaving the Church?
Something central seems to be missing.
By: Errol Webster, Adventist Record, and Adventist Review

"...Jeff Parker, Adventist youth director for Australia, revealed at the 2018 Youth Engagement Summit that “around 62% of young people who attend a church in Australia leave before they’re 30.”

Maybe be cause they're sane and normal?
Most other Religion are becoming more secular or evaporating.
In the case of Adventists, there is NO "secular", just LITERALIST.
So you gotta leave.

Most other Religion are becoming more secular or evaporating
That is often the choice between the worldly and the spiritual inasmuch as they present it as a choice.
In the case of Adventists, there is NO "secular", just LITERALIST
Stoning is death, in the deadness of the letter of the law without the spirit. SDAs believe in the Old Testament, not in the realization of the promises of the New Testament in this life — who is why, along with dead-faith Catholics, they have so thoroughly infiltrated hospitals, medical clinics, and the healthcare system in its entirety throughout the United States in order to enforce the old covenant of circumcision under the Law of Sodom, Egypt, and Babylon. And as always, abortion and infanticide are "counseled against" but permitted as per the extenuating circumstances of motherhood.
Seems like SDA always was a regional religion. Where there are pockets they are very strong and growing. Their schools are excellent - actually TEACHING. Many years ago when it became obvious that the public school system wasn't teaching - at the time they were merely babysitting, indoctrination hadn't taken off we pulled our elementary school level son out of public school and enrolled him in an SDA school. The superintendent was a neighbor who we knew well and trusted. He told us that our non-SDA son would be welcome but we should be aware that up through Grade 6 there was great care taken to avoid religious education though the historical role of various religions was not overlooked in appropriate parts of the curriculum. Beyond Grade 6 there was a definite emphasis of what he called "SDA values" and encouragement of "faith development"

We tried it for grades 3-6. Our son, not previously much of a student, changed and his intellectual curiosity bloomed. In Grade 6 he got into economics and, after reading Mao, Marx and Hitler produced a "term paper" contrasting their philosophies with American history as he had been taught.

No, it wasn't a brilliant work - hey, 6th grade! But it did raise some points that most Americans never consider. It wasn't so much the result but the amount of work he willingly put into it.

After 6th grade he went back to public school. Within one school year he was again a mediocre student.

There was no school pressure on him or us to stay in the SDA school system but in retrospect maybe it would have been better had there been.
SDAs believe in the Old Testament, not in the realization of the promises of the New Testament in this life
Bullshit. That is all. Your problem is with the Sabbath COMMAND. The Sabbath is the TEST commandment. It i the one commandment the counterfeit church cannot obey
Looks to me like theyre seeing great growth

At the turn of the 21st century the church had over 10 million members, which grew to over 14 million in 2005, 16 million in 2009, and 19 million in 2015. It is reported that today over 25 million people worship weekly in Seventh-day Adventist churches worldwide.

I'm a Sabbatarian, but not of that church
Bullshit. That is all. Your problem is with the Sabbath COMMAND. The Sabbath is the TEST commandment. It i the one commandment the counterfeit church cannot obey
They sell weed and edibles containing marijuana at the organic grocery store, they're closed on Saturday, and all their babies are mutilated and scarred at the local farmers cooperative SDA hospital.
If you really want to see a dying religion, look into The United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing, AKA “the Shakers”. By the best information that I can currently find, there are only two of them remaining, both very elderly.

They believe in strict celibacy—no marriage, no sex, no procreation. The only way this religion ever maintained an existence was through willing converts, and by adopting orphan children into the organization. I gather legal changes in the mid-20th century prevented religious organizations from adopting children in the manner that the Shakers did, which led to a rapid decline in their membership, from a peak of about six thousand, to only two remaining today.
If you really want to see a dying religion, look into The United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing, AKA “the Shakers”. By the best information that I can currently find, there are only two of them remaining, both very elderly.

They believe in strict celibacy—no marriage, no sex, no procreation. The only way this religion ever maintained an existence was through willing converts, and by adopting orphan children into the organization. I gather legal changes in the mid-20th century prevented religious organizations from adopting children in the manner that the Shakers did, which led to a rapid decline in their membership, from a peak of about six thousand, to only two remaining today.
If'n I didnt have some shake I'd be a SHAKER too.
Bullshit. That is all. Your problem is with the Sabbath COMMAND. The Sabbath is the TEST commandment. It i the one commandment the counterfeit church cannot obey
They sell weed and edibles containing marijuana at the organic grocery store, they're closed on Saturday, and all their babies are mutilated and scarred at the local farmers cooperative SDA hospital.
I need a link for that please. The SDA are some of the best people I know. The only Latinos that wont steal a pig !
They believe in strict celibacy—no marriage, no sex, no procreation
Shakers. Nowadays they would call it post traumatic stress disorder. Something horrible happened to them when they were children at the hospital, and they wanted to have compassion on other children. Whatever was done to them, I don't think they could have had sex if they wanted to.
The SDA are some of the best people I know. The only Latinos that wont steal a pig !
They believe in civil commitment, involuntary hospitalization, and forcible administration of medication for alleged "mental illness." Nothing else about their faith counts for anything after that.
They believe in strict celibacy—no marriage, no sex, no procreation
The things people believe.
Do you understand the difference between fornication and marriage?

60 million dead American children are the result of fornication. I know it's an old fashioned word, but human behavior is still the same
Do you understand the difference between fornication and marriage?
The organs are unaltered in God's plan. Those who mutilate the sexual organs of young children are eternally guilty of promoting and compelling prostitution, rape, sodomy, fornication and adultery rather than lawful marriage, in that they have defiled their own beds with the blood of innocent children.
The SDA are some of the best people I know. The only Latinos that wont steal a pig !
They believe in civil commitment, involuntary hospitalization, and forcible administration of medication for alleged "mental illness." Nothing else about their faith counts for anything after that.
Nonsense. My guy wouldn't work on a Sat or help me butcher a hog for $1000 cash.....he'll fuck my housekeepers daughter while his wife is in the cabin tho ??? I think, like most cults, it's selective.
All the sects are dying. Or maybe I should say all the denominations are dying. I don't know much about SDA, but maybe they're more denominational than sectarian.

If the SDA is orthodox, more or less, then people leave that denomination for the same reasons they leave all the orthodox denominations: personal and emotional reasons. Just as the link affirms. Moral relativism, confusion, and discontentment in general, regardless of doctrine.

So here's a thought: maybe orthodox doctrine is wrong.
All the sects are dying. Or maybe I should say all the denominations are dying. I don't know much about SDA, but maybe they're more denominational than sectarian.
SDA is really, really big in South America, especially Brazil, with a large Portuguese-speaking congregation. The Brazilian Mafia is involved, just as the Sicilian Mafia is involved in the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church.
So here's a thought: maybe orthodox doctrine is wrong.
ortho = right
dox = doctrine

"Orthodox" by definition cannot be other than the right teaching or doctrine — or what is claimed to be the right teaching or doctrine — but there is also the matter of their practicing or failing to practice what they preach.

psych = soul
iatrist = healer

How did these pill-pushers and mutilators of human flesh ever gain or were allowed to usurp so much religious authority as to use physical force and involuntary medication to compel their strong beliefs on others against their will?

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