The Echo Chamber Has A Massive Spasm


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Can you believe it has only been 6 days since the announcement of Bowe Bergdahl's release by Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel?

Me, either.

Take a guess how many topics have been inspired by Bergdahl's release just in the Politics section of this forum alone since then. Not counting any other part of the forum.

Go ahead. Guess.

The answer is 80! 80 topics in 5 days! That's an average of 16 topics a day.

16 topics a day, you fucking spazoids!

This has been, by far, the best example of the gigantic echo chamber some people live in.

You can count this topic as topic 81.

In no particular order, I list them below.

Let's start with the classiest topics:


There was an awesome response to that last one which really got the tards' ire up:


We only needed one topic, folks. The very first one:


Here's a fun pair:


As you read the rest of the topic titles below, you will notice that some people listen to the same radio programs or whatever partisan source it is that has been filling their piss goblets for them. Their topics are identical.

The proverbial "echo chamber".

You will also notice some people were more industrious than others.

And one or two people felt the need to start two topics on the same thing!












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blame it on Fox & Friends & am radio. They're the one's stirring the pot for our rw brethren :tinfoil: .
Well they were tired of repeating the same BS about Benghazi so it's on to fresh BS about Berghahl. Plus they are phonically similar so that makes it easy for the ditto heads......Berghazi!
So much leftist effort going into criticizing people for discussing it, and trying to prevent that discussion.

So little effort by them, to actually examine the matter.

How typical.
Well they were tired of repeating the same BS about Benghazi so it's on to fresh BS about Berghahl. Plus they are phonically similar so that makes it easy for the ditto heads......Berghazi!

good observation. Yeah our repub-voting friends were "staying on message" repeating the benghazi non-story for months now its crickets. :eusa_whistle:
Can you believe it has only been 6 days since the announcement of Bowe Bergdahl's release by Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel?

Me, either.

Take a guess how many topics have been inspired by Bergdahl's release just in the Politics section of this forum alone since then. Not counting any other part of the forum.

Go ahead. Guess.

And the whole thing is a set up, a "wag the dog" by Obama and the military. The real story is, Why did they make this public knowledge? The press didn't uncover this like some scandal. It's a deflection for something else that is going on. But whatever it is, Obama doesn't seem to mind taking this on the chin. The righties are beating the impeachment drum loudly again, but they are such an inept, incompetent bunch they couldn't impeach Atilla the Hun.
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So much leftist effort going into criticizing people for discussing it, and trying to prevent that discussion.

So little effort by them, to actually examine the matter.

How typical.

How easily you fools drink whatever piss is poured for you. And so much of it! Y'all must have hollow legs.
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I've had threads closed because of a duplicated subject. Yet as we see with the evidence provided, many threads on the same subject are allowed to populate the threads on this forum. I guess I didn't suck hard enough to be one of the privileged few.
I've had threads closed because of a duplicated subject. Yet as we see with the evidence provided, many threads on the same subject are allowed to populate the threads on this forum. I guess I didn't suck hard enough to be one of the privileged few.

I think it would have taken an admin working full time on this one subject alone to stay on top of this record smashing spasm.
Looks like the usual leftist fanatics are very worried about whether people are discussing the matter more than the leftists want... but completely uncaring about the magnitude of the many violations committed.

About par for the course, for leftists. The image and the publicity, is their ONLY concern.
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I've had threads closed because of a duplicated subject. Yet as we see with the evidence provided, many threads on the same subject are allowed to populate the threads on this forum. I guess I didn't suck hard enough to be one of the privileged few.

I've had some of mine completely retitled. So believing in the 1st Amendment is not a prerequisite for being a USMB monitor, that's for sure.
So much leftist effort going into criticizing people for discussing it, and trying to prevent that discussion.

So little effort by them, to actually examine the matter.

How typical.

Are you trying to claim that the liberals on this forum have not addressed the substance of the issue point by point?

Why do you people always make that nonsensical claim about every topic?
Looks like the usual leftist fanatics are very concerned about whether people are discussing the matter too much... but completely unconcerned about the magnitude of the violation.

What we are looking at is not "concern". What we are looking at is pure ego.

I prefer to wait for facts. And facts take time.

I don't feel a need to rush to copy and paste every shred of rumor, innuendo, accusation, speculation, and pure lies onto this forum and make a total ass of myself.

There is no reason this could not have all been discussed in a single topic, and not completley overwhelm this forum with your bullshit clutter.
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Why would anyone have a problem with discussing this?

What are you afraid of?

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