The Embarrassment of President Trump


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Scary times

CBS’s Scott Pelley recently began his evening broadcast in a way that no evening news in this nation has ever begun: “It has been a busy day for Presidential statements divorced from reality.”

After little more than three weeks, Trump’s behavior is no more erratic than it used to be, but in the context of the Presidency it seems so. This year’s “Saturday Night Live” season has been very funny, but the most startling moment was not a sketch but a depiction of something real: Trump’s obsessive tweeting, four years ago, about the end of the relationship between Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson. It’s been fascinating to watch him change policies in the twinkling of a tweet, as with his briefly confrontational China policy, inaugurated in December with a telephone call to Taiwan’s leader, and then reversed; or to witness his cobra-like lunges at newfound enemies, including Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal, who revealed that Neil Gorsuch, Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, had told him that he found the President’s attacks on the courts “demoralizing.” Trump just can’t seem to stop himself.

The Embarrassment of President Trump
From the same people who showed no embarrassment in whitwashing the lies, incompetence, ineptitude, and unvarnished criminality of the previous regime.

From the same people who showed no embarrassment in whitwashing the lies, incompetence, ineptitude, and unvarnished criminality of the previous regime.

What's your argument based on? "Our incompetence is at least as bad as your incompetence!" "We can do wrong too!"

What is the basis of your criticism of Obama if you're willing to dismiss criticism of Trump? Do you have political principles, or are you just like a sports fan and only concerned with winning? Are your convictions deep, or regrettably shallow?
From the same people who showed no embarrassment in whitwashing the lies, incompetence, ineptitude, and unvarnished criminality of the previous regime.

Yup. None of them had a problem when Obama used an EO to protect Holder after FF.

They had no problem when Barry deported millions during his eight years in office.

In fact they had not one problem with anything Obama did during his eight year sin office.

Hypocrisy at its best.
From the same people who showed no embarrassment in whitwashing the lies, incompetence, ineptitude, and unvarnished criminality of the previous regime.

Yup. None of them had a problem when Obama used an EO to protect Holder after FF.

They had no problem when Barry deported millions during his eight years in office.

In fact they had not one problem with anything Obama did during his eight year sin office.

Hypocrisy at its best.

And Conservatives squealed like stuck pigs every time President Obama issued and Executive Order! Trump signs them like autographs and Conservatives heap praise on him for it.

Oh! Dear Lord! That pot is as black as a kettle!
From the same people who showed no embarrassment in whitwashing the lies, incompetence, ineptitude, and unvarnished criminality of the previous regime.

Yup. None of them had a problem when Obama used an EO to protect Holder after FF.

They had no problem when Barry deported millions during his eight years in office.

In fact they had not one problem with anything Obama did during his eight year sin office.

Hypocrisy at its best.

And Conservatives squealed like stuck pigs every time President Obama issued and Executive Order! Trump signs them like autographs and Conservatives heap praise on him for it.

Oh! Dear Lord! That pot is as black as a kettle!

Tit for tat baby. Tit for tat.
From the same people who showed no embarrassment in whitwashing the lies, incompetence, ineptitude, and unvarnished criminality of the previous regime.

Yup. None of them had a problem when Obama used an EO to protect Holder after FF.

They had no problem when Barry deported millions during his eight years in office.

In fact they had not one problem with anything Obama did during his eight year sin office.

Hypocrisy at its best.

And Conservatives squealed like stuck pigs every time President Obama issued and Executive Order! Trump signs them like autographs and Conservatives heap praise on him for it.

Oh! Dear Lord! That pot is as black as a kettle!

Tit for tat baby. Tit for tat.
so your claim of "hypocrisy at its best" only applies to your opposition? What kind of principles are those? The shallow principles of a sports fan, not someone with true political ideals. You cheer only for victories, not for progress.
What's your argument based on? "Our incompetence is at least as bad as your incompetence!" "We can do wrong too!"

What is the basis of your criticism of Obama if you're willing to dismiss criticism of Trump? Do you have political principles, or are you just like a sports fan and only concerned with winning? Are your convictions deep, or regrettably shallow?
Not at all. I just find it ironic tat the same media and political hacks who looked the other way, and even actively made bullshit excuses, when the last regime fucked up, are now all freaked out when anyone connected with this regime scratches their ass.

To someone like me who holds both parties in equal contempt, unlike team players like you, the bias is glaring.
]so your claim of "hypocrisy at its best" only applies to your opposition? What kind of principles are those? The shallow principles of a sports fan, not someone with true political ideals. You cheer only for victories, not for progress.
Oh, the irony!
What's your argument based on? "Our incompetence is at least as bad as your incompetence!" "We can do wrong too!"

What is the basis of your criticism of Obama if you're willing to dismiss criticism of Trump? Do you have political principles, or are you just like a sports fan and only concerned with winning? Are your convictions deep, or regrettably shallow?
Not at all. I just find it ironic tat the same media and political hacks who looked the other way, and even actively made bullshit excuses, when the last regime fucked up, are now all freaked out when anyone connected with this regime scratches their ass.

To someone like me who holds both parties in equal contempt, unlike team players like you, the bias is glaring.
Ah! The "media" scapegoat defense. There's always someone else to blame.
Ah! The "media" scapegoat defense. There's always someone else to blame.
Yeah, Mr. Downthemiddle, tell us all about how you and the media were at the forefront of outrage over an AG held in contempt of Congress, media bulyling and the hacking of Sharyl Atkisson, the abuse of the IRS to chill political speech, the Benghazi debacle, the Clintons buying and selling foreign policy like they were a political Ebay, on and on and on.

But I'm scapegoating the media. Yeah, right.
There were sufficient numbers of angry, disaffected people in enough states with enough electoral votes demanding amateur government. We reap what we sow.
What was the cause of that anger and disaffection ?
I live in a heavy Trump supporting area. I have a great job, my own house, benefits and a college degree. I'll be damned if I know what all these political ignoramuses have to bitch about. They listen to Right Wing talk radio and glean what little information liberally mixed with propaganda that offers up. They watch Fox News and are confirmed in their bias rather than challenged and informed. They saw a Black man in the Oval Office and became offended by that. They eschew diversity and prefer to flock together with their own kind, eliminating any possibility at understanding the real make up of this nation.

You tell me! What makes them so angry and indifferent to competence at the same time?
There were sufficient numbers of angry, disaffected people in enough states with enough electoral votes demanding amateur government. We reap what we sow.
What was the cause of that anger and disaffection ?
I live in a heavy Trump supporting area. I have a great job, my own house, benefits and a college degree. I'll be damned if I know what all these political ignoramuses have to bitch about. They listen to Right Wing talk radio and glean what little information liberally mixed with propaganda that offers up. They watch Fox News and are confirmed in their bias rather than challenged and informed. They saw a Black man in the Oval Office and became offended by that. They eschew diversity and prefer to flock together with their own kind, eliminating any possibility at understanding the real make up of this nation.

You tell me! What makes them so angry and indifferent to competence at the same time?

LMAO Right back at ya lefty.

Oh and no one gave a shit about Obamas color except idiots like you.

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