The Embarrassment of President Trump

There were sufficient numbers of angry, disaffected people in enough states with enough electoral votes demanding amateur government. We reap what we sow.
What was the cause of that anger and disaffection ?
I live in a heavy Trump supporting area. I have a great job, my own house, benefits and a college degree. I'll be damned if I know what all these political ignoramuses have to bitch about. They listen to Right Wing talk radio and glean what little information liberally mixed with propaganda that offers up. They watch Fox News and are confirmed in their bias rather than challenged and informed. They saw a Black man in the Oval Office and became offended by that. They eschew diversity and prefer to flock together with their own kind, eliminating any possibility at understanding the real make up of this nation.

You tell me! What makes them so angry and indifferent to competence at the same time?
Maybe it's the left's illegal immigration stance. Maybe it was the fucking tired ass race card BS surprise, surprise you used it, Obamacare, The Left outright disdain for everyone who didn't agree with them or the undeniable fact that Hillary Clinton was a shit candidate. I could go on and on but it's a waste of time with people like you.
Scary times

CBS’s Scott Pelley recently began his evening broadcast in a way that no evening news in this nation has ever begun: “It has been a busy day for Presidential statements divorced from reality.”

After little more than three weeks, Trump’s behavior is no more erratic than it used to be, but in the context of the Presidency it seems so. This year’s “Saturday Night Live” season has been very funny, but the most startling moment was not a sketch but a depiction of something real: Trump’s obsessive tweeting, four years ago, about the end of the relationship between Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson. It’s been fascinating to watch him change policies in the twinkling of a tweet, as with his briefly confrontational China policy, inaugurated in December with a telephone call to Taiwan’s leader, and then reversed; or to witness his cobra-like lunges at newfound enemies, including Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal, who revealed that Neil Gorsuch, Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, had told him that he found the President’s attacks on the courts “demoralizing.” Trump just can’t seem to stop himself.

The Embarrassment of President Trump
I think his using of Twitter is not obsessive. I guess it's like a tactic.
Trump doesn't trust the mainstream media (and he's not wrong at all...) so he uses Twitter to get in touch with his electors :)
The phone call to Taiwan's leader maybe wasn't a good idea. It happens ;)
Scary times

CBS’s Scott Pelley recently began his evening broadcast in a way that no evening news in this nation has ever begun: “It has been a busy day for Presidential statements divorced from reality.”

After little more than three weeks, Trump’s behavior is no more erratic than it used to be, but in the context of the Presidency it seems so. This year’s “Saturday Night Live” season has been very funny, but the most startling moment was not a sketch but a depiction of something real: Trump’s obsessive tweeting, four years ago, about the end of the relationship between Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson. It’s been fascinating to watch him change policies in the twinkling of a tweet, as with his briefly confrontational China policy, inaugurated in December with a telephone call to Taiwan’s leader, and then reversed; or to witness his cobra-like lunges at newfound enemies, including Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal, who revealed that Neil Gorsuch, Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, had told him that he found the President’s attacks on the courts “demoralizing.” Trump just can’t seem to stop himself.

The Embarrassment of President Trump
I think his using of Twitter is not obsessive. I guess it's like a tactic.
Trump doesn't trust the mainstream media (and he's not wrong at all...) so he uses Twitter to get in touch with his electors :)
The phone call to Taiwan's leader maybe wasn't a good idea. It happens ;)

Oh I agree. Using Twitter Trump is able to get his direct word out there without having the LSM twist or distort what he wants to say.

One very smart move and worth its weight in gold.
There were sufficient numbers of angry, disaffected people in enough states with enough electoral votes demanding amateur government. We reap what we sow.
What was the cause of that anger and disaffection ?
I live in a heavy Trump supporting area. I have a great job, my own house, benefits and a college degree. I'll be damned if I know what all these political ignoramuses have to bitch about. They listen to Right Wing talk radio and glean what little information liberally mixed with propaganda that offers up. They watch Fox News and are confirmed in their bias rather than challenged and informed. They saw a Black man in the Oval Office and became offended by that. They eschew diversity and prefer to flock together with their own kind, eliminating any possibility at understanding the real make up of this nation.

You tell me! What makes them so angry and indifferent to competence at the same time?
Maybe it's the left's illegal immigration stance. Maybe it was the fucking tired ass race card BS surprise, surprise you used it, Obamacare, The Left outright disdain for everyone who didn't agree with them or the undeniable fact that Hillary Clinton was a shit candidate. I could go on and on but it's a waste of time with people like you.
Let's take the last point first. Yes, Sec. Clinton was a terrible candidate. But Trump? A man who bullies everyone who dares disagree with him from former POWs to the disabled to Miss Universe contestants to women! Is he the best qualified, best temperament, best intellect the Republicans had to offer?

Illegal immigration? I live in northeast Ohio. Far from the southern border. Immigration seems to be a more regional issue. Jobs are plentiful here. Anger at immigrants always bubbles up from two groups: those unskilled for good jobs and bitter Nativists who have forgotten that they too come from immigrant stock. Fear of the other is a strong motivator for weak minds.

Obamacare? What is your specific beef with healthcare for more Americans? When Trump 'replaces' Obamacare, mark my words, it will be Obamacare without the 'Obama' title.

How many times, right here on this board, have we seen Conservatives describe Liberals as suffering from a mental disorder? The scorn heaped upon Liberals has reached its zenith. Why some Conservatives even try to make the word 'liberal' an epithet.
Trump turns Mar-a-Lago Club terrace into open-air situation room

Claudette, post: 16572540
If you dumbasses say so. LOL

The only dumbasses are those deplorables that voted for Trump and still can't see what deplorable is going.

Some Tycoon Buffoon at Mar a Lago posting a selfie on Facebook with the military officer who carries the nuclear codes around.

And Mar a Logo guests milling around Trump and Japan's PM National Security issues.

Amazing what a $200 grand membership gets you. Trump raised it from $100 grand after taking office.

And you Claudette are ok with this, why?
Claudette, post: 16572887
hey had no problem when Barry deported millions during his eight years in office.

Now Obama deported millions. During the campaign Obama was importing millions of rapists murderers drug dealers gang members that only a wall paid for by Mexico could keep out.

Now the wall is going to pay for itself. Bricks and steel piling will start owing taxes. Or does Trump charge a fee when smugglers tunnel under it or climb over it.
Claudette, post: 16572887
hey had no problem when Barry deported millions during his eight years in office.

Now Obama deported millions. During the campaign Obama was importing millions of rapists murderers drug dealers gang members that only a wall paid for by Mexico could keep out.

Now the wall is going to pay for itself. Bricks and steel piling will start owing taxes. Or does Trump charge a fee when smugglers tunnel under it or climb over it.

Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President

Never saw you lefty loons having a problem with Obama's deportation or his ban of those seven countries.
Claudette, post: 16572887
hey had no problem when Barry deported millions during his eight years in office.

Now Obama deported millions. During the campaign Obama was importing millions of rapists murderers drug dealers gang members that only a wall paid for by Mexico could keep out.

Now the wall is going to pay for itself. Bricks and steel piling will start owing taxes. Or does Trump charge a fee when smugglers tunnel under it or climb over it.

Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President

Never saw you lefty loons having a problem with Obama's deportation or his ban of those seven countries.
How odd that you bring that up....we were saying for the last 8 years that President Obama was deporting more illegals than anyone else before him as RWrs railed about the "open borders". NOW you believe us?????
Claudette, post: 16572887
hey had no problem when Barry deported millions during his eight years in office.

Now Obama deported millions. During the campaign Obama was importing millions of rapists murderers drug dealers gang members that only a wall paid for by Mexico could keep out.

Now the wall is going to pay for itself. Bricks and steel piling will start owing taxes. Or does Trump charge a fee when smugglers tunnel under it or climb over it.

Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President

Never saw you lefty loons having a problem with Obama's deportation or his ban of those seven countries.
How odd that you bring that up....we were saying for the last 8 years that President Obama was deporting more illegals than anyone else before him as RWrs railed about the "open borders". NOW you believe us?????

I'm all for it. I wish he'd deported 500 million.

I hope Trump deports them all.

You LWNJ didn't have a problem with Obama deporting them but you DO have a problem with Trump.

The only difference is the D after Obama's name and the R after Trumps.
Claudette, post: 16573895,
I'm all for it. I wish he'd deported 500 million.

That includes you, Trump and all US citizens and their dogs cats and parakeets and goldfish.

So you are just plain stupid.

Population Clock - U.S. Census Bureau › popclock
select date. The United States population on July 4, 2016 was: 323,148,587 select date. Learn More | Download and Share ...

Thanks for proving yourself an idiot.
Claudette, post: 16573895,
'm all for it. I wish he'd deported 500 million.

That includes you, Trump and all US citizens and their dogs cats and parakeets and goldfish.

So you are just plain stupid.

Population Clock - U.S. Census Bureau › popclock
select date. The United States population on July 4, 2016 was: 323,148,587 select date. Learn More | Download and Share ...

Thanks for proving yourself and idiot.

Nope. Just illegals.

And you are tree stump dumb.
Claudette, post: 16574371
What I said is I wish he and Trump would deport 500 million. Of course there aren't that many but it sounded good.

So if you think a lie sounds good you tell it.

That is good to know about you.
Claudette, post: 16580075
Not a lie dumbass. I wish both Obama and Trump would deport them all

You lied about how many unducumented citizens are here. Your wish is based upon ignorance and fear.

Obama was already deporting criminals. Trump lied to you.
Claudette, post: 16580075
Not a lie dumbass. I wish both Obama and Trump would deport them all

You lied about how many unducumented citizens are here. Your wish is based upon ignorance and fear.

Obama was already deporting criminals. Trump lied to you.

Lied?? Nah. Just misspoke but I'd dearly love to see all illegals deported.

Ignorance and fear?? Nah I don't fear illegals but you obviously think anyone who wants them deported does. Grow a brain.

Of course Obama was already deporting them. Glad to hear it. In fact the group just deported were on Obama's docket for deportation and Trump gave the go ahead since he's now POTUS.

I hope they deport all of them and unlike you I couldn't care less who's in the WH and gives that order as long as the illegals are booted out.

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