The Empire Strikes Back

so, Trump has been cleared of basically everything

Comey has been exposed as a liar and a political hack

Comey has contradicted previous sworn testimony; he has admitted that he was weak and ineffectual

He has admitted that there were issues with the way Lynch handled things

"Trump obstructed justice by firing Comey just as the Russia investigation was heating up" this is the new narrative?

Never mind that Comey was insubordinate, and trying to undermine his authority

Never mind that there was NOTHING to this whole "Russia collusion" story

Obstruction - next talking point

this one will go down in flames as well

they should keep this bullshit up - will guarantee Trump winning again in 2020
Never mind that Comey was insubordinate, and trying to undermine his authority
It was Trump trying to undermine the independence of the DOJ and FBI. It is not "insubordinate" to refuse an unprincipled or unethical or illegal order from your higher up, is it? Even in the military, that is not expected.
so, Trump has been cleared of basically everything

Comey has been exposed as a liar and a political hack

Comey has contradicted previous sworn testimony; he has admitted that he was weak and ineffectual

He has admitted that there were issues with the way Lynch handled things

"Trump obstructed justice by firing Comey just as the Russia investigation was heating up" this is the new narrative?

Never mind that Comey was insubordinate, and trying to undermine his authority

Never mind that there was NOTHING to this whole "Russia collusion" story

Obstruction - next talking point

this one will go down in flames as well

they should keep this bullshit up - will guarantee Trump winning again in 2020
Never mind that Comey was insubordinate, and trying to undermine his authority
It was Trump trying to undermine the independence of the DOJ and FBI. It is not "insubordinate" to refuse an unprincipled or unethical or illegal order from your higher up, is it? Even in the military, that is not expected.
Comey doing his job was keeping Trump from doing his dirty work. The Orange Mafia now owns the White House.
Be careful implying that those opposing Trump are not Americans.

What would you call yourselves for trying this shitty little coup d'etat on a sitting President?
I never said he'd be impeached (at least not from what I've heard so far) and I never said it sounded like obstruction of justice, either. I've frequently criticized the gossiping press for petty negativity and the SJW's for protesting too amorphously.
Saying only Trump supporters are American is a very very very un-American thing to say, you know.
Saying only Trump supporters are American is a very very very un-American thing to say, you know.

No it isn't...Americans abide by a free and fair election and don't try to keep a new president tied up in a completely BOGUS campaign of lies and obstruction. Take a look at the leftists here....they couldn't care less what's best for America....only what serves their communist (yes, they fit every definition of communists) masters....even to their own disadvantage because they're brain-dead thanks to the government schools.
Or they are at least trying to. The Socialists have regained ground in Britain, and the Democrats are seeking to do the same here with their "something-new-every-day" nonsense against Trump and the Americans.

The Republicans damned well better wake up and take advantage of their current political situation. If they can't unite and find a way to defeat the Democrats' influence in media and wrest control of public education, they will ultimately lose the game, and the United States will fall.

There is no reason to be polite, McConnell. Politically castrate them. You have the power.

"Wrest control of public education"……Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!

This country is already full of idiots (we have a reality TV star as President, if you needed an example) and that same President has nominated DeVoss to lead our Dept. of Education, and her direction will favor the wealthy and create "charter schools" while public schools crumble, and dumb rural rednecks will continue to vote against their own interests for wealthy Republicans, like they always have.

I don't know what you're worried about, Americans are still the dumbest people in the Western world. You got your King of Stoopid in the White House, and you are still whining?

Here's your sign————————> STOOPID
so, Trump has been cleared of basically everything

Comey has been exposed as a liar and a political hack

Comey has contradicted previous sworn testimony; he has admitted that he was weak and ineffectual

He has admitted that there were issues with the way Lynch handled things

"Trump obstructed justice by firing Comey just as the Russia investigation was heating up" this is the new narrative?

Never mind that Comey was insubordinate, and trying to undermine his authority

Never mind that there was NOTHING to this whole "Russia collusion" story

Obstruction - next talking point

this one will go down in flames as well

they should keep this bullshit up - will guarantee Trump winning again in 2020
Never mind that Comey was insubordinate, and trying to undermine his authority
It was Trump trying to undermine the independence of the DOJ and FBI. It is not "insubordinate" to refuse an unprincipled or unethical or illegal order from your higher up, is it? Even in the military, that is not expected.
But Trump never issued an unethical or illegal order

Looks like there is more to the Lynch/Clinton meeting than there ever was with Trump/Comey

Comey lied under oath and he also admitted to violating the law by leaking information

Comey should be prosecuted just based on what we learned yesterday
so, Trump has been cleared of basically everything

Comey has been exposed as a liar and a political hack

Comey has contradicted previous sworn testimony; he has admitted that he was weak and ineffectual

He has admitted that there were issues with the way Lynch handled things

"Trump obstructed justice by firing Comey just as the Russia investigation was heating up" this is the new narrative?

Never mind that Comey was insubordinate, and trying to undermine his authority

Never mind that there was NOTHING to this whole "Russia collusion" story

Obstruction - next talking point

this one will go down in flames as well

they should keep this bullshit up - will guarantee Trump winning again in 2020

You are really a Trump Davidian to the bitter end.

Comey was doing his job as head of the FBI. The FBI is supposed to be a independent agency and free of politics. Comey was not insubordinate, he was doing his job. The fact is that there is a case that can be made for obstruction of justice as a counsel to the Watergate prosecutors wrote. The fact that the Special Prosecutor has the notes and talked to Comey indicates he is looking at possible obstruction of justice charges against Trump.
May commited a strategic mistake that can't be replicated here due to different forms of govt. She shot herself in the foot
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Comey was doing his job as head of the FBI.
I am so sorry that you are not familiar with the FBI employment agreement that Comey signed - let's review!

Comey's arse is grass. Maybe he shouldn't have signed the linked form before leaking -

2. All information acquired by me in connection with my official duties with the FBI and all official material to which I have access remain the property of the United States of America. I will surrender upon demand by the FBI, or upon my separation from the FBI, all materials containing FBI information in my possession.

It is VERY clear that ALL information (not just classified) is to be surrendered

3. I will not reveal, by any means, any information or material from or related to FBI files or any other information acquired by virtue of my official employment to any unauthorized recipient without prior official written authorization by the FBI.

Leaking through a 3rd party has clearly been violated by Comey. And it clearly delineates that the information he shared, WAS acquired as a result from his employment, and therefore not shareable

4. Prior to making any disclosure, I will seek a determination of whether the information may be disclosed. I agree to be bound by the guidelines governing prepublication review found in the FBI's Prepublication Review Policy Guide (0792PG) as those procedures may from time to time be amended. I understand that, in this context, “publication” includes disclosure of information to anyone by any means. I will submit for review the full text of any proposed disclosure addressed by the FBI's Prepublication Review Policy or this employment agreement as required by the policy at least thirty (30) working days prior to the proposed publication

And here is the kicker. Even if a case can be made that he released only his personal ramblings, he still agreed to submit that release for review, and provide a 30 day lead time. Since his firing was a surprise, no way in hell he met that window

He Gone
so, Trump has been cleared of basically everything

Comey has been exposed as a liar and a political hack

Comey has contradicted previous sworn testimony; he has admitted that he was weak and ineffectual

He has admitted that there were issues with the way Lynch handled things

"Trump obstructed justice by firing Comey just as the Russia investigation was heating up" this is the new narrative?

Never mind that Comey was insubordinate, and trying to undermine his authority

Never mind that there was NOTHING to this whole "Russia collusion" story

Obstruction - next talking point

this one will go down in flames as well

they should keep this bullshit up - will guarantee Trump winning again in 2020
Never mind that Comey was insubordinate, and trying to undermine his authority
It was Trump trying to undermine the independence of the DOJ and FBI. It is not "insubordinate" to refuse an unprincipled or unethical or illegal order from your higher up, is it? Even in the military, that is not expected.

No order was given. Ergo ...
Be careful implying that those opposing Trump are not Americans.

What would you call yourselves for trying this shitty little coup d'etat on a sitting President?
I never said he'd be impeached (at least not from what I've heard so far) and I never said it sounded like obstruction of justice, either. I've frequently criticized the gossiping press for petty negativity and the SJW's for protesting too amorphously.
Saying only Trump supporters are American is a very very very un-American thing to say, you know.

I did not say only Trump supporters are American, but that Democrats are not.

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