The End of Liberalism....

Liberalism will only keep rising no matter how hard conservatives will beat it down and down and down
Speaking of cerebrums, I always love it when you whip out your big brain and act like the rest of us are moronic imbeciles.

It's a hell of a lot more interesting than your usual trick: which is to simply post someone else's OPED.

"...act like the rest of us are moronic imbeciles. "

See, now it's your comprehension problem: it's not 'the rest of us," it's just you.

And Sangha, right?

And then anyone else who happens to disagree with you.

Unless you want to pretend that I am the only person on here you like to play the "I am oh-so-smarter than you" game with.
*rolls eyes* Whatever, neocon. If this is true, you might as well just declare this a corporate oligarchy and pave the entire country over to be a Wal-Mart parking lot. What righty blog did you get this off of, anyway? Ann Coulter. Pfft.

PS. LOVE how you continue to bandy around the whole Marxist/Communist crap. Sheesh. Get some new talky points, why don't you?

I think she's on a mission to cut and paste the entire internet onto USMB, one post at a time. If she ever incorporated an iota of personal insight into her rants I think a good many of us might faint right on the spot.
Maybe conservatives should at least nominate a conservative for president (if only to prove it can be done)

before they start thinking they can proclaim liberalism dead.

Liberalism elects presidents; conservatism can't even nominate a candidate.
*rolls eyes* Whatever, neocon. If this is true, you might as well just declare this a corporate oligarchy and pave the entire country over to be a Wal-Mart parking lot. What righty blog did you get this off of, anyway? Ann Coulter. Pfft.

PS. LOVE how you continue to bandy around the whole Marxist/Communist crap. Sheesh. Get some new talky points, why don't you?
You probably are shocked to read polls in which only about 25% of respondents identtify themselves as "liberal". That is most likely because you think "really? most people I know are liberals"....Well if you'd get outside your cushy neighborhood of monolithic liberal thinkers, you'd realize that not only are the various polls correct but the voters sent that message as well.
BTW, even Gallup know for it's liberal leanings could not explain why in it's poll taken after the 2010 mid-terms why it's respondents did not kowtow to the liberal line and ID themselves as Libs.
Like it or not this is a fiscally conservative and social right leaning center country. Always has. Always will be.
Liberalism is steeped in collectivism, the dream of a utopian society, political correctness, thought and speech dictatorial dogma and other hyper-restrictive agendas aimed at controlling people and limiting freedom. What you people refuse to believe in your "equality of outcome" fervor is that with lib/socialism there must be the establishment of an elite ruling class that places itself in charge of the duty to control.
Nothing good ever comes form liberalism. It is destructive by design and incompatible with freedom, creativity, merit and achievement.
While you will blithely dismiss these words as "talking points" you cannot forward a logical and factual counterpoint to them. All you have at the end of the day is rhetoric as a response.
Do not consider this post as an invitation to debate. I am pointing out the facts which are not in dispute. That means, my discussion with you is over.

Bullshit. Where are your facts, and where are your links to back up those facts?
The Democrats have to the most pro-capitalist socialist party I've ever seen.

Yeah. Capitalism for themselves. Socialism for everyone else.
Democrats, especially Obama view themselves as an elite ruling class.
Look at the way Obama fires off one executive order after another.
The number of times he has circumvented Congress is mind boggling.
Obama is typical of highly educated liberal thinkers as they view the mainstream as not quite intelligent enough to get where they come from.
These people do not lead. They are incapable of leading. They rule. They feel they must lord over us because we do not understand the Ivy League way. These educated liberal elites look upon all other types of education and experience as substandard. In other words, "if you did not go to an Ivy League school, you're nobody."
Now one might say "Both Bushes are Ivy League educated. Correct. The difference is though these two men are not liberals.
They can best be described as populist. Especially Bush 43.
*rolls eyes* Whatever, neocon. If this is true, you might as well just declare this a corporate oligarchy and pave the entire country over to be a Wal-Mart parking lot. What righty blog did you get this off of, anyway? Ann Coulter. Pfft.

PS. LOVE how you continue to bandy around the whole Marxist/Communist crap. Sheesh. Get some new talky points, why don't you?
You probably are shocked to read polls in which only about 25% of respondents identtify themselves as "liberal". That is most likely because you think "really? most people I know are liberals"....Well if you'd get outside your cushy neighborhood of monolithic liberal thinkers, you'd realize that not only are the various polls correct but the voters sent that message as well.
BTW, even Gallup know for it's liberal leanings could not explain why in it's poll taken after the 2010 mid-terms why it's respondents did not kowtow to the liberal line and ID themselves as Libs.
Like it or not this is a fiscally conservative and social right leaning center country. Always has. Always will be.
Liberalism is steeped in collectivism, the dream of a utopian society, political correctness, thought and speech dictatorial dogma and other hyper-restrictive agendas aimed at controlling people and limiting freedom. What you people refuse to believe in your "equality of outcome" fervor is that with lib/socialism there must be the establishment of an elite ruling class that places itself in charge of the duty to control.
Nothing good ever comes form liberalism. It is destructive by design and incompatible with freedom, creativity, merit and achievement.
While you will blithely dismiss these words as "talking points" you cannot forward a logical and factual counterpoint to them. All you have at the end of the day is rhetoric as a response.
Do not consider this post as an invitation to debate. I am pointing out the facts which are not in dispute. That means, my discussion with you is over.

Bullshit. Where are your facts, and where are your links to back up those facts?

What part of "this is not a discussion" did you not understand?
But since you asked..oh I'll pause a minute for you to go get the washcloth and ice cubes for the black eye you're about to receive....Ok You're back ..Good...
"Conservatives" Are Single-Largest Ideological Group
oh and just throw in a kick in the shins, here's a link that suggest what we knew all along. That the members of the main stream media are indeed liberally biased.
Four Times More Journalists Identify as Liberal Than Conservative |

Genius....Next time you pull down your pants, make sure you are not in public.
Now , you can spin this anyway you wish. I don't give a shit. Facts are facts and they do not look favorably upon your position.
Now, I am through with you. No reply needed.
So long. Please forget to write.
How's that washcloth and ice? Cold ,I bet.....
That's a rhetorical question. One that does NOT require a response.
Bye bye.
You probably are shocked to read polls in which only about 25% of respondents identtify themselves as "liberal". That is most likely because you think "really? most people I know are liberals"....Well if you'd get outside your cushy neighborhood of monolithic liberal thinkers, you'd realize that not only are the various polls correct but the voters sent that message as well.
BTW, even Gallup know for it's liberal leanings could not explain why in it's poll taken after the 2010 mid-terms why it's respondents did not kowtow to the liberal line and ID themselves as Libs.
Like it or not this is a fiscally conservative and social right leaning center country. Always has. Always will be.
Liberalism is steeped in collectivism, the dream of a utopian society, political correctness, thought and speech dictatorial dogma and other hyper-restrictive agendas aimed at controlling people and limiting freedom. What you people refuse to believe in your "equality of outcome" fervor is that with lib/socialism there must be the establishment of an elite ruling class that places itself in charge of the duty to control.
Nothing good ever comes form liberalism. It is destructive by design and incompatible with freedom, creativity, merit and achievement.
While you will blithely dismiss these words as "talking points" you cannot forward a logical and factual counterpoint to them. All you have at the end of the day is rhetoric as a response.
Do not consider this post as an invitation to debate. I am pointing out the facts which are not in dispute. That means, my discussion with you is over.

Bullshit. Where are your facts, and where are your links to back up those facts?

What part of "this is not a discussion" did you not understand?
But since you asked..oh I'll pause a minute for you to go get the washcloth and ice cubes for the black eye you're about to receive....Ok You're back ..Good...
"Conservatives" Are Single-Largest Ideological Group
oh and just throw in a kick in the shins, here's a link that suggest what we knew all along. That the members of the main stream media are indeed liberally biased.
Four Times More Journalists Identify as Liberal Than Conservative |

Genius....Next time you pull down your pants, make sure you are not in public.
Now , you can spin this anyway you wish. I don't give a shit. Facts are facts and they do not look favorably upon your position.
Now, I am through with you. No reply needed.
So long. Please forget to write.
How's that washcloth and ice? Cold ,I bet.....
That's a rhetorical question. One that does NOT require a response.
Bye bye.

And most of those 40% who call themselves conservative support gay marriage, repeal of DADT, the end of slavery, female vote, SS, Medicare, the Fed Highway system, the Post Office, and many other liberal ideas
Today's Liberals/Democrats are just way too authoritarian. For them it's all about the State telling you what's good for you and forcing their agendas on the People with an iron fist. I will never support that kind of oppressive Government authoritarianism. I feel the same way if it's the Republicans doing the oppressing. In recent years both political parties have gone the authoritarian route. Hopefully this will change in the Republican Party but there is no hope for the Democratic Party. Socialism is all about authoritarianism. The Democrats cannot change.
The Socialist Europeans are running from Liberalism. Voters in Blue states will reject Liberalism when given a credible Conservative candidate.

Liberalism is the biggest failure America has ever seen. In the past 2 years, we've spent 4 Reagan budgets trying to give us Liberal "Stimulus" and unemployment goes up and we have record levels of poverty.

Liberalism = Epic Fail.
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