The End of Liberalism....

Today's Liberals/Democrats are just way too authoritarian. For them it's all about the State telling you what's good for you and forcing their agendas on the People with an iron fist. I will never support that kind of oppressive Government authoritarianism. I feel the same way if it's the Republicans doing the oppressing. In recent years both political parties have gone the authoritarian route. Hopefully this will change in the Republican Party but there is no hope for the Democratic Party. Socialism is all about authoritarianism. The Democrats cannot change.

This is a readable post that makes some sense. Do you think that the USA can compete in the global market and society with pre-Reagan politics and governmental structure and authority? This is not a trick question. I am truly curious what you think.
The Socialist Europeans are running from Liberalism. Voters in Blue states will reject Liberalism when given a credit Conservative candidate.

Liberalism is the biggest failure America has ever seen. In the past 2 years, we've spent 4 Reagan budgets trying to give us Liberal "Stimulus" and unemployment goes up, we have record levels of poverty.

Liberalism = Epic Fail.

Crusader Frank = Epic Lie

You better consider the states that remained liberal when presented with conservative candidates, and you presented no evidence for Europe. One or two examples does not a trend document.

The Republican and Democratic congresses since 2001 have gone on a drunken borrowing spree. You fail to show that the recent government efforts did not prevent a far worse economic situation.

From 1787 to the beginning of the Great Society programs, American poverty was higher than what it is now.

Frank, you are nuts if you think that responsible Republicans are not going to call BS on your nonsense, much less the Centrists and the Liberals.
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Liberalism and all the related dead? We inching closer and closer each year, election cycle, etc.

Its last best bastions are in the minority communities like mine, and the wealthy, elitist, Ivy League snobs. I'm doin my part to free my respective communities the best I can, like stickin out anyway.
The Socialist Europeans are running from Liberalism. Voters in Blue states will reject Liberalism when given a credit Conservative candidate.

Liberalism is the biggest failure America has ever seen. In the past 2 years, we've spent 4 Reagan budgets trying to give us Liberal "Stimulus" and unemployment goes up, we have record levels of poverty.

Liberalism = Epic Fail.

Read liberal as Statist/Progressive...same effect in outcome.
The Socialist Europeans are running from Liberalism. Voters in Blue states will reject Liberalism when given a credit Conservative candidate.

Liberalism is the biggest failure America has ever seen. In the past 2 years, we've spent 4 Reagan budgets trying to give us Liberal "Stimulus" and unemployment goes up, we have record levels of poverty.

Liberalism = Epic Fail.

Crusader Frank = Epic Lie

You better consider the states that remained liberal when presented with conservative candidates, and you presented no evidence for Europe. One or two examples does not a trend document.

The Republican and Democratic congresses since 2001 have gone on a drunken borrowing spree. You fail to show that the recent government efforts did not prevent a far worse economic situation.

From 1787 to the beginning of the Great Society programs, American poverty was higher than what it is now.

Frank, you are nuts if you think that responsible Republicans are not going to call BS on your nonsense, much less the Centrists and the Liberals.

The mockery that is Jake continues to publicly self flagellate

Let's examine what's happened since people woke from the "But Obama's a political moderate and fiscal Conservative" stupor.

Gov NJ (very blue state) goes to a Republican

The Ted Kennedy Seat in a state where dead voting Democrats outnumber registered Republicans 10-1 goes to a Republican

Even Obama's Senate seat is now a Republican seat and in a state that perfected corrupt Democrat Party run elections.

He passed his Stimulus to supposedly to keep unemployment under 8% and it's been pegged at 9.5+ for 2 years. Fail, Fail FAIL! And that's after Obama took over the banks, insurance companies, auto industry and health care system. Fail. FAIL FAIL!!

Liberalism has been exposed for the fraud it is and I'm glad Obama took Keynesian Economics down with him
The mockery is that you post as stupidly as Tea Party Samurai and US Army Retired: that is amazing!

Only in you mind is BHO a "political moderate and fiscal Conservative." You are idiot.

Gov NJ (very blue state) goes to a Republican. NY 23rd went Dem for the first time ever in more than 150 years.

"The Ted Kennedy Seat in a state where dead voting Democrats outnumber registered Republicans 10-1 goes to a Republican."
While the state is Dem, it is not 10:1, and Scott Brown is a liberal Republican, who detests the Tea Party.

"Even Obama's Senate seat is now a Republican seat and in a state that perfected corrupt Democrat Party run elections." You have never lived in New Jersey or Louisiana, then, or Texas and Alabama for the Pubs. And Reid turned back what should have been an easy Dem win in Nevada, the state worst hurt in the nation by the recession. And you are ignoring the Senate and the Presidency are Dem.

"He passed his Stimulus to supposedly to keep unemployment under 8% and it's been pegged at 9.5+ for 2 years. Fail, Fail FAIL! And that's after Obama took over the banks, insurance companies, auto industry and health care system. Fail. FAIL FAIL!!" The stimulus obviously kept the economy from crashing, and the banks have paid back a balance, the auto industry is posting great numbers and also will return a profit to the tax payers, and the health insurance companies brought on their own doom.

"Liberalism has been exposed for the fraud it is and I'm glad Obama took Keynesian Economics down with him."

Crusader Frank is a liar, easily exposed and kicked in the ass. Out in the alley, CF, where you belong with the other rats.
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The first two years of Obama hasn't been very liberal. So far he's aligned himself somewhere to the right of Nixon :p
General Motors.

Wrong. That was a Government seizure.

In wingnut world, when the govt pays money for stock, it's a "seizure":cuckoo:
The federal government has NO BUSINESS using OUR money to buy companies to further a political agenda. That bailout of GM was done for one purpose. As a payback to the UAW for their undying support of Obama in the 2008 election.
If the government took Social Security money and bought stock, you libbies would lose your hair. I don't see you people freaking out over the printing of fake money to prop up the stock markets, but in the same breath you blame "Wall Street" for all of your problems.
Such hypocrites. What's ever politically convenient for you, right?
The mockery is that you post as stupidly as Tea Party Samurai and US Army Retired: that is amazing!

Only in you mind is BHO a "political moderate and fiscal Conservative." You are idiot.

Gov NJ (very blue state) goes to a Republican. NY 23rd went Dem for the first time ever in more than 150 years.

"The Ted Kennedy Seat in a state where dead voting Democrats outnumber registered Republicans 10-1 goes to a Republican."
While the state is Dem, it is not 10:1, and Scott Brown is a liberal Republican, who detests the Tea Party.

"Even Obama's Senate seat is now a Republican seat and in a state that perfected corrupt Democrat Party run elections." You have never lived in New Jersey or Louisiana, then, or Texas and Alabama for the Pubs. And Reid turned back what should have been an easy Dem win in Nevada, the state worst hurt in the nation by the recession. And you are ignoring the Senate and the Presidency are Dem.

"He passed his Stimulus to supposedly to keep unemployment under 8% and it's been pegged at 9.5+ for 2 years. Fail, Fail FAIL! And that's after Obama took over the banks, insurance companies, auto industry and health care system. Fail. FAIL FAIL!!" The stimulus obviously kept the economy from crashing, and the banks have paid back a balance, the auto industry is posting great numbers and also will return a profit to the tax payers, and the health insurance companies brought on their own doom.

"Liberalism has been exposed for the fraud it is and I'm glad Obama took Keynesian Economics down with him."

Crusader Frank is a liar, easily exposed and kicked in the ass. Out in the alley, CF, where you belong with the other rats.
Over 600 political offices nationwide that were once democrat were won by republican candidates. What's that tell ya?

I find it amusing how you libs toss out the word "Liar". That's what happens when one exists in factual vacuum with no rebuttal to the facts.
25% ...That is the percentage of people who identify themselves as liberal.
This is NOT a liberal country. You people are not getting your way. Deal with it.
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The Socialist Europeans are running from Liberalism. Voters in Blue states will reject Liberalism when given a credit Conservative candidate.

Liberalism is the biggest failure America has ever seen. In the past 2 years, we've spent 4 Reagan budgets trying to give us Liberal "Stimulus" and unemployment goes up, we have record levels of poverty.

Liberalism = Epic Fail.

Crusader Frank = Epic Lie

You better consider the states that remained liberal when presented with conservative candidates, and you presented no evidence for Europe. One or two examples does not a trend document.

The Republican and Democratic congresses since 2001 have gone on a drunken borrowing spree. You fail to show that the recent government efforts did not prevent a far worse economic situation.

From 1787 to the beginning of the Great Society programs, American poverty was higher than what it is now.

Frank, you are nuts if you think that responsible Republicans are not going to call BS on your nonsense, much less the Centrists and the Liberals.

Starkey always forgets.............this is a "Politics" forum, which is to say, what matters is how the American public is currently reading the tea leaves. And as we the present time, the Dums look to the American public like they dont know what the fcukk they are doing. The k00ks on the intanets will tell you different..............distract..........revise the history.........dabble in deceit ( see poverty quote above)............say whatever the fcukk................

Doesnt change the tea leaves though. The American public took two years to figure it out.........that the Dums have been hijacked by the far left. Their response? "FCUKK YOU!!!"

The irony? The American public never barganed for this shit.........they got bamboozled by the guy who sits in the White House who pawned himself off as a centrist. He'd have never been elected in a million years had he run on how he's governed. Only the k00ks on the far reaches of the this site..........think otherwise.
48 Thomas Kean January 19, 1982 January 16, 1990 Republican 2
49 James Florio January 16, 1990 January 18, 1994 Democratic 1
50 Christine Todd Whitman January 18, 1994 January 31, 2001 Republican 1 1⁄5
[note 36]
51 Donald DiFrancesco January 31, 2001 January 8, 2002 Republican 1⁄5
[note 33]
[note 37]
— John Farmer, Jr. January 8, 2002 January 8, 2002 Republican 1⁄5
[note 38]
— John O. Bennett January 8, 2002 January 12, 2002 Republican 1⁄5
[note 39]
— Richard Codey January 12, 2002 January 15, 2002 Democratic 1⁄5
[note 39]
52 Jim McGreevey January 15, 2002 November 15, 2004 Democratic 1⁄2
[note 40]
53 Richard Codey November 15, 2004 January 17, 2006 Democratic 1⁄2
[note 34]
[note 37]
54 Jon Corzine January 17, 2006 January 19, 2010 Democratic 1
[note 41]
55 Chris Christie January 19, 2010 incumbent Republican

Oh yes it's SOOOooo unprecedented for NJ to have a Republican Governor
48 Thomas Kean January 19, 1982 January 16, 1990 Republican 2
49 James Florio January 16, 1990 January 18, 1994 Democratic 1
50 Christine Todd Whitman January 18, 1994 January 31, 2001 Republican 1 1⁄5
[note 36]
51 Donald DiFrancesco January 31, 2001 January 8, 2002 Republican 1⁄5
[note 33]
[note 37]
— John Farmer, Jr. January 8, 2002 January 8, 2002 Republican 1⁄5
[note 38]
— John O. Bennett January 8, 2002 January 12, 2002 Republican 1⁄5
[note 39]
— Richard Codey January 12, 2002 January 15, 2002 Democratic 1⁄5
[note 39]
52 Jim McGreevey January 15, 2002 November 15, 2004 Democratic 1⁄2
[note 40]
53 Richard Codey November 15, 2004 January 17, 2006 Democratic 1⁄2
[note 34]
[note 37]
54 Jon Corzine January 17, 2006 January 19, 2010 Democratic 1
[note 41]
55 Chris Christie January 19, 2010 incumbent Republican

Oh yes it's SOOOooo unprecedented for NJ to have a Republican Governor

That's not the point.

It's a referendum on Obama and the direction Progressives want to take this country and Corzine got bested by a genuine Conservative.

blah blah, it's whatever you want to read into it. In one district, people were sick of the Economy and voted out whoever was in. In another district, a bunch of retards joined the Tea Party and thought they were Independant. People who vote generally dont know their head from their dick.
The mockery is that you post as stupidly as Tea Party Samurai and US Army Retired: that is amazing!

Only in you mind is BHO a "political moderate and fiscal Conservative." You are idiot.

Gov NJ (very blue state) goes to a Republican. NY 23rd went Dem for the first time ever in more than 150 years.

"The Ted Kennedy Seat in a state where dead voting Democrats outnumber registered Republicans 10-1 goes to a Republican."
While the state is Dem, it is not 10:1, and Scott Brown is a liberal Republican, who detests the Tea Party.

"Even Obama's Senate seat is now a Republican seat and in a state that perfected corrupt Democrat Party run elections." You have never lived in New Jersey or Louisiana, then, or Texas and Alabama for the Pubs. And Reid turned back what should have been an easy Dem win in Nevada, the state worst hurt in the nation by the recession. And you are ignoring the Senate and the Presidency are Dem.

"He passed his Stimulus to supposedly to keep unemployment under 8% and it's been pegged at 9.5+ for 2 years. Fail, Fail FAIL! And that's after Obama took over the banks, insurance companies, auto industry and health care system. Fail. FAIL FAIL!!" The stimulus obviously kept the economy from crashing, and the banks have paid back a balance, the auto industry is posting great numbers and also will return a profit to the tax payers, and the health insurance companies brought on their own doom.

"Liberalism has been exposed for the fraud it is and I'm glad Obama took Keynesian Economics down with him."

Crusader Frank is a liar, easily exposed and kicked in the ass. Out in the alley, CF, where you belong with the other rats.

Fool. Liar. Fraud. You got nothing as usual, just your little statement that you try to pass off as "facts"

Obamanomics has been proven a total failure and all you have in response in "NY-23" really? Republicans, supposedly your party inflicts one of the great one-sided defeats since the US crushed the Tet Offensive and you bring up that insignificant race?

It's a twofer: you expose yourself as a fake, fraud, phony, poseur, lying Progressive Obama Fluffer and an idiot to boot!

You're supposed to be a Republican Jake or did you forget?

Personally, I'm glad Reid won but not for the reason you are; this was not a victory for my Progressive HomeTeam. This was so Conservative get to once again run against the most anti-American POTUS and minority party ever seen!
The mockery is that you post as stupidly as Tea Party Samurai and US Army Retired: that is amazing!

Only in you mind is BHO a "political moderate and fiscal Conservative." You are idiot.

Gov NJ (very blue state) goes to a Republican. NY 23rd went Dem for the first time ever in more than 150 years.

"The Ted Kennedy Seat in a state where dead voting Democrats outnumber registered Republicans 10-1 goes to a Republican." While the state is Dem, it is not 10:1, and Scott Brown is a liberal Republican, who detests the Tea Party.

"Even Obama's Senate seat is now a Republican seat and in a state that perfected corrupt Democrat Party run elections." You have never lived in New Jersey or Louisiana, then, or Texas and Alabama for the Pubs. And Reid turned back what should have been an easy Dem win in Nevada, the state worst hurt in the nation by the recession. And you are ignoring the Senate and the Presidency are Dem.

"He passed his Stimulus to supposedly to keep unemployment under 8% and it's been pegged at 9.5+ for 2 years. Fail, Fail FAIL! And that's after Obama took over the banks, insurance companies, auto industry and health care system. Fail. FAIL FAIL!!" The stimulus obviously kept the economy from crashing, and the banks have paid back a balance, the auto industry is posting great numbers and also will return a profit to the tax payers, and the health insurance companies brought on their own doom.

"Liberalism has been exposed for the fraud it is and I'm glad Obama took Keynesian Economics down with him." How?

Crusader Frank is a liar, easily exposed and kicked in the ass. Out in the alley, CF, where you belong with the other rats.

Fool. Liar. Fraud. You got nothing as usual, just your little statement that you try to pass off as "facts"

Obamanomics has been proven a total failure and all you have in response in "NY-23" really? Republicans, supposedly your party inflicts one of the great one-sided defeats since the US crushed the Tet Offensive and you bring up that insignificant race?

It's a twofer: you expose yourself as a fake, fraud, phony, poseur, lying Progressive Obama Fluffer and an idiot to boot!

You're supposed to be a Republican Jake or did you forget?

Personally, I'm glad Reid won but not for the reason you are; this was not a victory for my Progressive HomeTeam. This was so Conservative get to once again run against the most anti-American POTUS and minority party ever seen!

Nothing other to add but a hearty laugh in the favour of CF.

Well done.

The Socialist Europeans are running from Liberalism. Voters in Blue states will reject Liberalism when given a credit Conservative candidate.

Liberalism is the biggest failure America has ever seen. In the past 2 years, we've spent 4 Reagan budgets trying to give us Liberal "Stimulus" and unemployment goes up, we have record levels of poverty.

Liberalism = Epic Fail.

Crusader Frank = Epic Lie

You better consider the states that remained liberal when presented with conservative candidates, and you presented no evidence for Europe. One or two examples does not a trend document.

The Republican and Democratic congresses since 2001 have gone on a drunken borrowing spree. You fail to show that the recent government efforts did not prevent a far worse economic situation.

From 1787 to the beginning of the Great Society programs, American poverty was higher than what it is now.

Frank, you are nuts if you think that responsible Republicans are not going to call BS on your nonsense, much less the Centrists and the Liberals.

Starkey always forgets.............this is a "Politics" forum, which is to say, what matters is how the American public is currently reading the tea leaves. And as we the present time, the Dums look to the American public like they dont know what the fcukk they are doing. The k00ks on the intanets will tell you different..............distract..........revise the history.........dabble in deceit ( see poverty quote above)............say whatever the fcukk................

Doesnt change the tea leaves though. The American public took two years to figure it out.........that the Dums have been hijacked by the far left. Their response? "FCUKK YOU!!!"

The irony? The American public never barganed for this shit.........they got bamboozled by the guy who sits in the White House who pawned himself off as a centrist. He'd have never been elected in a million years had he run on how he's governed. Only the k00ks on the far reaches of the this site..........think otherwise.

To a small minority of America that is true; yet Obama is more popular at this time in his presidency than either Clinton or Bush the Younger.

skookerasbil tries to revise history often, unsuccessfully.

The GOP has the House, and the Dems have the Senate and the Presidency. There is no massive landslide of public opinion as stated by skookerasbil.

Final comment is delusional by you, skookerasbil.

If the GOP is destructive enough to run Sarah, the man you hate will be president for a second term and health care reform will be a done deal forever.
The mockery is that you post as stupidly as Tea Party Samurai and US Army Retired: that is amazing!

Only in you mind is BHO a "political moderate and fiscal Conservative." You are idiot.

Gov NJ (very blue state) goes to a Republican. NY 23rd went Dem for the first time ever in more than 150 years.

"The Ted Kennedy Seat in a state where dead voting Democrats outnumber registered Republicans 10-1 goes to a Republican."
While the state is Dem, it is not 10:1, and Scott Brown is a liberal Republican, who detests the Tea Party.

"Even Obama's Senate seat is now a Republican seat and in a state that perfected corrupt Democrat Party run elections." You have never lived in New Jersey or Louisiana, then, or Texas and Alabama for the Pubs. And Reid turned back what should have been an easy Dem win in Nevada, the state worst hurt in the nation by the recession. And you are ignoring the Senate and the Presidency are Dem.

"He passed his Stimulus to supposedly to keep unemployment under 8% and it's been pegged at 9.5+ for 2 years. Fail, Fail FAIL! And that's after Obama took over the banks, insurance companies, auto industry and health care system. Fail. FAIL FAIL!!" The stimulus obviously kept the economy from crashing, and the banks have paid back a balance, the auto industry is posting great numbers and also will return a profit to the tax payers, and the health insurance companies brought on their own doom.

"Liberalism has been exposed for the fraud it is and I'm glad Obama took Keynesian Economics down with him."

Crusader Frank is a liar, easily exposed and kicked in the ass. Out in the alley, CF, where you belong with the other rats.

Fool. Liar. Fraud. You got nothing as usual, just your little statement that you try to pass off as "facts"

Obamanomics has been proven a total failure and all you have in response in "NY-23" really? Republicans, supposedly your party inflicts one of the great one-sided defeats since the US crushed the Tet Offensive and you bring up that insignificant race?

It's a twofer: you expose yourself as a fake, fraud, phony, poseur, lying Progressive Obama Fluffer and an idiot to boot!

You're supposed to be a Republican Jake or did you forget?

Personally, I'm glad Reid won but not for the reason you are; this was not a victory for my Progressive HomeTeam. This was so Conservative get to once again run against the most anti-American POTUS and minority party ever seen!

You, Frank, are the fool and liar who can't back up your silly rant.

Obamanomics has not been proven a total failure. The NY 23rd was but a single answer that undermined your "all or nothing" rant. The Dems kept the Senate (because of the Tea Party) and the president is moving to the center.

Your name calling in place of evidence and facts reveal what you are, Foolish Frank.

I am Republican, and I know that we can win with Romney but not Sarah. Are you a Republican, Frank, or a stupid ideologue who shoot himself in the penis where his brains are? (See I can do that, too, you maroon) :lol:

Your comment about Reid is dishonest, which is obvious to anyone who is thinking clearly.

Frank, do you want a GOP victory in 2012? DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE OBAMA!!! And do not run Sarah. This is not a repeat of Carter and Reagan; only a fool would think that.
blah blah, it's whatever you want to read into it. In one district, people were sick of the Economy and voted out whoever was in. In another district, a bunch of retards joined the Tea Party and thought they were Independant. People who vote generally dont know their head from their dick.
Yes but how you would applaud the wisdom of voters who choose liberal candidates, Yes?
Look genius, over 600 democrats were replaced by republicans on November 3, 2010.
BTW we control the senate. Without a super majority in the US Senate the dems are powerless. Your side has four you can kind of count on to switch. Those two RINOS from Maine, Lisa Merkowski( who falsely claims she will caucus with the GOP and Sen Brown (R-MA). That however leaves the dems short of a filibuster proof Senate.
BTW, why are Tea Party people "retards"? Is it because they are in opposition to the liberal agenda?
The mockery is that you post as stupidly as Tea Party Samurai and US Army Retired: that is amazing!

Only in you mind is BHO a "political moderate and fiscal Conservative." You are idiot.

Gov NJ (very blue state) goes to a Republican. NY 23rd went Dem for the first time ever in more than 150 years.

"The Ted Kennedy Seat in a state where dead voting Democrats outnumber registered Republicans 10-1 goes to a Republican."
While the state is Dem, it is not 10:1, and Scott Brown is a liberal Republican, who detests the Tea Party.

"Even Obama's Senate seat is now a Republican seat and in a state that perfected corrupt Democrat Party run elections." You have never lived in New Jersey or Louisiana, then, or Texas and Alabama for the Pubs. And Reid turned back what should have been an easy Dem win in Nevada, the state worst hurt in the nation by the recession. And you are ignoring the Senate and the Presidency are Dem.

"He passed his Stimulus to supposedly to keep unemployment under 8% and it's been pegged at 9.5+ for 2 years. Fail, Fail FAIL! And that's after Obama took over the banks, insurance companies, auto industry and health care system. Fail. FAIL FAIL!!" The stimulus obviously kept the economy from crashing, and the banks have paid back a balance, the auto industry is posting great numbers and also will return a profit to the tax payers, and the health insurance companies brought on their own doom.

"Liberalism has been exposed for the fraud it is and I'm glad Obama took Keynesian Economics down with him."

Crusader Frank is a liar, easily exposed and kicked in the ass. Out in the alley, CF, where you belong with the other rats.

Fool. Liar. Fraud. You got nothing as usual, just your little statement that you try to pass off as "facts"

Obamanomics has been proven a total failure and all you have in response in "NY-23" really? Republicans, supposedly your party inflicts one of the great one-sided defeats since the US crushed the Tet Offensive and you bring up that insignificant race?

It's a twofer: you expose yourself as a fake, fraud, phony, poseur, lying Progressive Obama Fluffer and an idiot to boot!

You're supposed to be a Republican Jake or did you forget?

Personally, I'm glad Reid won but not for the reason you are; this was not a victory for my Progressive HomeTeam. This was so Conservative get to once again run against the most anti-American POTUS and minority party ever seen!

You, Frank, are the fool and liar who can't back up your silly rant.

Obamanomics has not been proven a total failure. The NY 23rd was but a single answer that undermined your "all or nothing" rant. The Dems kept the Senate (because of the Tea Party) and the president is moving to the center.

Your name calling in place of evidence and facts reveal what you are, Foolish Frank.

I am Republican, and I know that we can win with Romney but not Sarah. Are you a Republican, Frank, or a stupid ideologue who shoot himself in the penis where his brains are? (See I can do that, too, you maroon) :lol:

Your comment about Reid is dishonest, which is obvious to anyone who is thinking clearly.

Frank, do you want a GOP victory in 2012? DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE OBAMA!!! And do not run Sarah. This is not a repeat of Carter and Reagan; only a fool would think that.

Obama is farther to the Left than the late Daniel Patrick Moynihan.
Obama has shown his liberal/socialist elitism time and again.
Anyone who pushes for socialized medicine, driving up energy costs and tries to revive the economy by interfering with the marketplace is in NO WAY a fiscal conservative.
Obama does not govern. He rules. As demonstrated by his insistence on using executive orders and bypassing Congress to get what he wants.
Just the other day Obama decided all on his own to ban oil exploration off the US East coast. This latest example of political fiat was to placate the enviro- lobby. With this move, Obama has all but guranteed himself the enviro-nazi vote.
Figure it out. It's a 7 year ban. Why? One presidential election cycle and a mid term. DUH!!!!

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