The End of Liberalism....

As long as there are paranoid Conservatives, there will always be Liberals to demonize

As long as there are unhinged Liberals, there will always be Conservatives to demonize

it's not the "liberals" on the board who are unhinged....

it's the rabid right and their fauxrage and selective memories.

let me rephrase that... it's not *most* of the liberals. we do have our crosses to bear, too, though.
The Socialist Europeans are running from Liberalism. Voters in Blue states will reject Liberalism when given a credible Conservative candidate.

Liberalism is the biggest failure America has ever seen. In the past 2 years, we've spent 4 Reagan budgets trying to give us Liberal "Stimulus" and unemployment goes up and we have record levels of poverty.

Liberalism = Epic Fail.

The stimulus was 40% tax cuts. And according to you, the stimulus failed. Which means tax cuts failed, which means...'s quite insane of you to think that the budget busting extension of the Bush tax cuts is a formula for stimulating the economy.

As opposed to the genius of raising taxes and therefore removing more money from the private sector during the Obama recession?

Yeah... there ya go.

So you don't disagree that the Obama tax cuts failed? As Frank claimed?
1. "…there has been a slow but steady decline of which liberals have been steadfastly oblivious. The heirs of the New Deal are down to around 20% of the electorate, according to recent Gallup polls. Conservatives account for 42% of the vote, and in the recent election the independents, the second most numerous group at 29% of the electorate, broke the conservatives' way. They were alarmed by the deficit.

2. Liberalism's decline might appear, at first glance, to have begun with the 1961 inauguration of President John F. Kennedy—when historians noted the first glimmerings of what was to become liberalism's distinctive trait, overreach. On the domestic side, the oratory set in motion President Lyndon Johnson's catastrophic War on Poverty.

a. JFK's stirring language represented a break with the Burkean understanding of President Dwight Eisenhower. Ike, whether he articulated it or not, wanted to put the Great Depression and the dangerous confrontations of the early Cold War period behind us. He wanted to return to normalcy.

3. Still, in tracing liberalism's decline, one cannot ignore an earlier event: the civil war that broke out in the aftermath of World War II. The conflict pitted what we might call the radicals led by Henry Wallace against the advocates of what Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. would call in his book, "The Vital Center," more practical liberals like Hubert Humphrey, Joseph L. Rauh and Walter Reuther. They were hard-headed and patriotic, and their desiderata were reasonable by comparison with the radicals' utopian ideas about the Soviet Union.

4. The practical liberals won in the late 1940s, but in 1972 civil war broke out anew. This time the radicals won. In the meantime, LBJ's Great Society caused even some liberals to warn against the "unintended consequences" of government programs. These were to be the first new recruits to modern conservatism. Jeane Kirkpatrick, Irving Kristol and, for a time, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, were in Kristol's words liberals "who were mugged by reality."

5. Conservatives have had Edmund Burke and the Founding Fathers as their cynosures. Sometimes they have provided discipline; sometimes conservatives have followed their own star. The problem for liberals is they have been denied a cynosure. Some had looked to the British Fabian Socialists and some to Karl Marx, but since the late 1940s liberals became coy about their intellectual mentors.

6. Conservatism has steadily spread through the country since its larval days in the 1950s, and the reason is that the vast majority of Americans favor free enterprise and personal liberty. Note the tea party movement. The Republicans just took the House of Representatives by over 60 seats and gained six seats in the Senate. The social democrat in the White House has been routed.

7. Over the past two years the Democrats showed their true colors. Faced with an entitlement crisis, they rang up trillion dollar deficits. We now face an entitlement crisis and a budget crisis—and liberals have no answer for it beyond tax and spend. They still have support in the media, but even here they are faced with opposition from Fox News, talk radio and the Internet.

a. As a political movement liberalism is dead. They do not have the numbers. They do not have the policies. They have 23 seats in the Senate to defend in 2012 (against the Republicans' 10) and Republican control of state houses and legislatures will give them even more seats in the future. Liberalism R.I.P. "

R. Emmett Tyrell Jr.: Liberalism—An Autopsy -
(emphasis mine)

IF you define liberalism as a set of beliefs about specific issues facing America?

Then I think you're probably right.

If on the other hand, you mean that the propensity that some people have toward Liberalism?

Then there's no more chance of that happening, then there is any chance that people with CONSERVATIVE leanings are all going to disappear.

Every generation faces social problems that at minimum they will address either from a liberal or a conservative POV.
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The Socialist Europeans are running from Liberalism. Voters in Blue states will reject Liberalism when given a credible Conservative candidate.

Liberalism is the biggest failure America has ever seen. In the past 2 years, we've spent 4 Reagan budgets trying to give us Liberal "Stimulus" and unemployment goes up and we have record levels of poverty.

Liberalism = Epic Fail.

The stimulus was 40% tax cuts. And according to you, the stimulus failed. Which means tax cuts failed, which means...'s quite insane of you to think that the budget busting extension of the Bush tax cuts is a formula for stimulating the economy.

As opposed to the genius of raising taxes and therefore removing more money from the private sector during the Obama recession?

Yeah... there ya go.

Do you admit that we can't balance the budget without putting tens of thousands of Americans out of work?
The stimulus was 40% tax cuts. And according to you, the stimulus failed. Which means tax cuts failed, which means...'s quite insane of you to think that the budget busting extension of the Bush tax cuts is a formula for stimulating the economy.

As opposed to the genius of raising taxes and therefore removing more money from the private sector during the Obama recession?

Yeah... there ya go.

Do you admit that we can't balance the budget without putting tens of thousands of Americans out of work?

I'll wager we could blance the budget if our MASTERS were willing to put millions of CHINESE workers out of work.

Of course that's not going to happen, since so many of our MASTERS are making money hand over fist thanks to having that ready supply of low wage workers on their payrolls.
Sorry there Jillian... Bush did not crash the economy any more than Obama did. There were a great many factors at play.. in a nutshell, the world at large had been on a spending binge like drunken sailors on shore-leave. The chickens came home to roost.

With all that said, many things were done after-the-fact that were just plain dumb. And doubling down on them time and again is not the answer.

Finally, sorry honey.. Obama owns this recession.

The economy, as far as the market and GDP, is not in a recession. Unemployment's what's bad right now.

you can try to pass off bush's failure onto obama, but it isn't going to work with anyone who is a thinking person.... no matter how many times the right repeats the same lies.

it's not just about the's about spending on two unnecessary wars while cutting taxes for the top 1%... bush was the only leader in recorded history to cut taxes during a time of war.

and not one of you has said you'd cut anything that was even slightly significant ... nor does anyone on the right say they''ll cut anything that doesn't screw people.

but you'll spend money so insane darryl issa can hold "one hearing a day". :cuckoo:

it was idiocy then and is idiocy to continue... and if the left had any cojones, they'd say so and tell y'all to take a flying leap.

Uhm, so you're saying that lower taxes for 1% of Americans and the Iraq & Afghanistan campaigns collapsed the world economy? Come back to Earth darling.
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1. "…there has been a slow but steady decline of which liberals have been steadfastly oblivious. The heirs of the New Deal are down to around 20% of the electorate, according to recent Gallup polls. Conservatives account for 42% of the vote, and in the recent election the independents, the second most numerous group at 29% of the electorate, broke the conservatives' way. They were alarmed by the deficit.

2. Liberalism's decline might appear, at first glance, to have begun with the 1961 inauguration of President John F. Kennedy—when historians noted the first glimmerings of what was to become liberalism's distinctive trait, overreach. On the domestic side, the oratory set in motion President Lyndon Johnson's catastrophic War on Poverty.

a. JFK's stirring language represented a break with the Burkean understanding of President Dwight Eisenhower. Ike, whether he articulated it or not, wanted to put the Great Depression and the dangerous confrontations of the early Cold War period behind us. He wanted to return to normalcy.

3. Still, in tracing liberalism's decline, one cannot ignore an earlier event: the civil war that broke out in the aftermath of World War II. The conflict pitted what we might call the radicals led by Henry Wallace against the advocates of what Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. would call in his book, "The Vital Center," more practical liberals like Hubert Humphrey, Joseph L. Rauh and Walter Reuther. They were hard-headed and patriotic, and their desiderata were reasonable by comparison with the radicals' utopian ideas about the Soviet Union.

4. The practical liberals won in the late 1940s, but in 1972 civil war broke out anew. This time the radicals won. In the meantime, LBJ's Great Society caused even some liberals to warn against the "unintended consequences" of government programs. These were to be the first new recruits to modern conservatism. Jeane Kirkpatrick, Irving Kristol and, for a time, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, were in Kristol's words liberals "who were mugged by reality."

5. Conservatives have had Edmund Burke and the Founding Fathers as their cynosures. Sometimes they have provided discipline; sometimes conservatives have followed their own star. The problem for liberals is they have been denied a cynosure. Some had looked to the British Fabian Socialists and some to Karl Marx, but since the late 1940s liberals became coy about their intellectual mentors.

6. Conservatism has steadily spread through the country since its larval days in the 1950s, and the reason is that the vast majority of Americans favor free enterprise and personal liberty. Note the tea party movement. The Republicans just took the House of Representatives by over 60 seats and gained six seats in the Senate. The social democrat in the White House has been routed.

7. Over the past two years the Democrats showed their true colors. Faced with an entitlement crisis, they rang up trillion dollar deficits. We now face an entitlement crisis and a budget crisis—and liberals have no answer for it beyond tax and spend. They still have support in the media, but even here they are faced with opposition from Fox News, talk radio and the Internet.

a. As a political movement liberalism is dead. They do not have the numbers. They do not have the policies. They have 23 seats in the Senate to defend in 2012 (against the Republicans' 10) and Republican control of state houses and legislatures will give them even more seats in the future. Liberalism R.I.P. "

R. Emmett Tyrell Jr.: Liberalism—An Autopsy -
(emphasis mine)

gays are out and about everywhere!

they even have their own shows on tv

they are in the military, in business, in politics

they have spousal benefits all over the country and in some places they are allowed to marry....


women and blacks are on a more equal footing with white men in just about every arena in America; business, politics, religion, the military...


blacks and whites marry and nobody cares anymore

everyone has sex outside of marriage

lots of successful women have children sans husbands BY CHOICE

divorce is EASY to get

millions of couples live together without bothering to marry

most people are waiting LONGER before getting married

people are re-thinking outrageous and draconian pot laws


these are ALL issues that riled conservatives 10-20 years ago...

cons have become SO LIBERAL that they don't care about most of those issues

the measure of how liberal or conservative a nation is is best judged by how people actually live...

and MOST people are a lot more LIBERAL in their social beliefs today than they were 20-30 years ago

Perhaps the old definitions of labels are what is in question.
The Socialist Europeans are running from Liberalism. Voters in Blue states will reject Liberalism when given a credible Conservative candidate.

Liberalism is the biggest failure America has ever seen. In the past 2 years, we've spent 4 Reagan budgets trying to give us Liberal "Stimulus" and unemployment goes up and we have record levels of poverty.

Liberalism = Epic Fail.

The stimulus was 40% tax cuts. And according to you, the stimulus failed. Which means tax cuts failed, which means...'s quite insane of you to think that the budget busting extension of the Bush tax cuts is a formula for stimulating the economy.

Once again you libs ignore the more important part of the balance sheet. read lack of government fiscal responsibility.
Look, genius, we all know you people on the left want your coveted entitlements to be unaffected. So you conveniently dismiss any discussion of spending reductions.
Budget busting occurs when the federal government spends more than it collects.
Because government is the culprit, it should strive to be more efficient and operate with good stewardship of the people's money.
I will dismiss the 40% tax cut claim as an invective.
blah blah, it's whatever you want to read into it. In one district, people were sick of the Economy and voted out whoever was in. In another district, a bunch of retards joined the Tea Party and thought they were Independant. People who vote generally dont know their head from their dick.

Clueless as usual. Or perhaps just plain ole dumb?

Opinions are like assholes, blah blah.
who's the prostitute?
blah blah, it's whatever you want to read into it. In one district, people were sick of the Economy and voted out whoever was in. In another district, a bunch of retards joined the Tea Party and thought they were Independant. People who vote generally dont know their head from their dick.
Yes but how you would applaud the wisdom of voters who choose liberal candidates, Yes?
Look genius, over 600 democrats were replaced by republicans on November 3, 2010.
BTW we control the senate. Without a super majority in the US Senate the dems are powerless. Your side has four you can kind of count on to switch. Those two RINOS from Maine, Lisa Merkowski( who falsely claims she will caucus with the GOP and Sen Brown (R-MA). That however leaves the dems short of a filibuster proof Senate.
BTW, why are Tea Party people "retards"? Is it because they are in opposition to the liberal agenda?

No, no I wouldn't. I applaud anyone who voted after studying their Candidates, not just simply "my party, pull lever!~"

Cite your 600 source. I'd like to look at all of the Stats, because you're clearly including local elections and so I'd like to see a total picture.

I call the tea party retards because it is so clearly Conservatives, under a different guise, that any "independants" thinking they were hopping onto something "new" are mistaking.

Republicans Win House Majority, Make Senate Gains in Wave Election -

America's Election HQ Midterm 2010 Map -
Yes that includes state races as well.
For example. North Carolina is now GOP in both the state senate and state house for the first time in 100 years.
Even New Jersey added GOP seats in their state assembly.
The number of state governors tipped in favor of the GOP.

"I call the tea party retards because it is so clearly Conservatives, under a different guise, that any "independants" thinking they were hopping onto something "new" are mistaking."
What does this mean? Or is it your version of duck and cover?
You don't have to explain. Most liberals by design must include derogatory descriptions when mentioning conservatives. It's in the liberal playbook.
The stimulus was 40% tax cuts. And according to you, the stimulus failed. Which means tax cuts failed, which means...'s quite insane of you to think that the budget busting extension of the Bush tax cuts is a formula for stimulating the economy.

As opposed to the genius of raising taxes and therefore removing more money from the private sector during the Obama recession?

Yeah... there ya go.

the obama recession?

is there any lie you nutters won't tell? your guy bush crashed the economy and now you imbeciles want to do the same things that failed all over again. :cuckoo:

as for the death of "liberalism"... i always marvel at the ability of the delusional right to forget reality... you lost in 2006 and 2008... got your butts kicked nicely. you also lost the senate this time around which really you should have been able to take given the cyclical nature of the electorate.

but y'all were too stupid to do that and picked lunatics to run for your party. even the tweeting twit's handpicked guy in AK got his butt handed to him.

So what on earth are you babbling about? idiots get a partial win and run around screaming about how the opposition is "dead".

freaks and loons you are... freaks and loons.

Umm, the blame Bush card is worn out. It is no longer acceptable to blame Bush for what the democrats have controlled for 4 years plus.
It's your side's watch.
Before the end of this year, your side has the bully pulpit.
The dems could have done anything they wanted. Congress was unable to accomplish many points of their agenda. Why is this? Easy. The democrats wanted the GOP on board to gain access to political cover.
If the GOP went along with the democrats, the democrats had a scapegoat should their agenda fail( which it is). And that failure is why your side continues to use the worn out "blame Bush card"....Stop it.
You people are just going to have to accept responsibility for those you put in office.
The Socialist Europeans are running from Liberalism. Voters in Blue states will reject Liberalism when given a credible Conservative candidate.

Liberalism is the biggest failure America has ever seen. In the past 2 years, we've spent 4 Reagan budgets trying to give us Liberal "Stimulus" and unemployment goes up and we have record levels of poverty.

Liberalism = Epic Fail.

BAM! Case Closed. :clap2::clap2:
The stimulus was 40% tax cuts. And according to you, the stimulus failed. Which means tax cuts failed, which means...'s quite insane of you to think that the budget busting extension of the Bush tax cuts is a formula for stimulating the economy.

As opposed to the genius of raising taxes and therefore removing more money from the private sector during the Obama recession?

Yeah... there ya go.

Do you admit that we can't balance the budget without putting tens of thousands of Americans out of work?

That question makes no sense.
The government is not the source of private sector jobs.
The federal government through policy and over- regulation can suppress activity in the private sector but it is not the job of government to create private sector jobs.
The government needs to stay out of the way of private enterprise. That is not to say government should eliminate all regulation.
And it is certainly NOT the government's province to continue to hire thousands of people for non-essential positions.
Yes but how you would applaud the wisdom of voters who choose liberal candidates, Yes?
Look genius, over 600 democrats were replaced by republicans on November 3, 2010.
BTW we control the senate. Without a super majority in the US Senate the dems are powerless. Your side has four you can kind of count on to switch. Those two RINOS from Maine, Lisa Merkowski( who falsely claims she will caucus with the GOP and Sen Brown (R-MA). That however leaves the dems short of a filibuster proof Senate.
BTW, why are Tea Party people "retards"? Is it because they are in opposition to the liberal agenda?

No, no I wouldn't. I applaud anyone who voted after studying their Candidates, not just simply "my party, pull lever!~"

Cite your 600 source. I'd like to look at all of the Stats, because you're clearly including local elections and so I'd like to see a total picture.

I call the tea party retards because it is so clearly Conservatives, under a different guise, that any "independants" thinking they were hopping onto something "new" are mistaking.

Republicans Win House Majority, Make Senate Gains in Wave Election -

America's Election HQ Midterm 2010 Map -
Yes that includes state races as well.
For example. North Carolina is now GOP in both the state senate and state house for the first time in 100 years.
Even New Jersey added GOP seats in their state assembly.
The number of state governors tipped in favor of the GOP.

"I call the tea party retards because it is so clearly Conservatives, under a different guise, that any "independants" thinking they were hopping onto something "new" are mistaking."
What does this mean? Or is it your version of duck and cover?
You don't have to explain. Most liberals by design must include derogatory descriptions when mentioning conservatives. It's in the liberal playbook.

It means what it says, verbatim.

eta: dont see where you got the 600.
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The Socialist Europeans are running from Liberalism. Voters in Blue states will reject Liberalism when given a credible Conservative candidate.

Liberalism is the biggest failure America has ever seen. In the past 2 years, we've spent 4 Reagan budgets trying to give us Liberal "Stimulus" and unemployment goes up and we have record levels of poverty.

Liberalism = Epic Fail.

The stimulus was 40% tax cuts. And according to you, the stimulus failed. Which means tax cuts failed, which means...'s quite insane of you to think that the budget busting extension of the Bush tax cuts is a formula for stimulating the economy.

No, my little pointy-headed friend, it means Obamanomics and his "I will pick the tax cut winners" Soviet Style centrally planned economy has failed. Targeting $200B of tax cuts in a $12 Trillion economy is laughable

Calling the Stimulus a "Tax cut" is like calling his proposed temporary freeze on federal wages a "Cut" Technically may be true, but totally ineffectual and again EPIC FAIL.
The Socialist Europeans are running from Liberalism. Voters in Blue states will reject Liberalism when given a credible Conservative candidate.

Liberalism is the biggest failure America has ever seen. In the past 2 years, we've spent 4 Reagan budgets trying to give us Liberal "Stimulus" and unemployment goes up and we have record levels of poverty.

Liberalism = Epic Fail.

BAM! Case Closed. :clap2::clap2:

Read on, I cut Frank off at the knees with his posted stupidity. And Frank cut and run: very wise.
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Crusader Frank = Epic Lie

You better consider the states that remained liberal when presented with conservative candidates, and you presented no evidence for Europe. One or two examples does not a trend document.

The Republican and Democratic congresses since 2001 have gone on a drunken borrowing spree. You fail to show that the recent government efforts did not prevent a far worse economic situation.

From 1787 to the beginning of the Great Society programs, American poverty was higher than what it is now.

Frank, you are nuts if you think that responsible Republicans are not going to call BS on your nonsense, much less the Centrists and the Liberals.

The mockery that is Jake continues to publicly self flagellate

Let's examine what's happened since people woke from the "But Obama's a political moderate and fiscal Conservative" stupor.

Gov NJ (very blue state) goes to a Republican

The Ted Kennedy Seat in a state where dead voting Democrats outnumber registered Republicans 10-1 goes to a Republican

Even Obama's Senate seat is now a Republican seat and in a state that perfected corrupt Democrat Party run elections.

He passed his Stimulus to supposedly to keep unemployment under 8% and it's been pegged at 9.5+ for 2 years. Fail, Fail FAIL! And that's after Obama took over the banks, insurance companies, auto industry and health care system. Fail. FAIL FAIL!!

Liberalism has been exposed for the fraud it is and I'm glad Obama took Keynesian Economics down with him

Liberalism is the biggest failure America has ever seen. In the past 2 years, we've spent 4 Reagan budgets trying to give us Liberal "Stimulus" and unemployment goes up, we have record levels of poverty

We don't have record levels of poverty. (or unemployment for that matter). And, the Economy is alright, it's not strong but it's not a recession either. We're showing growth.
One thing should be remembered, but isn't.
The Great Recession lasted 10 years.
With our previous recession that started in March 2001, it tool five years for the unemployment numbers to get back where they were prior to the recession. And that's after the Bushies tried a stimulus, income tax cuts and capital gains/dividends tax cuts.
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The Socialist Europeans are running from Liberalism. Voters in Blue states will reject Liberalism when given a credible Conservative candidate.

Liberalism is the biggest failure America has ever seen. In the past 2 years, we've spent 4 Reagan budgets trying to give us Liberal "Stimulus" and unemployment goes up and we have record levels of poverty.

Liberalism = Epic Fail.

The stimulus was 40% tax cuts. And according to you, the stimulus failed. Which means tax cuts failed, which means...'s quite insane of you to think that the budget busting extension of the Bush tax cuts is a formula for stimulating the economy.

No, my little pointy-headed friend, it means Obamanomics and his "I will pick the tax cut winners" Soviet Style centrally planned economy has failed. Targeting $200B of tax cuts in a $12 Trillion economy is laughable

Calling the Stimulus a "Tax cut" is like calling his proposed temporary freeze on federal wages a "Cut" Technically may be true, but totally ineffectual and again EPIC FAIL.

So I guess Bush was full of shit too when he target his child tax credit expansion only at people with children.
The Socialist Europeans are running from Liberalism. Voters in Blue states will reject Liberalism when given a credible Conservative candidate.

Liberalism is the biggest failure America has ever seen. In the past 2 years, we've spent 4 Reagan budgets trying to give us Liberal "Stimulus" and unemployment goes up and we have record levels of poverty.

Liberalism = Epic Fail.

The stimulus was 40% tax cuts. And according to you, the stimulus failed. Which means tax cuts failed, which means...'s quite insane of you to think that the budget busting extension of the Bush tax cuts is a formula for stimulating the economy.

No, my little pointy-headed friend, it means Obamanomics and his "I will pick the tax cut winners" Soviet Style centrally planned economy has failed. Targeting $200B of tax cuts in a $12 Trillion economy is laughable

Calling the Stimulus a "Tax cut" is like calling his proposed temporary freeze on federal wages a "Cut" Technically may be true, but totally ineffectual and again EPIC FAIL.

A tax cut on money over 250,000 of taxable income is a targeted tax cut.

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