The End of Liberalism....

As opposed to the genius of raising taxes and therefore removing more money from the private sector during the Obama recession?

Yeah... there ya go.

Do you admit that we can't balance the budget without putting tens of thousands of Americans out of work?

That question makes no sense.
The government is not the source of private sector jobs.
The federal government through policy and over- regulation can suppress activity in the private sector but it is not the job of government to create private sector jobs.
The government needs to stay out of the way of private enterprise. That is not to say government should eliminate all regulation.
And it is certainly NOT the government's province to continue to hire thousands of people for non-essential positions.

The government is not the source of private sector jobs? Then what would you call the source of private sector jobs that are filling government contracts?

What was/is the source of the private sector jobs at Lockheed Martin when they build F-22's?

Feel free not to answer.
The Socialist Europeans are running from Liberalism. Voters in Blue states will reject Liberalism when given a credible Conservative candidate.

Liberalism is the biggest failure America has ever seen. In the past 2 years, we've spent 4 Reagan budgets trying to give us Liberal "Stimulus" and unemployment goes up and we have record levels of poverty.

Liberalism = Epic Fail.

The stimulus was 40% tax cuts. And according to you, the stimulus failed. Which means tax cuts failed, which means...'s quite insane of you to think that the budget busting extension of the Bush tax cuts is a formula for stimulating the economy.

Once again you libs ignore the more important part of the balance sheet. read lack of government fiscal responsibility.
Look, genius, we all know you people on the left want your coveted entitlements to be unaffected. So you conveniently dismiss any discussion of spending reductions.
Budget busting occurs when the federal government spends more than it collects.
Because government is the culprit, it should strive to be more efficient and operate with good stewardship of the people's money.
I will dismiss the 40% tax cut claim as an invective.

I am for across the board spending cuts which include everything, including the military.
The Socialist Europeans are running from Liberalism. Voters in Blue states will reject Liberalism when given a credible Conservative candidate.

Liberalism is the biggest failure America has ever seen. In the past 2 years, we've spent 4 Reagan budgets trying to give us Liberal "Stimulus" and unemployment goes up and we have record levels of poverty.

Liberalism = Epic Fail.

The stimulus was 40% tax cuts. And according to you, the stimulus failed. Which means tax cuts failed, which means...'s quite insane of you to think that the budget busting extension of the Bush tax cuts is a formula for stimulating the economy.

Once again you libs ignore the more important part of the balance sheet. read lack of government fiscal responsibility.
Look, genius, we all know you people on the left want your coveted entitlements to be unaffected. So you conveniently dismiss any discussion of spending reductions.
Budget busting occurs when the federal government spends more than it collects.Because government is the culprit, it should strive to be more efficient and operate with good stewardship of the people's money.
I will dismiss the 40% tax cut claim as an invective.

Yes, and we've been spending more AND cutting taxes for a decade. And the right wants to cut taxes more. That means collecting less.

Make people pay for the government they get, when they get it. That is the only chance you have of ever getting the people to accept less government.

Few people turn down the GOP's free lunch.
The far right needs to man and woman up. If we are going with permanent tax cuts, then spending has to be across the board, significants cuts in defense with means testing and an increased retirement age for social security. Responsible Republicans support social security, let's get that right. Responsible Republicans, not for a second, intend to ever let the wack reactionaries get to privatize those accounts. That is never going to happen. Any yo you tries to even suggest that, consider that Bush lost traction after re-election with his silly ass comments about social security and privitazation.
The Socialist Europeans are running from Liberalism. Voters in Blue states will reject Liberalism when given a credible Conservative candidate.

Liberalism is the biggest failure America has ever seen. In the past 2 years, we've spent 4 Reagan budgets trying to give us Liberal "Stimulus" and unemployment goes up and we have record levels of poverty.

Liberalism = Epic Fail.

Man,this debate has already been settled. Those still hanging around arguing with this quote are just Hopey Changey sycophants living in denial. Case really is Closed.
The far right needs to man and woman up. If we are going with permanent tax cuts, then spending has to be across the board, significants cuts in defense with means testing and an increased retirement age for social security. Responsible Republicans support social security, let's get that right. Responsible Republicans, not for a second, intend to ever let the wack reactionaries get to privatize those accounts. That is never going to happen. Any yo you tries to even suggest that, consider that Bush lost traction after re-election with his silly ass comments about social security and privitazation.

Yes.....God forbid the burgeoning federal government trust me with my own $...............:cuckoo:
The Socialist Europeans are running from Liberalism. Voters in Blue states will reject Liberalism when given a credible Conservative candidate.

Liberalism is the biggest failure America has ever seen. In the past 2 years, we've spent 4 Reagan budgets trying to give us Liberal "Stimulus" and unemployment goes up and we have record levels of poverty.

Liberalism = Epic Fail.

BAM! Case Closed. :clap2::clap2:

Read on, I cut Frank off at the knees with his posted stupidity. And Frank cut and run: very wise.

You're absolutely fucking demented.

Progressivism works great, just as long as you never figure out what anything costs
The stimulus was 40% tax cuts. And according to you, the stimulus failed. Which means tax cuts failed, which means...'s quite insane of you to think that the budget busting extension of the Bush tax cuts is a formula for stimulating the economy.

As opposed to the genius of raising taxes and therefore removing more money from the private sector during the Obama recession?

Yeah... there ya go.

Do you admit that we can't balance the budget without putting tens of thousands of Americans out of work?

Obama unemployes 10,000 Americans every other day!
The mockery is that you post as stupidly as Tea Party Samurai and US Army Retired: that is amazing!

Only in you mind is BHO a "political moderate and fiscal Conservative." You are idiot.

Gov NJ (very blue state) goes to a Republican. NY 23rd went Dem for the first time ever in more than 150 years.

"The Ted Kennedy Seat in a state where dead voting Democrats outnumber registered Republicans 10-1 goes to a Republican."
While the state is Dem, it is not 10:1, and Scott Brown is a liberal Republican, who detests the Tea Party.

"Even Obama's Senate seat is now a Republican seat and in a state that perfected corrupt Democrat Party run elections." You have never lived in New Jersey or Louisiana, then, or Texas and Alabama for the Pubs. And Reid turned back what should have been an easy Dem win in Nevada, the state worst hurt in the nation by the recession. And you are ignoring the Senate and the Presidency are Dem.

"He passed his Stimulus to supposedly to keep unemployment under 8% and it's been pegged at 9.5+ for 2 years. Fail, Fail FAIL! And that's after Obama took over the banks, insurance companies, auto industry and health care system. Fail. FAIL FAIL!!" The stimulus obviously kept the economy from crashing, and the banks have paid back a balance, the auto industry is posting great numbers and also will return a profit to the tax payers, and the health insurance companies brought on their own doom.

"Liberalism has been exposed for the fraud it is and I'm glad Obama took Keynesian Economics down with him."

Crusader Frank is a liar, easily exposed and kicked in the ass. Out in the alley, CF, where you belong with the other rats.

Fool. Liar. Fraud. You got nothing as usual, just your little statement that you try to pass off as "facts"

Obamanomics has been proven a total failure and all you have in response in "NY-23" really? Republicans, supposedly your party inflicts one of the great one-sided defeats since the US crushed the Tet Offensive and you bring up that insignificant race?

It's a twofer: you expose yourself as a fake, fraud, phony, poseur, lying Progressive Obama Fluffer and an idiot to boot!

You're supposed to be a Republican Jake or did you forget?

Personally, I'm glad Reid won but not for the reason you are; this was not a victory for my Progressive HomeTeam. This was so Conservative get to once again run against the most anti-American POTUS and minority party ever seen!

You, Frank, are the fool and liar who can't back up your silly rant.

Obamanomics has not been proven a total failure. The NY 23rd was but a single answer that undermined your "all or nothing" rant. The Dems kept the Senate (because of the Tea Party) and the president is moving to the center.

Your name calling in place of evidence and facts reveal what you are, Foolish Frank.

I am Republican, and I know that we can win with Romney but not Sarah. Are you a Republican, Frank, or a stupid ideologue who shoot himself in the penis where his brains are? (See I can do that, too, you maroon) :lol:

Your comment about Reid is dishonest, which is obvious to anyone who is thinking clearly.

Frank, do you want a GOP victory in 2012? DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE OBAMA!!! And do not run Sarah. This is not a repeat of Carter and Reagan; only a fool would think that.

Where is unemployment today, Jake? Where? Let's deal with real numbers. Obamanomics was supposed to keep unemployment under 8%, where is it today, 2 years later?

Also, Soros just gave Obama his pink slip, he's a one-termer. Just deal with it
Fool. Liar. Fraud. You got nothing as usual, just your little statement that you try to pass off as "facts"

Obamanomics has been proven a total failure and all you have in response in "NY-23" really? Republicans, supposedly your party inflicts one of the great one-sided defeats since the US crushed the Tet Offensive and you bring up that insignificant race?

It's a twofer: you expose yourself as a fake, fraud, phony, poseur, lying Progressive Obama Fluffer and an idiot to boot!

You're supposed to be a Republican Jake or did you forget?

Personally, I'm glad Reid won but not for the reason you are; this was not a victory for my Progressive HomeTeam. This was so Conservative get to once again run against the most anti-American POTUS and minority party ever seen!

You, Frank, are the fool and liar who can't back up your silly rant.

Obamanomics has not been proven a total failure. The NY 23rd was but a single answer that undermined your "all or nothing" rant. The Dems kept the Senate (because of the Tea Party) and the president is moving to the center.

Your name calling in place of evidence and facts reveal what you are, Foolish Frank.

I am Republican, and I know that we can win with Romney but not Sarah. Are you a Republican, Frank, or a stupid ideologue who shoot himself in the penis where his brains are? (See I can do that, too, you maroon) :lol:

Your comment about Reid is dishonest, which is obvious to anyone who is thinking clearly.

Frank, do you want a GOP victory in 2012? DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE OBAMA!!! And do not run Sarah. This is not a repeat of Carter and Reagan; only a fool would think that.

Where is unemployment today, Jake? Where? Let's deal with real numbers. Obamanomics was supposed to keep unemployment under 8%, where is it today, 2 years later?

Also, Soros just gave Obama his pink slip, he's a one-termer. Just deal with it

I guess I have to bring up historical facts again.
The unemployment rate in mid-2001 was at 4.5%. The US offically went into the recession in March of 2001. The unemployment rate never hit 4.5 until mid-2006, Now everyone knows that the of 2001 was very small in comparision with the recession that started in December 2007. The Bushies tried a stimulus and the acrss-the-board tax cuts including reductions in the capital gains/diividend tax. Yet it took 5 years to get the unemployment rate back to where is was in 2001. And then a year and half later the US went into the second biggest downturn in it's history. Now that's a pathetic record to be proud of. The cost of the economic boosting tax custs? $1.6 trillion.
Economic historians have pointed out that in recent decades, the recessions take longer to recover and there has been a trend of what is called a jobless recovery.
Now I just wanted to point this out because we are in what has been called a recession recovery repetitive pattern.
Regarding Obama as a one-termer, I could eassily live with that.
But based on the GOP's own record during the previous recession, they aren't any better or worse.
You, Frank, are the fool and liar who can't back up your silly rant.

Obamanomics has not been proven a total failure. The NY 23rd was but a single answer that undermined your "all or nothing" rant. The Dems kept the Senate (because of the Tea Party) and the president is moving to the center.

Your name calling in place of evidence and facts reveal what you are, Foolish Frank.

I am Republican, and I know that we can win with Romney but not Sarah. Are you a Republican, Frank, or a stupid ideologue who shoot himself in the penis where his brains are? (See I can do that, too, you maroon) :lol:

Your comment about Reid is dishonest, which is obvious to anyone who is thinking clearly.

Frank, do you want a GOP victory in 2012? DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE OBAMA!!! And do not run Sarah. This is not a repeat of Carter and Reagan; only a fool would think that.

Where is unemployment today, Jake? Where? Let's deal with real numbers. Obamanomics was supposed to keep unemployment under 8%, where is it today, 2 years later?

Also, Soros just gave Obama his pink slip, he's a one-termer. Just deal with it

I guess I have to bring up historical facts again.
The unemployment rate in mid-2001 was at 4.5%. The US offically went into the recession in March of 2001. The unemployment rate never hit 4.5 until mid-2006, Now everyone knows that the of 2001 was very small in comparision with the recession that started in December 2007. The Bushies tried a stimulus and the acrss-the-board tax cuts including reductions in the capital gains/diividend tax. Yet it took 5 years to get the unemployment rate back to where is was in 2001. And then a year and half later the US went into the second biggest downturn in it's history. Now that's a pathetic record to be proud of. The cost of the economic boosting tax custs? $1.6 trillion.
Economic historians have pointed out that in recent decades, the recessions take longer to recover and there has been a trend of what is called a jobless recovery.
Now I just wanted to point this out because we are in what has been called a recession recovery repetitive pattern.
Regarding Obama as a one-termer, I could eassily live with that.
But based on the GOP's own record during the previous recession, they aren't any better or worse.

Have to disagree. Bush handled his inherited Recession plus 911 much better than this current President has handled his inherited Recession. Bush was up against quite a bit inheriting Clinton's Recession plus 911,yet he handled things pretty well. In fact most who are now defending this Current President,used to bitch 24/7 about being in a "Depression" with Bush's 4% Unemployment. These Democrats have absolutely no credibility on Economic issues in my opinion. That's just my take anyway.
Lib misinterprets the facts deliberately. He twists to the facts to fit his failed philosophy. BHO is going to make the far right look stupid again yet, watch. They keep underestimating him. Run somebody sensible like Romney, and the GOP has a real chance in 2012. He anybody to Romney's far right will be merely targets for the Dem skeet shooters.
Lib misinterprets the facts deliberately. He twists to the facts to fit his failed philosophy. BHO is going to make the far right look stupid again yet, watch. They keep underestimating him. Run somebody sensible like Romney, and the GOP has a real chance in 2012. He anybody to Romney's far right will be merely targets for the Dem skeet shooters.

Can't see what i have misinterpreted. Bush did handle his inherited Recession plus 911 much better than this current President has handled his inherited Recession. My God,you guys went completely insane claiming we were in a "Depression" with his 4% Unemployment Rate. What are you guys saying today about your guy's disastrous 10% Unemployment Rate? Doesn't sound like you guys are claiming we're in a "Depression" now right? Unfortunately we're actually much closer to that now than we were when Bush was in there. This is just fact. You may not like these facts but they're still facts.
Lib misinterprets the facts deliberately. He twists to the facts to fit his failed philosophy. BHO is going to make the far right look stupid again yet, watch. They keep underestimating him. Run somebody sensible like Romney, and the GOP has a real chance in 2012. Run anybody to Romney's far right will be merely targets for the Dem skeet shooters.

Can't see what i have misinterpreted. Bush did handle his inherited Recession plus 911 much better than this current President has handled his inherited Recession. My God,you guys went completely insane claiming we were in a "Depression" with his 4% Unemployment Rate. What are you guys saying today about your guy's disastrous 10% Unemployment Rate? Doesn't sound like you guys are claiming we're in a "Depression" now right? Unfortunately we're actually much closer to that now than we were when Bush was in there. This is just fact. You may not like these facts but they're still facts.

The fact simply is that you hate BHO. He is your guy, too, sweetie, whether you voted for him. You can't prove the rate would not be twice what it is now if the TARP and the stimulus bills were not enacted. So you disagree with Bush, Obama, most mainstream economists, and you are . . . who?

The facts don't support you.
Lib misinterprets the facts deliberately. He twists to the facts to fit his failed philosophy. BHO is going to make the far right look stupid again yet, watch. They keep underestimating him. Run somebody sensible like Romney, and the GOP has a real chance in 2012. He anybody to Romney's far right will be merely targets for the Dem skeet shooters.

Can't see what i have misinterpreted. Bush did handle his inherited Recession plus 911 much better than this current President has handled his inherited Recession. My God,you guys went completely insane claiming we were in a "Depression" with his 4% Unemployment Rate. What are you guys saying today about your guy's disastrous 10% Unemployment Rate? Doesn't sound like you guys are claiming we're in a "Depression" now right? Unfortunately we're actually much closer to that now than we were when Bush was in there. This is just fact. You may not like these facts but they're still facts.
The Obama admin has tried to spin the unemployment rate and their inability to do anything about it. They have rolled out the term "new normal" in relation to the unemployment rate.
That is how Obama and his people have decided to handle this.
Both Clinton and Bush were smart about the economy. Clinton tried to manipulate the economy during his first term. During his second term he wisely took the advice of those he hired to advise on such things and allowed the economy to fix itself. It did and we prospered. Bush took a sputtering economy and revived it by lowering our tax burden. The economy took off and we were prospered.
As with anything else, the economy is cyclical. It was inevitable the economy would slow.
That's normal.
The problem with it this time is we have a president that does not have very good economic advisors. Our president also views our economic system as "unfair".
Our President is a socialist. He all but admitted that.
Lib misinterprets the facts deliberately. He twists to the facts to fit his failed philosophy. BHO is going to make the far right look stupid again yet, watch. They keep underestimating him. Run somebody sensible like Romney, and the GOP has a real chance in 2012. Run anybody to Romney's far right will be merely targets for the Dem skeet shooters.

Can't see what i have misinterpreted. Bush did handle his inherited Recession plus 911 much better than this current President has handled his inherited Recession. My God,you guys went completely insane claiming we were in a "Depression" with his 4% Unemployment Rate. What are you guys saying today about your guy's disastrous 10% Unemployment Rate? Doesn't sound like you guys are claiming we're in a "Depression" now right? Unfortunately we're actually much closer to that now than we were when Bush was in there. This is just fact. You may not like these facts but they're still facts.

The fact simply is that you hate BHO. He is your guy, too, sweetie, whether you voted for him. You can't prove the rate would not be twice what it is now if the TARP and the stimulus bills were not enacted. So you disagree with Bush, Obama, most mainstream economists, and you are . . . who?

The facts don't support you.

oh yes. Go right ahead and get stuck in the leghold trap.
You have nothing in substantive rebuttal. So the answer is we just "hate" Obama..
Yeah, that must be it.
Were you paying attention in class four weeks ago? The country sent Obama a huge rebuke.
That is only the beginning.
Where is unemployment today, Jake? Where? Let's deal with real numbers. Obamanomics was supposed to keep unemployment under 8%, where is it today, 2 years later?

Also, Soros just gave Obama his pink slip, he's a one-termer. Just deal with it

I guess I have to bring up historical facts again.
The unemployment rate in mid-2001 was at 4.5%. The US offically went into the recession in March of 2001. The unemployment rate never hit 4.5 until mid-2006, Now everyone knows that the of 2001 was very small in comparision with the recession that started in December 2007. The Bushies tried a stimulus and the acrss-the-board tax cuts including reductions in the capital gains/diividend tax. Yet it took 5 years to get the unemployment rate back to where is was in 2001. And then a year and half later the US went into the second biggest downturn in it's history. Now that's a pathetic record to be proud of. The cost of the economic boosting tax custs? $1.6 trillion.
Economic historians have pointed out that in recent decades, the recessions take longer to recover and there has been a trend of what is called a jobless recovery.
Now I just wanted to point this out because we are in what has been called a recession recovery repetitive pattern.
Regarding Obama as a one-termer, I could eassily live with that.
But based on the GOP's own record during the previous recession, they aren't any better or worse.

Have to disagree. Bush handled his inherited Recession plus 911 much better than this current President has handled his inherited Recession. Bush was up against quite a bit inheriting Clinton's Recession plus 911,yet he handled things pretty well. In fact most who are now defending this Current President,used to bitch 24/7 about being in a "Depression" with Bush's 4% Unemployment. These Democrats have absolutely no credibility on Economic issues in my opinion. That's just my take anyway.

What an idiot!!! Still trying to say Clinton had a recession? What is your definition of a recession? The CONS said it was so?? LMAO!!!:cuckoo::cuckoo:

"While the NEBR determined the George W. Bush's first recession actually began in March 2001, the history of U.S. GDP shows that the traditional definition of recession - two straight quarters of GDP decline - was never met during either the last year of the Clinton presidency or the first of Bush's tenure:"


However, there is no doubt Obama recieved a recession, that some call a depression.

"A depression is any economic downturn where real GDP declines by more than 10 percent."
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Lib misinterprets the facts deliberately. He twists to the facts to fit his failed philosophy. BHO is going to make the far right look stupid again yet, watch. They keep underestimating him. Run somebody sensible like Romney, and the GOP has a real chance in 2012. He anybody to Romney's far right will be merely targets for the Dem skeet shooters.

Can't see what i have misinterpreted. Bush did handle his inherited Recession plus 911 much better than this current President has handled his inherited Recession. My God,you guys went completely insane claiming we were in a "Depression" with his 4% Unemployment Rate. What are you guys saying today about your guy's disastrous 10% Unemployment Rate? Doesn't sound like you guys are claiming we're in a "Depression" now right? Unfortunately we're actually much closer to that now than we were when Bush was in there. This is just fact. You may not like these facts but they're still facts.
The Obama admin has tried to spin the unemployment rate and their inability to do anything about it. They have rolled out the term "new normal" in relation to the unemployment rate.
That is how Obama and his people have decided to handle this.
Both Clinton and Bush were smart about the economy. Clinton tried to manipulate the economy during his first term. During his second term he wisely took the advice of those he hired to advise on such things and allowed the economy to fix itself. It did and we prospered. Bush took a sputtering economy and revived it by lowering our tax burden. The economy took off and we were prospered.
As with anything else, the economy is cyclical. It was inevitable the economy would slow.
That's normal.
The problem with it this time is we have a president that does not have very good economic advisors. Our president also views our economic system as "unfair".
Our President is a socialist. He all but admitted that.

Man, now that's a lot of spin!
Yes, 9/11 happened and that didn't help things, but there is no way the recession that GWB inherited compares to the recession that started in December 2007,,it's not even close. The National Debt was $5.6 trillion (rounded off) on March 30, 2001 (the 2001 Recession offically started in March 2001). When Obama took office the National Debt was
$10.6 trillion. This recession had a much more profound effect and miilions of people lost their wealth and their jobs. The unemployment rate when the recent recession started was 4.9, when Bush left office it was 8.1. now it's 9.8. When the 2001 Recession offically started, the unemployment rate was at 4.3, three years later the unemployment were still a full point above the rate it was the month the recession started. As a matter of fast the unemployment rate was 28% higher when the recession started after two years and 17% highter after three years. Right now from the first day of Obama's presidency the unemployment numbers are 18% higher. The magnitude of difference looking at the base numbers between the 2001 Recession and the 2007 Recession tell the story. As you were saying the unemployment numbers were much lower via the 2001 Recession and then you dare compare that recession to the current recession.
Also you stated "we prospered". Annual income in real dollars only increased to about $272 in 8 years under GWB and that's the median income! ( FactChecking Obama) That clearly shows that not very many people prospered at all.
Personally, I think Obama had a disconntect with the magniitude of this recession. That was obvious with his expensive and intrusive healthcare reform as his first real Obama Program. Clearly, he picked the wrong path to follow in a time of economic crisis, what the hell was he thinking?. Obama get's an "F" from me.
History shows that both parties are irresponisble and don't have the balls to make tough choices to tighten out country's belt by making meaningful budget cuts. The Dems will fight for their entitlements and the GOP will refuse to cut the defense spending. Both of these sectors need to be cut.
If people were really concerned about the US, they'd throw out this partisan bullshit (which is their Number 1 Priority) and instead do make what's best for the US as their Number One Priority.
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