The End of Liberalism....

Well, it is now fact that thereisnospoon lives in delusional land.

He will be very quiet when his assertion blows up in his face. The people did not vote because of ideology but because they are unhappy about jobs. My party lost several million votes yesterday for holding out for the wealthy's tax cuts. It does not mean much, but most Americans only hear see the stupid chant of "tax cuts for the rich" and "the GOP still follows Bush."

We won the House and still lost the Senate because the far right wing is unmanagable. So let me tell state how it will work out. If the economy stays the same or picks up a bit in the coming year while Obama moves toward the center (as he showed yesterday), the Dem center is going to muscle the GOP over to the right again.

What does that mean? At least an Obama re-election in 2012, probably a loss of the Senate by a seat or two by the Dems to the Pubs, and the Dems picking up 25 seats in the House. What will that mean? A reprise of the nineties when Bill Clinton made the GOP look stupid.

Right wing wacks, listen to me. This is not about ideology, it is about jobs. Economic recovery does not depend on these cuts at all (if it did the economy would be recovering), and the public is smart enough to realize the GOP richies made another raid on the treasury.

Your Party got shellacked in 2010 and are in for a bigger defeat in 2012
My party is GOP. Your party is not. The Dems are outmaneuvering us right now because of lunks like you, Frank.
Lost the senate because of Angle and O'Donnell, looked like a fool because of Miller's thuggishness, lost the 23rd NY district (a seat we never should lose), and Obama just made points with millions of voters yesterday by getting them the unemployment extension while making the GOP look like misers for "the tax cuts for the rich" group.

Son, you are delusional.
Frank continues to live in la la land. Liberalism has not ended, and we will have to live with it because morons on the far right, like Frank and thereisnospoon, ensure that it lives on.

Liberalism is dead in the USA, the only question is at what point in 2012 does the Tea Party drag the stinking, rotting carcass out of the Capitol and throw it into the Potomac
Lost the senate because of Angle and O'Donnell, looked like a fool because of Miller's thuggishness, lost the 23rd NY district (a seat we never should lose), and Obama just made points with millions of voters yesterday by getting them the unemployment extension while making the GOP look like misers for "the tax cuts for the rich" group.

Son, you are delusional.

You Dems love the unemployed, that when you're minting them in record numbers
Frank continues to live in la la land. Liberalism has not ended, and we will have to live with it because morons on the far right, like Frank and thereisnospoon, ensure that it lives on.

Liberalism is dead in the USA, the only question is at what point in 2012 does the Tea Party drag the stinking, rotting carcass out of the Capitol and throw it into the Potomac

Augment that swamp flavour!

Frank continues to live in la la land. Liberalism has not ended, and we will have to live with it because morons on the far right, like Frank and thereisnospoon, ensure that it lives on.
Based on polls directed at ideological self identification, it appears you are once again, incorrect.
Obviously with an amazingly small portion of the population identifying themselves as liberal, the Left has marginalized itself.
Liberalism is not popular. Nor is it constructive. Liberalism is merely tolerated.
Liberalism will probably be with us for quite some time, but it will never cover the majority of the population.
The problem with liberalism in this country is the the Left is dominated by it's most defiant and radical concerns.
On the other hand, conservatives have marginalized the far right wing.
The Bible thumpers, the Christian Rightists, the hate filled proselytizers wishing for Armageddon. These people do not matter to main stream conservatives.
Frank continues to live in la la land. Liberalism has not ended, and we will have to live with it because morons on the far right, like Frank and thereisnospoon, ensure that it lives on.
Based on polls directed at ideological self identification, it appears you are once again, incorrect.
Obviously with an amazingly small portion of the population identifying themselves as liberal, the Left has marginalized itself.
Liberalism is not popular. Nor is it constructive. Liberalism is merely tolerated.
Liberalism will probably be with us for quite some time, but it will never cover the majority of the population.
The problem with liberalism in this country is the the Left is dominated by it's most defiant and radical concerns.
On the other hand, conservatives have marginalized the far right wing.
The Bible thumpers, the Christian Rightists, the hate filled proselytizers wishing for Armageddon. These people do not matter to main stream conservatives.

A stopped clock is righter than Jake largely because the clock won't try to convince you its really a Republican centrist
Frank continues to live in la la land. Liberalism has not ended, and we will have to live with it because morons on the far right, like Frank and thereisnospoon, ensure that it lives on.
Based on polls directed at ideological self identification, it appears you are once again, incorrect.
Obviously with an amazingly small portion of the population identifying themselves as liberal, the Left has marginalized itself.
Liberalism is not popular. Nor is it constructive. Liberalism is merely tolerated.
Liberalism will probably be with us for quite some time, but it will never cover the majority of the population.
The problem with liberalism in this country is the the Left is dominated by it's most defiant and radical concerns.
On the other hand, conservatives have marginalized the far right wing.
The Bible thumpers, the Christian Rightists, the hate filled proselytizers wishing for Armageddon. These people do not matter to main stream conservatives.

A stopped clock is righter than Jake largely because the clock won't try to convince you its really a Republican centrist
...running on borrowed time.
Frank continues to live in la la land. Liberalism has not ended, and we will have to live with it because morons on the far right, like Frank and thereisnospoon, ensure that it lives on.

Liberalism is dead in the USA, the only question is at what point in 2012 does the Tea Party drag the stinking, rotting carcass out of the Capitol and throw it into the Potomac
Kirk has spoken. The far reactionary wannabee conservatives are creating a groundswell for an easy Obama re-election in 2012.
This thread reminds me of political forum threads I saw in 2006 and 2010, in those cases conservatism was dead.
I wouldn't get to wrapped up on thinking one or the other ideology is dead based on the whim of the electoral vote.
A polls show the following according to Fox News:

"Just like the elections in 2006 and 2008 were referendums against George Bush and the Republicans, the historic defeat the Democrats suffered in 2010 is an equally strong vote against the Democratic policies that have been implemented over the past two years.

However, opposition to Democratic policies does not mean that voters have embraced the Republican Party.

Forty-eight percent say they are happy that the Republican Party won control of the House, while 34% are unhappy. This is notably lower than the 60% who were happy when the Democrats won control of Congress in 2006, and the 57% who were happy when the GOP won control of Congress in 1994"

And this:

"Although the American electorate clearly calls out for change, compromise and conciliation between the parties, they also recognize it does not appear likely.

They are pessimistic that progress will be made under the new Congress, and expect conflict and chaos rather than results. They say relations between the two parties will get worse rather than better, 28% to 22%. Almost half (48%) say they will stay the same.

Further, a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll conducted last month shows that 68% of those who voted said they were "hoping to change some things over the next two years,” but 42% expect "just some change" as a result of the election. Worse, about three-quarters believe that the country is in for a period of political division in which little willingness to compromise will be shown.

Despite high levels of pessimism, Americans want bipartisanship and compromise. They want Obama and the Democrats to work with Republicans, and they want the new Republican leaders to work with Obama and the Democrats"

[I]"What kind of agenda do Americans want? They want a bipartisan, centrist, pro-growth agenda that emphasizes fiscal prudence and discipline while stimulating the economy and creating private sector jobs."[/
I] - Time for Dems to Relearn the Lost Art of Compromise

Yet the GOP's plans call for reversing everything that was done during the past two years and to stop all the lefts attempts at governing. And of course the left plans on digging in and highlighting the GOP's attempt at gridlock. These self-centered ideology-first-actions will be counterproductive and stall any attempts at righting the downturn within the US.

If there is gridlock and nothing gets done, who is to say the the American voter won't again turn to the left? In other words, without a bi-partisan by both parties, expect to see a revolving door of who is controlling Washington. The Ameriican public is rightfully fickle and wants things done. There is no way things will get done without real compromise and there is no way either ideology will stay in power without allowing a real honest debate and compromise.
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Kirk has spoken. The far reactionary wannabee conservatives are creating a groundswell for an easy Obama re-election in 2012.

An easy re-election for a President that has an apporval rating hovering around 40%. a 9.8 unemployment rate that has actually gone UP during his tenure despite spending a trillion dollars to ensure it does not go above 8%, a loss of his far left base as well as the majority of the independants that actually got him elected?

Sure, if things change over the next two years an easy re-election is possible. But no one knows if they will, so all we have to work with is what is happening today. And today? If he ran against Mr. Magoo, he would struggle to win.
Obamanomics is an Epic Fail on par with the New Deal.

Democrats lied about their driving ability, took the wheel of the US economy and drove to the nearest crack den where they smoked up trillions of dollars of our money and gave us 10% unemployment in exchange
Lost the senate because of Angle and O'Donnell, looked like a fool because of Miller's thuggishness, lost the 23rd NY district (a seat we never should lose), and Obama just made points with millions of voters yesterday by getting them the unemployment extension while making the GOP look like misers for "the tax cuts for the rich" group.

Son, you are delusional.
Blew a huge majority in the house, lost a supermajority in the senate, lost a kennedy seat in kennedy country. wtf?
Well, it is now fact that thereisnospoon lives in delusional land.

He will be very quiet when his assertion blows up in his face. The people did not vote because of ideology but because they are unhappy about jobs. My party lost several million votes yesterday for holding out for the wealthy's tax cuts. It does not mean much, but most Americans only hear see the stupid chant of "tax cuts for the rich" and "the GOP still follows Bush."

We won the House and still lost the Senate because the far right wing is unmanagable. So let me tell state how it will work out. If the economy stays the same or picks up a bit in the coming year while Obama moves toward the center (as he showed yesterday), the Dem center is going to muscle the GOP over to the right again.

What does that mean? At least an Obama re-election in 2012, probably a loss of the Senate by a seat or two by the Dems to the Pubs, and the Dems picking up 25 seats in the House. What will that mean? A reprise of the nineties when Bill Clinton made the GOP look stupid.

Right wing wacks, listen to me. This is not about ideology, it is about jobs. Economic recovery does not depend on these cuts at all (if it did the economy would be recovering), and the public is smart enough to realize the GOP richies made another raid on the treasury.

Your Party got shellacked in 2010 and are in for a bigger defeat in 2012

The bleeding has only started. This was a message this round. They didn't understand it. It will be delivered stronger in 2012
You guys are missing the message: this is not about ideology merely about jobs. If the economy begins recovering, people will begin ignoring the far right again. Obama's move to the center was what the country needed: he outflanked the GOP on fed job freeze, and he forced the GOP to look absolutely "old style" with tax cuts for the rich. This is not the overwhelming victory you think: you are the Germans in the first week of the Battle of the Bulge.
You guys are missing the message: this is not about ideology merely about jobs. If the economy begins recovering, people will begin ignoring the far right again. Obama's move to the center was what the country needed: he outflanked the GOP on fed job freeze, and he forced the GOP to look absolutely "old style" with tax cuts for the rich. This is not the overwhelming victory you think: you are the Germans in the first week of the Battle of the Bulge.

Only true puppets actually refer to it as "tax cuts for the rich".

Intelligent, self thinking people know dam well that it is tax cuts for the business owners as such is required to stimulate an thought by those that believe in supply side economics.

Your pathetic desperate democratic elected officials are the ones who decided to insert class warfare into the debate.

Instead, it is a debate over economic theory....

You happy that your "party" makes such fools of you? They know if they say "tax cuts for the rich" you will regurgitate you did.

Just like Obama used "hostage" yesterday and half of you regurgitated that word as well. elect them and you pay them,...and yet you are their puppets.
Well, it is now fact that thereisnospoon lives in delusional land.

He will be very quiet when his assertion blows up in his face. The people did not vote because of ideology but because they are unhappy about jobs. My party lost several million votes yesterday for holding out for the wealthy's tax cuts. It does not mean much, but most Americans only hear see the stupid chant of "tax cuts for the rich" and "the GOP still follows Bush."

We won the House and still lost the Senate because the far right wing is unmanagable. So let me tell state how it will work out. If the economy stays the same or picks up a bit in the coming year while Obama moves toward the center (as he showed yesterday), the Dem center is going to muscle the GOP over to the right again.

What does that mean? At least an Obama re-election in 2012, probably a loss of the Senate by a seat or two by the Dems to the Pubs, and the Dems picking up 25 seats in the House. What will that mean? A reprise of the nineties when Bill Clinton made the GOP look stupid.

Right wing wacks, listen to me. This is not about ideology, it is about jobs. Economic recovery does not depend on these cuts at all (if it did the economy would be recovering), and the public is smart enough to realize the GOP richies made another raid on the treasury.

Your Party got shellacked in 2010 and are in for a bigger defeat in 2012

The bleeding has only started. This was a message this round. They didn't understand it. It will be delivered stronger in 2012

Probably true...

but how do you think the Repubs will behave-especially if they take the WH as well...

if they overreach, or fail to gain the publics' agreement with conservative programs, we'll be right back in the same spot next election cycle.

The danger is that the ruling class is to be found in both parties.

Interesting essay here: The American Spectator : America's Ruling Class -- And the Perils of Revolution

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