The End of Liberalism....

Wow. Obama got shell-shocked into sounding like Gordon Gekko. Of course, no one believes that he meant he admires US entrepreneurs, but still that he mouthed the words means he know Progressivism is a dead religion in America

Nope, Frank, it is your 19th century conservatism that is almost dead in America.
1. "…there has been a slow but steady decline of which liberals have been steadfastly oblivious. The heirs of the New Deal are down to around 20% of the electorate, according to recent Gallup polls. Conservatives account for 42% of the vote, and in the recent election the independents, the second most numerous group at 29% of the electorate, broke the conservatives' way. They were alarmed by the deficit.

2. Liberalism's decline might appear, at first glance, to have begun with the 1961 inauguration of President John F. Kennedy—when historians noted the first glimmerings of what was to become liberalism's distinctive trait, overreach. On the domestic side, the oratory set in motion President Lyndon Johnson's catastrophic War on Poverty.

a. JFK's stirring language represented a break with the Burkean understanding of President Dwight Eisenhower. Ike, whether he articulated it or not, wanted to put the Great Depression and the dangerous confrontations of the early Cold War period behind us. He wanted to return to normalcy.

3. Still, in tracing liberalism's decline, one cannot ignore an earlier event: the civil war that broke out in the aftermath of World War II. The conflict pitted what we might call the radicals led by Henry Wallace against the advocates of what Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. would call in his book, "The Vital Center," more practical liberals like Hubert Humphrey, Joseph L. Rauh and Walter Reuther. They were hard-headed and patriotic, and their desiderata were reasonable by comparison with the radicals' utopian ideas about the Soviet Union.

4. The practical liberals won in the late 1940s, but in 1972 civil war broke out anew. This time the radicals won. In the meantime, LBJ's Great Society caused even some liberals to warn against the "unintended consequences" of government programs. These were to be the first new recruits to modern conservatism. Jeane Kirkpatrick, Irving Kristol and, for a time, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, were in Kristol's words liberals "who were mugged by reality."

5. Conservatives have had Edmund Burke and the Founding Fathers as their cynosures. Sometimes they have provided discipline; sometimes conservatives have followed their own star. The problem for liberals is they have been denied a cynosure. Some had looked to the British Fabian Socialists and some to Karl Marx, but since the late 1940s liberals became coy about their intellectual mentors.

6. Conservatism has steadily spread through the country since its larval days in the 1950s, and the reason is that the vast majority of Americans favor free enterprise and personal liberty. Note the tea party movement. The Republicans just took the House of Representatives by over 60 seats and gained six seats in the Senate. The social democrat in the White House has been routed.

7. Over the past two years the Democrats showed their true colors. Faced with an entitlement crisis, they rang up trillion dollar deficits. We now face an entitlement crisis and a budget crisis—and liberals have no answer for it beyond tax and spend. They still have support in the media, but even here they are faced with opposition from Fox News, talk radio and the Internet.

a. As a political movement liberalism is dead. They do not have the numbers. They do not have the policies. They have 23 seats in the Senate to defend in 2012 (against the Republicans' 10) and Republican control of state houses and legislatures will give them even more seats in the future. Liberalism R.I.P. "

R. Emmett Tyrell Jr.: Liberalism—An Autopsy -
(emphasis mine)

Oh really ...

For Republicans, the Ice Age Cometh

Despairing Republican friends have been asking me what I think we should do to rebuild the GOP and begin our certain and inevitable comeback. My answer disappoints them: "Build an ark."

I say this because I've made a career out of counting votes, and the numbers tell a clear story; the demographics of America are changing in a way that is deadly for the Republican Party as it exists today. A GOP ice age is on the way.

more at link --
For Republicans, the Ice Age Cometh - TIME

Keyword here: DEMOGRAPHICS

Conservatism is almost completely dependent of white people .. whose share of the population is shrinking.
....And, ya' can't blame (us) White-dudes, for it!!!


*rolls eyes* Whatever, neocon. If this is true, you might as well just declare this a corporate oligarchy and pave the entire country over to be a Wal-Mart parking lot. What righty blog did you get this off of, anyway? Ann Coulter. Pfft.

PS. LOVE how you continue to bandy around the whole Marxist/Communist crap. Sheesh. Get some new talky points, why don't you?
Ya' can't (really) blame the NeoCons/"conservatives" for the depths of their disappointment/desperation.

They thought The Cold War would last, FOREVER!!!!!


"During the administration of former President George W. Bush, Cuban-Americans were allowed to visit only once every three years and were limited to $100 a month in remittances. Those restrictions ended in April 2009, although most non-Cuban Americans are still barred from traveling to the island.

Cuba watchers and charter flight operators say travel between the United States and Cuba skyrocketed after the change and continues to climb steadily.

"About 1,000 visitors are arriving a day from the U.S., and they expect somewhere close to 400,000 by the end of the year," said Kirby Jones, president of Alamar Associates of Bethesda, Maryland, a consulting firm that works with American companies looking to do business with Cuba.

"The U.S. is now sending the second-most visitors to Cuba than any other country," after Canada, Jones said."

So apparently Liberalism came back from the dead to repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell?

One more striking example that Conservatism is Dead.

I'm just curious, how many politicians out there who profess to be CONSERVATIVES will be running in 2012 on a platform that includes reinstating DADT?

So apparently Liberalism came back from the dead to repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell?

One more striking example that Conservatism is Dead.

I'm just curious, how many politicians out there who profess to be CONSERVATIVES will be running in 2012 on a platform that includes reinstating DADT?

.....Like John McBush......who'll swear he was merely misunderstood by everyone!!!!

No, it isn't.

It's a "teabaggers got used" post

Then why do you say "passed the tax cuts"? And speaking of used... how's Gitmo, Iraq, Afghanistan, tax increases, etc. going?

No need to answer really.

Well, for one thing, I didn't say it. That was another poster. :lol:

For another thing, the other poster didn't say "passed the tax cuts". They said
passed the tax cuts without decreasing the spending.

Learn to read :lol:

Again, whose income taxes were reduced? Learn to comprehend.

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Then why do you say "passed the tax cuts"? And speaking of used... how's Gitmo, Iraq, Afghanistan, tax increases, etc. going?

No need to answer really.

Well, for one thing, I didn't say it. That was another poster. :lol:

For another thing, the other poster didn't say "passed the tax cuts". They said
passed the tax cuts without decreasing the spending.

Learn to read :lol:

Again, whose income taxes were reduced? Learn to comprehend.


Your comment, Soggy, is a non sequitur. The extensions are not paid for by decreased spending. You ignoring that salient fact does not mean that it does not exist.
Then why do you say "passed the tax cuts"? And speaking of used... how's Gitmo, Iraq, Afghanistan, tax increases, etc. going?

No need to answer really.

Well, for one thing, I didn't say it. That was another poster. :lol:

For another thing, the other poster didn't say "passed the tax cuts". They said
passed the tax cuts without decreasing the spending.

Learn to read :lol:

Again, whose income taxes were reduced? Learn to comprehend.


The income tax rates have been producing a deficit for years. That they were kept the same without reducing spending means that their contribution to the deficit was extended.
you libs want higher taxes on the hope that you'll get something from government that you did not earn.
That is a type of greed.
Happy now?.
Oh, you didn't get your precious tax increase. So fuck you and fuck off.
thereisnospoon, both sides are greedy, yes? The GOP made the Dems compromise, but the Dems got the unemployment benefits extension as well as a 2% decrease in the Social Security taxes, broke the GOP over "dont ask dont", will probably get the START in the next two days, and the GOP will have to given in on the benefits for 9-11 first responders or the Dems will campaign on that alone for the next three election cycles.
you libs want higher taxes on the hope that you'll get something from government that you did not earn.
That is a type of greed.
Happy now?.
Oh, you didn't get your precious tax increase. So fuck you and fuck off.

I want the people to have to pay for the government they're getting ,when they're getting it.

If you disagree with that principle, then YOU"RE the greedy one.
Liberal leadership betrayed liberal ideals so long ago that most of you younger folk haven't a clue what that political philosphy used to mean.

Naturally I can hardly blame you for having contempt for those people who currently lay claim to liberalism.

They are arrogant shits who, despite all their rhetoric about it, truly don't give a fuck about the American working class.

William Jefferson Clinton, for example, might be the most successful POTUS this nation has ever seen when it came to advancing truely REPUBLICAN ideals.
Liberal leadership betrayed liberal ideals so long ago that most of you younger folk haven't a clue what that political philosphy used to mean.

Naturally I can hardly blame you for having contempt for those people who currently lay claim to liberalism.

They are arrogant shits who, despite all their rhetoric about it, truly don't give a fuck about the American working class.

William Jefferson Clinton, for example, might be the most successful POTUS this nation has ever seen when it came to advancing truely REPUBLICAN ideals.

I started out a liberal, until I realized what it really meant.
Then why do you say "passed the tax cuts"? And speaking of used... how's Gitmo, Iraq, Afghanistan, tax increases, etc. going?

No need to answer really.

Well, for one thing, I didn't say it. That was another poster. :lol:

For another thing, the other poster didn't say "passed the tax cuts". They said
passed the tax cuts without decreasing the spending.

Learn to read :lol:

Again, whose income taxes were reduced? Learn to comprehend.


So you don't even know the details about the tax bill that was just passed by Congress?

Thanks for proving "There's no limit to stupidity"
You forgot to mention the progress of our War on Christmas :lol:

I think it's the fault of people that just accept it. If you want to say,"Merry Christmas", just say it. I do, and the sky didn't fall down. I recently complained to the manager of my local B of A because they no longer put up a big Christmas tree in the lobby. It might offend somebody. Such crap. I told him I thought that really sucked and that the policy of the bank was wrong. We need to let our feelings be known.

Nobody is making us do anything.
I think it's cute how certain people act like "liberalism" is a relatively new and fleeting concept that can be killed off by "conservatism".

You guys should get baseball jerseys and hats made up that say "Liberals" and "Conservatives" on them so you have something to wear as your cheer on your winning teams during election season.

No, I think that would be a bit corny. :lol:
thereisnospoon, both sides are greedy, yes? The GOP made the Dems compromise, but the Dems got the unemployment benefits extension as well as a 2% decrease in the Social Security taxes, broke the GOP over "dont ask dont", will probably get the START in the next two days, and the GOP will have to given in on the benefits for 9-11 first responders or the Dems will campaign on that alone for the next three election cycles.
DADT, START and ther unemployment benefit extension are simply Lame Duck session vindictiveness on the part of democrats and the Obama regime.
DO you really think most of this junk is going to last the first year of the 113th Congress.
Do you think the 23 democrat Senators who's seats are up for re-election this November have a snowball's chance of keeping their seats?..
Look jake. this is one very pissed off country. We have seen ourselves ignored by the about to be former House majority and by the democrat Senate leadership.
We are also very pissed off because of the MSM characterizes the result of democrats going along with Obama. The MSM terms these "victories"....That is an outrage. Legislation is not about wins and losses. This isn't a game. Congress and the executive Branch have no right playing with people's lives at the expense of others. This is just one reason why the voters of this country tossed out so many lefties last month
If you think it's going to stop here, you are mistaken. We are just getting started.
This Lame Duck Session crap comes as no surprise. We knew the dems were going to pull this shit. Now they are going to pay for it. Don;' think so? Just watch.
Liberalism is so great Obama has to ask Spielberg to rebrand the Dem Party. The only thing that will save Liberalism is if Obama shuts the Internet so the truth about you lying fucking losers stops getting out

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