The End of Liberalism....

Liberalism is so great Obama has to ask Spielberg to rebrand the Dem Party. The only thing that will save Liberalism is if Obama shuts the Internet so the truth about you lying fucking losers stops getting out
There is no irony in that "Liberal" and "Loser" start with the same letter.
The tools are the far right, as usual. Yes, the rest of America looks at the tax cuts as "tax cuts for the rich by the GOP" while "let's screw everybody else every day in every way." You far right morons! What a hoot!!

Yes and Obama's 10% unemployment and record debt, deficits and poverty are really helpful
What was the unemployment rate the day Bush left office?
Then why do you say "passed the tax cuts"? And speaking of used... how's Gitmo, Iraq, Afghanistan, tax increases, etc. going?

No need to answer really.

Well, for one thing, I didn't say it. That was another poster. :lol:

For another thing, the other poster didn't say "passed the tax cuts". They said
passed the tax cuts without decreasing the spending.

Learn to read :lol:

Again, whose income taxes were reduced? Learn to comprehend.

Yours. Mine. Everyone's.
Liberalism is so great Obama has to ask Spielberg to rebrand the Dem Party. The only thing that will save Liberalism is if Obama shuts the Internet so the truth about you lying fucking losers stops getting out
Why are you a liar when it's so easy to prove you are a liar?

Obama has not enlisted Spielberg's help.

The Fix - Steven Spielberg advising Nancy Pelosi on rebranding Democrats

Is Obama the leader of the Democrat party? Yes or no.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

And passed the tax cuts without decreasing the spending.

Tax cuts?

Or is this as I suspect a "your taxes didn't go up, therefore they went down" post?

:lol: :lol: :lol:
You got a tax cut in every paycheck you received this year. Assuming that you work.

The stimulus was the largest tax cut in U.S. history.

and you used which type of math to come to that conclusion?
Hey clueless. The government had to PRINT money i.e. FAKE money, to come up with stimulus dollars. When government( or Federal Reserve) increases the money supply, it devalues the dollar on the currency exchanges. Hence all consumer goods and everything else become MORE costly. Therefore, the stimulus was in effect a tax INCREASE!!!!
It's the very simple concept of supply and demand.
BTW NONE OF US asked nor wanted the so-called stimulus. Either of them. Both were a gargantuan waste of money and a foolish allocation of resources.
One other thing.. Any further mention of Bush is no longer acceptable as an excuse or reason for the actions taken by THIS administration or the Democrat controlled Congress.
So next time you or anyone else decides to type "Bush"...STOP!....Cuz we ain't buying that shit anymore.
Liberalism is so great Obama has to ask Spielberg to rebrand the Dem Party. The only thing that will save Liberalism is if Obama shuts the Internet so the truth about you lying fucking losers stops getting out
There is no irony in that "Liberal" and "Loser" start with the same letter.

Same is true of Con and ****.
Con?..That is meaningless tripe.
The problem is the term "liberal" that carries such a negative connotation, that liberals have tried over many times to re-brand themselves.
Liberals have been trying to avoid being labeled as such for years. Sen John Kerry, so incensed at being called a liberal in an interview during the 2008 pres campaign retorted " I don't appreciate the characterization".
You juvenile response above is duly noted.
There is no irony in that "Liberal" and "Loser" start with the same letter.

Same is true of Con and ****.
Con?..That is meaningless tripe.
The problem is the term "liberal" that carries such a negative connotation, that liberals have tried over many times to re-brand themselves.
Liberals have been trying to avoid being labeled as such for years. Sen John Kerry, so incensed at being called a liberal in an interview during the 2008 pres campaign retorted " I don't appreciate the characterization".
You juvenile response above is duly noted.

Damn, that's a pot-kettle statement if ever i saw one.
Same is true of Con and ****.
Con?..That is meaningless tripe.
The problem is the term "liberal" that carries such a negative connotation, that liberals have tried over many times to re-brand themselves.
Liberals have been trying to avoid being labeled as such for years. Sen John Kerry, so incensed at being called a liberal in an interview during the 2008 pres campaign retorted " I don't appreciate the characterization".
You juvenile response above is duly noted.

Damn, that's a pot-kettle statement if ever i saw one.
Really? How so. Please explain.
Is this really all you have is some dopey one liner response?. Big dogs in the yard. You on the porch. C'mon. Get with it. You're in the main chamber here. Trying to be clever and 35 cents gets you a phone call.
Conservatives try no harder to get away from their term than Liberals try to get away from their term.

Any "rebranding" of the parties are attempts by one party to make the other party look stupid.

Those who engage in these silly acts are simply stupid.
Conservatives try no harder to get away from their term than Liberals try to get away from their term.

Any "rebranding" of the parties are attempts by one party to make the other party look stupid.

Those who engage in these silly acts are simply stupid.
correction. We are proud to announce our conservatism.
It is not "party" re-branding liberals are attempting. It is an attempt to escape from the term "liberal".
Even Obama stated he was not a liberal and demanded he not be referred to as such.
There is no irony in that "Liberal" and "Loser" start with the same letter.

Same is true of Con and ****.
Con?..That is meaningless tripe.
The problem is the term "liberal" that carries such a negative connotation,
Only in your mind. Con carrys a negative connotation itself. In fact it is attached to torture, murder and rape of innocent chained and detained women & children.

that liberals have tried over many times to re-brand themselves.

Many times? Really? I don't recall that campaign to change the Liberal name. I think you are off in a fantasy world.

Liberals have been trying to avoid being labeled as such for years. Sen John Kerry, so incensed at being called a liberal in an interview during the 2008 pres campaign retorted " I don't appreciate the characterization".
You juvenile response above is duly noted.
I am afraid I will need a reference for that outlandish LIE you just told about Kerry.

Now why we would dread the Liberal lable, and where is your proof of "for years." Surely if it is so common you can bring up some refereneces. LMO!!! You are just making yourself look silly here. :lol::lol: Your world of fantasy is way out there in cyberspace.:cuckoo:
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Con?..That is meaningless tripe.
The problem is the term "liberal" that carries such a negative connotation, that liberals have tried over many times to re-brand themselves.
Liberals have been trying to avoid being labeled as such for years. Sen John Kerry, so incensed at being called a liberal in an interview during the 2008 pres campaign retorted " I don't appreciate the characterization".
You juvenile response above is duly noted.

Damn, that's a pot-kettle statement if ever i saw one.
Really? How so. Please explain.
Is this really all you have is some dopey one liner response?. Big dogs in the yard. You on the porch. C'mon. Get with it. You're in the main chamber here. Trying to be clever and 35 cents gets you a phone call.

You said this...
There is no irony in that "Liberal" and "Loser" start with the same letter.

...and Shintao says something similar back and you call what he said "juvenile". What more needs to be explained?
Damn, that's a pot-kettle statement if ever i saw one.
Really? How so. Please explain.
Is this really all you have is some dopey one liner response?. Big dogs in the yard. You on the porch. C'mon. Get with it. You're in the main chamber here. Trying to be clever and 35 cents gets you a phone call.

You said this...
There is no irony in that "Liberal" and "Loser" start with the same letter.

...and Shintao says something similar back and you call what he said "juvenile". What more needs to be explained?

What needs to be explained is why a christian like thereisnospoon ignores the Word of God during the xmas season.

The explanation - because ignoring the Word Of God is what Christians do best
Conservatives try no harder to get away from their term than Liberals try to get away from their term.

Any "rebranding" of the parties are attempts by one party to make the other party look stupid.

Those who engage in these silly acts are simply stupid.
correction. We are proud to announce our conservatism.
It is not "party" re-branding liberals are attempting. It is an attempt to escape from the term "liberal".
Even Obama stated he was not a liberal and demanded he not be referred to as such.

The liberals are as proud of their terms as you of your terms. Democrats and Republicans feel the same way. Neither side is trying to escape from their terms, but both sides are trying to "rebrand" the other side in negative terms. It's called propaganda. Obama, by liberal standards, is not a liberal, although by conservative standards is he is a liberal.
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