The End of Liberalism....

Can't see what i have misinterpreted. Bush did handle his inherited Recession plus 911 much better than this current President has handled his inherited Recession. My God,you guys went completely insane claiming we were in a "Depression" with his 4% Unemployment Rate. What are you guys saying today about your guy's disastrous 10% Unemployment Rate? Doesn't sound like you guys are claiming we're in a "Depression" now right? Unfortunately we're actually much closer to that now than we were when Bush was in there. This is just fact. You may not like these facts but they're still facts.

The fact simply is that you hate BHO. He is your guy, too, sweetie, whether you voted for him. You can't prove the rate would not be twice what it is now if the TARP and the stimulus bills were not enacted. So you disagree with Bush, Obama, most mainstream economists, and you are . . . who?

The facts don't support you.

oh yes. Go right ahead and get stuck in the leghold trap.
You have nothing in substantive rebuttal. So the answer is we just "hate" Obama..
Yeah, that must be it.
Were you paying attention in class four weeks ago? The country sent Obama a huge rebuke.
That is only the beginning.

The vote has nothing to do with this argument, that the TARP and the stimulus bill exacerbated the economic system. That is the general OP, and it has failed. I don't have to post refutation to the OP until sufficient evidence is given to support an argument.
National Debt

National Debt
The sum of all previously incurred annual federal deficits. Since the deficits are financed by government borrowing, national debt is equal to all government debt outstanding.

Read more: National Debt Definition...
Now, your point is?
Overall, the US federal government has been overspending for decades.
What does this have to do with the marginalization of an unpopular political ideology?
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And? You are saying all administrations, Republican and Democrat, borrow?
National Debt

National Debt
The sum of all previously incurred annual federal deficits. Since the deficits are financed by government borrowing, national debt is equal to all government debt outstanding.

Read more: National Debt Definition...
Now, your point is?
Overall, the US federal government has been overspending for decades.
What does this have to do with the marginalization of an unpopular political ideology?

Your definition is nonsense. The national debt is the sum of all previously incurred annual deficits PLUS the interest on those deficits MINUS payments that have been made on the debt MINUS the sum of all previously incurred annual surpluses.
According to the wingnuts, the nation has seen a tremendous increase in socialism over the last decades, and that is proof that liberalism is failing :lol:
Liberalism is an Epic Fail, everyone knows it. That's why Obama got shellacked

poor frank... and how about the fact that the right got shellacked twice?


everything is cyclical. you guys only won one house, honey. you lost the senate.

does that fact escape you?
But picked up a bunch of seats in the senate. Judging by the tax vote, enough to change the course.
The fact simply is that you hate BHO. He is your guy, too, sweetie, whether you voted for him. You can't prove the rate would not be twice what it is now if the TARP and the stimulus bills were not enacted. So you disagree with Bush, Obama, most mainstream economists, and you are . . . who?

The facts don't support you.

oh yes. Go right ahead and get stuck in the leghold trap.
You have nothing in substantive rebuttal. So the answer is we just "hate" Obama..
Yeah, that must be it.
Were you paying attention in class four weeks ago? The country sent Obama a huge rebuke.
That is only the beginning.

The vote has nothing to do with this argument, that the TARP and the stimulus bill exacerbated the economic system. That is the general OP, and it has failed. I don't have to post refutation to the OP until sufficient evidence is given to support an argument.

Ha ha....Look, jakey, you can go on believing that if it makes feel better.
The voters rejected Obama's policies and they rejected the liberalism of the democrat party.
No one asked to post "refutation".
You'll just be quiet and accept the fact the the voters told Obama, "no thanks. No dice".
National Debt

National Debt
The sum of all previously incurred annual federal deficits. Since the deficits are financed by government borrowing, national debt is equal to all government debt outstanding.

Read more: National Debt Definition...
Now, your point is?
Overall, the US federal government has been overspending for decades.
What does this have to do with the marginalization of an unpopular political ideology?

Your definition is nonsense. The national debt is the sum of all previously incurred annual deficits PLUS the interest on those deficits MINUS payments that have been made on the debt MINUS the sum of all previously incurred annual surpluses.

Your reply is nonsense because it is NOT my definition.
Where's your link, genius?
You are beside the point.
You don't like the definition because it doesn't fit the liberal template.
Liberalism is an Epic Fail, everyone knows it. That's why Obama got shellacked

poor frank... and how about the fact that the right got shellacked twice?


everything is cyclical. you guys only won one house, honey. you lost the senate.

does that fact escape you?

Obama pretended to be a political moderate and fiscal Conservative but as soon as he was inaugurated he headed leftward and you lost the Kennedy seat. Amazing. Ted Kennedy's Senate seat went Republican in a state where Dems outnumber R 11-1

That's a shellacking and you get more of the same in 2012.
Moreover, unlike Reagan who had to push until August to get his tax cuts in effect, Obama from Day got the Sun Moon and Stars from Congress.

The government gave us an $850B "Stimulus", took over the auto industry, took over the banks, makes every residential mortgage in America and took over health care...AND WE'RE 10% UNEMPLOYED!

I for one am sick and tired of progressive/socialist theology that has never worked throughout the history of mankind. The minority has been ruling over the majority and we need to get the majority back in control.
The question is how do you get the minority to see that their pie in the sky utopian dreams will never work?
Socialism costs to much and you are seeing this around the globe . Even Castro admits that it does'nt work.
They have been trying this for 100 years and every single time the voters have have voted them out.
What part of American's do not want government controlling them don't you get?
Get your heads out of your shells and stop trying push your failed theology down our throats. Like you did with the Health Care bill.
I for one am sick and tired of progressive/socialist theology that has never worked throughout the history of mankind. The minority has been ruling over the majority and we need to get the majority back in control.
The question is how do you get the minority to see that their pie in the sky utopian dreams will never work?
Socialism costs to much and you are seeing this around the globe . Even Castro admits that it does'nt work.
They have been trying this for 100 years and every single time the voters have have voted them out.
What part of American's do not want government controlling them don't you get?
Get your heads out of your shells and stop trying push your failed theology down our throats. Like you did with the Health Care bill.

Liberalism is great, until you get the bill
I for one am sick and tired of progressive/socialist theology that has never worked throughout the history of mankind. The minority has been ruling over the majority and we need to get the majority back in control.
The question is how do you get the minority to see that their pie in the sky utopian dreams will never work?
Socialism costs to much and you are seeing this around the globe . Even Castro admits that it does'nt work.
They have been trying this for 100 years and every single time the voters have have voted them out.
What part of American's do not want government controlling them don't you get?
Get your heads out of your shells and stop trying push your failed theology down our throats. Like you did with the Health Care bill.

Liberalism is great, until you get the bill

Well, it is now fact that thereisnospoon lives in delusional land.

He will be very quiet when his assertion blows up in his face. The people did not vote because of ideology but because they are unhappy about jobs. My party lost several million votes yesterday for holding out for the wealthy's tax cuts. It does not mean much, but most Americans only hear see the stupid chant of "tax cuts for the rich" and "the GOP still follows Bush."

We won the House and still lost the Senate because the far right wing is unmanagable. So let me tell state how it will work out. If the economy stays the same or picks up a bit in the coming year while Obama moves toward the center (as he showed yesterday), the Dem center is going to muscle the GOP over to the right again.

What does that mean? At least an Obama re-election in 2012, probably a loss of the Senate by a seat or two by the Dems to the Pubs, and the Dems picking up 25 seats in the House. What will that mean? A reprise of the nineties when Bill Clinton made the GOP look stupid.

Right wing wacks, listen to me. This is not about ideology, it is about jobs. Economic recovery does not depend on these cuts at all (if it did the economy would be recovering), and the public is smart enough to realize the GOP richies made another raid on the treasury.
Frank continues to live in la la land. Liberalism has not ended, and we will have to live with it because morons on the far right, like Frank and thereisnospoon, ensure that it lives on.

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