The End of Liberalism....

*rolls eyes* Whatever, neocon. If this is true, you might as well just declare this a corporate oligarchy and pave the entire country over to be a Wal-Mart parking lot. What righty blog did you get this off of, anyway? Ann Coulter. Pfft.

PS. LOVE how you continue to bandy around the whole Marxist/Communist crap. Sheesh. Get some new talky points, why don't you?
Oh, lookie.

an idiot.....And here I thought they were extinct.

Bully for you!
The Socialist Europeans are running from Liberalism. Voters in Blue states will reject Liberalism when given a credible Conservative candidate.

Liberalism is the biggest failure America has ever seen. In the past 2 years, we've spent 4 Reagan budgets trying to give us Liberal "Stimulus" and unemployment goes up and we have record levels of poverty.

Liberalism = Epic Fail.

The stimulus was 40% tax cuts. And according to you, the stimulus failed. Which means tax cuts failed, which means...'s quite insane of you to think that the budget busting extension of the Bush tax cuts is a formula for stimulating the economy.
blah blah, it's whatever you want to read into it. In one district, people were sick of the Economy and voted out whoever was in. In another district, a bunch of retards joined the Tea Party and thought they were Independant. People who vote generally dont know their head from their dick.

Clueless as usual. Or perhaps just plain ole dumb?
The Socialist Europeans are running from Liberalism. Voters in Blue states will reject Liberalism when given a credible Conservative candidate.

Liberalism is the biggest failure America has ever seen. In the past 2 years, we've spent 4 Reagan budgets trying to give us Liberal "Stimulus" and unemployment goes up and we have record levels of poverty.

Liberalism = Epic Fail.

The stimulus was 40% tax cuts. And according to you, the stimulus failed. Which means tax cuts failed, which means...'s quite insane of you to think that the budget busting extension of the Bush tax cuts is a formula for stimulating the economy.

As opposed to the genius of raising taxes and therefore removing more money from the private sector during the Obama recession?

Yeah... there ya go.
blah blah, it's whatever you want to read into it. In one district, people were sick of the Economy and voted out whoever was in. In another district, a bunch of retards joined the Tea Party and thought they were Independant. People who vote generally dont know their head from their dick.

Clueless as usual. Or perhaps just plain ole dumb?

Opinions are like assholes, blah blah.
blah blah, it's whatever you want to read into it. In one district, people were sick of the Economy and voted out whoever was in. In another district, a bunch of retards joined the Tea Party and thought they were Independant. People who vote generally dont know their head from their dick.
Yes but how you would applaud the wisdom of voters who choose liberal candidates, Yes?
Look genius, over 600 democrats were replaced by republicans on November 3, 2010.
BTW we control the senate. Without a super majority in the US Senate the dems are powerless. Your side has four you can kind of count on to switch. Those two RINOS from Maine, Lisa Merkowski( who falsely claims she will caucus with the GOP and Sen Brown (R-MA). That however leaves the dems short of a filibuster proof Senate.
BTW, why are Tea Party people "retards"? Is it because they are in opposition to the liberal agenda?

No, no I wouldn't. I applaud anyone who voted after studying their Candidates, not just simply "my party, pull lever!~"

Cite your 600 source. I'd like to look at all of the Stats, because you're clearly including local elections and so I'd like to see a total picture.

I call the tea party retards because it is so clearly Conservatives, under a different guise, that any "independants" thinking they were hopping onto something "new" are mistaking.
The Socialist Europeans are running from Liberalism. Voters in Blue states will reject Liberalism when given a credible Conservative candidate.

Liberalism is the biggest failure America has ever seen. In the past 2 years, we've spent 4 Reagan budgets trying to give us Liberal "Stimulus" and unemployment goes up and we have record levels of poverty.

Liberalism = Epic Fail.

The stimulus was 40% tax cuts. And according to you, the stimulus failed. Which means tax cuts failed, which means...'s quite insane of you to think that the budget busting extension of the Bush tax cuts is a formula for stimulating the economy.

As opposed to the genius of raising taxes and therefore removing more money from the private sector during the Obama recession?

Yeah... there ya go.

the obama recession?

is there any lie you nutters won't tell? your guy bush crashed the economy and now you imbeciles want to do the same things that failed all over again. :cuckoo:

as for the death of "liberalism"... i always marvel at the ability of the delusional right to forget reality... you lost in 2006 and 2008... got your butts kicked nicely. you also lost the senate this time around which really you should have been able to take given the cyclical nature of the electorate.

but y'all were too stupid to do that and picked lunatics to run for your party. even the tweeting twit's handpicked guy in AK got his butt handed to him.

So what on earth are you babbling about? idiots get a partial win and run around screaming about how the opposition is "dead".

freaks and loons you are... freaks and loons.
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blah blah, it's whatever you want to read into it. In one district, people were sick of the Economy and voted out whoever was in. In another district, a bunch of retards joined the Tea Party and thought they were Independant. People who vote generally dont know their head from their dick.

Clueless as usual. Or perhaps just plain ole dumb?

Opinions are like assholes, blah blah.

And you are like both.

The stimulus was 40% tax cuts. And according to you, the stimulus failed. Which means tax cuts failed, which means...'s quite insane of you to think that the budget busting extension of the Bush tax cuts is a formula for stimulating the economy.

As opposed to the genius of raising taxes and therefore removing more money from the private sector during the Obama recession?

Yeah... there ya go.

the obama recession?

is there any lie you nutters won't tell? your guy bush crashed the economy and now you imbeciles want to do the same things that failed all over again. :cuckoo:

as for the death of "liberalism"... i always marvel at the ability of the delusional right to forget reality... you lost in 2006 and 2008... got your butts kicked nicely. you also lost the senate this time around which really you should have been able to take given the cyclical nature of the electorate.

but y'all were too stupid to do that and picked lunatics to run for your party. even the tweeting twit's handpicked guy in AK got his butt handed to him.

So what on earth are you babbling about? idiots get a partial win and run around screaming about how the opposition is "dead".

freaks and loons you are... freaks and loons.

Obama isn't President?
Sorry there Jillian... Bush did not crash the economy any more than Obama did. There were a great many factors at play.. in a nutshell, the world at large had been on a spending binge like drunken sailors on shore-leave. The chickens came home to roost.

With all that said, many things were done after-the-fact that were just plain dumb. And doubling down on them time and again is not the answer.

Finally, sorry honey.. Obama owns this recession.
Sorry there Jillian... Bush did not crash the economy any more than Obama did. There were a great many factors at play.. in a nutshell, the world at large had been on a spending binge like drunken sailors on shore-leave. The chickens came home to roost.

With all that said, many things were done after-the-fact that were just plain dumb. And doubling down on them time and again is not the answer.

Finally, sorry honey.. Obama owns this recession.

The economy, as far as the market and GDP, is not in a recession. Unemployment's what's bad right now.
As long as there are paranoid Conservatives, there will always be Liberals to demonize
Sorry there Jillian... Bush did not crash the economy any more than Obama did. There were a great many factors at play.. in a nutshell, the world at large had been on a spending binge like drunken sailors on shore-leave. The chickens came home to roost.

With all that said, many things were done after-the-fact that were just plain dumb. And doubling down on them time and again is not the answer.

Finally, sorry honey.. Obama owns this recession.

The economy, as far as the market and GDP, is not in a recession. Unemployment's what's bad right now.

Agreed. . although the aforementioned are nowhere near where they need to be for sustained recovery.
As long as there are paranoid Conservatives, there will always be Liberals to demonize

I don't demonize them, hell there's some good in most movements. It's the unabashed progressives and/or Marxists that disturb me the most. They are a sinister bunch.
As long as there are paranoid Conservatives, there will always be Liberals to demonize

As long as there are unhinged Liberals, there will always be Conservatives to demonize
Sorry there Jillian... Bush did not crash the economy any more than Obama did. There were a great many factors at play.. in a nutshell, the world at large had been on a spending binge like drunken sailors on shore-leave. The chickens came home to roost.

With all that said, many things were done after-the-fact that were just plain dumb. And doubling down on them time and again is not the answer.

Finally, sorry honey.. Obama owns this recession.

The economy, as far as the market and GDP, is not in a recession. Unemployment's what's bad right now.

you can try to pass off bush's failure onto obama, but it isn't going to work with anyone who is a thinking person.... no matter how many times the right repeats the same lies.

it's not just about the's about spending on two unnecessary wars while cutting taxes for the top 1%... bush was the only leader in recorded history to cut taxes during a time of war.

and not one of you has said you'd cut anything that was even slightly significant ... nor does anyone on the right say they''ll cut anything that doesn't screw people.

but you'll spend money so insane darryl issa can hold "one hearing a day". :cuckoo:

it was idiocy then and is idiocy to continue... and if the left had any cojones, they'd say so and tell y'all to take a flying leap.
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Sorry there Jillian... Bush did not crash the economy any more than Obama did. There were a great many factors at play.. in a nutshell, the world at large had been on a spending binge like drunken sailors on shore-leave. The chickens came home to roost.

With all that said, many things were done after-the-fact that were just plain dumb. And doubling down on them time and again is not the answer.

Finally, sorry honey.. Obama owns this recession.

The economy, as far as the market and GDP, is not in a recession. Unemployment's what's bad right now.

you can try to pass off bush's failure onto obama, but it isn't going to work with anyone who is a thinking person.... no matter how many times the right repeats the same lies.

it's not just about the's about spending on two unnecessary wars while cutting taxes for the top 1%... bush was the only leader in recorded history to cut taxes during a time of war.

and not one of you has said you'd cut anything that was even slightly significant ... nor does anyone on the right say they''ll cut anything that doesn't screw people.

but you'll spend money so insane darryl issa can hold "one hearing a day". :cuckoo:

it was idiocy then and is idiocy to continue... and if the left had any cojones, they'd say so and tell y'all to take a flying leap.

The Deficit/Debt didn't cause the Recession, so the Wars have little to do with it. Walstreet, Banks etc. caused it.

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