The End of Saudi Arabia?

I guess that would depend on where you live.
And kissing Saudi ass for cheap oil is kind of degrading when you consider they had a hand in 9/11.
We should be bombing their assess not enriching them.

I guess that would depend on where you live.

Anywhere that uses/imports oil benefits from cheap oil.

And kissing Saudi ass for cheap oil is kind of degrading when you consider they had a hand in 9/11.

Yeah, the Saudis suck. Who is kissing their ass?

They're wrecking the US oil industry.
And we're obviously kissing their ass or we would have done something about their involvement in 9/11.
And now Barry and company aren't going to allow the victims to sue for that involvement ..If that ain't kissing ass I dont know what is.

They're wrecking the US oil industry.

They're trying. The technology won't be uninvented just because oil has dropped $60 over the last 2 years.

And now Barry and company aren't going to allow the victims to sue for that involvement ..

He's a worthless ass kisser, with all but our friends.

That does nothing for those who are being laid off by the thousands.
Machine shops and tool sellers are closing their doors at a prodigious rate.
And remember,we've known about the Saudi connection for a long time so you cant blame it all on Barry the meat puppet.

That does nothing for those who are being laid off by the thousands.

Tens of thousands are harmed, hundreds of millions benefit.

And remember,we've known about the Saudi connection for a long time

Yup, 15 out of 19 were Saudi.
Saudis have fomented jihad worldwide for a long time.

Get ready for some seriously high gas prices when the cheap gas is gone.
The price to get the oil industry up and running again is going to be massive.
LOL.....Saudi Arabia ain't going anywhere.

It's a great country full of great people ran by Sharia law.

Saudi Arabia has very little crime, and the people are much happier with their government, than American's are with their government. .... :cool:

Saudi Arabia has little internal crime but exports its crime overseas, where the fundamental Wahhabi doctrine is used by terrorists to murder non believers.

Most of the problems caused by the current undeclared Islamic war has been caused by this fundamentalist Saudi's sponsor doctrine against the infidels of all religions.
I guess that would depend on where you live.

Anywhere that uses/imports oil benefits from cheap oil.

And kissing Saudi ass for cheap oil is kind of degrading when you consider they had a hand in 9/11.

Yeah, the Saudis suck. Who is kissing their ass?

They're wrecking the US oil industry.
And we're obviously kissing their ass or we would have done something about their involvement in 9/11.
And now Barry and company aren't going to allow the victims to sue for that involvement ..If that ain't kissing ass I dont know what is.

They're wrecking the US oil industry.

They're trying. The technology won't be uninvented just because oil has dropped $60 over the last 2 years.

And now Barry and company aren't going to allow the victims to sue for that involvement ..

He's a worthless ass kisser, with all but our friends.

That does nothing for those who are being laid off by the thousands.
Machine shops and tool sellers are closing their doors at a prodigious rate.
And remember,we've known about the Saudi connection for a long time so you cant blame it all on Barry the meat puppet.

That does nothing for those who are being laid off by the thousands.

Tens of thousands are harmed, hundreds of millions benefit.

And remember,we've known about the Saudi connection for a long time

Yup, 15 out of 19 were Saudi.
Saudis have fomented jihad worldwide for a long time.

Get ready for some seriously high gas prices when the cheap gas is gone.
The price to get the oil industry up and running again is going to be massive.

The price to get the oil industry up and running again is going to be massive.

Why do you feel that?
The Fall of the House of Saud

Americans have long considered Saudi Arabia the one constant in the Arab Middle East—a source of cheap oil, political stability, and lucrative business relationships. But the country is run by an increasingly dysfunctional royal family that has been funding militant Islamic movements abroad in an attempt to protect itself from them at home. A former CIA operative argues, in an article drawn form his new book, Sleeping With the Devil, that today's Saudi Arabia can't last much longer—and the social and economic fallout of its demise could be calamitous

They're wrecking the US oil industry.
And we're obviously kissing their ass or we would have done something about their involvement in 9/11.
And now Barry and company aren't going to allow the victims to sue for that involvement ..If that ain't kissing ass I dont know what is.

They're wrecking the US oil industry.

They're trying. The technology won't be uninvented just because oil has dropped $60 over the last 2 years.

And now Barry and company aren't going to allow the victims to sue for that involvement ..

He's a worthless ass kisser, with all but our friends.

That does nothing for those who are being laid off by the thousands.
Machine shops and tool sellers are closing their doors at a prodigious rate.
And remember,we've known about the Saudi connection for a long time so you cant blame it all on Barry the meat puppet.

That does nothing for those who are being laid off by the thousands.

Tens of thousands are harmed, hundreds of millions benefit.

And remember,we've known about the Saudi connection for a long time

Yup, 15 out of 19 were Saudi.
Saudis have fomented jihad worldwide for a long time.

Get ready for some seriously high gas prices when the cheap gas is gone.
The price to get the oil industry up and running again is going to be massive.

The price to get the oil industry up and running again is going to be massive.

Why do you feel that?

The price of machine work will sky rocket because there will be few of them left. Then you have the cost of finding qualified workers,the cost of starting up cold refineries and wells.
All down the line costs will sky rocket.
I worked in the industry for for almost thirty years and every time this happens it's the same thing. Costs go through the roof and as a result gas prices do as well.
They're wrecking the US oil industry.

They're trying. The technology won't be uninvented just because oil has dropped $60 over the last 2 years.

And now Barry and company aren't going to allow the victims to sue for that involvement ..

He's a worthless ass kisser, with all but our friends.

That does nothing for those who are being laid off by the thousands.
Machine shops and tool sellers are closing their doors at a prodigious rate.
And remember,we've known about the Saudi connection for a long time so you cant blame it all on Barry the meat puppet.

That does nothing for those who are being laid off by the thousands.

Tens of thousands are harmed, hundreds of millions benefit.

And remember,we've known about the Saudi connection for a long time

Yup, 15 out of 19 were Saudi.
Saudis have fomented jihad worldwide for a long time.

Get ready for some seriously high gas prices when the cheap gas is gone.
The price to get the oil industry up and running again is going to be massive.

The price to get the oil industry up and running again is going to be massive.

Why do you feel that?

The price of machine work will sky rocket because there will be few of them left. Then you have the cost of finding qualified workers,the cost of starting up cold refineries and wells.
All down the line costs will sky rocket.
I worked in the industry for for almost thirty years and every time this happens it's the same thing. Costs go through the roof and as a result gas prices do as well.

The price gets high enough, new wells will be drilled.

Costs go through the roof and as a result gas prices do as well.

The cure for high high prices.
That does nothing for those who are being laid off by the thousands.
Machine shops and tool sellers are closing their doors at a prodigious rate.
And remember,we've known about the Saudi connection for a long time so you cant blame it all on Barry the meat puppet.

That does nothing for those who are being laid off by the thousands.

Tens of thousands are harmed, hundreds of millions benefit.

And remember,we've known about the Saudi connection for a long time

Yup, 15 out of 19 were Saudi.
Saudis have fomented jihad worldwide for a long time.

Get ready for some seriously high gas prices when the cheap gas is gone.
The price to get the oil industry up and running again is going to be massive.

The price to get the oil industry up and running again is going to be massive.

Why do you feel that?

The price of machine work will sky rocket because there will be few of them left. Then you have the cost of finding qualified workers,the cost of starting up cold refineries and wells.
All down the line costs will sky rocket.
I worked in the industry for for almost thirty years and every time this happens it's the same thing. Costs go through the roof and as a result gas prices do as well.

The price gets high enough, new wells will be drilled.

Costs go through the roof and as a result gas prices do as well.

The cure for high high prices.

They wont drill any new ones until they fire all the dormant ones back up.
That does nothing for those who are being laid off by the thousands.

Tens of thousands are harmed, hundreds of millions benefit.

And remember,we've known about the Saudi connection for a long time

Yup, 15 out of 19 were Saudi.
Saudis have fomented jihad worldwide for a long time.

Get ready for some seriously high gas prices when the cheap gas is gone.
The price to get the oil industry up and running again is going to be massive.

The price to get the oil industry up and running again is going to be massive.

Why do you feel that?

The price of machine work will sky rocket because there will be few of them left. Then you have the cost of finding qualified workers,the cost of starting up cold refineries and wells.
All down the line costs will sky rocket.
I worked in the industry for for almost thirty years and every time this happens it's the same thing. Costs go through the roof and as a result gas prices do as well.

The price gets high enough, new wells will be drilled.

Costs go through the roof and as a result gas prices do as well.

The cure for high high prices.

They wont drill any new ones until they fire all the dormant ones back up.

Prices rise, production will increase. Yup.
I think the Sunni's and Shiite's should kill each other down to the last Muslim.
So you call for a massacres?
What if we call for a new pogroms or a war between catholics and protestants.

There is no war between sunnites and shiites, shias are just 5% from the muslims, there is war of Iran mollahs against arab countries by their militias and using ISIS puppets in the region.
Not "calling" for any massacres, it's already happening between the Sunni's and Shiites. I think Muslims should stay busy slaughtering each other, which is a good thing for us infidels.
The leaders of killing since centuries stay in Europe.
Then why did Muslims invade Europe and cause the Crusades?

Muslims cause the crusades says Goofy!

Muslims also causes colonisation, pogroms, showa and the 2 world wars! :laugh:
I think the Sunni's and Shiite's should kill each other down to the last Muslim.
So you call for a massacres?
What if we call for a new pogroms or a war between catholics and protestants.

There is no war between sunnites and shiites, shias are just 5% from the muslims, there is war of Iran mollahs against arab countries by their militias and using ISIS puppets in the region.
Not "calling" for any massacres, it's already happening between the Sunni's and Shiites. I think Muslims should stay busy slaughtering each other, which is a good thing for us infidels.
The leaders of killing since centuries stay in Europe.
Then why did Muslims invade Europe and cause the Crusades?

Muslims cause the crusades says Goofy!

Muslims also causes colonisation, pogroms, showa and the 2 world wars! :laugh:
Stop listening to your mosque Imam, and look it up, moron. Muslims first invaded Europe and other Christian lands. Which prompted the first crusades. Yes, Islam spread through violence, invasions, and forced conversions.

First Crusade

The First Crusade (1096–1099) was the first of a number of crusades that attempted to recapture the Holy Lands, called by Pope Urban II in 1095. It started as a widespread pilgrimage in western Christendom and ended as a military expedition by Roman Catholic Europe to regain the Holy Lands taken in the Muslim conquests of the Levant (632–661), ultimately resulting in the recapture of Jerusalem in 1099.

It was launched on 27 November 1095 by Pope Urban II with the primary goal of responding to an appeal from Byzantine Emperor Alexios I Komnenos, who requested that western volunteers come to his aid and help to repel the invading Seljuk Turks from Anatolia. An additional goal soon became the principal objective—the Christian reconquest of the sacred city of Jerusalem and the Holy Land and the freeing of the Eastern Christians from Muslim rule.

During the crusade, knights, peasants and serfs from many regions of Western Europe travelled over land and by sea, first to Constantinople and then on towards Jerusalem. The Crusaders arrived at Jerusalem, launched an assault on the city, and captured it in July 1099, massacring many of the city's Muslim and Jewish inhabitants. They also established the crusader states of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, the County of Tripoli, the Principality of Antioch, and the County of Edessa.
Get ready for some seriously high gas prices when the cheap gas is gone.
The price to get the oil industry up and running again is going to be massive.

The price to get the oil industry up and running again is going to be massive.

Why do you feel that?

The price of machine work will sky rocket because there will be few of them left. Then you have the cost of finding qualified workers,the cost of starting up cold refineries and wells.
All down the line costs will sky rocket.
I worked in the industry for for almost thirty years and every time this happens it's the same thing. Costs go through the roof and as a result gas prices do as well.

The price gets high enough, new wells will be drilled.

Costs go through the roof and as a result gas prices do as well.

The cure for high high prices.

They wont drill any new ones until they fire all the dormant ones back up.

Prices rise, production will increase. Yup.
For now, Saudi and the other oil producer strategy is working. They've discouraged domestic production and exploration, and many shale oil producers have gone bankrupt.

Perhaps after the 2016 elections they will start increasing prices.

U.S. oil bankruptcies spike 379%
Last edited:
I think the Sunni's and Shiite's should kill each other down to the last Muslim.
So you call for a massacres?
What if we call for a new pogroms or a war between catholics and protestants.

There is no war between sunnites and shiites, shias are just 5% from the muslims, there is war of Iran mollahs against arab countries by their militias and using ISIS puppets in the region.
Not "calling" for any massacres, it's already happening between the Sunni's and Shiites. I think Muslims should stay busy slaughtering each other, which is a good thing for us infidels.
The leaders of killing since centuries stay in Europe.
Then why did Muslims invade Europe and cause the Crusades?

Muslims cause the crusades says Goofy!

Muslims also causes colonisation, pogroms, showa and the 2 world wars! :laugh:

Muslims cause the crusades

Well, yeah. It was the whole invading, converting and killing your neighbors thing.
You know, it's what Muslims do.
From the very first sentence of this opinion piece, I found myself agreeing heartily. That it is even more cruel and barbaric than North Korea or Iran is as true as possible. This paragraph puts this tyrannical tribe in perspective:

For over forty years, this blight of a tribe has caused recessions, caused depressions, and damaged the planet's economy. They got wealthy by re-impoverishing an emerging Third World, starting with the artificially created 1973 oil crisis. They have used their oil wealth to sponsor terrorism (as has Iran). Rather than investing wisely in industry to pick up market slack to become a modern diversified economy, they have invested instead in subsidizing mullahs, arming Salafist extremists in Syria, and exporting Islam around the world.

And, I absolutely loved this final paragraph:

Good riddance to the KSA – a corrupt, vicious regime! May their next chief export be bottled camel urine. I wish America had never gotten involved with them.

Read more: Articles: The End of Saudi Arabia?

The end of Saudi Arabia would be a great day for most normal people. Saudi Arabia are evil and barbaric and it's a disgrace that they EVER have been considered The West's Ally.

but baby bush loved brother Bandar and the Saudis. *shrug*
So you call for a massacres?
What if we call for a new pogroms or a war between catholics and protestants.

There is no war between sunnites and shiites, shias are just 5% from the muslims, there is war of Iran mollahs against arab countries by their militias and using ISIS puppets in the region.
Not "calling" for any massacres, it's already happening between the Sunni's and Shiites. I think Muslims should stay busy slaughtering each other, which is a good thing for us infidels.
The leaders of killing since centuries stay in Europe.
Then why did Muslims invade Europe and cause the Crusades?

Muslims cause the crusades says Goofy!

Muslims also causes colonisation, pogroms, showa and the 2 world wars! :laugh:

Muslims cause the crusades

Well, yeah. It was the whole invading, converting and killing your neighbors thing.
You know, it's what Muslims do.


I'm pretty sure the Christian crusaders went where the muslims were to take over the land *the muslims* were living on.
Muslims invaded Christian lands first. The first crusades were started to free Jerusalem for Christian worshippers wanting to do pilgrimage, who were forbidden by Muslim invaders, and free other "Christian" lands Muslims had invaded. Christianity came before Islam. Although Crusaders were just as barbaric, if not more than the Muslims.
Not "calling" for any massacres, it's already happening between the Sunni's and Shiites. I think Muslims should stay busy slaughtering each other, which is a good thing for us infidels.
The leaders of killing since centuries stay in Europe.
Then why did Muslims invade Europe and cause the Crusades?

Muslims cause the crusades says Goofy!

Muslims also causes colonisation, pogroms, showa and the 2 world wars! :laugh:

Muslims cause the crusades

Well, yeah. It was the whole invading, converting and killing your neighbors thing.
You know, it's what Muslims do.


I'm pretty sure the Christian crusaders went where the muslims were to take over the land *the muslims* were living on.

I'm pretty sure the Christian crusaders went where the muslims were to take over the land

Can you be more specific? Which land did the Crusaders go to? Why?

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