The end of the autism/vaccine debate?

[ame=]Robert Kennedy on the Vaccine Autism Coverup - YouTube[/ame]
Sorry bout that,

1. This is very true, Bobby Kennedy Jr. is correct!
2. As I am.
3. Big drug industry if fucking up OUR children's heads.
4. I have been speaking out about this for years!

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[ame=]Door to Door Vaccinations: Mom to Nurse, 'Get The F[/ame]
The pharma lobby can get any of their scientists to write up whatever they want, and every supporting official greased with enough money to back them. I call bullshit!
I witnessed first hand what happened after my son, born with an APGAR score of ten, got 3 in one day (as my objections were dismissed as ignorant or molly coddling by the public health nurse). He developed behavior problems, was speech delayed, and had troubles with reading growing up. He's overcome everything, but it didn't have to be so hard for him, and I blame the mercury he was needlessly poisoned with.
One shot containing thimerosal (a preservative used solely to save the drug manufacturers money in packaging, as it would be completely unneeded if packaged in single shot doses) has more mercury than adults are advised to consume through the consumption of fish in any given week. The smaller the child, the smaller the liver, and the greater the risk. And it isn't just autism, it is neurological problems up to and including autism.

And this is the unfortunate ignorance of uneducated Americans when it comes to scientific reasoning. Allow me to provide an example. Let's say that a man eats eggs every weekend. Shortly after eating his eggs, he gets sick. What does that say about the eggs? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Now if EVERYONE in the area got sick in the same manner after eating eggs, then it's much safer to conclude the eggs had something to do with it. So what's the difference? The sample size. If the sample size is ONE, no conclusions about the cause can really be made. Maybe it was the eggs, or maybe it was the raw chicken he likes to eat. The point is this: people get sick. We do. All the time, actually. And we love to blame someone for it.

So how do we distinguish whether its the proverbial egg or the chicken? We look at loads of people who also ate the eggs. If only 5 in 100,000 got sick after eating the eggs, we can conclude the eggs are safe. If 85,000 people in 100,000 get sick, we can conclude the eggs are contaminated.

So yes, it's unfortunate your kid has slowed behavioral growth. But it happens. All the time. And we still want to blame someone for it, regardless of whether there is someone to blame or not. You have a sample size of ONE. You are in no position to evaluate the risk to the general population. Those who HAVE taken large sample sizes of children who have and have not gotten vaccinated have found beyond any reasonable doubt that autism still pops up regardless of vaccination status, with no higher incidence if vaccinated.

Lastly: this is not the pharma lobby drumming up pocketed scientists. These are pediatricians and academic researchers.

Someone pours his heart out and you call him ignorant and provide some silly example. What level from Dante's Inferno will you be placed in?

No one has explains the geometric increase in autism. However the increase in autism does coincide with increased vacines. There is a financial interest in vacinations and CDC has interest in vacination to prevent outbreaks, even at the expense of collateral damage.
The pharma lobby can get any of their scientists to write up whatever they want, and every supporting official greased with enough money to back them. I call bullshit!
I witnessed first hand what happened after my son, born with an APGAR score of ten, got 3 in one day (as my objections were dismissed as ignorant or molly coddling by the public health nurse). He developed behavior problems, was speech delayed, and had troubles with reading growing up. He's overcome everything, but it didn't have to be so hard for him, and I blame the mercury he was needlessly poisoned with.
One shot containing thimerosal (a preservative used solely to save the drug manufacturers money in packaging, as it would be completely unneeded if packaged in single shot doses) has more mercury than adults are advised to consume through the consumption of fish in any given week. The smaller the child, the smaller the liver, and the greater the risk. And it isn't just autism, it is neurological problems up to and including autism.

And this is the unfortunate ignorance of uneducated Americans when it comes to scientific reasoning. Allow me to provide an example. Let's say that a man eats eggs every weekend. Shortly after eating his eggs, he gets sick. What does that say about the eggs? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Now if EVERYONE in the area got sick in the same manner after eating eggs, then it's much safer to conclude the eggs had something to do with it. So what's the difference? The sample size. If the sample size is ONE, no conclusions about the cause can really be made. Maybe it was the eggs, or maybe it was the raw chicken he likes to eat. The point is this: people get sick. We do. All the time, actually. And we love to blame someone for it.

So how do we distinguish whether its the proverbial egg or the chicken? We look at loads of people who also ate the eggs. If only 5 in 100,000 got sick after eating the eggs, we can conclude the eggs are safe. If 85,000 people in 100,000 get sick, we can conclude the eggs are contaminated.

So yes, it's unfortunate your kid has slowed behavioral growth. But it happens. All the time. And we still want to blame someone for it, regardless of whether there is someone to blame or not. You have a sample size of ONE. You are in no position to evaluate the risk to the general population. Those who HAVE taken large sample sizes of children who have and have not gotten vaccinated have found beyond any reasonable doubt that autism still pops up regardless of vaccination status, with no higher incidence if vaccinated.

Lastly: this is not the pharma lobby drumming up pocketed scientists. These are pediatricians and academic researchers.

Someone pours his heart out and you call him ignorant

They are. The mercury you find in thimerosal (which has not been used in vaccines since the fucking 90s) is lower than a tuna fish sandwich and the idea that the pharmacy is rich enough and that nearly every single doctor is corrupt enough to be taking bribes is ludicrous.

No one has explains the geometric increase in autism.

How we diagnose autism has changed.

However the increase in autism does coincide with increased vacines.

And ice cream sales coincide with murder rates.
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Sorry bout that,

1. What is taking place is criminal.:evil:
2. Children's heads are being fried, for no good reason.:eusa_hand:
3. Its a fact.:doubt:
4. The risk from getting some disease is less than getting *Autism*.
5. Now thats fucking sad as hell having written it.
6. Yeah we're screwed!
7. Self screwed!

3. Big drug industry if fucking up OUR children's heads.
4. I have been speaking out about this for years!
Yes, and you've been wrong about it for years. That's how lack of education works.

No one has explains the geometric increase in autism.
This is the only sentence you said that was correct. NO ONE has explained the increase in autism, regardless of what correlation or causation is investigated.

The correlation has been investigated across countless countries, including areas where it would be hard to make the paranoid conspiracy claim the data is being made up because of industry.

There is no correlation. When 100 children who get the vaccine are compared to 100 children who do not, both groups have the same number of autistic children. You cannot find any such study where that is not the outcome.
Sorry bout that,

3. Big drug industry if fucking up OUR children's heads.
4. I have been speaking out about this for years!
Yes, and you've been wrong about it for years. That's how lack of education works.

No one has explains the geometric increase in autism.
This is the only sentence you said that was correct. NO ONE has explained the increase in autism, regardless of what correlation or causation is investigated.

The correlation has been investigated across countless countries, including areas where it would be hard to make the paranoid conspiracy claim the data is being made up because of industry.

There is no correlation. When 100 children who get the vaccine are compared to 100 children who do not, both groups have the same number of autistic children. You cannot find any such study where that is not the outcome.

1. ^ Contributor of children's heads all across the planet, being fried, ......:rock:

Sorry bout that,

1. I will always live with a clear conscience about this topic.
2. One day you will have to learn you are one that supported the way kids get *all* these shots, and how millions of children's head got fried for you being the educated fool.
3. Yeah, you go on down to that reality, and you learn how to justify it in *your* head.
4. While millions of innocent children have to suffer for no reason other than some federal agency, and some rich drug company both being protected by laws that they lobbied to have put into place.
5. Yeah, you go on down that road, and just remember I told you about it way back when, *right now*.

yes. that is called blind belief. i'm going on factual evidence. you have fun with your clear conscious. glad you're not in healthcare.
Yeah he has a clear conscious knowing that he's preventing kids getting vaccines against potentially fatal diseases because he thinks it may lead to a non-fatal disorder.

Clearly that's the right course of action.
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Sorry bout that,

1. You will see I shall prevail in this *FIGHT*!!!!!!!!!!!
2. You people will lose!!!!!
3. One day and soon, I shall win!!!!!!!
4. Ahhahahaha,....

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My understanding was that thimerosal was being blamed for the increase in autism.
I also understand that thimerosal is no longer used in child vaccines.
Shouldn't the autism rate be falling then?
Sorry bout that,

My understanding was that thimerosal was being blamed for the increase in autism.
I also understand that thimerosal is no longer used in child vaccines.
Shouldn't the autism rate be falling then?

1. Its not the mercury based shots, like *they* claim it could of been, its the *combo shots*, double doses, and all the shear volume of shots, starting as babies from the womb, hitting certain children who can't handle it.
2. If its scaled back considerably, then we would see the numbers fall, not increase like we always see.

yes, they blamed thimerasol, it was removed, and then found to not be the cause. but crazy people don't believe it.
1. Its not the mercury based shots, like *they* claim it could of been, its the *combo shots*, double doses, and all the shear volume of shots, starting as babies from the womb, hitting certain children who can't handle it.
2. If its scaled back considerably, then we would see the numbers fall, not increase like we always see.


Here's another uninformed blind belief. People see an increasing number of shots and point to that as the problem, but the actual number of viral proteins a kid is exposed to has exponentially gone down over the years, and the number of combo shots in no way influences the risk of autism, including kids who get zero shots.

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