The Enemy of My Enemies


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
This ancient proverb can and should be a political Litmus Test.

It's a more erudite version of 'birds of a feather flock together.'

1. The enemy of my enemy is my friend is an ancient proverb which suggests that two opposing parties can or should work together against a common enemy. ... The proverb is sometimes phrased as "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" or "my enemy's enemy is my friend."
The enemy of my enemy is my friend - Wikipedia
The enemy of my enemy is my friend - Wikipedia

2. How thoroughly 'used' must one feel when they finally understand that they've signed on to support Bolsheviks, Nazis.....and Islamofascists.
If you vote Democrat.....that's exactly what you've thrown your support to.

3. "EXCLUSIVE: US left wing groups travelled to Germany for the G20 Summit last July to meet with Al qaeda and ISIS leaders and plot the destruction of President Trump, secret FBI investigation reveals"
ISIS connection to US anarchists revealed in Ed Klein book | Daily Mail Online

4. "A secret FBI investigation of the violent 'resistance' movement on college campuses against President Trump has led to an alarming discovery—the collusion between American anarchists and foreign terrorists in the Islamic State and Al qaeda, according to a confidential 'Informational Report' by FBI field offices.
'There is clearly overwhelming evidence that there are growing ties between U.S. radicals and the Islamic State, as well as several [ISIS] offshoots and splinter groups,' stated the FBI field report, which was delivered to Acting Director Andrew McCabe on July 11, 2017, ..."

5. "During his investigation of Hillary's emails. former FBI Director James Comey set up a hotline with Mireille Ballestrazzi, the head of INTERPOL...Thanks to Ballestrazzi and INTERPOL'S worldwide resources, Comey collected intelligence on the interconnections between Middle Eastern jihadis, European radicals, and the American anarchists who were part of the anti-Trump 'resistance' movement."
Edward Klein, "All Out War," p. 213

6. If you claim to be an American, and subscribe to the beliefs and values memorialized in our founding documents.....

...well....Bolsheviks, Nazis, and Islamofascists should be your enemies.


"the enemy of my enemy is my friend"......that would describe Donald J. Trump's administration.
7. Hussein Obama ran his administration in full favor of Islamoterrorists....

a. ...sending terror leaders captured on the battlefield, back to the war...

b. ...clearing the field for the creation of ISIS by refusing to leave any troops as a counterweight in Iraq

c.....lying to the public about Islam

"Obama: 'Islam Has Been Woven Into the Fabric of Our Country Since Its Founding'" Obama: 'Islam Has Been Woven Into the Fabric of Our Country Since Its Founding'

"Obama says the Islamic State ‘is not Islamic.’" Obama says the Islamic State ‘is not Islamic.’ Americans disagree.

d. Awarding nuclear weapons to Iran, the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism.

e. Under Obama: "Immigration to Swell U.S. Muslim Population to 6.2 Million" Immigration to Swell U.S. Muslim Population to 6.2 Million - Breitbart

How blind must one be to miss these 'clues'????
99% of your posts are total drivel. But this one....

...This one is just hilarious. Well done!

I really got a chuckle out of the thought of 'left wing groups sitting at a conference table with ISIS and Al Qaeda'.
Who do you think was responsible for ordering lunch for the meeting?
You dont believe in our founding documents. You believe in partisan politics. That seems to be it.
99% of your posts are total drivel. But this one....

...This one is just hilarious. Well done!

I really got a chuckle out of the thought of 'left wing groups sitting at a conference table with ISIS and Al Qaeda'.
Who do you think was responsible for ordering lunch for the meeting?

Translation: "I couldn't find a single thing to dispute in the well documented posts." personify:

If you claim to be an American, and subscribe to the beliefs and values memorialized in our founding documents.....

...well....Bolsheviks, Nazis, and Islamofascists should be your enemies.


"the enemy of my enemy is my friend"......that would describe Donald J. Trump's administration.
You dont believe in our founding documents. You believe in partisan politics. That seems to be it.

Another dunce.

Translation: "I couldn't find a single thing to dispute in the well documented posts." personify:

If you claim to be an American, and subscribe to the beliefs and values memorialized in our founding documents.....

...well....Bolsheviks, Nazis, and Islamofascists should be your enemies.


"the enemy of my enemy is my friend"......that would describe Donald J. Trump's administration.
99% of your posts are total drivel. But this one....

...This one is just hilarious. Well done!

I really got a chuckle out of the thought of 'left wing groups sitting at a conference table with ISIS and Al Qaeda'.
Who do you think was responsible for ordering lunch for the meeting?

Translation: "I couldn't find a single thing to dispute in the well documented posts." personify:

If you claim to be an American, and subscribe to the beliefs and values memorialized in our founding documents.....

...well....Bolsheviks, Nazis, and Islamofascists should be your enemies.


"the enemy of my enemy is my friend"......that would describe Donald J. Trump's administration.

Where do you think this big meeting took place between the dems and ISIS? Motel 6 conference room at the airport?
99% of your posts are total drivel. But this one....

...This one is just hilarious. Well done!

I really got a chuckle out of the thought of 'left wing groups sitting at a conference table with ISIS and Al Qaeda'.
Who do you think was responsible for ordering lunch for the meeting?

Translation: "I couldn't find a single thing to dispute in the well documented posts." personify:

If you claim to be an American, and subscribe to the beliefs and values memorialized in our founding documents.....

...well....Bolsheviks, Nazis, and Islamofascists should be your enemies.


"the enemy of my enemy is my friend"......that would describe Donald J. Trump's administration.

Where do you think this big meeting took place between the dems and ISIS? Motel 6 conference room at the airport?

"'Ties between three key leaders of the Oakland group [names redacted] met in Hamburg with a leader of the AQAP [Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula] and the AQIM [Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb],' the report continued. 'The leader from AQAP is an Egyptian-born male [name redacted] who is known to be in charge of finances and recruiting for the group.

'One of the men from Oakland traveled to Syria to meet with ISIS; the purpose was for training in tactics, but was thought to be primarily a bonding visit to discuss possible massive disruptive attacks in the U.S."
ISIS connection to US anarchists revealed in Ed Klein book | Daily Mail Online

Soooo.....we have the Anti-Trump Resistance, Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula,.....and you.
99% of your posts are total drivel. But this one....

...This one is just hilarious. Well done!

I really got a chuckle out of the thought of 'left wing groups sitting at a conference table with ISIS and Al Qaeda'.
Who do you think was responsible for ordering lunch for the meeting?

Translation: "I couldn't find a single thing to dispute in the well documented posts." personify:

If you claim to be an American, and subscribe to the beliefs and values memorialized in our founding documents.....

...well....Bolsheviks, Nazis, and Islamofascists should be your enemies.


"the enemy of my enemy is my friend"......that would describe Donald J. Trump's administration.

Where do you think this big meeting took place between the dems and ISIS? Motel 6 conference room at the airport?

"'Ties between three key leaders of the Oakland group [names redacted] met in Hamburg with a leader of the AQAP [Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula] and the AQIM [Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb],' the report continued. 'The leader from AQAP is an Egyptian-born male [name redacted] who is known to be in charge of finances and recruiting for the group.

'One of the men from Oakland traveled to Syria to meet with ISIS; the purpose was for training in tactics, but was thought to be primarily a bonding visit to discuss possible massive disruptive attacks in the U.S."
ISIS connection to US anarchists revealed in Ed Klein book | Daily Mail Online

Soooo.....we have the Anti-Trump Resistance, Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula,.....and you.

Yup and Me. I met with Isis in Syria. Good catch.
"Girl and the Snake

A young girl walking along a mountain path to her grandmother's house heard a rustle at her feet. Looking down, she saw a snake, but before she could react, the snake spoke to her.

"I am about to die," he said. "It's too cold for me up here, and I am freezing. There is no food in these mountains, and I am starving. Please put me under your coat and take me with you."

"No," the girl replied. "I know your kind. You are a rattlesnake. And if I pick you up, you will bite me and your bite is poisonous."

"No, no," the snake said. "If you help me, you will be my best friend. I will treat you differently."

The young girl sat down on a rock for a moment to rest and think things over. She looked at the beautiful markings on the snake and she had to admit he was the most beautiful snake she had ever seen.

Suddenly, she said, "I believe you. I will save you. All living things deserve to be treated with kindness."

She then reached over, put the snake gently under her coat and continued toward her grandmother's house.

Within a moment, she felt a sharp pain in her side. The snake had bitten her!

"How could you do this to me?" she cried. "You promised that you would not bite me, and I trusted you!"

"You knew what I was when you picked me up," he hissed as he slithered away.

# # #

- Ann Landers' column (with minor edits by G Ballard)"
99% of your posts are total drivel. But this one....

...This one is just hilarious. Well done!

I really got a chuckle out of the thought of 'left wing groups sitting at a conference table with ISIS and Al Qaeda'.
Who do you think was responsible for ordering lunch for the meeting?

Translation: "I couldn't find a single thing to dispute in the well documented posts." personify:

If you claim to be an American, and subscribe to the beliefs and values memorialized in our founding documents.....

...well....Bolsheviks, Nazis, and Islamofascists should be your enemies.


"the enemy of my enemy is my friend"......that would describe Donald J. Trump's administration.

Where do you think this big meeting took place between the dems and ISIS? Motel 6 conference room at the airport?

"'Ties between three key leaders of the Oakland group [names redacted] met in Hamburg with a leader of the AQAP [Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula] and the AQIM [Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb],' the report continued. 'The leader from AQAP is an Egyptian-born male [name redacted] who is known to be in charge of finances and recruiting for the group.

'One of the men from Oakland traveled to Syria to meet with ISIS; the purpose was for training in tactics, but was thought to be primarily a bonding visit to discuss possible massive disruptive attacks in the U.S."
ISIS connection to US anarchists revealed in Ed Klein book | Daily Mail Online

Soooo.....we have the Anti-Trump Resistance, Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula,.....and you.

Yup and Me. I met with Isis in Syria. Good catch.

As you cannot dispute the fact.....
...your post is exactly the sort of post one would expect from one afraid of the ramifications of confronting the Left.

Now....scoot on back to your blanket-fort.
'Making some sort of common cause with Americans who are determined to commit violence against the U.S. makes them potentially very useful to radical Islam.'

'The Americans communicate with the Islamic State and other terrorist organizations on websites, and they use those websites to download instructions on making weapons,' said an FBI source who had access to Comey's intelligence reports."
ISIS connection to US anarchists revealed in Ed Klein book | Daily Mail Online
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7. Hussein Obama ran his administration in full favor of Islamoterrorists....

a. ...sending terror leaders captured on the battlefield, back to the war...

b. ...clearing the field for the creation of ISIS by refusing to leave any troops as a counterweight in Iraq

c.....lying to the public about Islam

"Obama: 'Islam Has Been Woven Into the Fabric of Our Country Since Its Founding'" Obama: 'Islam Has Been Woven Into the Fabric of Our Country Since Its Founding'

"Obama says the Islamic State ‘is not Islamic.’" Obama says the Islamic State ‘is not Islamic.’ Americans disagree.

d. Awarding nuclear weapons to Iran, the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism.

e. Under Obama: "Immigration to Swell U.S. Muslim Population to 6.2 Million" Immigration to Swell U.S. Muslim Population to 6.2 Million - Breitbart

How blind must one be to miss these 'clues'????
Perfect hater dupe... So much b******* character assassination and misinformation makes a total dangerous idiot. If you wonder what happened to civility in politics, look no further.
7. Hussein Obama ran his administration in full favor of Islamoterrorists....

a. ...sending terror leaders captured on the battlefield, back to the war...

b. ...clearing the field for the creation of ISIS by refusing to leave any troops as a counterweight in Iraq

c.....lying to the public about Islam

"Obama: 'Islam Has Been Woven Into the Fabric of Our Country Since Its Founding'" Obama: 'Islam Has Been Woven Into the Fabric of Our Country Since Its Founding'

"Obama says the Islamic State ‘is not Islamic.’" Obama says the Islamic State ‘is not Islamic.’ Americans disagree.

d. Awarding nuclear weapons to Iran, the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism.

e. Under Obama: "Immigration to Swell U.S. Muslim Population to 6.2 Million" Immigration to Swell U.S. Muslim Population to 6.2 Million - Breitbart

How blind must one be to miss these 'clues'????
Perfect hater dupe... So much b******* character assassination and misinformation makes a total dangerous idiot. If you wonder what happened to civility in politics, look no further.
real simple question, does the US negotiate with terrorist?
The Obama quote..."Islam has been woven into the face of our
country since it's founding..."

Is basically correct and accurate.

They began pirating our merchant ships and holding our merchant
sailors for ransom since return, we have been kicking their'
worthless asses since 1805

The Question that most ponder...

"What separates a Muslim from a Black?"

The answer, in a rough estimate...

'Bout 250 miles of the Sahara.
7. Hussein Obama ran his administration in full favor of Islamoterrorists....

a. ...sending terror leaders captured on the battlefield, back to the war...

b. ...clearing the field for the creation of ISIS by refusing to leave any troops as a counterweight in Iraq

c.....lying to the public about Islam

"Obama: 'Islam Has Been Woven Into the Fabric of Our Country Since Its Founding'" Obama: 'Islam Has Been Woven Into the Fabric of Our Country Since Its Founding'

"Obama says the Islamic State ‘is not Islamic.’" Obama says the Islamic State ‘is not Islamic.’ Americans disagree.

d. Awarding nuclear weapons to Iran, the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism.

e. Under Obama: "Immigration to Swell U.S. Muslim Population to 6.2 Million" Immigration to Swell U.S. Muslim Population to 6.2 Million - Breitbart

How blind must one be to miss these 'clues'????
Perfect hater dupe... So much b******* character assassination and misinformation makes a total dangerous idiot. If you wonder what happened to civility in politics, look no further. come you couldn't point out any mistakes?

Truth is always....I am 100% correct, accurate and truthful....

....and you've helped prove it.
The Obama quote..."Islam has been woven into the face of our
country since it's founding..."

Is basically correct and accurate.

They began pirating our merchant ships and holding our merchant
sailors for ransom since return, we have been kicking their'
worthless asses since 1805

The Question that most ponder...

"What separates a Muslim from a Black?"

The answer, in a rough estimate...

'Bout 250 miles of the Sahara.

While I got the tongue-in-cheek aspect of your clever post, I would like to point out that Tocqueville slapped the lying low-life, Hussein Obama, across the kisser, here:

Although Christianity in its many varieties was the religion of the original colonies, Christianity does not preach operational dominance over the body politic in America. Tocqueville compared this aspect to Islam:

“Mohammed professed to derive from Heaven, and has inserted in the Koran, not only religious doctrines, but political maxims, civil and criminal laws, and theories of science.

The Gospel, on the contrary, speaks only of the general relations of men to God and to each other, beyond which it inculcates and imposes no point of faith. This alone, besides a thousand other reasons, would suffice to prove that the former of these religions will never long predominate in a cultivated and democratic age, while the latter is destined to retain its sway at these as at all other periods.”
Tocqueville, “Democracy in America,” vol.2, p. 23.

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