The Environmental Movement Is The Color Of Money

Bundy's cattle should be seized to pay his bills. If that's not enough, the rest of his property should be forfeit. If you'd prefer a nation that doesn't operate under the rule of law, there are a number of alternate locations you could try. Bundy as well.

Might as well confiscate downtown BunkerVille, the local school, all the tourist traps and retail support and any infrastructure in a 100 mile radius.. Because it AINT about one guy.. That's NOT what the outrage is about.. It's about CLOSING ALL of that land and destroying entire communities... Rule of law my ass.. This is about INCOMPETENT, ARROGANT D.C. MORONS with an attitude and an army to back them up..
All Hail the Intellect of the Environmental Marxist Movement.

Marx Quotes: Quotes from Karl Marx and Frederick Engels

Communism is for us not a state of affairs which is to be established, an ideal to which reality [will] have to adjust itself. We call communism the real movement which abolishes the present state of things. The conditions of this movement result from the premises now in existence.

Marx, German Ideology (1845)

Abolish the present state of things, I would say the Marxist Environmental Movement is operating according Karl Marx.
Bundy's cattle should be seized to pay his bills. If that's not enough, the rest of his property should be forfeit. If you'd prefer a nation that doesn't operate under the rule of law, there are a number of alternate locations you could try. Bundy as well.

You are right, seize all of his private property, at least he will be free.

Marx Quotes: Quotes from Karl Marx and Frederick Engels

The slave frees himself when, of all the relations of private property, he abolishes only the relation of slavery and thereby becomes a proletarian; the proletarian can free himself only by abolishing private property in general.

Engels, Principles of Communism (1847)
Bundy's cattle should be seized to pay his bills. If that's not enough, the rest of his property should be forfeit. If you'd prefer a nation that doesn't operate under the rule of law, there are a number of alternate locations you could try. Bundy as well.

To Abraham3: Actually, Bundy supporters have no choice; whereas, you and your kind can go and live under any number of totalitarian governments. I suggest North Korea for you. Everybody obeys the law there or they get shot —— if they are lucky.
Bundy's cattle should be seized to pay his bills. If that's not enough, the rest of his property should be forfeit. If you'd prefer a nation that doesn't operate under the rule of law, there are a number of alternate locations you could try. Bundy as well.

To Abraham3: Actually, Bundy supporters have no choice; whereas, you and your kind can go and live under any number of totalitarian governments. I suggest North Korea for you. Everybody obeys the law there or they get shot —— if they are lucky.

Yet, when it comes to breaking Immigration Law the demand is not to uphold the law, but to reform the law.

These people are simply hateful, bigoted, hypocrites.
Bundy's cattle should be seized to pay his bills. If that's not enough, the rest of his property should be forfeit. If you'd prefer a nation that doesn't operate under the rule of law, there are a number of alternate locations you could try. Bundy as well.

Might as well confiscate downtown BunkerVille, the local school, all the tourist traps and retail support and any infrastructure in a 100 mile radius.. Because it AINT about one guy.. That's NOT what the outrage is about.. It's about CLOSING ALL of that land and destroying entire communities... Rule of law my ass.. This is about INCOMPETENT, ARROGANT D.C. MORONS with an attitude and an army to back them up..
Bundy's neighbors who graze their cattle on federal lands pay the grazing fees. He doesn't. He owes the US taxpayer a butt-ton-load of money and needs to pay up.
Bundy's cattle should be seized to pay his bills. If that's not enough, the rest of his property should be forfeit. If you'd prefer a nation that doesn't operate under the rule of law, there are a number of alternate locations you could try. Bundy as well.

Might as well confiscate downtown BunkerVille, the local school, all the tourist traps and retail support and any infrastructure in a 100 mile radius.. Because it AINT about one guy.. That's NOT what the outrage is about.. It's about CLOSING ALL of that land and destroying entire communities... Rule of law my ass.. This is about INCOMPETENT, ARROGANT D.C. MORONS with an attitude and an army to back them up..

The BLM is now armed like an Army.

The EPA is armed like an Army.

Every division of the Government is being militarized.

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