The EPA: Dr. Mengele would be proud

What I propose is what we had under Ike all the way up to Reagan.

The rich pay their fair share, working folks get good union wages and good union representation, and we invest adequately in infrastructure.

THAT America put men on the moon, fix racial injustice and built the greatest country the world has ever seen.

Then greedy assholes and their apologists like you came along and fucked it up.
The rich already pay their share...and YOUR share, too. Dumbass.

No they don't, as evidenced by the fact they control more of the wealth now than in any time in our history since the 1920's
The rich already pay their share...and YOUR share, too. Dumbass.

No they don't, as evidenced by the fact they control more of the wealth now than in any time in our history since the 1920's

Missing the point entirely, aren't you?

Okay, we'll try this again. What happens in Countries where you just have a few rich people and lots and lots and lots of poor people living in squalor?

Pssst. Pssst. I'll give you some hints.

France -1789
Russia- 1917
China- 1949
Cuba - 1959
Iran - 1979
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No they don't, as evidenced by the fact they control more of the wealth now than in any time in our history since the 1920's

Missing the point entirely, aren't you?

Okay, we'll try this again. What happens in Countries where you just have a few rich people and lots and lots and lots of rich people living large?

Pssst. Pssst. I'll give you some hints.

France -1789
Russia- 1917
China- 1949
Cuba - 1959
Iran - 1979
And you have none of the courage those revolutionaries had.

Hell, you big sissy, you wouldn't even sue the company that fired you, though you claim you had cause. :lol:

No, all any of you will do is post angrily and impotently on the internet, and pray to Gaea that someone will come along and do the heavy lifting for you.

So, I repeat:


Missing the point entirely, aren't you?

Okay, we'll try this again. What happens in Countries where you just have a few rich people and lots and lots and lots of poor people living in squalor?

Pssst. Pssst. I'll give you some hints.

France -1789
Russia- 1917
China- 1949
Cuba - 1959
Iran - 1979
And you have none of the courage those revolutionaries had.

Hell, you big sissy, you wouldn't even sue the company that fired you, though you claim you had cause. :lol:

No, all any of you will do is post angrily and impotently on the internet, and pray to Gaea that someone will come along and do the heavy lifting for you.

So, I repeat:


Quite the contrary, guy. The last thing I want is for the poor people to get so fed up they overthrow the system. That never works out well and it usually takes decades to put shit back together.

I just point out that pouring lots and lots of gasoline on the floor is a bad idea before someone strikes a match.

You see, you want to make it about me, but it really isn't.

I lined up a new job within two week of losing that one. A few months later, they fired about half the staff, the other half was miserable. About half the people who worked there even came to me to write resumes for them. (Which is how I got the idea to start writing resumes for money as a side job.)

So, yeah, I will do okay in a system where the rich are stealing every dollar that is lying about.

And I will do okay in a system where the rich are lined up against the nearest wall and shot.

It's just that realizing one inevitably leads to the other and is a terrible idea being the trick, dumbass.

Conservatism. It's like Stockholm Syndrome.
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Slight correction.

What happens in Countries where you just have a few rich people and lots and lots and lots of rich people living large?

Should have read

What happens in Countries where you just have a few rich people and lots and lots and lots of poor people living in squalor?
Missing the point entirely, aren't you?

Okay, we'll try this again. What happens in Countries where you just have a few rich people and lots and lots and lots of poor people living in squalor?

Pssst. Pssst. I'll give you some hints.

France -1789
Russia- 1917
China- 1949
Cuba - 1959
Iran - 1979
And you have none of the courage those revolutionaries had.

Hell, you big sissy, you wouldn't even sue the company that fired you, though you claim you had cause. :lol:

No, all any of you will do is post angrily and impotently on the internet, and pray to Gaea that someone will come along and do the heavy lifting for you.

So, I repeat:


Quite the contrary, guy. The last thing I want is for the poor people to get so fed up they overthrow the system. That never works out well and it usually takes decades to put shit back together.

I just point out that pouring lots and lots of gasoline on the floor is a bad idea before someone strikes a match.

You see, you want to make it about me, but it really isn't.

I lined up a new job within two week of losing that one. A few months later, they fired about half the staff, the other half was miserable. About half the people who worked there even came to me to write resumes for them. (Which is how I got the idea to start writing resumes for money as a side job.)

So, yeah, I will do okay in a system where the rich are stealing every dollar that is lying about.

And I will do okay in a system where the rich are lined up against the nearest wall and shot.

It's just that realizing one inevitably leads to the other and is a terrible idea being the trick, dumbass.

Conservatism. It's like Stockholm Syndrome.

:lmao: You took your Marxist programming well. You seem to believe there's an unbreakable barrier between the Haves and the Have Nots.

That is, of course, patently ridiculous.

The only people fighting the class war are people like you -- people with no class.

:lmao: You took your Marxist programming well. You seem to believe there's an unbreakable barrier between the Haves and the Have Nots.

That is, of course, patently ridiculous.

The only people fighting the class war are people like you -- people with no class.

It isn't a matter of it being 'Breakable" or not.

It's a matter of, will people support a system that provides them no benefit?

Since Reagan, the wealthy have been undermining the middle class. People who had no desire to live in mansions or ride dressage horsies, but just want to provide a nice life for their families.

And they just couldn't have that, the Mitt Romneys of the world. I need a new Dressage Horsie!!! Let's pull Joe Soptic's health coverage while his wife has cancer!!!

Seriously, dude, that is all kinds of fucked up.
Anthony Trenga - Judgepedia

On the recommendation of U.S. Senator John Warner, Trenga was nominated to the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia by President George W. Bush on July 17, 2008 to a seat vacated by Walter Kelley. Trenga was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on September 26, 2008 on a Senate vote and received commission on October 14, 2008.

Was there some reason you left Sen. Warner's "(D)" off?
yeah, pretty much, but Joe the Plumber isn't going to ever get elected. It costs too much.

I do like how you avoided my point, that the government usually ends up doing what we want it to.

Here's the REAL problem. We want government to do all this shit and we don't want to pay for it.
“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money."

-- Margaret Thatcher

Your problem is you have no idea of the scale involved. You could confiscate every single penny from the rich people you hate, and it wouldn't fund the government even an entire year:

Eat the Rich ? The Patriot Post


Yeah, the rich always "poor-mouth" when someone talks about making them pay their fair share.

Ain't buying it.

Let's run them out of money, THEN we'll talk.

The problem is the so-called 'fair-share' keeps moving up until it becomes an unfair share.

It isn't your or the governments money to run them out of. Taking someone's money or property by force is a felony.

Not only that, when you take all the rich folks money, you just put all of the people who make and sell the expensive stuff they buy out of work.

:lmao: You took your Marxist programming well. You seem to believe there's an unbreakable barrier between the Haves and the Have Nots.

That is, of course, patently ridiculous.

The only people fighting the class war are people like you -- people with no class.

It isn't a matter of it being 'Breakable" or not.

It's a matter of, will people support a system that provides them no benefit?

Since Reagan, the wealthy have been undermining the middle class. People who had no desire to live in mansions or ride dressage horsies, but just want to provide a nice life for their families.

And they just couldn't have that, the Mitt Romneys of the world. I need a new Dressage Horsie!!! Let's pull Joe Soptic's health coverage while his wife has cancer!!!

Seriously, dude, that is all kinds of fucked up.

Now you have pissed off the guy who sells dressage horses.
Romney does not pull any ones health coverage. In fact the people in Massachusetts seem to be happy with the health care plan Romney put in place when he was Governor. Now we have Obama screwing up the health care system in the entire country.

Now you have pissed off the guy who sells dressage horses.
Romney does not pull any ones health coverage. In fact the people in Massachusetts seem to be happy with the health care plan Romney put in place when he was Governor. Now we have Obama screwing up the health care system in the entire country.

Anyone who teaches a horse how to dance should be flogged for cruelty to animals.

Oh, yeah, and Romney's plan is the same as Obama's. You wingnuts only hated the idea when a Black Guy did it.

The problem is the so-called 'fair-share' keeps moving up until it becomes an unfair share.

Horseshit. From FDR to Ike, the Rich paid a top marginal rate of 93%. We never had greater prosperity. From JFK to that IDIOT Ray-Gun, the rich paid 70%, and it was still pretty fucking awesome.

It isn't your or the governments money to run them out of. Taking someone's money or property by force is a felony.

Yeah. Explain that to the IRS, but I'm sure every April 15, you compliantly file your forms.

Not only that, when you take all the rich folks money, you just put all of the people who make and sell the expensive stuff they buy out of work.

Oh, boo-hoo-hoo. Frankly, I'd rather spend that money on roads and schools and parks, things working folks use and we'd create more jobs providing them.

Now you have pissed off the guy who sells dressage horses.
Romney does not pull any ones health coverage. In fact the people in Massachusetts seem to be happy with the health care plan Romney put in place when he was Governor. Now we have Obama screwing up the health care system in the entire country.

Anyone who teaches a horse how to dance should be flogged for cruelty to animals.

Oh, yeah, and Romney's plan is the same as Obama's. You wingnuts only hated the idea when a Black Guy did it.
The problem is the so-called 'fair-share' keeps moving up until it becomes an unfair share.

Horseshit. From FDR to Ike, the Rich paid a top marginal rate of 93%. We never had greater prosperity. From JFK to that IDIOT Ray-Gun, the rich paid 70%, and it was still pretty fucking awesome.

It isn't your or the governments money to run them out of. Taking someone's money or property by force is a felony.

Yeah. Explain that to the IRS, but I'm sure every April 15, you compliantly file your forms.

Not only that, when you take all the rich folks money, you just put all of the people who make and sell the expensive stuff they buy out of work.

Oh, boo-hoo-hoo. Frankly, I'd rather spend that money on roads and schools and parks, things working folks use and we'd create more jobs providing them.

Once a simple minded fucktard has to play the race card I put them on ignore.
10 years would make that the Bush administrations baby.
If this is where you expect conservatives to say, "Oh, well, that's okay, then!" -- you're going to be disappointed.

You see, and I know you won't be able to comprehend this, wrong is wrong, no matter who does it.

You're the dumb bitch that tried to say Oblama was to blame.

If the EPA was still doing any of that after noon on January 20, 2009 then Obama is also to blame. He wanted to be the boss and responsibility for subordinates is part of the deal.

:lmao: You took your Marxist programming well. You seem to believe there's an unbreakable barrier between the Haves and the Have Nots.

That is, of course, patently ridiculous.

The only people fighting the class war are people like you -- people with no class.

It isn't a matter of it being 'Breakable" or not.

It's a matter of, will people support a system that provides them no benefit?

Since Reagan, the wealthy have been undermining the middle class. People who had no desire to live in mansions or ride dressage horsies, but just want to provide a nice life for their families.

And they just couldn't have that, the Mitt Romneys of the world. I need a new Dressage Horsie!!! Let's pull Joe Soptic's health coverage while his wife has cancer!!!

Seriously, dude, that is all kinds of fucked up.
It would be, if that was happening anywhere outside your fevered Stalinist dreams.

Speaking of people supporting a system that provides them no benefit, have you seen the horror stories of people's insurance rates skyrocketing for crappy coverage when they get quotes from Obamacare?
It would be, if that was happening anywhere outside your fevered Stalinist dreams.

Speaking of people supporting a system that provides them no benefit, have you seen the horror stories of people's insurance rates skyrocketing for crappy coverage when they get quotes from Obamacare?

Nope, that's only in your Ann Randian fever dreams.

You guys aren't afraid ObamaCare will fail. You guys live in terror that people will like it and you can never get rid of it.
I'm not too worried about Obamacare working. Even among the Obama-faithful, there is loud grumblings over insurance rates, co-pays, caps, and how shitty the deals on the exchanges are.

It's kind of like the parents who listened to Jim Jones watching their kids writhing in torment before they die and saying to themselves "hmmm, maybe this isn't as good as advertised."
I'm not too worried about Obamacare working. Even among the Obama-faithful, there is loud grumblings over insurance rates, co-pays, caps, and how shitty the deals on the exchanges are.

It's kind of like the parents who listened to Jim Jones watching their kids writhing in torment before they die and saying to themselves "hmmm, maybe this isn't as good as advertised."

What, inflametory rhetoric... that's nice.

Frankly, I just got the summery of what changes on my insurance and... wow. It's nothing.

Same as it ever was.

The only people who are really bitching are the ones who weren't buying insurance to start with and putting their treatment on our dime when they showed up at Emergency rooms even though they could afford the insurance.
Let me google that for you

“I was laughing at Boehner — until the mail came today,” Waschura said, referring to House Speaker John Boehner, who is leading the Republican charge to defund Obamacare.

“I really don’t like the Republican tactics, but at least now I can understand why they are so pissed about this. When you take $10,000 out of my family’s pocket each year, that’s otherwise disposable income or retirement savings that will not be going into our local economy.”

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