The EPA: Dr. Mengele would be proud

I think government is basically US.

It responds to our needs and our fears, wants, desires etc.

That's probably not always a good thing. Bush went to war with Iraq because he was responding to a hurt country that wanted revenge on someone.

And Obama got elected because we found out what revenge costs in blood, treasure and our national soul.

The fault lies not within the stars, but within ourselves, to quote the Bard.
Really? The government is us?

The people who make laws:

Do you know anybody worth that much? I don't.

And HATE rich people. :lmao:

yeah, pretty much, but Joe the Plumber isn't going to ever get elected. It costs too much.

I do like how you avoided my point, that the government usually ends up doing what we want it to.

Here's the REAL problem. We want government to do all this shit and we don't want to pay for it.
“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money."

-- Margaret Thatcher

Your problem is you have no idea of the scale involved. You could confiscate every single penny from the rich people you hate, and it wouldn't fund the government even an entire year:

Eat the Rich ? The Patriot Post

This year, Congress will spend $3.7 trillion dollars. That turns out to be about $10 billion per day. Can we prey upon the rich to cough up the money? According to IRS statistics, roughly 2 percent of U.S. households have an income of $250,000 and above. By the way, $250,000 per year hardly qualifies one as being rich. It’s not even yacht and Learjet money. All told, households earning $250,000 and above account for 25 percent, or $1.97 trillion, of the nearly $8 trillion of total household income. If Congress imposed a 100 percent tax, taking all earnings above $250,000 per year, it would yield the princely sum of $1.4 trillion. That would keep the government running for 141 days, but there’s a problem because there are 224 more days left in the year.

How about corporate profits to fill the gap? Fortune 500 companies earn nearly $400 billion in profits. Since leftists think profits are little less than theft and greed, Congress might confiscate these ill-gotten gains so that they can be returned to their rightful owners. Taking corporate profits would keep the government running for another 40 days, but that along with confiscating all income above $250,000 would only get us to the end of June. Congress must search elsewhere.

According to Forbes 400, America has 400 billionaires with a combined net worth of $1.3 trillion. Congress could confiscate their stocks and bonds, and force them to sell their businesses, yachts, airplanes, mansions and jewelry. The problem is that after fleecing the rich of their income and net worth, and the Fortune 500 corporations of their profits, it would only get us to mid-August. The fact of the matter is there are not enough rich people to come anywhere close to satisfying Congress' voracious spending appetite. They’re going to have to go after the non-rich.​

"Tax the rich!!" is not a viable solution -- but it sure attracts the simple-minded and envious, doesn't it?
_I_ willingly participated in an asthma study that exposed me to various nasties. The people doing the study weren't Nazis, I wasn't a Holocaust victim, and Dave is a sicko lying piece of shit for making such an outrageous claim. He ought to apologize the EPA, the board here and all of humanity for plumbing such new depths of vile behavior.

All of you who echoed Dave's Nazi-baiting, be sure to wear a bib all times, to catch the drool you constantly dribble out. Yes, you all are that effin' retarded, given how you declared volunteer scientific studies, using trace substances, are just like Dr. Mengele, or like the Syrians gassing people. How do any of you manage look in the mirror without puking?

I'd also guess the actual survivors of Nazi experimentation would not be happy upon seeing how you trivialized their cases by lying to score political points. Hey Dave, why don't you run this by some Holocaust survivors, and see what think of your hysterics?
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Really? The government is us?

The people who make laws:

Do you know anybody worth that much? I don't.

And HATE rich people. :lmao:

yeah, pretty much, but Joe the Plumber isn't going to ever get elected. It costs too much.

I do like how you avoided my point, that the government usually ends up doing what we want it to.

Here's the REAL problem. We want government to do all this shit and we don't want to pay for it.
“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money."

-- Margaret Thatcher

Your problem is you have no idea of the scale involved. You could confiscate every single penny from the rich people you hate, and it wouldn't fund the government even an entire year:

Eat the Rich ? The Patriot Post


Yeah, the rich always "poor-mouth" when someone talks about making them pay their fair share.

Ain't buying it.

Let's run them out of money, THEN we'll talk.
_I_ willingly participated in an asthma study that exposed me to various nasties. The people doing the study weren't Nazis, I wasn't a Holocaust victim, and Dave is a sicko lying piece of shit for making such an outrageous claim. He ought to apologize the EPA, the board here and all of humanity for plumbing such new depths of vile behavior.

All of you who echoed Dave's Nazi-baiting, be sure to wear a bib all times, to catch the drool you constantly dribble out. Yes, you all are that effin' retarded, given how you declared volunteer scientific studies, using trace substances, are just like Dr. Mengele, or like the Syrians gassing people. How do any of you manage look in the mirror without puking?

I'd also guess the actual survivors of Nazi experimentation would not be happy upon seeing how you trivialized their cases by lying to score political points. Hey Dave, why don't you run this by some Holocaust survivors, and see what think of your hysterics?
Perhaps if you weren't such a stupid motherfucker, youd'd have seen that the EPA isn't fully disclosing the dangers to their test subjects. So you can eat shit.

But, alas, you ARE such a stupid motherfucker.

And in closing, I'd like to reiterate that you are indeed a stupid motherfucker.
yeah, pretty much, but Joe the Plumber isn't going to ever get elected. It costs too much.

I do like how you avoided my point, that the government usually ends up doing what we want it to.

Here's the REAL problem. We want government to do all this shit and we don't want to pay for it.
“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money."

-- Margaret Thatcher

Your problem is you have no idea of the scale involved. You could confiscate every single penny from the rich people you hate, and it wouldn't fund the government even an entire year:

Eat the Rich ? The Patriot Post


Yeah, the rich always "poor-mouth" when someone talks about making them pay their fair share.

Ain't buying it.

Let's run them out of money, THEN we'll talk.
No, you lazy bastard. You can't have what you didn't earn.

Get off your ass and get to work, you lazy bastard.
“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money."

-- Margaret Thatcher

Your problem is you have no idea of the scale involved. You could confiscate every single penny from the rich people you hate, and it wouldn't fund the government even an entire year:

Eat the Rich ? The Patriot Post


Yeah, the rich always "poor-mouth" when someone talks about making them pay their fair share.

Ain't buying it.

Let's run them out of money, THEN we'll talk.
No, you lazy bastard. You can't have what you didn't earn.

Get off your ass and get to work, you lazy bastard.

Pigfucker, I work three jobs.

Not seeing how the investors who profit off two of them (publically traded companies) are doing the work. I am.

Third one is my own business, I guess I have no one to blame but me for that.
Yeah, the rich always "poor-mouth" when someone talks about making them pay their fair share.

Ain't buying it.

Let's run them out of money, THEN we'll talk.
No, you lazy bastard. You can't have what you didn't earn.

Get off your ass and get to work, you lazy bastard.

Pigfucker, I work three jobs.

Not seeing how the investors who profit off two of them (publically traded companies) are doing the work. I am.

Third one is my own business, I guess I have no one to blame but me for that.
Then what the hell are you still whining about, you sackless wonder?
No, you lazy bastard. You can't have what you didn't earn.

Get off your ass and get to work, you lazy bastard.

Pigfucker, I work three jobs.

Not seeing how the investors who profit off two of them (publically traded companies) are doing the work. I am.

Third one is my own business, I guess I have no one to blame but me for that.
Then what the hell are you still whining about, you sackless wonder?

Even if I explained it to you, you still wouldn't understand.
So you can eat shit.

Bitter, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, Dave.

Now, if you'd take a break from tongue-bathing the GOP keister and come up for some air, you'd be able to look at the real world, and see how most people are disgusted by your behavior.

But then, maybe you like getting played for a rube. After all, after everyone laughs at you, you can cry about how mean the liberals are, which leads to a very satisfying victimgasm.

By the way, most people correctly take your Nazi-baiting as an admission of surrender. After all, if you could make an actual point anywhere, you wouldn't have to stoop to screaming "NAZI!" at people.
Pigfucker, I work three jobs.

Not seeing how the investors who profit off two of them (publically traded companies) are doing the work. I am.

Third one is my own business, I guess I have no one to blame but me for that.
Then what the hell are you still whining about, you sackless wonder?

Even if I explained it to you, you still wouldn't understand.
Yeah, yeah, I get it. Rich people suck because they won't give you their money.
So you can eat shit.

Bitter, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, Dave.

Now, if you'd take a break from tongue-bathing the GOP keister and come up for some air, you'd be able to look at the real world, and see how most people are disgusted by your behavior.

But then, maybe you like getting played for a rube. After all, after everyone laughs at you, you can cry about how mean the liberals are, which leads to a very satisfying victimgasm.

By the way, most people correctly take your Nazi-baiting as an admission of surrender. After all, if you could make an actual point anywhere, you wouldn't have to stoop to screaming "NAZI!" at people.
Thread summary:

Daveman: The EPA is is performing illegal human experimentation.

Mammooth: You're STUpid! I was in a test once, so you're wrong!

You're disgusted by the wrong thing here. But then, if there's a wrong side to an issue, progressives flock to it. It's a tropism.
Yes, I've read it. Have you?

Read pages 42-44. The EPA is saying there is no law prohibiting its actions, no matter how dangerous they are.

Does that sound like a good idea to you?

Furthermore, the temp restraining order was denied without prejudice. That means the plaintiff can return anytime and make additional filings.

It's funny you think this is over. It's not.
Even if I explained it to you, you still wouldn't understand.
Yeah, yeah, I get it. Rich people suck because they won't give you their money.

No, rich people suck because they lie, cheat and steal the fruits of everyone else's labor.

See, knew you wouldn't understand.
Actually, we agree. You claim the rich stole from you. Therefore, you believe that what they have belongs to you.

I know you don't recognize it. It's called "logic".
Yeah, yeah, I get it. Rich people suck because they won't give you their money.

No, rich people suck because they lie, cheat and steal the fruits of everyone else's labor.

See, knew you wouldn't understand.
Actually, we agree. You claim the rich stole from you. Therefore, you believe that what they have belongs to you.

I know you don't recognize it. It's called "logic".

I don't claim, I know.

1% of the population controlls 47% of the wealth.

Are you really going to claim they did 47% of the physical or mental labor to produce that wealth?

Incidently, this isn't about me, guy. It's about the system. And before we get into another tiresome discussion that recyles the words "Communism" and "Freedom", the thing is, your kind of thinking MADE Obama.

Obama never would have gotten elected in 1980. He certainly never would have gotten my vote.

Because so many people have realized that Capitalism is a shit sandwich.
No, rich people suck because they lie, cheat and steal the fruits of everyone else's labor.

See, knew you wouldn't understand.
Actually, we agree. You claim the rich stole from you. Therefore, you believe that what they have belongs to you.

I know you don't recognize it. It's called "logic".

I don't claim, I know.

1% of the population controlls 47% of the wealth.

Are you really going to claim they did 47% of the physical or mental labor to produce that wealth?

Incidently, this isn't about me, guy. It's about the system. And before we get into another tiresome discussion that recyles the words "Communism" and "Freedom", the thing is, your kind of thinking MADE Obama.

Obama never would have gotten elected in 1980. He certainly never would have gotten my vote.

Because so many people have realized that Capitalism is a shit sandwich.
Yet it's infinitely preferable to the shit you support, that has been proven an abysmal failure every single time it's been tried.

And no, it WON'T work if you're in charge.
Yet it's infinitely preferable to the shit you support, that has been proven an abysmal failure every single time it's been tried.

And no, it WON'T work if you're in charge.

What I propose is what we had under Ike all the way up to Reagan.

The rich pay their fair share, working folks get good union wages and good union representation, and we invest adequately in infrastructure.

THAT America put men on the moon, fix racial injustice and built the greatest country the world has ever seen.

Then greedy assholes and their apologists like you came along and fucked it up.
Yet it's infinitely preferable to the shit you support, that has been proven an abysmal failure every single time it's been tried.

And no, it WON'T work if you're in charge.

What I propose is what we had under Ike all the way up to Reagan.

The rich pay their fair share, working folks get good union wages and good union representation, and we invest adequately in infrastructure.

THAT America put men on the moon, fix racial injustice and built the greatest country the world has ever seen.

Then greedy assholes and their apologists like you came along and fucked it up.
The rich already pay their share...and YOUR share, too. Dumbass.
Yet it's infinitely preferable to the shit you support, that has been proven an abysmal failure every single time it's been tried.

And no, it WON'T work if you're in charge.

What I propose is what we had under Ike all the way up to Reagan.

The rich pay their fair share, working folks get good union wages and good union representation, and we invest adequately in infrastructure.

THAT America put men on the moon, fix racial injustice and built the greatest country the world has ever seen.

Then greedy assholes and their apologists like you came along and fucked it up.
The rich already pay their share...and YOUR share, too. Dumbass.

No they don't, as evidenced by the fact they control more of the wealth now than in any time in our history since the 1920's

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