The EPA: Dr. Mengele would be proud

If I'd said George Zimmerman was now working for the EPA, this thread would be over a thousand posts by now.

Why take your own thread off topic?

I believe the reason that progressives are not rushing to this thread to express outrage is that you overplayed your own outrage. You use a NAZI reference to suggest that the EPA is committing genocide.
Wrong. I used a Nazi reference to suggest the EPA is conducting human experimentation.

You know...just like Mengele did (That's some of that real history stuff). I never mentioned nor implied genocide, nor did the articles.
You use an opinion piece as your source that was published in a dopey nutter rag.

Before any of us even give thought to the issue that you raise, we are forced to wade through your overcharged bullshit.....and vague accusations.

Take it easy, nutter. If you truly wish to enlist others in your cause, give them a chance to take it in before you introduce the crazy.

In addition....the way that you nutters try to lay claim to issues by introducing them in such politically charged terms is a turn off. You seem to think that if you discover an injustice and start a thread with some partisan horseshit, you own the issue and that any liberal that takes issue with your approach is guilty of condoning the injustice. Likewise, if you learn about some exceptional deed or feat carried out by post it.....tinge it with your lame divisive shit....and then take the pleasure out if it for others.
Let's see here: I believe my comments accompanying the three articles were:

"Dr. Mengele would be proud"


"Equally disgusting."

...and "WTF is wrong with the people at EPA? Defund it. Now."

Yes, I can see now how those are too vast a sea of crazy to wade through. So much overcharged bullshit and vague accusations. No NORMAL person would object to this.

Can you perhaps find proof that the accusations presented are in fact incorrect?


Then maybe you should just STFU.
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Anthony Trenga - Judgepedia

On the recommendation of U.S. Senator John Warner, Trenga was nominated to the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia by President George W. Bush on July 17, 2008 to a seat vacated by Walter Kelley. Trenga was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on September 26, 2008 on a Senate vote and received commission on October 14, 2008.
That's mostly because you have a track record of crazy that makes anything you say kind of unbelievable...
Given your complete disconnect from reality, if I said something you believed, I'd seek psychiatric help.

You should probably seek psychiatric help anyway, before you have a meltdown, sonny....
No meltdown here. I have no stress building up due to my beliefs colliding with reality.

Whenever you think of something, you hear a loud THUD, don't you?
Anthony Trenga - Judgepedia

On the recommendation of U.S. Senator John Warner, Trenga was nominated to the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia by President George W. Bush on July 17, 2008 to a seat vacated by Walter Kelley. Trenga was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on September 26, 2008 on a Senate vote and received commission on October 14, 2008.

Well...what is disgusting?


Josef Mengele - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read it and weep.

And ask yourself if this is really comparable.
...but is far more infamous for performing human experiments on camp inmates, including children...​
Yeah, seems pretty comparable. What's the problem?

But it says volumes about you that you're more concerned about the comparison than you are about the fact that the United States government is performing experiments on people when it knows the experiments are dangerous and has not fully informed the subjects of the dangers.

It says volumes -- and none of it complimentary.
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Well...what is disgusting?


Josef Mengele - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read it and weep.

And ask yourself if this is really comparable.
...but is far more infamous for performing human experiments on camp inmates, including children...​
Yeah, seems pretty comparable. What's the problem?

But it says volumes about you that you're more concerned about the comparison than you are about the fact that the United States government is performing experiments on people when it knows the experiments are dangerous and has not fully informed the subjects of the dangers.

It says volumes -- and none of it complimentary.

Daveman, what I feel is this.

With the EPA - I want to see some verification and certainty.

With Mengele - it was horrendous - no comparison the torture he put children through.

The next level down - Tuskeegee.

I am skeptical of Nazi comparisons - to me, it is a slap in face for those who suffered through it.
This government is out of control and we've especially seen it with all these federal agencies (Epa, Irs, etc ) under this administration

they have become hostile and a danger to us
Well...what is disgusting?


Josef Mengele - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read it and weep.

And ask yourself if this is really comparable.
...but is far more infamous for performing human experiments on camp inmates, including children...​
Yeah, seems pretty comparable. What's the problem?

But it says volumes about you that you're more concerned about the comparison than you are about the fact that the United States government is performing experiments on people when it knows the experiments are dangerous and has not fully informed the subjects of the dangers.

It says volumes -- and none of it complimentary.

Daveman, what I feel is this.

With the EPA - I want to see some verification and certainty.

American Tradition Institute: Cases & FOIA
With Mengele - it was horrendous - no comparison the torture he put children through.

The next level down - Tuskeegee.

I am skeptical of Nazi comparisons - to me, it is a slap in face for those who suffered through it.
Agreed, and I feel the same way. But the shocking depth of this betrayal at the hands of the US government warranted the comparison, in my opinion.
...but is far more infamous for performing human experiments on camp inmates, including children...​
Yeah, seems pretty comparable. What's the problem?

But it says volumes about you that you're more concerned about the comparison than you are about the fact that the United States government is performing experiments on people when it knows the experiments are dangerous and has not fully informed the subjects of the dangers.

It says volumes -- and none of it complimentary.

Daveman, what I feel is this.

With the EPA - I want to see some verification and certainty.

American Tradition Institute: Cases & FOIA
With Mengele - it was horrendous - no comparison the torture he put children through.

The next level down - Tuskeegee.

I am skeptical of Nazi comparisons - to me, it is a slap in face for those who suffered through it.
Agreed, and I feel the same way. But the shocking depth of this betrayal at the hands of the US government warranted the comparison, in my opinion.

I think the concern is legitimate but the comparison is not.

Thanks for the links - I'll read them :)
Given your complete disconnect from reality, if I said something you believed, I'd seek psychiatric help.

You should probably seek psychiatric help anyway, before you have a meltdown, sonny....
No meltdown here. I have no stress building up due to my beliefs colliding with reality.

Whenever you think of something, you hear a loud THUD, don't you?

No, guy you spend every minute of every day hating on Obama.

You don't have a problem at all.


Ooooh, the EPA is trying to poison us! OOOOOOH.

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You should probably seek psychiatric help anyway, before you have a meltdown, sonny....
No meltdown here. I have no stress building up due to my beliefs colliding with reality.

Whenever you think of something, you hear a loud THUD, don't you?

No, guy you spend every minute of every day hating on Obama.

You don't have a problem at all.


Ooooh, the EPA is trying to poison us! OOOOOOH.

[ame=]The Assembly - Paranoia Will Destroy Ya - YouTube[/ame]
:rofl: You really do believe government is benevolent and has your best interests at heart, don't you?

Got an email back from Rep Ed Whitfield:

Dear Mr. xxxxx:

Thank you for contacting me regarding trials and studies conducted on humans by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Like you, I find it appalling that any organization would test a substance viewed as hazardous on people unknowingly, let alone an agency of the United States Government. As you referenced in your email, the American Tradition Institute took the EPA to court in an effort to halt EPA studies that expose humans to fine particulate matter. While this case was dismissed in District Court, I agree that this is something that must be looked into. As the Chairman of the Energy and Power Subcommittee, which maintains oversight of the EPA, I look forward to taking part in any hearings on this matter. I will also keep your thoughts in mind should the House of Representatives consider any relevant legislation. I appreciate your bringing this matter to my attention.

It is truly an honor and privilege to represent Kentuckians of the First Congressional District. As a country, we find ourselves in trying times with difficult decisions and policy debates on the horizon. I will continue to advance items that are in the best interest of my constituents, the Commonwealth, and our nation. Your input is critical as I participate in these decisions and I look forward to hearing from you again in the future.


Ed Whitfield
Member of Congress
:rofl: You really do believe government is benevolent and has your best interests at heart, don't you?


I think government is basically US.

It responds to our needs and our fears, wants, desires etc.

That's probably not always a good thing. Bush went to war with Iraq because he was responding to a hurt country that wanted revenge on someone.

And Obama got elected because we found out what revenge costs in blood, treasure and our national soul.

The fault lies not within the stars, but within ourselves, to quote the Bard.
:rofl: You really do believe government is benevolent and has your best interests at heart, don't you?


I think government is basically US.

It responds to our needs and our fears, wants, desires etc.

That's probably not always a good thing. Bush went to war with Iraq because he was responding to a hurt country that wanted revenge on someone.

And Obama got elected because we found out what revenge costs in blood, treasure and our national soul.

The fault lies not within the stars, but within ourselves, to quote the Bard.
Really? The government is us?

The people who make laws:

Average Wealth of Members of Congress | Personal Finance Disclosure | OpenSecrets

Do you know anybody worth that much? I don't.

And HATE rich people. :lmao:
:rofl: You really do believe government is benevolent and has your best interests at heart, don't you?


I think government is basically US.

It responds to our needs and our fears, wants, desires etc.

That's probably not always a good thing. Bush went to war with Iraq because he was responding to a hurt country that wanted revenge on someone.

And Obama got elected because we found out what revenge costs in blood, treasure and our national soul.

The fault lies not within the stars, but within ourselves, to quote the Bard.
Really? The government is us?

The people who make laws:

Do you know anybody worth that much? I don't.

And HATE rich people. :lmao:

yeah, pretty much, but Joe the Plumber isn't going to ever get elected. It costs too much.

I do like how you avoided my point, that the government usually ends up doing what we want it to.

Here's the REAL problem. We want government to do all this shit and we don't want to pay for it.

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