The Epic Fail of Bush and Cheney that led to the recession

Common Sense

Nov 2, 2010
Wont even take responsibility for his own disasters.
Former vice president Dick Cheney was on CNN’s State of the Union today, and he absolved himself, the Bush administration, and the Republican Party of any blame for the economic crisis. Instead, he blamed Barney Frank, and Chris Dodd, but press releases from the Bush administration say otherwise. In their own words, here is why Cheney and Bush should be blamed for the economy.

Host John King asked Cheney if the Bush administration left Obama with an economic mess. Cheney answered, “Well, I don’t follow the news quite as closely as I once did. But there’s no question that what the economic circumstances that he inherited are difficult ones. You know, we said that before we left. I don’t think you can blame the Bush administration for the creation of those circumstances. It’s a global financial problem. We had, in fact, tried to deal with the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac problem some years before with major reforms and were blocked by Democrats on the Hill, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd.”

Why Cheney and Bush Should be Blamed for the Economy

Trashing the economy is something the right wing are pretty good at. Along with increasing the debt and deficit.
They still dont have a way to refute facts. they simply sidestep them with propaganda.
They still dont have a way to refute facts. they simply sidestep them with propaganda.

Well yeah..of course. Enron, Worldcom, Tyco, Bear Stearns, Arthur Anderson, Lehman Brothers and the whole banking collapse happened on Bush's watch.
The Democraps have had complete control of the federal government for about two years.

I don't even want to hear it.
interesting how oddball disabled reputation, this way he can post crap and now having to worry about being refuted every time he posts.
Trashing the economy is something the right wing are pretty good at. Along with increasing the debt and deficit.

Democrats are still better at the destruction.

They spent every dime of americas retirement.
They still dont have a way to refute facts. they simply sidestep them with propaganda.

Well yeah..of course. Enron, Worldcom, Tyco, Bear Stearns, Arthur Anderson, Lehman Brothers and the whole banking collapse happened on Bush's watch.

Why didnt you mention that several of these companies were praised at the clinton whitehouse. Or some of the prosecutions happened on bushs watch. Discontinuing a dem practice.

More like.. ..Bush/Cheney continue to deny any involvement at all....

When in fact: (as posted in the links from Common Sense)

The pieces were put in place for a collapse by the Bush administration years before the Democrats took power. The problem for Democrats is that this easy lending mortgage idea started with President Bill Clinton, and Congressional Democrats did not even provide token opposition to the Republican plans that allowed the housing bubble.

This should be painful for members of both parties to hear, but they all are to blame. Instead of contemplating the long term effects of risky lending and a lack of regulation, everyone saw a political advantage in riding the housing bubble wave, so they stayed quiet. The Bush administration encouraged sub-prime lending and cut regulation, so they deserve most of the blame, but Congressional Democrats and Republicans aren’t blameless because they put the pieces in place for a crisis years before the collapse came.
Congressional Democrats did not even provide token opposition to the Republican plans that allowed the housing bubble

Is youre full of shit to strong? The race players blocked reform on racial grounds. Run along junior.

More like.. ..Bush/Cheney continue to deny any involvement at all....

When in fact: (as posted in the links from Common Sense)

The pieces were put in place for a collapse by the Bush administration years before the Democrats took power. The problem for Democrats is that this easy lending mortgage idea started with President Bill Clinton, and Congressional Democrats did not even provide token opposition to the Republican plans that allowed the housing bubble.

This should be painful for members of both parties to hear, but they all are to blame. Instead of contemplating the long term effects of risky lending and a lack of regulation, everyone saw a political advantage in riding the housing bubble wave, so they stayed quiet. The Bush administration encouraged sub-prime lending and cut regulation, so they deserve most of the blame, but Congressional Democrats and Republicans aren’t blameless because they put the pieces in place for a crisis years before the collapse came.

Some were complicate.

The lending industry was given a chance to proove they could act with the long term interst of the country and prooved they would not.

Game over, never again.
You know, I'm going to keep printing this and killing liberal lies as long as it takes to kill this BS from USMB.

US Federal Deficit As Percent Of GDP

2001 -1.25
2002 1.48
2003 3.39
2004 3.48
2005 2.52
2006 1.85
2007 1.14
2008 3.18
2009 9.91
2010 10.64

US Federal Deficit As Percent Of GDP in United States 1900-2010 - Federal State Local

US Unemployment Rate by Year

2001 4.76
2002 5.78
2003 5.99
2004 5.53
2005 5.08
2006 4.63
2007 4.61
2008 5.76
2009 9.26

The United States Unemployment Rate By Year

Liberals are going to get REAL TIRED of me busting up their lies this is all Bush's fault.

But I'm sorry libs. You can keep on lying, BUT THE NUMBERS DO NOT LIE.

And what's funny is why you libs keep trying this lie. IT PROVES YOU GUYS ARE DUMBER THAN A BAG OF HAMMERS.

This lie DIDN'T FOOL THE VOTERS BUT YOU JUST KEEP ON BLASTING IT AD NAUSEUM. It as if an election didn't happen which proves the lie didn't work. :lmao:

But, here we go. Another paid Obama bot comes in USMB and tries the SAME OLD LIE; the usual brainless suspects glom on, because they haven't the brains to make a better lie.

And it's all blown away with a FEW SIMPLE FACTS.

The truth is this recession didn't start to take hold until DEMOCRATS TOOK HOLD.

And this is why liberals hate me and claim I'm a "troll."

Because there is no worse "troll" to a lying lib, like the truth. :eusa_shhh:

Now, libs can start the usual personal attacks and protesting too much this didn't bust up their lie (which only proves it DID bust up their lie ;) )


What has the democrats having Congress and the Senate for 4 years and Obama having the presidency the last 2 years done to fix the issue? :eusa_whistle:
Wont even take responsibility for his own disasters.
Former vice president Dick Cheney was on CNN’s State of the Union today, and he absolved himself, the Bush administration, and the Republican Party of any blame for the economic crisis. Instead, he blamed Barney Frank, and Chris Dodd, but press releases from the Bush administration say otherwise. In their own words, here is why Cheney and Bush should be blamed for the economy.

Host John King asked Cheney if the Bush administration left Obama with an economic mess. Cheney answered, “Well, I don’t follow the news quite as closely as I once did. But there’s no question that what the economic circumstances that he inherited are difficult ones. You know, we said that before we left. I don’t think you can blame the Bush administration for the creation of those circumstances. It’s a global financial problem. We had, in fact, tried to deal with the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac problem some years before with major reforms and were blocked by Democrats on the Hill, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd.”

Why Cheney and Bush Should be Blamed for the Economy


If you INSIST on blaming one person, when we KNOW that many people were the authors of this depression, the ONE person I would propose we have to blame is not a Republican (although there's plenty to blame) but instead you'd have to blame

William Jefferson Clinton.


Because he made it the law of the land that DEREIVATIVES would NOT be regulated.

And while the real estate crises probably sparked this depression, it was the DERIVATIVES mess that was the powder that blew up the economy.

And FWIW, for you LOYAL DEMS, know that nothing currently on the table of the Obama administratiuon appears to me to be doing much about that mess, now, either.

Take off your partisan blinders and start looking at the FACTS.

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