The Equality Act, another lawyers' full employment Act and an attack on inalienable rights

Let's say I have a religious belief that the mixing of the races is against God's will, and an interracial couple comes in looking for a wedding cake. To make it extra offensive to bigots, its a white girl and a big old black guy. Should I still have the right to refuse them service?
Of course you should, if you post such rules at the entrance way of your store.

In a freedom loving society, any shopkeeper has the same right to refuse to sell clothing to, for example, a lesbian customer and/or fire a gay employee as another shop owner has the right only sell to lesbians and or hire lesbians.

Why do you detest people being free to mutually agree in their contracts and associations, and this includes social and commercial activities? Do you not support "inclusiveness" for those who do not agree with your beliefs? Is your mantra inclusiveness for me, but not for thee?

So, according to you, the inalienable right to mutually agree in one's contracts and associations may only be exercised in one's closet and not in public social gatherings or public commercial activities, essentially rendering the right meaningless.

Well, not according to me, but by a whole slew of laws meant to protect the rights of Americans. You are perfectly fine with outing yourself as a bigot. But if you own a business, your business has to comply with the law.

Of course, the proposed “Equality Act” as it is called, would in fact create a priviledged protected class who could, under law, deny "inclusiveness' in our society to those wishing to not associate with them in their social or public commercial activities. Seems the advocates of this legislation may be suffering from a deeply rooted inferiority complex . . . and thus, the need for the muscle of government to succeed in society.

Do you think repeating the same debunked argument makes it true?

The only inferiority complex I see is another homophobe quivering in his boots that there are gay people out there.

And of course, it has been scientifically established that homophobes are in fact latent homosexuals.
Your business does not. If you don't want to do business with gays or Mormons or blacks, then you have the option to close your business down and find something else to do for a living.

So, according to you, the inalienable right to mutually agree in one's contracts and associations may only be exercised in one's closet and not in public social gatherings or public commercial activities, essentially rendering the right meaningless.

Of course, the proposed “Equality Act” as it is called, would in fact create a priviledged protected class who could, under law, deny "inclusiveness' in our society to those wishing to not associate with them in their social or public commercial activities. Seems the advocates of this legislation may be suffering from a deeply rooted inferiority complex . . . and thus, the need for the muscle of government to succeed in society.

In any event, those promoting this intrusive legislation apparently support the mantra . . . inclusiveness for me, but not for thee.
As I said previously, you have a demented and warper understanding of the meanking of inclusivness. You are in fact endorsing segregation. In this case segregation when it comes to sexual minorities. And while I am sure that you would deny wanting to use that same concept against racial and religious minorities, you cannot explain how applying your interpretation on inclusivness to LGBT people is different.
In a freedom loving society, any shopkeeper has the same right to refuse to sell clothing to, for example, a lesbian customer and/or fire a gay employee as another shop owner has the right only sell to lesbians and or hire lesbians.
Thank you for being honest about your bigotry. At least you do not beat around the bush
Of course you should, if you post such rules at the entrance way of your store.

In a freedom loving society, any shopkeeper has the same right to refuse to sell clothing to, for example, a lesbian customer and/or fire a gay employee as another shop owner has the right only sell to lesbians and or hire lesbians.

Why do you detest people being free to mutually agree in their contracts and associations, and this includes social and commercial activities? Do you not support "inclusiveness" for those who do not agree with your beliefs? Is your mantra inclusiveness for me, but not for thee?

Not at all. If you want freedom, then you should have the right to hang up a sign that says "I hate ######" (insert slur of choice) and members of said group should have the right to beat the snot out of you and burn down your business.

What you want is a state that protects business owners but doesn't protect the rights of workers and consumers. Case in point, they never say, let a wage slave decide to insult a customer by refusing them service.


All government eventually has to balance out competing interests. There just isn't a compelling interest to pander to the hatred of homophobes and religious bigots.
As I said previously, you have a demented and warper understanding of the meanking of inclusivness. You are in fact endorsing segregation. In this case segregation when it comes to sexual minorities. And while I am sure that you would deny wanting to use that same concept against racial and religious minorities, you cannot explain how applying your interpretation on inclusivness to LGBT people is different.

I have no idea what you are attempt to say.

With all the hate, juvenile and venomous comments spewed out the mouths of those who want to use government force to compel others to engage in contracts and associations with them under the "Equality Act" AKA the lawyers full employment Act, what other rational explanation is there other than their having an inferiority complex?

Why not leave people free to mutually agree in their contracts and associations, including their social and commercial activities?

See: NEW POLL: 7 In 10 Voters Support the Equality Act

March 17, 2021

In poll after poll, we see that Americans overwhelmingly believe that LGBTQ people should be able to live free from fear of harassment and discrimination by guaranteeing the same federal anti-discrimination protections that other Americans have enjoyed for decades.The Equality Act is supported by a bipartisan majority of voters, the business community, faith and civil rights leaders, and communities in virtually every corner of the nation. It’s time for the Senate to catch up to the American public and finally pass the Equality Act so that all Americans can be treated equally in the eyes of the law.

Perhaps the support for the “Equality Act” is high because some who support it do so to be socially accepted in certain circles, rather than on its merits which would open a Pandora’s box and allow government force to be used to dictate almost every aspect of our social and commercial activities.

The truth is, the proposed “Equality Act” as it is called, has nothing to do with equality, and everything to do with creating, under law, a privileged protected class with the government’s muscle behind it.

Keep in mind, when the same type of legislation was advanced as a constitutional amendment in the 1980s ___ the Equal Rights Amendment ___ it was rejected by the people of the United States, and for good cause, as they knew it would open a Pandora’s Box with countless unintended consequences, both disruptive and dangerous to a freedom loving people.

In fact, if adopted, the Equality Act would subvert the people’s right to mutually agree in their contracts and associations, both of which are fundamental inalienable rights of mankind.

And here we are again today, but this time the Democrat controlled House has decided to ignore our Constitution’s required amendment process ___ a process required to lawfully adopt the “Equality Act” ___ which is the same kind of legislation rejected by the American People when they rejected the Equal Rights Amendment in the 1980s.

Once again our socialist revolutionary democrat Leadership has chose to ignore Article V, our Constitution’s amendment process, and instead, have decided to impose their personal views of fairness, reasonableness and social justice as the rule of law, and screw the Constitution.

Let us recall the wisdom put forth by one of our Supreme Court Justices: "The public welfare demands that constitutional cases must be decided according to the terms of the Constitution itself, and not according to judges’ views of fairness, reasonableness, or justice." – Justice Hugo L. Black ( U.S. Supreme Court Justice, 1886 - 1971) Source: Lecture, Columbia University, 1968

Now, with regard to the unintended consequences of such legislation __ legislation using the force of government to meddle in and control our lives with respect to a "protected class” ___ and the Pandora’s Box it would open, the Americans with Disabilities Act serves as a wonderful example and a warning.

It was predicted by some, including me, that the Act would most certainly lead to business owners paying out millions upon millions of dollars to stop frivolous court actions filed by blood-sucking shyster lawyers. And was this prediction accurate?

See, e.g., Florida man sues dozens of Colorado businesses - KMGH-TV

Also see: Drive-By Lawsuits and the Abuse of the Americans with …

And especially see:

The ADA Litigation Monster | Americans with Disabilities Act

“The notion that the ADA would not “lead endlessly to litigation” was also wrong. (See “The ADA Shakedown Racket,” Winter 2004.) ADA claims against employers filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), now numbering more than 26,000 per year, have become as common as sex-discrimination claims. And the volume keeps rising, as does the number of ADA lawsuits against employers filed in federal court yearly.”

The bottom line is, like the Americans with Disabilities Act, the “Equality Act” ought to be referred to as another Lawyers Full Employment Act and an outright attack on allowing people to be free to mutually agree in the contracts and associations, and that includes their daily social and commercial activities.

Be careful of what you ask for!


As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both instances there is a twilight where everything remains seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all must be aware of change in the air - however slight - lest we become unwitting victims of darkness. ___Supreme Court Justice William Douglas
So people who are being unfairly treated might sue ? OK.
Unfairly treated of course. Not good or bad at what they do or not expected to do all facets of the job with others covering up is something else.
As I said previously, you have a demented and warper understanding of the meanking of inclusivness. You are in fact endorsing segregation. In this case segregation when it comes to sexual minorities. And while I am sure that you would deny wanting to use that same concept against racial and religious minorities, you cannot explain how applying your interpretation on inclusivness to LGBT people is different.

I have no idea what you are attempt to say.

With all the hate, juvenile and venomous comments spewed out the mouths of those who want to use government force to compel others to engage in contracts and associations with them under the "Equality Act" AKA the lawyers full employment Act, what other rational explanation is there other than their having an inferiority complex?

Why not leave people free to mutually agree in their contracts and associations, including their social and commercial activities?

yeah if their willing to live 15 people to a house to make ends meet working for slave wages let them right.
The minimum wage is to protect the desperate from the employers who abuse them.
There is a great deal of HOMOSEXUAL PROSTITUTION going on in all single-sex public restrooms. The cops have no interest in stopping that behavior.

Really? Frankly, I've never seen it. I mean, you think if it was going on all the time like you say, I'd have run into it at least once.

Does your doctor know you are off your meds again?
I have no idea what you are attempt to say.

With all the hate, juvenile and venomous comments spewed out the mouths of those who want to use government force to compel others to engage in contracts and associations with them under the "Equality Act" AKA the lawyers full employment Act, what other rational explanation is there other than their having an inferiority complex?

That we just despise irrational bigots using religion to justify their bigotry?

Frankly, I'm straight, white and male. I know that I have privilege in this society. But I also have a sense of fairness and decency.

I've known gay people who have been fired for being gay, I've known people who've been beaten up for being gay.

I just can't get worked up because some baker has to bake a cake for someone he doesn't like, but he'll be paid money to do so.
See: NEW POLL: 7 In 10 Voters Support the Equality Act

March 17, 2021

In poll after poll, we see that Americans overwhelmingly believe that LGBTQ people should be able to live free from fear of harassment and discrimination by guaranteeing the same federal anti-discrimination protections that other Americans have enjoyed for decades.The Equality Act is supported by a bipartisan majority of voters, the business community, faith and civil rights leaders, and communities in virtually every corner of the nation. It’s time for the Senate to catch up to the American public and finally pass the Equality Act so that all Americans can be treated equally in the eyes of the law.

Perhaps the support for the “Equality Act” is high because some who support it do so to be socially accepted in certain circles, rather than on its merits which would open a Pandora’s box and allow government force to be used to dictate almost every aspect of our social and commercial activities.

The truth is, the proposed “Equality Act” as it is called, has nothing to do with equality, and everything to do with creating, under law, a privileged protected class with the government’s muscle behind it.

Keep in mind, when the same type of legislation was advanced as a constitutional amendment in the 1980s ___ the Equal Rights Amendment ___ it was rejected by the people of the United States, and for good cause, as they knew it would open a Pandora’s Box with countless unintended consequences, both disruptive and dangerous to a freedom loving people.

In fact, if adopted, the Equality Act would subvert the people’s right to mutually agree in their contracts and associations, both of which are fundamental inalienable rights of mankind.

And here we are again today, but this time the Democrat controlled House has decided to ignore our Constitution’s required amendment process ___ a process required to lawfully adopt the “Equality Act” ___ which is the same kind of legislation rejected by the American People when they rejected the Equal Rights Amendment in the 1980s.

Once again our socialist revolutionary democrat Leadership has chose to ignore Article V, our Constitution’s amendment process, and instead, have decided to impose their personal views of fairness, reasonableness and social justice as the rule of law, and screw the Constitution.

Let us recall the wisdom put forth by one of our Supreme Court Justices: "The public welfare demands that constitutional cases must be decided according to the terms of the Constitution itself, and not according to judges’ views of fairness, reasonableness, or justice." – Justice Hugo L. Black ( U.S. Supreme Court Justice, 1886 - 1971) Source: Lecture, Columbia University, 1968

Now, with regard to the unintended consequences of such legislation __ legislation using the force of government to meddle in and control our lives with respect to a "protected class” ___ and the Pandora’s Box it would open, the Americans with Disabilities Act serves as a wonderful example and a warning.

It was predicted by some, including me, that the Act would most certainly lead to business owners paying out millions upon millions of dollars to stop frivolous court actions filed by blood-sucking shyster lawyers. And was this prediction accurate?

See, e.g., Florida man sues dozens of Colorado businesses - KMGH-TV

Also see: Drive-By Lawsuits and the Abuse of the Americans with …

And especially see:

The ADA Litigation Monster | Americans with Disabilities Act

“The notion that the ADA would not “lead endlessly to litigation” was also wrong. (See “The ADA Shakedown Racket,” Winter 2004.) ADA claims against employers filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), now numbering more than 26,000 per year, have become as common as sex-discrimination claims. And the volume keeps rising, as does the number of ADA lawsuits against employers filed in federal court yearly.”

The bottom line is, like the Americans with Disabilities Act, the “Equality Act” ought to be referred to as another Lawyers Full Employment Act and an outright attack on allowing people to be free to mutually agree in the contracts and associations, and that includes their daily social and commercial activities.

Be careful of what you ask for!


As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both instances there is a twilight where everything remains seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all must be aware of change in the air - however slight - lest we become unwitting victims of darkness. ___Supreme Court Justice William Douglas
So people who are being unfairly treated might sue ? OK.
Unfairly treated of course. Not good or bad at what they do or not expected to do all facets of the job with others covering up is something else.
You are projecting.
Does your doctor know you are off your meds again?
Do you need to be whipped, flogged, and beaten by order of the court, to be ceased and desisted from dealing drugs, compelling prostitution, and commissioning murder-for-hire under color of law and medicine?

Explain why you should ever be let out of prison for making "suggestions" of that sort.
As I said previously, you have a demented and warper understanding of the meanking of inclusivness. You are in fact endorsing segregation. In this case segregation when it comes to sexual minorities. And while I am sure that you would deny wanting to use that same concept against racial and religious minorities, you cannot explain how applying your interpretation on inclusivness to LGBT people is different.

I have no idea what you are attempt to say.

With all the hate, juvenile and venomous comments spewed out the mouths of those who want to use government force to compel others to engage in contracts and associations with them under the "Equality Act" AKA the lawyers full employment Act, what other rational explanation is there other than their having an inferiority complex?

Why not leave people free to mutually agree in their contracts and associations, including their social and commercial activities?

You have no idea what I am saying? Really? You need to work on your reading comprehension skills.

People are free to choose their social associations. However, when it comes to public accomodations and business, exclusion is discrimination. Yes it is that simple. To claim that requiring people to serve and do busines with those who they disapprove of is somehow contrary to the concept of inclusivness is twisted and bizarre.
Equal protection of the laws is all the socialism we should need under our form of Capitalism.
I thought equality was already the law. All lives matter, even Whitey. So we gotta move on and fix some real problems like our border or our inability to get people back to work. LGBTQ already has protections.
Once again our socialist revolutionary democrat Leadership has chose to ignore Article V, our Constitution’s amendment process, and instead, have decided to impose their personal views of fairness, reasonableness and social justice as the rule of law, and screw the Constitution

Disagree with the OP premise.

Lets review the fourteenth amendment:

Section 1.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Section 5.​

The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.

Article 5 does not have to apply. Congress has the constitutional authority to pass the Equality Act.

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