The "Equality" vs "Equity" Scam

Equity does not expect equal outcomes
Well then how's about we drop the equivocation and you just tell us - what do you mean by "equity"? From your little meme picture, it sure seems like the goal is equal outcomes. But you're denying that. What do you have up your sleeve?
But is does advocate helping those who are struggling more than helping the millionaires
Oh, don't be coy. You're looking for bit more than "advocacy", right? You want state policy forcing the matter, don't you?

If I'm wrong there - if you're just saying we should help people who are struggling - then I'm on board.
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Nope. That’s not the definition of equity. Leftists keep talking about equal OUTCOMES. That means someone who squeaked by high school and now works at Target should live as well as someone who sacrificed to go to college to develop high-value career skills.

Show me ANYONE who proposes such a thing

What we do is help low wage employees at Target to support a family with housing, food and medical care

Allowing poor people to have healthcare just like rich people is Equity

Allowing poor people to have the same public school education as the wealthy is……Equity
Show me ANYONE who proposes such a thing

What we do is help low wage employees at Target to support a family with housing, food and medical care

Allowing poor people to have healthcare just like rich people is Equity

Allowing poor people to have the same public school education as the wealthy is……Equity
Kamala Harris said we need equal outcomes - income, wealth, etc. You are changing the definition of equity.

1) As far as poor people having health care, they DO….it’s called Medicaid.

2) As far as helping low wage employees Target, we DO….it’s called food stamps and subsidized rent.

So, for the first two, we are already doing what you say. You leftists act as if there’s no social safety net at all.

3) As far as the same public education, that’s more difficult because the better teachers don’t want to teach in inner-urban areas where the crime is more prevalent and the students harder to control. My aunt taught public school in Newark, NJ, and she was subjected to horrible abuse. She also was the only white teacher, and the black teachers were terrible to her.

There is a poster on this forum who has bragged about having an MBA and refusing to get a job because he wanted to keep his income low so he could get all six of his kids on welfare.

So just how far do you think we should take this? Should an educated man with high earnings potential be able to get away with refusing to work and forcing other people to hand over some of their own earnings to support his kids, so he can just stay home?

There is a poster on this forum who has bragged about having an MBA and refusing to get a job because he wanted to keep his income low so he could get all six of his kids on welfare.

So just how far do you think we should take this? Should an educated man with high earnings potential be able to get away with refusing to work and forcing other people to hand over some of their own earnings to support his kids, so he can just stay home?
oh yes….

The old “I know a guy” story

Conservatives like to spread them around to support their claims that poor people are just lazy and don‘t want to work

Helps support their efforts to block social programs for the poor
oh yes….

The old “I know a guy” story

Conservatives like to spread them around to support their claims that poor people are just lazy and don‘t want to work

Helps support their efforts to block social programs for the poor
So because you can’t defend that poster, you are now claiming I made it up? Typical response when a leftist can’t come up with an answer.

The guy posts right on this message board!
So because you can’t defend that poster, you are now claiming I made it up? Typical response when a leftist can’t come up with an answer.

The guy posts right on this message board!

I can’t defend a post I have not read
Give me a name

Until you post a link, I will look at it as another “I know a guy” story being spread to try to convince people that poor people are all lazy and don’t deserve help
I can’t defend a post I have not read
Give me a name

Until you post a link, I will look at it as another “I know a guy” story being spread to try to convince people that poor people are all lazy and don’t deserve help
I can’t look through all the posts to find it. But go ahead and call me a liar. it’s what you leftists do.
Show me ANYONE who proposes such a thing

What we do is help low wage employees at Target to support a family with housing, food and medical care

Allowing poor people to have healthcare just like rich people is Equity

Allowing poor people to have the same public school education as the wealthy is……Equity

When you are forcing businesses to pay people above what they add in value to a given product or service, you are proposing such a thing.
I can’t defend a post I have not read
Give me a name

Until you post a link, I will look at it as another “I know a guy” story being spread to try to convince people that poor people are all lazy and don’t deserve help
Also, this wasn’t blaming a poor person. It was blaming an MBA who could have made a fortune if he were willing to take a job.

And I never said all poor people are lazy and don’t deserve help. But those who are capable of working and refuse tot get jobs do NOT deserve it. They have to be willing to make some effort as well.
When you are forcing businesses to pay people above what they add in value to a given product or service, you are proposing such a thing.
Yup. It’s also driving small businesses out of business, which is what leftists want. The hostility for a motivated, competent, disciplined person who started and is running a business is off the charts. Leftists much prefer dependent people.

”You didn’t build that!”
Yup. It’s also driving small businesses out of business, which is what leftists want. The hostility for a motivated, competent, disciplined person who started and is running a business is off the charts. Leftists much prefer dependent people.

”You didn’t build that!”

The other impact is the business will hire someone worth the value added, or just cut staff and do the work themselves.

In the end, the actual minimum wage is always $0.00 and hour.
Also, this wasn’t blaming a poor person. It was blaming an MBA who could have made a fortune if he were willing to take a job.

And I never said all poor people are lazy and don’t deserve help. But those who are capable of working and refuse tot get jobs do NOT deserve it. They have to be willing to make some effort as well.
Yet you never seem to post stories about poor working Americans who have not seen significant pay raises in decades and a Minimum Wage that has been frozen for 13 years

But you have plenty of stories about lazy poor people who refuse to work
Yup. It’s also driving small businesses out of business, which is what leftists want. The hostility for a motivated, competent, disciplined person who started and is running a business is off the charts. Leftists much prefer dependent people.

”You didn’t build that!”
Small business has profited off of a frozen minimum wage for 13 years.
If you can’t survive without a low wage workforce, you don’t deserve to survive

Now, those businesses are seeing a workforce that tells them to take their wages and working conditions and shove it
It at all. Especially when the US Constitution does not give the Federal Government any power to be engaged in Education decisions.
Who said they are?

90 percent of school funding is from the state and local level

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