The Essential Driver Of Gun Violence Isn't Guns.....It's Democrats


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
People....we are under attack at all levels of government from Marxists. Democrats are trying to turn us into Venezuela right now.....and I've been trying to warn everyone for years what they were up to but no Democrat voter would believe me. Now we're seeing it clearly....even in our schools. Fox News is showing videos of violence all morning.....and they're doing this because they're just as complicit as CNN or MSNBC.

Democrats are intentionally causing a massive rise in violence in their cities just so they can implement progressive laws that will take away our rights. Here's how they're doing it:

  • Democrats get elected into city and state offices by promising to lead with conservative principles and policies.
  • As soon as they take office they immediately start implementing progressive rules and regulations
  • They assign liberals as police chiefs and district attorneys
  • Liberal attorney-generals and district attorneys refuse to enforce the laws and release violent suspects back into the population
  • Repeat-offenders continue to commit violent crimes over and over with barely a night in jail
  • The media shows videos of people getting stabbed by ice-picks or whatever and Biden says in response he has this plan that they've been saving for just such an ice-pick stabbing or shooting
  • Strangely all of the new laws only address gun-ownership
  • Democrats seem to all be on the same page in governing with a believe what I say.....not what I do mentality
  • The primary goal is to create chaos and mistrust in all levels of government to generate unrest everywhere
  • Next will be cutting off of food sources creating starvation and even more unrest causing a total breakdown of our society....all according to plan
  • Now you have Venezuela in America
you people sound as dumb as people who want to blame guns for violence and outlaw them.

Why else would the cities with the most gun violence be Democrat-held strongholds? Do you have trouble recognizing patterns?

Here: let me help...

Why, it's called gang related crime and the concentration of wealth-duh. It exists in every city in every nation on the planet Earth.
The primary purpose for Critical Race Theory is to create racial divisions in our country, and the Jan 6th false-flag operation was a setup for anti-white action at all levels of government. The more they abuse the rights of whites.....the more likely that whites will become militant and overreact causing unrest.
Democrats don't care about black on white crime. They are encouraging it.

The simple solution to all of this is make sure that Democrats cannot be elected to offices of any kind....but that to some people is unthinkable.
All anyone has to do is look at what Democrats did with every major city they have controlled for the last 40+ years, as well as deep blue states like California and New York. All major cities are now shit holes that no one wants to live in, overrun by gangs, crime rates skyrocketed. They make their cities sanctuary cities for illegals, and havens for foreigners in general, with multiple ethnic groups clashing and committing crimes against each other. Then they raise taxes to pay for all the extra welfare needed to support all this trash. The white people dumb enough to stay are victims to these criminals and pay higher taxes for it , while the rest flee to non-Democrat controlled cities and states.

They’ve ruined entire states, like California. I grew up there and it was once beautiful and relatively peaceful, although LA was already a shit hole. Mexicans were allowed to flood the state and the Mexicans had every intention of “taking California back” for Mexico. At this point they pretty much succeeded since whites are a minority.

This is their plan for all of America, to destroy it with rampant immigration (legal and illegal), to defund police and let criminals destroy entire neighborhoods, to turn the schools into trash, and bankrupt businesses and kill jobs.

Why would anyone support this party? They are either completely brainwashed or they hate America. But this is Marxism in practice.

All anyone has to do is look at what Democrats did with every major city they have controlled for the last 40+ years, as well as deep blue states like California and New York. All major cities are now shit holes that no one wants to live in, overrun by gangs, crime rates skyrocketed. They make their cities sanctuary cities for illegals, and havens for foreigners in general, with multiple ethnic groups clashing and committing crimes against each other. Then they raise taxes to pay for all the extra welfare needed to support all this trash. The white people dumb enough to stay are victims to these criminals and pay higher taxes for it , while the rest flee to non-Democrat controlled cities and states.

They’ve ruined entire states, like California. I grew up there and it was once beautiful and relatively peaceful, although LA was already a shit hole. Mexicans were allowed to flood the state and the Mexicans had every intention of “taking California back” for Mexico. At this point they pretty much succeeded since whites are a minority.

This is their plan for all of America, to destroy it with rampant immigration (legal and illegal), to defund police and let criminals destroy entire neighborhoods, to turn the schools into trash, and bankrupt businesses and kill jobs.

Why would anyone support this party? They are either completely brainwashed or they hate America. But this is Marxism in practice.

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Democrats are simply using whatever they can to cause unrest. They've been taking over states by flooding them with illegals.....the whole West Coast was taken over in this manner. Currently they're trying to take over Texas by flooding thousands of Central Americans into the state. Anyone who dares to point this out is labeled a terrorist.
People....we are under attack at all levels of government from Marxists. Democrats are trying to turn us into Venezuela right now.....and I've been trying to warn everyone for years what they were up to but no Democrat voter would believe me. Now we're seeing it clearly....even in our schools. Fox News is showing videos of violence all morning.....and they're doing this because they're just as complicit as CNN or MSNBC.

Democrats are intentionally causing a massive rise in violence in their cities just so they can implement progressive laws that will take away our rights. Here's how they're doing it:

  • Democrats get elected into city and state offices by promising to lead with conservative principles and policies.
  • As soon as they take office they immediately start implementing progressive rules and regulations
  • They assign liberals as police chiefs and district attorneys
  • Liberal attorney-generals and district attorneys refuse to enforce the laws and release violent suspects back into the population
  • Repeat-offenders continue to commit violent crimes over and over with barely a night in jail
  • The media shows videos of people getting stabbed by ice-picks or whatever and Biden says in response he has this plan that they've been saving for just such an ice-pick stabbing or shooting
  • Strangely all of the new laws only address gun-ownership
  • Democrats seem to all be on the same page in governing with a believe what I say.....not what I do mentality
  • The primary goal is to create chaos and mistrust in all levels of government to generate unrest everywhere
  • Next will be cutting off of food sources creating starvation and even more unrest causing a total breakdown of our society....all according to plan
  • Now you have Venezuela in America

Crime Rates In Liberal Cities Shockingly Higher Than In Conservative Cities​

The 15 most conservative and 15 most liberal cities are listed below, along with their violent crime rates

The 15 most liberal cities in the US:

- Detroit, Michigan - 24 violent crimes/1,000 residents
- Gary, Indiana - 15 violent crimes/1,000 residents
- Berkeley, California - 5 violent crimes/1,000 residents
- Washington, DC - 13 violent crimes/1,000 residents
- Oakland, California - 16 violent crimes/1,000 residents
- Inglewood, California - 8 violent crimes/1,000 residents
- Newark, New Jersey - 11 violent crimes/1,000 residents
- Cambridge, Massachusetts - 5 violent crimes/1,000 residents
- San Francisco, California - 7 violent crimes/1,000 residents
- Flint, Michigan - 24 violent crimes/1,000 residents
- Cleveland, Ohio - 14 violent crimes/1,000 residents
- Hartford, Connecticut - 13 violent crimes/1,000 residents
- Paterson, New Jersey - 11 violent crimes/1,000 residents
- Baltimore, Maryland - 15 violent crimes/1,000 residents
- New Haven, Connecticut - 15 violent crimes/1,000 residents

The national average is four violent crimes/1,000 residents. Every one of the 15 most liberal cities in the US has a higher violent crime rate than the national average. Twelve of the 15 have a violent crime rate that is at least double the national average. Two of them have a violent crime rate that is six times the national average.

The 15 most conservative cities in the US:

- Provo, Utah - 2 violent crimes/1,000 residents

- Lubbock, Texas - 9 violent crimes/1,000 residents
- Abilene, Texas - 5 violent crimes/1,000 residents
- Hialeah, Florida - 4 violent crimes/1,000 residents

- Plano, Texas - 2 violent crimes/1,000 residents
- Colorado Springs, Colorado - 5 violent crimes/1,000 residents
- Gilbert, Arizona - 1 violent crime/1,000 residents
- Bakersfield, California - 6 violent crimes/1,000 residents
- Lafayette, Louisiana - 8 violent crimes/1,000 residents
- Orange, California - 1 violent crime/1,000 residents
- Escondido, California - 4 violent crimes/1,000 residents
- Allentown, Pennsylvania - 6 violent crimes/1,000 residents
- Mesa, Arizona - 4 violent crimes/1,000 residents
- Arlington, Texas - 5 violent crimes/1,000 residents
- Peoria, Arizona - 2 violent crimes/1,000 residents

beenthere, Nov 30, 2013

Democrats are all over the airways trying to confuse the issue by claiming that the violence is being caused by weak gun laws in other states. They explain away the massive increase in violence by blaming states who don't have strict gun laws. They say that criminals are getting illegal guns now. They tried at first to attack legal purchases by claiming that mass-shooters were all using legal guns. This lame excuse has been replaced with claims that alot of these shootings are perpetrated with illegal guns coming over state borders.
Without even knowing the actual source of the illegal gun they assume they were purchased legally in another state. They cannot assume this....but they do anyway. They don't take into account home invasions or burglaries. Without the massive increase in crime due to liberal judges and attorneys most of those guns would be safe in people's homes instead of out on the street committing crimes.
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Democrats are all over the airways trying to confuse the issue by claiming that the violence is being caused by weak gun laws in other states. They explain away the massive increase in violence by blaming states who don't have strict gun laws. They say that criminals are getting illegal guns now. They tried at first to attack legal purchases by claiming that mass-shooters were all using legal guns. This lame excuse has been replaced with claims that alot of these shootings are perpetrated with illegal guns coming over state borders.
Without even knowing the actual source of the illegal gun they assume they were purchased legally in another state. They cannot assume this....but they do anyway. They don't take into account home invasions or burglaries. Without the massive increase in crime due to liberal judges and attorneys most of those guns would be safe in people's homes instead of out on the street committing crimes.

“In mass shootings involving guns and mind-altering medications, politicians immediately seek to blame guns but never the medication. Nearly every mass shooting that has taken place in America over the last two decades has a link to psychiatric medication, and it appears today's tragic event is headed in the same direction. According to ABC News, Adam Lanza, the alleged shooter, has been labeled as having “mental illness” and a “personality disorder.” These are precisely the words typically heard in a person who is being “treated” with mind-altering psychiatric drugs…. The Columbine High School shooters were, of course, on psychiatric drugs… One of the most common side effects of psychiatric drugs is violent outbursts and thoughts of suicide…. We should be outlawing psychiatric medications, not an inanimate piece of metal.” Gun control? We need medication control! Newton elementary school shooter Adam Lanza likely on meds; labeled as having 'personality disorder' -
Democrats are intentionally causing a massive rise in violence in their cities just so they can implement progressive laws that will take away our rights.

WE KNOW THAT, Mud. So what else is new? We've had higher crime this past year than at any other time in our history with BLM rioting in 69 cities to the democrat's glee and support, democrats unwisely locking down entire states months on end, then, finally forcing the 1/6 protest to try to stop them from overthrowing our government.

Now they want to take everyone's guns away because they realize we ain't beat yet! The people can still resist democrat tyranny.
Gun violence is a problem with society, not guns. Our society sucks donkey balls.

As I pointed out before Switzerland has mandatory gun ownership but the lowest gun crime in Europe. Because Switzerland also has some of the highest ratings in Europe for public healthcare, mental health care, education and employment. So they have a happier society.

Swiss society also is pretty much swiss exclusive. Everyone is the same so they don't have a mixed bag society of people from allover the world all fighting and competing to have society be what they want. Swiss society all concedes to the swiss society, they all agree. Here in America we don't, we have hundreds of groups and types of people who refuse to be a part of the same society and that breeds hate and anger.
you people sound as dumb as people who want to blame guns for violence and outlaw them.

Why else would the cities with the most gun violence be Democrat-held strongholds? Do you have trouble recognizing patterns?

Here: let me help...

Because republicans can't handle the diversity of large cities.

Apparently Democrats have a worse time handling all that diversity. You don't see mass murder and gun crimes taking place in cities ran by Republican mayors, no do you?
Here in America we don't, we have hundreds of groups and types of people who refuse to be a part of the same society and that breeds hate and anger.

Some would blame the Democratic Party for most of that hate and anger.
People....we are under attack at all levels of government from Marxists. Democrats are trying to turn us into Venezuela right now.....and I've been trying to warn everyone for years what they were up to but no Democrat voter would believe me. Now we're seeing it clearly....even in our schools. Fox News is showing videos of violence all morning.....and they're doing this because they're just as complicit as CNN or MSNBC.

Democrats are intentionally causing a massive rise in violence in their cities just so they can implement progressive laws that will take away our rights. Here's how they're doing it:

  • Democrats get elected into city and state offices by promising to lead with conservative principles and policies.
  • As soon as they take office they immediately start implementing progressive rules and regulations
  • They assign liberals as police chiefs and district attorneys
  • Liberal attorney-generals and district attorneys refuse to enforce the laws and release violent suspects back into the population
  • Repeat-offenders continue to commit violent crimes over and over with barely a night in jail
  • The media shows videos of people getting stabbed by ice-picks or whatever and Biden says in response he has this plan that they've been saving for just such an ice-pick stabbing or shooting
  • Strangely all of the new laws only address gun-ownership
  • Democrats seem to all be on the same page in governing with a believe what I say.....not what I do mentality
  • The primary goal is to create chaos and mistrust in all levels of government to generate unrest everywhere
  • Next will be cutting off of food sources creating starvation and even more unrest causing a total breakdown of our society....all according to plan
  • Now you have Venezuela in America

People....we are under attack at all levels of government from Marxists. Democrats are trying to turn us into Venezuela right now.....and I've been trying to warn everyone for years what they were up to but no Democrat voter would believe me. Now we're seeing it clearly....even in our schools. Fox News is showing videos of violence all morning.....and they're doing this because they're just as complicit as CNN or MSNBC.

Democrats are intentionally causing a massive rise in violence in their cities just so they can implement progressive laws that will take away our rights. Here's how they're doing it:

  • Democrats get elected into city and state offices by promising to lead with conservative principles and policies.
  • As soon as they take office they immediately start implementing progressive rules and regulations
  • They assign liberals as police chiefs and district attorneys
  • Liberal attorney-generals and district attorneys refuse to enforce the laws and release violent suspects back into the population
  • Repeat-offenders continue to commit violent crimes over and over with barely a night in jail
  • The media shows videos of people getting stabbed by ice-picks or whatever and Biden says in response he has this plan that they've been saving for just such an ice-pick stabbing or shooting
  • Strangely all of the new laws only address gun-ownership
  • Democrats seem to all be on the same page in governing with a believe what I say.....not what I do mentality
  • The primary goal is to create chaos and mistrust in all levels of government to generate unrest everywhere
  • Next will be cutting off of food sources creating starvation and even more unrest causing a total breakdown of our society....all according to plan
  • Now you have Venezuela in America

Hmmmm....I think someone else has been making this point as well......I wonder who that is?

(me of course.)

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