The Everlasting Shame of the ‘Republican’ Fed Heads

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
Ever notice how some so-called Republicans always defend the failed monetary policy?

Ever notice how some so-called Democrats always do the same thing?

Ever notice most of em have a vested interest in the economic distortion of the financial industry? A vested interest in kicking the can down the road, so to speak? And a vested interest in keeping you distracted from the reality of the situation?

But really there's not a nickel's worth of difference between them. Not at all.

It never really gets scrutinized because most discussions drift off into meaningless D versus R squabbles to the point that the actual issue gets lost. I think it's strategic in many instances.

Anyway. This will sting. But it's the truth. And the truth is important.

The piece is authored by David Stockman, former Director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Ronald Reagan.

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Relevant reading...

While perhaps true both parties have fully embraced it. We have seen the recent reports of the corrupt dealings of those running the Fed and where are the calls for some sort of actions against them?

It will all be forgotten.
Which is why I say all the time, we are not a republic anymore.
We are a corporatocracy. Pure and simple.
Nothing put an exclamation on that point like 2009.
Obama administration bailed out all the banks 100 cents on the dollar, including their profits, meaning these institutions didn't lose a dime during one of our nations largest financial crises. But the people who lived in the homes - lost everything.
And people are so blind, they still think Obama saved the nation. Despite 2009-2010 we saw Wall Street makes some of the highest profits in history. While we all sucked on it.
How is it any different than during the Coolidge/Hoover administration even with the oversight that is supposedly in place?
How is it any different than during the Coolidge/Hoover administration even with the oversight that is supposedly in place?

Listen, dude. Don't fuck around in my thread.

Either maintain the topic or hit the fukin bricks.

One time I'm gonna tell you that. Your shtick's getting really old. You seem to make a habit of coming onto threads and trashing them to te point that they devolve into a bunch of useless back and forth dick waving.

Listen, dude. Don't fuck around in my thread.

Either maintain the topic or hit the fukin bricks.

One time I'm gonna tell you that. Your shtick's gettign really old.

Why don't you pretend to be a human without a chip on yer shoulder? "IF" you understood the history of the Federal Reserve of modern America you'd understand what I stated as being true today as it was one hundred years ago with the feds and the advantages that they exert for personal gain whether it be legal or illegal.
Why don't you pretend to be a human without a chip on yer shoulder? "IF" you understood the history of the Federal Reserve of modern America you'd understand what I stated as being true today as it was one hundred years ago with the feds and the advantages that they exert for personal gain whether it be legal or illegal.

You didn't even read the article. Clearly. Much less the following corresponding piece.

You didn't even have time to read it between the time I shared it and the time you came into the thread with your usual shtick.

Get back in your hole.
You didn't even read the article. Clearly.

You didn't even have time to read it between the time I shared it and the time you came into the thread with your usual shtick.

Get back in your hole.
Clearly you think this thread is about me since that is all you post about. Instead of asking why the fed has not increased interest rates to combat inflation.
The truth is nobody knows what makes for a healthy economy.

If government takes a hands off approach, businessmen are firebombing the competition.

If government meddles to much in the economy, the economy is bogged down and can even crash.

But beyond that, it's all witchcraft and fortunetelling.
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Which is why I say all the time, we are not a republic anymore.
We are a corporatocracy. Pure and simple.
Nothing put an exclamation on that point like 2009.
Obama administration bailed out all the banks 100 cents on the dollar, including their profits, meaning these institutions didn't lose a dime during one of our nations largest financial crises. But the people who lived in the homes - lost everything.
And people are so blind, they still think Obama saved the nation. Despite 2009-2010 we saw Wall Street makes some of the highest profits in history. While we all sucked on it.
Not all, some of us were ready for the collapse and had financials ready for the big drop. I did quite well when Chipotle went to 55 dollars a share, when i bought into it.
Not all, some of us were ready for the collapse and had financials ready for the big drop. I did quite well when Chipotle went to 55 dollars a share, when i bought into it.
Land prices where I live didn't fall as sharply as that in the suburbs in 2008-2009 and now it is inflating greatly due to the increased purchasing of property by the wealthy trying to sell the land at inflated prices with high interest through their own financing.
Land prices where I live didn't fall as sharply as that in the suburbs in 2008-2009 and now it is inflating greatly due to the increased purchasing of property by the wealthy trying to sell the land at inflated prices with high interest through their own financing.
Haha.... funny stuff
Relevant reading...

How close to the king do you have to be to sell a T-Bond to the Fed?
{article}Sheeples will soon be coming with torches and pitchforks, meaning that the Fed will forced to drastically and unexpectedly retreat, thereby bringing the greatest financial bubble in history to a thundering end.{/article}

One doesn't need a crystal ball to feel this coming Natural One

But yes, we (especially yours truly) are so easily bullsh*ted , distracted , devolve onto partisan baloney

I can recall the old timers sayin' back in the mid 60's 'the rich get richer, the poor get poorer in this country'

Maybe they were right..............

Come gather round people ,wherever you roam
And admit your GubMit around you has grown
And accept it soon or be picked to the bone
For the times they are a changin’

Come pundits and critics, and you partisan hacks
They all want your votes, but don’t have your backs
And don’t speak too soon for the media’s skewed spin
For there’s no telling who they’re blaming
For the loser is us, if you let them win
For the times they are a changin’

Come senators ,congressmen who patronize all
You give us the crumbs while your lobbyists take all
You make all the rules, yet abide none at all
And the middle class battle is ragin’
May fate shake your windows and rattle your walls
For the times they are a changin’

Come mothers and fathers all out through the land
Don’t stand on old times as if it were the plan
Your sons and your daughters need now take a stand
And the old road is rapidly aging
Please take the new road, and do lend a hand
For the times they are a changin’

The line is drawn, and the curse had been cast
The slow one now will soon be the last
As the old world is rapidly fading
As today’s oligarchs mold our futures fast

For the times they are a changin’

~S~ w/apologies to Mr Zimmerman
Ever notice how some so-called Republicans always defend the failed monetary policy?

Ever notice how some so-called Democrats always do the same thing?

Ever notice most of em have a vested interest in the economic distortion of the financial industry? A vested interest in kicking the can down the road, so to speak? And a vested interest in keeping you distracted from the reality of the situation?

But really there's not a nickel's worth of difference between them. Not at all.

It never really gets scrutinized because most discussions drift off into meaningless D versus R squabbles to the point that the actual issue gets lost. I think it's strategic in many instances.

Anyway. This will sting. But it's the truth. And the truth is important.

The piece is authored by David Stockman, former Director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Ronald Reagan.

Your link:

"To wit, the claim that CPI inflation, which is now running at 270% of its sacred 2.00% target, doesn’t count because it’s 'transitory' and not yet reflected in an invisible collective mind-game called 'inflation expectations'. And the latter is measured by utterly news-driven and backward looking surveys of consumer sentiment."

Inflation expectations may be an example of "dubious but widely held ideas serve as the basis for consequential policy decisions."

Jeremy Rudd is an economist who's been with the Federal Reserve since 1999; he suspects a much larger problem at the root of today's inflation dilemma along with many other complications of capitalism::

"One natural source of concern is if dubious but widely held ideas serve as the basis for consequential policy decisions.2

This is Rudd's footnote #2:

"I leave aside the deeper concern that the primary role of mainstream economics in our society is to provide an apologetics for a criminally oppressive, unsustainable, and unjust social order. (P. 1)

"In this note, I examine one such idea, namely, that expected inflation is a key determinant of actual inflation.

"Many economists view expectations as central to the inflation process; similarly, many central banks consider 'anchoring' or 'managing' the public’s inflation expectations to be an important policy goal or instrument.

"Here, I argue that using inflation expectations to explain observed inflation dynamics is unnecessary and unsound: unnecessary because an alternative explanation exists..."

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