The exception always becomes routine. It is inevitable.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
We have to have this, because we have to be prepared for the worst case scenario. That is always what the Police and Government tell us. Once they have it, the prepared for the worst case, becomes routine daily use, almost immediately. Look at SWAT or Special Weapons And Tactics teams. Originally pioneered to deal with Radical Revolutionary types that were robbing banks and doing terrorist atrocities, SWAT has become the every day answer to every question. If you have it, you might as well use it right?

St. Louis County reaches $750,000 settlement after woman's dog was fatally shot in SWAT raid

In this case, the SWAT Team used a No Knock Warrant, intended for extreme situations where any notification to the subjects of the search would result in destroyed evidence, or increased Officer risk, to launch a search of a house over the horrific crime that is unendurable by society. The woman had an unpaid Gas Bill.

We do that sort of thing all the time. Look at the National Security Letters we gave the FBI after 9-11. Intended to be used in extreme circumstances where any delay could result in a Terrorist Attack. The idea was that this would streamline the gathering of information when any delay, even a couple hours to get a Warrant, would almost certainly result in the deaths of innocents. Instead, it became a routine tool almost immediately that the FBI used when they did not have enough evidence for a Warrant.

Those MRAP armored cars? We are told that they are intended to be used to rescue wounded people during an active shooter situation, or during a terrorist attack. Instead they are used to smash their way into any yard that looks like it might take more than about two seconds for the SWAT team to run across.

Every single thing becomes abused. Everything. Because we are stupid as a species. We do not declare victory based upon how infrequently we have had to resort to something, but how often we use it. Laser or GPS guided bombs. Intended to be used when pin point accuracy was vital. Ten times as expensive as a regular “Dumb” bomb, it was meant to be used in small numbers. Instead, we use it every single time. No wonder War’s cost so much money, every round fired is supposed to turn a corner and go in the window seeking out the baddie.

There was no need for a Search Warrant. Much less a No Knock entry. It was an unpaid gas bill. We are not talking about the Headquarters for the St. Louis Chapter of the Breaking Bad Meth group. We are talking about a family that didn’t pay their gas bill. For decades we just turned off the gas and waited knowing that eventually they would come and pay the bill. Now, we are expected to believe the only viable answer is a SWAT team rushing the door and shooting dogs?

There is an old saying. When you have a big hammer, every problem looks like a nail. The prevalence of SWAT teams proves that everyone wants a Hammer, and is searching for enough nails to justify the expense of maintaining those Hammers.

Even departments with no need of any kind of SWAT team, manage to create the next best thing. Heavily armed agents with SWAT type of equipment and tactics. Remember this golden Gem where the Department of Education had the next best thing to a SWAT team and conducted a SWAT type of raid searching for a woman who was accused of Financial Aid Fraud?

SWAT Team Mania: The War Against the American Citizen | HuffPost

If you wonder why I oppose the “Red Flag Laws” it is because the “extreme and rare circumstances” in which it will be used, will become routine before the ink is dried on the page signing it into law. Every gun owner will spend more time in court arguing that they are not a threat to the society, than in their homes with or without guns.
Our own fear causes us to make irrational choices. Elected officials pander to our worst instincts because it gets them elected. 60 years ago, I thought that democracy was the cats meow. Now I cringe every time I hear about another pro democracy movement.
I would agree there is overuse of assets of law enforcement agencies. SWAT teams being a good example. It seems we have allowed law enforcement to become militarized to a fair degree.
We pull drivers licenses and criminalize people who are late paying tolls and refuse to pay late fees that can amount to hundreds of times the original toll.

If the toll was a loan, the fees/interest qould be illegal. Not to mention the lack of due process, and infringing upon travel. The more i see, the now i think it all needs to be burned to the ground and rebuilt around the constitution. To this day, that piece of paper still makes sense. It is the only thing guaranteeing the citizen's ability to protwcr their freedoms from the exact type of daily finacial warfare we are all subjected to by our out of control officials.

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