The Exposed Truth of Jean Chrétien

Originally posted by vyxen
Hah! Getting a little defensive now are we? And I'm the one who is?

If a couple of spelling and grammar mistakes speak about my intelligence, what do you have to say about janeeng's intelligence?

If you think a logical retort is calling someone a whale, you're a pitiful fool. It is called an ad hominem fallacy. Look it up.

Why would I need to be defensive when the entire board already knows me? I'm just setting your sorry ass straight.

My logical retorts can be found throughout ALL the forums. When spoken to in a civil manner you will be treated the same way in return. You tried it maybe once, were blown clear out of the water with facts, and have resorted to attacks ever since. I've now outclassed you with logical debates strictly speaking with facts, and have stepped on your fat ass with insults. You just can't win, can you?
Vyxgen- yea I might be only 14years old,but I can tell you that Jimnyc is a very intellgent person , more than you think ,Jim might be unemployed at the moment but atleast he is not working on the streets or at an ICE CREAM PALOR like you, I am sureHe loves is son and takes very good care of him and is a great father, but how the hell would you know or even say something like that without nothing to back it up, so if you have kids you Vyxgen should look in the mirror, YOU ARE A HOE!!! , and I am sure that that other guy is probaly your whoremaster husband that is on the board, 1 is a WHOREMASTER, and the other is a HOE! , the perfect coulp[e and the most uneducated basterds living,BUT YOU HAVE NO RIGHT BRINGING A 2 YEAR OLD INNOCENT CHILD INTO THIS YOU FAT F**K,LIKE I said I only am 14, you are twice as old than me , and I have more consederation and respect then you whore except when it comes to people like YOU , which are ones that I hate!!!!

Do me a favor,....

Originally posted by jimnyc
Why would I need to be defensive when the entire board already knows me? I'm just setting your sorry ass straight.

My logical retorts can be found throughout ALL the forums. When spoken to in a civil manner you will be treated the same way in return. You tried it maybe once, were blown clear out of the water with facts, and have resorted to attacks ever since. I've now outclassed you with logical debates strictly speaking with facts, and have stepped on your fat ass with insults. You just can't win, can you?

Um, excuse me. YOU'RE the one who started on the "fat" and illiterate bullshit again. Someone claimed that Canada's health care system is substandard, I said that if it was why do Canadians have a higher life expectancy, then you're the one who went on the "whale" shit again. So don't even fucking think of pinning this one on me. You're just projecting.
Originally posted by vyxen
Um, excuse me. YOU'RE the one who started on the "fat" and illiterate bullshit again. Someone claimed that Canada's health care system is substandard, I said that if it was why do Canadians have a higher life expectancy, then you're the one who went on the "whale" shit again. So don't even fucking think of pinning this one on me. You're just projecting.



Come on down to New Jersey bitch, I am waiting! or are you afraid!
Originally posted by vyxen
Um, excuse me. YOU'RE the one who started on the "fat" and illiterate bullshit again. Someone claimed that Canada's health care system is substandard, I said that if it was why do Canadians have a higher life expectancy, then you're the one who went on the "whale" shit again. So don't even fucking think of pinning this one on me. You're just projecting.

I'll quote from your very first 2 posts on this board:

And I take it that someone with a pornographic avatar is supposed to have the intelligence of Aristotle?

It was confined to 3 hospitals, not to the community, not to the airport or any other community place. But you seem to have your head so far up your right-wing ass that you're willing to believe whatever you want to believe.

Hey idiot,

Please do not speak about class. Jannen is right, she posted pictures of herself and her daughter out for a day together. In which we saw a loving mom and a happle little girl. Compare this to your offers to kurtz, and I do not care if you were joking or trying to piss people off, it still shows character.
Originally posted by jimnyc
I'll quote from your very first 2 posts on this board:


Um, EXCUSE ME, but how would you react if someone was saying that all "shitheads" in America deserved to die of SARS? That was an attack on me, as a Canadian, so my responses were rightfully in kind.
Originally posted by eric
Hey idiot,

Please do not speak about class. Jannen is right, she posted pictures of herself and her daughter out for a day together. In which we saw a loving mom and a happle little girl. Compare this to your offers to kurtz, and I do not care if you were joking or trying to piss people off, it still shows character.

Hey liar ,

It wasn't me who brought up class. I never once claimed to have an iota of class on these boards. However, some people do, especially one particular person who is slagging me for jesting with kurtz but had an avatar of a smurf sucking a woman's breasts.

To put it kindly, I don't give two fucking shits about her picture. I haven't seen it and to be quite honest, I don't even have the slightest inclination to see it. Just because she posted one doesn't mean I have to as well.
Uh, EXCUSE ME! but I never started with the wishing everyone dead, I never wished anyone dead on this board, but you attacked!!!! so get it right next time! and thanks eric!
Originally posted by vyxen
Um, EXCUSE ME, but how would you react if someone was saying that all "shitheads" in America deserved to die of SARS? That was an attack on me, as a Canadian, so my responses were rightfully in kind.

This is the writing you responded to in your initial post, which you quoted when replying in fact!

Well, I wasn't with the Canadians either when they sent that damn SARS here and claimed of no dangers of it there, and that travel should continue there, regardless of the outbreak of SARS there, and no one can tell me no. A student of mine brought SARS back from Canada after they were told NOT to go, but refused to listen!

So IF you were replying to what you *claim* you read, why didn't you quote it? Cause it was never said?

As a canadian, you are now a liar! YOU started with the attacks and the board search function will prove it. So much for that defense, huh?
Originally posted by jimnyc
This is the writing you responded to in your initial post, which you quoted when replying in fact!

So IF you were replying to what you *claim* you read, why didn't you quote it? Cause it was never said?

As a canadian, you are now a liar! YOU started with the attacks and the board search function will prove it. So much for that defense, huh?

No, YOU did by creating a board such as this one in the first place. And you made it even worse by saying Canadians should die of SARS. Are you denying this? In fact, you said you wished MORE would die.

And not only that, but notice that the attacks subsided and people on this board had at least semi civil conversation? YOU'RE the one who started the bullshit again.
Originally posted by vyxen
No, YOU did by creating a board such as this one in the first place. And you made it even worse by saying Canadians should die of SARS. Are you denying this? In fact, you said you wished MORE would die.

And not only that, but notice that the attacks subsided and people on this board had at least semi civil conversation? YOU'RE the one who started the bullshit again.

I'll say whatever I want, when I want! It's my board! If you don't like the topic of conversation, or if you are offended, then why do you insist on coming back?

This board was created by an AMERICAN for AMERICANS! You decided to post because you didn't like what you read, which were general statements and opinions. YOU decided to make them personal by attacking an individual.

You just don't get it, do you? You are like all the twits that complain about a particular radio station but refuse to turn the dial!
Since we're going back to earlier this month, here are a few of your posts attacking all Canadians, to start with. BEFORE I even posted.

"Glad you jumped right in! Prepare for many mental beatings. Oh, nevermind, as a Canadian you have infinite experience."

"Well, I wasn't with the Canadians either when they sent that damn SARS here and claimed of no dangers of it there"

(WE didn't send SARS down there, and it is unlikely that janeen even knew someone in New Jersey who had SARS, because there were 3 cases, one probable, 2 suspect. That means only person had SARS in New Jersey. And guess what? That person was in their 40's. Unless janeen also drives 40 year olds to their arts and craft classes)

"In case you didn't notice, this is called the UNITED STATES message board. Of course we come here to make fun of Canada and France! It's almost too easy though, I feel a bit guilty. "

(Oh, just a side note..canadarocks NEVER made any personal attacks on you or anyone else on this board, but you called him a jerk and monkey ass or something like that)

And Canadarocks was even CORDIAL about it all

"I was just going to say the same thing... time to go. i see you guys need someone else to tell you right from wrong.

If you do not ban me I will be back.

I fuked up on my id I wanted to put canadianpeacekeeper but that was too long so i ended up with canadianrocks, can I or someone change it to canadarocks???

Anyway, later."

Oh, BTW, canadarocks is an online friend of mine. He refered me to this board.

And this is when shit REALLY started to hit the fan...

"I don't recall her stating she was a teacher, but if that helps your weak argument, stick to it!

Too bad SARS didn't spread like wildfire throughout Canada and take out every last one of you pieces of cow dung."

Are you going to deny these comments?
Originally posted by jimnyc
I'll say whatever I want, when I want! It's my board! If you don't like the topic of conversation, or if you are offended, then why do you insist on coming back?

This board was created by an AMERICAN for AMERICANS! You decided to post because you didn't like what you read, which were general statements and opinions. YOU decided to make them personal by attacking an individual.

You just don't get it, do you? You are like all the twits that complain about a particular radio station but refuse to turn the dial!

Fair enough. But don't claim to be the master of rational retorts when you make comments like that.
Sorry vyxen, but get your facts straight, there were more than 3 cases in NJ of SARS, and what I said to you or your friend, was the fact that SARS did exist in CANADA and that I had a student who went there, even though they were told NOT TO! and the fact that they came back, and her Father was told no to go to work and had to be checked by a Nurse for 10 days. I never said she had it! and as a matter of fact, I do drive some that are as old as 75, so there! The 40 year old you in your claim, was actually 36, who resides in South Jersey, not too far from where I am at. A school that the company I work for, refused to pick up students in one location, due to SARS, this was their doing, not mine. So, you should really get your FACTS straight before doubting what I say, or accusing me of not knowing what I am talking about. And you know, personally, I could give a RATS ass what you think anyway. As Jim would say, you don't like what you read, then by all means, quietly exit out and don't let the door hit you in your FAT ASS on the way out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by jimnyc

So I'm lazy? I get up every day at 5:30 am. Have a couple cups of coffee and shower. Change and bathe my son and prepare him for school. Feed him breakfast lunch & dinner. Change his diaper quite a few times throughout the day! Teach him the basics so he'll be able to properly spell and communicate as he grows up. Take him for AT LEAST 1/2 mile walk daily. Spend at least 1 hour in the yard every day with him and my dog playing so that he'll have some fun and respect his Dad. I do the wash for 3, including folding clothes. Take out garbage. Do the dishes almost daily.

What a bitch!! HAHAHAHAHAHA
Originally posted by Jackass
What a bitch!! HAHAHAHAHAHA

Shut up, Jackass, before I come down to Va. and open up a can of whoop ass on you!

So, Jackass...

Do you think someone is "lazy" and should "get a fucking job" because they are a stay at home Dad? I know you have a bit of experience in this department, I'd like to hear your take!
Taking care of kids in the hardest thing I have done. Not only physical, but mentally too. Your not allowed to be tired, cranky, lazy or sick.
For a man to be a stay at home Dad, it shows he is not too egotistical to take a "less" manly road. It shows great character and a real gentle side for any man to do it. Men arent "supposed" to be the housekeepers. They are "supposed" to be the bread winners.
For any man to decide this, take care of his kids and do it well, he has my UTMOST respect. That goes to any man who does it.
Originally posted by Jackass
Taking care of kids in the hardest thing I have done. Not only physical, but mentally too. Your not allowed to be tired, cranky, lazy or sick.
For a man to be a stay at home Dad, it shows he is not too egotistical to take a "less" manly road. It shows great character and a real gentle side for any man to do it. Men arent "supposed" to be the housekeepers. They are "supposed" to be the bread winners.
For any man to decide this, take care of his kids and do it well, he has my UTMOST respect. That goes to any man who does it.

At first I didn't do it by choice, but now I am (to an extent).

I get more gratification out of this than any job I've ever had!

Thanks for the post!

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