The F&F Tealeaves......

Keep trying folks. You'll get it right someday.

I asked you how do you gauge success?

Going from losing 700,000 + jobs per month to gaining ONE fucking job per month is success.

Need more?

thats success? so how long could we ( or have we) realistically and historically seen that happen? so, becasue the recession ended in July of 2009, everyone not losing their jobs is 'success'? come on man. There is always a bottom. Sub 2% growth won't make anything happen.
Well when I see CNN correct on an issue, I'll be shocked. Look these guys tried to get the contractors on laying off on Jan2, and they are giving notice on Nov 2, so it has to be political. Ooops, the LAW requires them to give 60 days notice and they were STUNNED to learn this. And guess what 60 days notice is? yep Nov 2. I love it.

Both sides are playing politics with the issue, but who prompted this confrontation? That's right. Issa.

Issa and the Iowa clown need to be retired as soon as possible.

Oh, so Grassley the here to fore rino should retire too? hes a moderate, whats up with that?why do you hate moderates? Or is just to much to believe that this thing actually stinks?
Think about it folks. The left is so out of ideas that it now relies on fake polls and opinions by people nobody ever heard of.
I can't believe how many US agents died because of FF.

Yes, we all know that's really what outrages you guys so much, the death of Americans for no reason...


Are you trying to blame bush for Vietnam?
Vietnam started by a democrat LBJ ended by a republican Nixon
No, you can't blame Bush for Vietnam. He was cooling his heels far far away doing the conflict.
Yes, we all know that's really what outrages you guys so much, the death of Americans for no reason...


Are you trying to blame bush for Vietnam?
Vietnam started by a democrat LBJ ended by a republican Nixon
No, you can't blame Bush for Vietnam. He was cooling his heels far far away doing the conflict.

Dude you must be about 2 sheets into the wind tore ass Jrunk if you think I was the one blaming bush for Vietnam. You need to talk with your buddy about the blame part.
The person who signed off on letting guns walk and getting a border agent killed is who is responsible for this confrontation.

How is it that every fucking person on this forum who defends this administration walks right on by the fact that crimes have been committed and it points to our government, specifically, the justice department?

Why isn't any of you fucks outraged that innocent Mexican citizens and a border agent is dead because of someone in this issue?

Only one side is playing politics, and it isn't' Issa.

That would be Bush's last AG, Mukasey.
that would be a lie since F&F did not start UNTIL 2009....AFTER Bush left office. You are one of those fucks I was talking about.
False. Turn off FOXNEWS. :lol:
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Oh fuck you.... I dont care what I say..... you are a hack and a schill for Obama and his minions, and will defend them no matter what.

You are a disgrace :mad:

I bring you proof that Attorney General Mukasey was not the one who started Fast & Furious, and this is your response... pathetic.

Bullshit! Here's the memo:

The Memo Michael Mukasey Got On ATF's Gun Walking | TPM Document Collection

That memo is dated Nov. 2007, about 2 years before Fast and Furious started.

Try again...
It's dated 2007 because that's when the program started, idiot.

The Washington Bullets changed their name to the Washington Wizards, but were still the same team.

Dumbass. :lol:
The economy is better now than it was when the Obama administration began. That in spite of nutter efforts to prevent progress.

Facts suck for you.

Record number of American on food stamps and the economy is better now? What are you smoking?
Actually the peak in food stamps usage was in 2011 not 2012. The stimulus made more people eligible and the procedure for applying for food stamps has been streamlined which has contributed to the number on food stamps. Jobless adults without dependents have been able to get benefits for a longer period of time.
This article:
Why contempt case against Holder may be doomed -

Does a good job of laying out the situation and what most is most likely to happen. I am sure this will devolve into a food fight, but it's hard to argue with the facts laid out in the above opinion piece:

Unfortunately for the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, its legal position is uncertain at best, and almost all political considerations would seem to favor the White House.
The form of executive privilege at stake in the current dispute is "deliberative privilege."

Deliberative privilege aims to protect documents generated anywhere in the executive branch that embody only the executive's internal deliberations, not final policy decisions.

The House could ask the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia to prosecute Holder for contempt, but the Justice Department long ago took the position -- in a very careful opinion written by then Assistant Attorney General Theodore Olson -- that the department is not required by law to prosecute executive officials for contempt when the ground for subpoena noncompliance is a claim of executive privilege.

So that would leave the House with the one remaining legal option of launching an impeachment investigation, which brings us to the political side of things.
It also must be said that Issa's past attacks on the administration amply feed a narrative that his subpoena is about politics, not principle.

Having months ago called Obama "one of the most corrupt presidents in modern times" -- in the face of such modern historical escapades as Watergate, Iran-Contra or the Terrorist Surveillance Program -- the chairman is not well-situated to play a Sam Ervin-like role, policing the presidency more in sadness than in angry partisanship.

Interesting, an expert in separation of powers that believes the rule of law allows officials to ignore the law thinks that expanding executive privilege to an area it has never before covered is acceptable because the politics will allow the dispute to go past the election.

I have got to say that this is the least compelling defense of a president I have ever read.
The economy is better now than it was when the Obama administration began. That in spite of nutter efforts to prevent progress.

Facts suck for you.

Record number of American on food stamps and the economy is better now? What are you smoking?
Actually the peak in food stamps usage was in 2011 not 2012. The stimulus made more people eligible and the procedure for applying for food stamps has been streamlined which has contributed to the number on food stamps. Jobless adults without dependents have been able to get benefits for a longer period of time.
Get the fuck out of here.

That memo is dated Nov. 2007, about 2 years before Fast and Furious started.

Try again...
It's dated 2007 because that's when the program started, idiot.

The Washington Bullets changed their name to the Washington Wizards, but were still the same team.

Dumbass. :lol:

Second retraction of Fast and Furious Assertions

Da: Wednesday, June 20, 2012
The Justice Department has retracted a second statement made to the Senate Judiciary Committee. During a hearing last week, Attorney General Eric Holder claimed that his predecessor, then-Attorney General Michael Mukasey, had been briefed about gunwalking in Operation Wide Receiver. Now, the Department is retracting that statement and claiming Holder “inadvertently” made that claim to the Committee. The Department’s letter failed to apologize to former Attorney General Mukasey for the false accusation. This is the second major retraction the Justice Department has made in the last seven months. In December 2011, the Department retracted its claim that the ATF had not allowed illegally purchased guns to be trafficked to Mexico. Sen. Chuck Grassley’s letter and the Department’s response can be viewed here-1. …

Grassley made the following comment on these developments.

“This is the second time in nearly seven months that the Department has gotten its facts wrong about gunwalking. Attorney General Holder accused Attorney General Mukasey, without producing any evidence, of having been briefed on gunwalking in Wide Receiver. The case Attorney General Mukasey was briefed on, Hernandez, is fundamentally different from both Wide Receiver and Fast and Furious since it involved cooperation with the Mexican government. Attorney General Holder’s retraction should have included an apology to the former Attorney General.

Sheila Jackson Lee: This F&F debacle started under Bush « Hot Air
That memo is dated Nov. 2007, about 2 years before Fast and Furious started.

Try again...
It's dated 2007 because that's when the program started, idiot.

The Washington Bullets changed their name to the Washington Wizards, but were still the same team.

Dumbass. :lol:

Second retraction of Fast and Furious Assertions

Da: Wednesday, June 20, 2012
The Justice Department has retracted a second statement made to the Senate Judiciary Committee. During a hearing last week, Attorney General Eric Holder claimed that his predecessor, then-Attorney General Michael Mukasey, had been briefed about gunwalking in Operation Wide Receiver. Now, the Department is retracting that statement and claiming Holder “inadvertently” made that claim to the Committee. The Department’s letter failed to apologize to former Attorney General Mukasey for the false accusation. This is the second major retraction the Justice Department has made in the last seven months. In December 2011, the Department retracted its claim that the ATF had not allowed illegally purchased guns to be trafficked to Mexico. Sen. Chuck Grassley’s letter and the Department’s response can be viewed here-1. …

Grassley made the following comment on these developments.

“This is the second time in nearly seven months that the Department has gotten its facts wrong about gunwalking. Attorney General Holder accused Attorney General Mukasey, without producing any evidence, of having been briefed on gunwalking in Wide Receiver. The case Attorney General Mukasey was briefed on, Hernandez, is fundamentally different from both Wide Receiver and Fast and Furious since it involved cooperation with the Mexican government. Attorney General Holder’s retraction should have included an apology to the former Attorney General.

Sheila Jackson Lee: This F&F debacle started under Bush « Hot Air
Have you considered that perhaps there are legitimate, classified reasons why the DoJ is keeping Mukasey's involvement out of it? There may be a bigger Pandora's Box concerning the Bush administration than the current administration wants to reveal. Obama has already protected many of them from prosecution for their war crimes and their criminal activity. Maybe this is a continuation of that protection.

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