The fact that the left and ESTABLISHMENT hate Putin, and since they lie about everything...

One of these pseudocon tards said yesterday Russia acts the way it does because of US aggression. It's all America's fault.

Making Jane Fonda fucking proud, these pseudocons.
There's nothing wrong with Putin besides the fact that he's not fighting ISIS in Syria and he's pretty much against democracy and a free press anywhere.

Wow. What a flat out fucking lie. What part of victory over terrorists in Allepo and other cities don't you get? Putin is going after ISIS and al Nusra big time.
Putin hasn't done fuck-all to fight ISIS. He's been too busy bombing Syrians, retard. Hospitals, aid workers, civilians, and children.

AMERICA has been kicking ISIS's ass. Not Putin.

Go back to Hanoi where you belong, Jane.
Another thread that is a Big Lie.
"They lie about everything and we don't lie".:link:
If you had an honest bone in your body, you would admit both sides lie their ass off. But off course, you dishonest losers would never admit to that!
Oh, the hypocrisy and dishonesty.
Name one thing, just one that you don't lie about. You fucking deranged fucking warmongering monkey.

You are too stupid to know you are nothing but a fucking monkey.

Stupid fucking lying monkey.

Quit deflecting! I asked to back up your OP and you can't. Your OP was a blatant lie. You're nothing but a mindless goose-stepper, who lets other dictate your thoughts. I'm so happy, that I'm not you.
Either back up your OP or be a man and admit your OP is a Big Lie.
Oh and your response really hurt my feelings! :crybaby:

I love watching the brownshirts nut out and call everybody else brownshirts.
There's nothing wrong with Putin besides the fact that he's not fighting ISIS in Syria and he's pretty much against democracy and a free press anywhere.

Wow. What a flat out fucking lie. What part of victory over terrorists in Allepo and other cities don't you get? Putin is going after ISIS and al Nusra big time.
Putin hasn't done fuck-all to fight ISIS. He's been too busy bombing Syrians, retard. Hospitals, aid workers, civilians, and children.

AMERICA has been kicking ISIS's ass. Not Putin.

Go back to Hanoi where you belong, Jane.

Fuck you asshole. Putin along with Iran have backed Syria to the hilt and have made major gains in retaking Syria.

As compared to your limp dick President pretending to bomb anything. 75% of the missions never drop a bomb.

Also. Why the fuck are you in Syria to begin with? Oh I remember. The CIA was helping Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey try to overthrow Assad and give the country to the Muslim Brotherhood.

All of them should be up on war crimes and crimes against humanity for trying to overthrow Assad.

You and yours make me want to puke for allowing the rise of ISIS and al Nusra.
There's nothing wrong with Putin besides the fact that he's not fighting ISIS in Syria and he's pretty much against democracy and a free press anywhere.

Wow. What a flat out fucking lie. What part of victory over terrorists in Allepo and other cities don't you get? Putin is going after ISIS and al Nusra big time.
Putin hasn't done fuck-all to fight ISIS. He's been too busy bombing Syrians, retard. Hospitals, aid workers, civilians, and children.

AMERICA has been kicking ISIS's ass. Not Putin.

Go back to Hanoi where you belong, Jane.

Fuck you asshole. Putin along with Iran have backed Syria to the hilt and have made major gains in retaking Syria.

Yes, which has NOTHING to do with ISIS, Jane.

As compared to your limp dick President pretending to bomb anything. 75% of the missions never drop a bomb.

Putin has dropped a fraction of a fraction of bombs on ISIS than we have, Jane.

Wake the fuck up.

You and yours make me want to puke for allowing the rise of ISIS and al Nusra.

And yet you suck off Donald Trump who was a cut and run liberal during the Iraq war, Jane! The very kind of person whose beliefs you now say led to the rise of ISIS!
BLITZER: How does the United States get out of this situation?

TRUMP: You know how they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory, and leave.

Donald Cut-And-Run Trump
All of them should be up on war crimes and crimes against humanity for trying to overthrow Assad.
Wow. It is amazing how you sound EXACTLY like Hanoi Jane.

It is Assad and Putin who are committing the war crimes, you sick fuck.

But you just keep on with that whole Blame America First racket, Jane.
Wow. This is amazing.

First, they call for us to cut and run during the Iraq war. Today, they blame that very same policy for the rise of ISIS.

And now they are accusing America of war crimes and they are worshiping the Russians.

Holy shit. The 60s comsymps are back in force!
There's nothing wrong with Putin besides the fact that he's not fighting ISIS in Syria and he's pretty much against democracy and a free press anywhere.

Wow. What a flat out fucking lie. What part of victory over terrorists in Allepo and other cities don't you get? Putin is going after ISIS and al Nusra big time.

But one of many

2015? You need to get up to speed. Russia had barely begun to co ordinate with Syria and Iran to rid Syria of the terrorists that the west allowed if not help rise in Syria to overthrow Assad.

Which by the way the west had no business doing. You would think our governments would have learned their lessons over Egypt and Libya but noooooooooooo.

Russian Warplanes Strike Syrian Targets, as Barrel Bombs Hit Aleppo

Russian Warplanes Strike Syrian Targets, as Barrel Bombs Hit Aleppo

Russian jets light up ISIS terrorists near Palmyra
All of them should be up on war crimes and crimes against humanity for trying to overthrow Assad.
Wow. It is amazing how you sound EXACTLY like Hanoi Jane.

It is Assad and Putin who are committing the war crimes, you sick fuck.

But you just keep on with that whole Blame America First racket, Jane.

Man oh man what a fucking liar you are. There was never an Arab Spring in Syria. This was an orchestrated rebellion to oust Assad and give the country to the Muslim Brotherhood.

The CIA was fully assisting Qatar, Turkey and Saudi Arabia in funnelling weapons and cash to the terrorists errrrrrrrrrrr rebels via the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood.

On record. Stop lying asshole. Russia never even got involved until last year.
tinydancer is actually rooting for Assad and Putin, and calling the US a war criminal.

You are seeing it with your own eyes, boys and girls.

Jane Fonda must be so proud.
Putin is a small time player in the war on ISIS who has convinced his retarded worshipers that he is a big player.
tinydancer is actually rooting for Assad and Putin, and calling the US a war criminal.

You are seeing it with your own eyes, boys and girls.

Jane Fonda must be so proud.

I am rooting for Assad and Putin to take out ISIS and AQ. Damn straight I am. These barbarians need to be eliminated.

Oh and I am not just calling the actions of the US as crimes against humanity. Oh no. I throw in Harper from Canada, Cameron from Britain, Hollande from France, Merkel of course, and needless to say the Sunni Gulf states who started all this shit with our help.

It's disgusting.

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