The facts about national healthcare


VIP Member
Dec 7, 2014
And they will experience delays in treatment and more needless deaths, just like European countries and the VA.
Why anyone thinks this is an advance is beyond me.

Fact :

The VA is the only truly national healthcare system in existence in the USA and it serves only an increasingly small minority (veterans).

My dad is a member of the VA, and his priority is priority number 3, which is fairly low.
He has never experienced any delays, or bad quality healthcare, infact the healthcare standards are very high at the VA.
The healthcare that my dad gets at the VA, is easily on a par with the wealthy at private hospitals.

Infact better healthcare, because he gets the medicines that he needs, in its entirety, he doesn't get sick because of the chemo therapy, and hasn't been sick from it, ever.

There is nothing more that anybody can do for cancer, than surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy.
(all you back to nature turds can fuck off, because they're nuts).

Nothing anybody can do exists other than those three...

Had my dad relied on the Humana insurance that he had, the fact of the matter is that he would have gotten the bottom of the barrel healthcare treated as a welfare case...

And he Would have gotten sick because of the chemo being administered without the necessary pre-meds to protect him, because the Insurance companies would claim that its unnecessary and expensive..

Not to mention that he would have gotten the typical Arkansas-native shit quality healthcare that ranks 47th out of the 50 states... only Louisiana, Mississippi and Missouri are worse.
And because of all the delays, he would have been dead.

He is now within 1 or 2 treatments of complete remission (cure), with VA (federal) standard healthcare.

What causes unnecessary deaths, is that the VA is the VA.. and not "The National Health Service" that serves the entire public.

Canada and Europe have a much better prognosis for cancer than the USA except for the VA.

So while I have been dumping on unions.... pure capitalists can go fuck themselves as well.
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So since you found one guy who did not get screwed over by the VA, that means it's fine for everybody?
I'm on Medicare with a Med Advantage plan. I like it. It's a POS, so no referrals, see any doctor as much as you like but save money by staying in network. My only complaint is Medicare Part D, the Medicare drug program. It sucks. Almost impossible to understand what your cost will be with all the different stages you go through. If you really get sick with high drug costs, you can pay $150/mo for a drug or over $5,000 for the same drug.
So since you found one guy who did not get screwed over by the VA, that means it's fine for everybody?

I don't just stare at my dad at the VA, I have seen NOBODY get screwed over at the VA.

I have seen my dad get screwed over by an insurance company, and seen EVERYBODY get screwed over by insurance companies.
So since you found one guy who did not get screwed over by the VA, that means it's fine for everybody?

I don't just stare at my dad at the VA, I have seen NOBODY get screwed over at the VA.

I have seen my dad get screwed over by an insurance company, and seen EVERYBODY get screwed over by insurance companies.
I've heard terrible stories about the VA and various insurance companies. I guess I'm just lucky because I have never experience any real problem either before or after Obamacare which I guess is strange since my family has had far more serious health problems than most.
So since you found one guy who did not get screwed over by the VA, that means it's fine for everybody?

I don't just stare at my dad at the VA, I have seen NOBODY get screwed over at the VA.

I have seen my dad get screwed over by an insurance company, and seen EVERYBODY get screwed over by insurance companies.
I've heard terrible stories about the VA and various insurance companies. I guess I'm just lucky because I have never experience any real problem either before or after Obamacare which I guess is strange since my family has had far more serious health problems than most.

Terrible stories... the keyword is stories.
Stories by neocons designed to scare people about national healthcare because they don't "waauuunnnttaaa payy my taxes".
So since you found one guy who did not get screwed over by the VA, that means it's fine for everybody?

I don't just stare at my dad at the VA, I have seen NOBODY get screwed over at the VA.

I have seen my dad get screwed over by an insurance company, and seen EVERYBODY get screwed over by insurance companies.
I've heard terrible stories about the VA and various insurance companies. I guess I'm just lucky because I have never experience any real problem either before or after Obamacare which I guess is strange since my family has had far more serious health problems than most.

Terrible stories... the keyword is stories.
Stories by neocons designed to scare people about national healthcare because they don't "waauuunnnttaaa payy my taxes".
Don't know much about national healthcare. My brother was in France an had to go to a doctor a couple of times as well as the hospital. He spoke highly of their system, not sure it that is what you mean by national healthcare.
So since you found one guy who did not get screwed over by the VA, that means it's fine for everybody?

I don't just stare at my dad at the VA, I have seen NOBODY get screwed over at the VA.

I have seen my dad get screwed over by an insurance company, and seen EVERYBODY get screwed over by insurance companies.
I've heard terrible stories about the VA and various insurance companies. I guess I'm just lucky because I have never experience any real problem either before or after Obamacare which I guess is strange since my family has had far more serious health problems than most.

Terrible stories... the keyword is stories.
Stories by neocons designed to scare people about national healthcare because they don't "waauuunnnttaaa payy my taxes".
Don't know much about national healthcare. My brother was in France an had to go to a doctor a couple of times as well as the hospital. He spoke highly of their system, not sure it that is what you mean by national healthcare.
The healthcare system in France is a national system like the VA is here, but unlike France, OUR system only treats veterans...which needs to change.
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And they will experience delays in treatment and more needless deaths, just like European countries and the VA.
Why anyone thinks this is an advance is beyond me.

Fact :

The VA is the only truly national healthcare system in existence in the USA and it serves only an increasingly small minority (veterans).

My dad is a member of the VA, and his priority is priority number 3, which is fairly low.
He has never experienced any delays, or bad quality healthcare, infact the healthcare standards are very high at the VA.
The healthcare that my dad gets at the VA, is easily on a par with the wealthy at private hospitals.


A fatal wait: Veterans languish and die on a VA hospital's secret list

I'm on Medicare with a Med Advantage plan. I like it. It's a POS, so no referrals, see any doctor as much as you like but save money by staying in network. My only complaint is Medicare Part D, the Medicare drug program. It sucks. Almost impossible to understand what your cost will be with all the different stages you go through. If you really get sick with high drug costs, you can pay $150/mo for a drug or over $5,000 for the same drug.

Flopper, my two cents: Every Part D insurer has its own formulary, which is the list of drugs it covers and at what level. So Insurer A's formulary includes Drug X as a Preferred (lower cost) drug. Insurer B includes Drug X as a Non-Preferred (higher cost) drug, Insurer C's formulary doesn't cover the drug at all.

So the best you can do is, every year as you renew your PDP, is look at how your meds (or possible meds) are covered by that plan. A good insurance broker should be able to help you with it so that you're getting the most appropriate plan for you at the best cost. The obvious problem here is that we can't predict the next year as far as our health is concerned, but at least we can do that.

You may already be doing this, but I wanted to toss it out there.

The fact is anyone who believes the US gov can effectively and efficiently run HC for all Americans, when they can't even put up a website, is not in their right mind.
I'm on Medicare with a Med Advantage plan. I like it. It's a POS, so no referrals, see any doctor as much as you like but save money by staying in network. My only complaint is Medicare Part D, the Medicare drug program. It sucks. Almost impossible to understand what your cost will be with all the different stages you go through. If you really get sick with high drug costs, you can pay $150/mo for a drug or over $5,000 for the same drug.

Flopper, my two cents: Every Part D insurer has its own formulary, which is the list of drugs it covers and at what level. So Insurer A's formulary includes Drug X as a Preferred (lower cost) drug. Insurer B includes Drug X as a Non-Preferred (higher cost) drug, Insurer C's formulary doesn't cover the drug at all.

So the best you can do is, every year as you renew your PDP, is look at how your meds (or possible meds) are covered by that plan. A good insurance broker should be able to help you with it so that you're getting the most appropriate plan for you at the best cost. The obvious problem here is that we can't predict the next year as far as our health is concerned, but at least we can do that.

You may already be doing this, but I wanted to toss it out there.

All the MAPD's I see seem to be pretty good and easy to understand.
So since you found one guy who did not get screwed over by the VA, that means it's fine for everybody?

I don't just stare at my dad at the VA, I have seen NOBODY get screwed over at the VA.

I have seen my dad get screwed over by an insurance company, and seen EVERYBODY get screwed over by insurance companies.
I've heard terrible stories about the VA and various insurance companies. I guess I'm just lucky because I have never experience any real problem either before or after Obamacare which I guess is strange since my family has had far more serious health problems than most.

Terrible stories... the keyword is stories.
Stories by neocons designed to scare people about national healthcare because they don't "waauuunnnttaaa payy my taxes".

Not stories,
So since you found one guy who did not get screwed over by the VA, that means it's fine for everybody?

I don't just stare at my dad at the VA, I have seen NOBODY get screwed over at the VA.

I have seen my dad get screwed over by an insurance company, and seen EVERYBODY get screwed over by insurance companies.
I've heard terrible stories about the VA and various insurance companies. I guess I'm just lucky because I have never experience any real problem either before or after Obamacare which I guess is strange since my family has had far more serious health problems than most.

Terrible stories... the keyword is stories.
Stories by neocons designed to scare people about national healthcare because they don't "waauuunnnttaaa payy my taxes".

These are not 'stories' they are factual accounts of what is going on at the VA. Apparently you have had your head in the sand all last year, since the VA scandal was well publicized by the media.

"An internal VA audit released June 9, 2014 found that more than 120,000 veterans were left waiting or never got care and that schedulers were pressured to use unofficial lists or engage in inappropriate practices to make waiting times appear more favorable.

On June 11, 2014, the Federal Bureau of Investigation opened a criminal investigation of the VA."
I'm on Medicare with a Med Advantage plan. I like it. It's a POS, so no referrals, see any doctor as much as you like but save money by staying in network. My only complaint is Medicare Part D, the Medicare drug program. It sucks. Almost impossible to understand what your cost will be with all the different stages you go through. If you really get sick with high drug costs, you can pay $150/mo for a drug or over $5,000 for the same drug.

Flopper, my two cents: Every Part D insurer has its own formulary, which is the list of drugs it covers and at what level. So Insurer A's formulary includes Drug X as a Preferred (lower cost) drug. Insurer B includes Drug X as a Non-Preferred (higher cost) drug, Insurer C's formulary doesn't cover the drug at all.

So the best you can do is, every year as you renew your PDP, is look at how your meds (or possible meds) are covered by that plan. A good insurance broker should be able to help you with it so that you're getting the most appropriate plan for you at the best cost. The obvious problem here is that we can't predict the next year as far as our health is concerned, but at least we can do that.

You may already be doing this, but I wanted to toss it out there.

All the MAPD's I see seem to be pretty good and easy to understand.


And now that I think about it, the site has an engine that helps people find the right drug plan for their specific med needs.

Terrible stories... the keyword is stories.
Stories by neocons designed to scare people about national healthcare because they don't "waauuunnnttaaa payy my taxes".
The bodies of those 'stories' beg to differ that they are just stories. If you are unaware of the reality of the failures of the VA then your head has been in the sand.

Something else to think about: it takes 300 million people to pay for a veterans program that covers around one percent of that. A program that costs 68 billion a year (47 of that on medical expenses) ballooned 100 times as large is going to spend almost 7 trillion.

IOW, that is only a scant two times larger than ALL REVENUE from ALL SOURCES that the government revives. An impossibility.

I have been in an out of medical services in Germany (essentially fully socialized) the military as active duty and across the civilian sector in multiple states where the military was unable to provide for the care my family needed. We did revive the best care outside of the military. They even tried to force us to allow an unqualified technician perform a risky radiological procedure on my child (cranial radiation therapy). When asking the tech what he was going to do he essentially told us that our child was going to be retarded coming out of the therapy. He had no idea what he was doing or how the actual procedure went. When confronting our doctor he stated that anyone could flip a switch. No, you had better believe that not just any fucking one is going to 'flip the switch' with my child on the line. At the 'real' radiation clinic, it took 5 doctors over an hour to get the setup and proper positioning ready for the following treatments. Simple 'flip a switch' my ass.

The care we received off base at the local university and the cancer care clinic was FAR superior to what we received on base in the military system. BOTH were superior to what was received in Germany. There were several situations where the Germans nearly killed my son and a whole host or other problems we faced there. The healthcare there was not on par with what we received here. The costs are another story all together. There is a SERIOUS problem with the way the American system figures the cost of procedures. it is broken badly - there is zero reason that a 'semi-private' room on a cancer ward costs OVER ten thousand dollars a day to stay at. Looking at the accommodations, there is no way it costs one thousand per night let alone ten. Nationalizing the system is not going to fix that core problem - we need to address WHY healthcare is so damn expensive not shift that cost so that people don't see it. That only causes things to INCREASE in price.
It's no mystery why health care has been so ridiculously expensive- absolutely no oversight of doctors, insurers, and hospitals, no transparent competition, and no insurance, preventive care for poor workers.Over and DONE.

VA problems have been caused by Pub under funding and lack of oversight too. Pub penny wise, pound foolish, incredibly short sighted. That's the "government" that's the problem. They're so bad all they have left is a giant bs propaganda machine. A world horror and laughingstock..
I'm on Medicare with a Med Advantage plan. I like it. It's a POS, so no referrals, see any doctor as much as you like but save money by staying in network. My only complaint is Medicare Part D, the Medicare drug program. It sucks. Almost impossible to understand what your cost will be with all the different stages you go through. If you really get sick with high drug costs, you can pay $150/mo for a drug or over $5,000 for the same drug.

Flopper, my two cents: Every Part D insurer has its own formulary, which is the list of drugs it covers and at what level. So Insurer A's formulary includes Drug X as a Preferred (lower cost) drug. Insurer B includes Drug X as a Non-Preferred (higher cost) drug, Insurer C's formulary doesn't cover the drug at all.

So the best you can do is, every year as you renew your PDP, is look at how your meds (or possible meds) are covered by that plan. A good insurance broker should be able to help you with it so that you're getting the most appropriate plan for you at the best cost. The obvious problem here is that we can't predict the next year as far as our health is concerned, but at least we can do that.

You may already be doing this, but I wanted to toss it out there.

My aunt has Cystic Fibrosis. She is covered by Medicare and has a Part D plan. The doctor prescribed tobramycin solution for inhalation via a neutralizer. The cost of this drug at a local pharmacy is $6,000 to $12,000/mo. However, we found out that the Part D plan would pay 80% which reduced the cost to about $2,000/mo until she she fell into the donut hole and the price went up to over $4,000/mo. Desperate to find a cheaper solution we talked to Medicare and found out that Medicare Part B would pay 100% of the cost of the drug if it was supplied and monitored through an infusion company. She contacted a company and they are now supplying the drug at no cost to her and they contact her monthly to monitor her health. I think they are billing Medicare about $16,000/mo. A couple of months ago my aunt's doctor told her the exact same drug can be purchased in inject-able form and used in a neutralizer at a cost of about $350/mo. but neither Medicare Part D nor Part B will pay for it, so she's sticking with the infusion company.

Luckily my aunt had someone to do research and figure all this out. I fear most older folks who are seriously ill are not so lucky.
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And they will experience delays in treatment and more needless deaths, just like European countries and the VA.
Why anyone thinks this is an advance is beyond me.
Because the good of the many outweighs the good of the few dumbshit. It's a numbers game, deal with it.
The United States is fast becoming one of the worst health care systems in the world. Not only are they the only industrialized nation that does not provide some form of universal health care to it’s citizens, they have one of the highest rates for health care expenditures.

  • Health care expenditures in the United States are the highest of any developed country, at 15.3% of GDP. The country with the next highest spending is Switzerland, at 11.6% of GDP. (Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)
  • The United States does not spend health care money efficiently. An estimated one-third of 2006 health care expenditures, about $700 billion or nearly 5% of GDP, did not improve health outcomes. (Source: Congressional Budget Office)
  • Prescription prices for drugs still under patent protections (as opposed to generic medications) are about 35% to 55% higher in the United States than they are in other countries. (Source: Congressional Budget Office)
It's no mystery why health care has been so ridiculously expensive- absolutely no oversight of doctors, insurers, and hospitals, no transparent competition, and no insurance, preventive care for poor workers.Over and DONE.

VA problems have been caused by Pub under funding and lack of oversight too. Pub penny wise, pound foolish, incredibly short sighted. That's the "government" that's the problem. They're so bad all they have left is a giant bs propaganda machine. A world horror and laughingstock..
No oversight. Now THAT is funny as hell.

Someone has no clue about the medical world.

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