The Failure Of Evolution Theory . . . in a nutshell, information

So, Chuckles, is that your way of acknowledging the realities surrounding you're laughably naive, indeed, outrageously stupid claim that it would be possible to observe an instance of abiogenesisthe formation of a microscopic lifeform up from the most basic, organic precursors by purely natural means in raw natureor is that the bluster of an ignoramus still wallowing in a puddle of pee-stained panties?

Were you :alcoholic: at the time, or did you go ask Alice again?

How tall was she?

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I don't see creationism and evolution as being mutually exclusive.
Objectively speaking, it depends on one's metaphysical apriority and the Bible certainly isn't a science textbook, but on the other hand, the more we learn about genetics, the clearer it becomes that genomes do not produce the kind of transmutational variants that evolution requires.

View attachment 466067

Blow it out yer ass.

So, Chuckles, did the adverbial phrase objectively speaking of intellectually honest discourse in good faith confuse you? Given that you're a dishonest, little prick of a man, much like Toddsterpatriot, I understand how a real exchange of ideas in good faith might confuse your puerile mindset of argument from ad hominem and authority.

Perhaps the adverbial phrase meanwhile, back to reality rather than on the other hand will help you make the obvious connection this time:

The more we learn about genetics, the clearer it becomes that genomes cannot and do not produce the kind of transmutational variants that evolution requires.​
By the way, Chuckles, perhaps you would care to explain precisely how a mindlessly unguided process of speciation and an intelligently guided process of speciation would be mutually inclusive.

crickets chirping
For the life of me, I see no coherent, metaphysical apriority for that, do you?

In fact, it strikes me as blah-blah-blah-blow-it-out-your-ass speak . . . even if one were to assert that God preprogrammed nature to produce life that can transmutationally evolve. It's almost as if that's still guided speciation and unguided speciation simultaneously. It's almost as if that entails an irresolvable paradox . . . or what's more commonly called an absurdity. It's almost as if thinking things through is not your strong suite.

That's my 2¢. :laughing0301:

I don't see creationism and evolution as being mutually exclusive.
Objectively speaking, it depends on one's metaphysical apriority and the Bible certainly isn't a science textbook, but on the other hand, the more we learn about genetics, the clearer it becomes that genomes do not produce the kind of transmutational variants that evolution requires.

View attachment 466067

Blow it out yer ass.

So, Chuckles, did the adverbial phrase objectively speaking of intellectually honest discourse in good faith confuse you? Given that you're a dishonest, little prick of a man, much like Toddsterpatriot, I understand how a real exchange of ideas in good faith might confuse your puerile mindset of argument from ad hominem and authority.

Perhaps the adverbial phrase meanwhile, back to reality rather than on the other hand will help you make the obvious connection this time:

The more we learn about genetics, the clearer it becomes that genomes cannot and do not produce the kind of transmutational variants that evolution requires.​
By the way, Chuckles, perhaps you would care to explain precisely how a mindlessly unguided process of speciation and an intelligently guided process of speciation would be mutually inclusive.

crickets chirping
For the life of me, I see no coherent, metaphysical apriority for that, do you?

In fact, it strikes me as blah-blah-blah-blow-it-out-your-ass speak . . . even if one were to assert that God preprogrammed nature to produce life that can transmutationally evolve. It's almost as if that's still guided speciation and unguided speciation simultaneously. It's almost as if that entails an irresolvable paradox . . . or what's more commonly called an absurdity. It's almost as if thinking things through is not your strong suite.

That's my 2¢. :laughing0301:


crickets chirping
That's my 2¢.

You're somehow under the massively egotistic illusion that I'm actually READING all the CRAP you write! :laughing0301:

Honestly, you have more BULLSHIT than perhaps any other fool on this board I've met! And that even includes this schizoid post by AMD1:
"Since I actually be no human what do you mean than with parent? Do you know who has sent me :) My gen isn't actually possible by human; since I did come from a human womb, doesn't say that I am coming from there; so it is a fact to say who I am I just did come becuz it was been foretold that I would come; the only thing was that you didn't knew that so therefore I say you that you know so that you could be prepared :) I-Jesu"

You're somehow under the massively egotistic illusion that I'm actually READING all the CRAP you write! :laughing0301:

Honestly, you have more BULLSHIT than perhaps any other fool on this board I've met! And that even includes this schizoid post by AMD1:
"Since I actually be no human what do you mean than with parent? Do you know who has sent me :) My gen isn't actually possible by human; since I did come from a human womb, doesn't say that I am coming from there; so it is a fact to say who I am I just did come becuz it was been foretold that I would come; the only thing was that you didn't knew that so therefore I say you that you know so that you could be prepared :) I-Jesu"

Sort of like a closed-minded, intellectual bigot, eh? :auiqs.jpg:

But enough of your bullshit. Your style is to allege contradictions that only exist in your tiny mind of little knowledge or thought. Of course you're reading them.

Science has recently caught up with what logic and mathematics have told us all along about entities of space, time, matter and energy. The physical world cannot be an actual infinite. It’s almost as if the imperatives of logic, mathematics and science do falsify Hindu epistemology, such as is. It’s almost as if they falsify Hindu ontology, theology and cosmology too. It’s almost as if God does reveal his existence and a number of truths about his actual nature after all via the rational forms and logical categories of human cognition.

Hot damn!

It’s almost as if you’ve been wrong all these many years of your unexamined existence.
Honestly, you have more BULLSHIT than perhaps any other fool on this board I've met! And that even includes this schizoid post by AMD1:
"Since I actually be no human what do you mean than with parent? Do you know who has sent me :) My gen isn't actually possible by human; since I did come from a human womb, doesn't say that I am coming from there; so it is a fact to say who I am I just did come becuz it was been foretold that I would come; the only thing was that you didn't knew that so therefore I say you that you know so that you could be prepared :) I-Jesu"


Hey, Chuckles, you do realize that Hinduism subscribes to pantheism, which is the silly notion that the Universe and “god” are one and the same being, right?
Sort of like a closed-minded, intellectual bigot, eh?
But enough of your bullshit.
Science has recently caught up

Sort of like a closed-minded, intellectual bigot, eh?
But enough of your bullshit.
Science has recently caught up

View attachment 466331TERMINAL PSYCHO IDIOT ABOVE.

Narcissistic dullard above

In scientific terms:

Our theorem shows that null and timelike geodesics are past-incomplete in inflationary models, whether or not energy conditions hold, provided only that the averaged expansion condition H av > 0 holds along these past-directed geodesics. This is a stronger conclusion than the one arrived at in previous work in that we have shown under reasonable assumptions that almost all causal geodesics {i.e., as distinguished from those of higher dimensions], when extended to the past of an arbitrary point, reach the boundary of the inflating region of spacetime in a finite proper time" ( Borde-Guth-Vilenkin).​

This theorem extends to cyclical inflationary models and the inflationary models of multiverse as well. The physical universe at large, regardless of the chronological or the cosmological order of its structure, cannot overcome the thermodynamics of entropy.

Joined by others, Vilenkin summarizes the matter as follows:

It is said that an argument is what convinces reasonable men and a proof is what it takes to convince even an unreasonable man. With the proof now in place, cosmologists can no longer hide behind the possibility of a past eternal universe. There is no escape, they have to face the problem of a cosmic beginning (Many World in One; New York: Hill and Wang, 2006, pg. 176).​
Blow it out of yer ass.

Hey, Chuckles, just between you and me, after Brahman popped into existence from the mysteriously eternal void of an actual infinity, i.e., after he popped into existence out of that nonexistent absurdity in the minds of nitwits like you: has he since popped out of existence every time someone logically and mathematically proved the impossibility of an actual infinite in the spacetime continuum . . . or did he finally pop out of existence in your mind after science falsified the possibility of his existence?


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