The Failure Of “Trickle Down”, and The Generation That Understands This

News from today...the Kansas State Legislature has overridden Brownback's veto of their repeal of his disastrous trickle-down tax cuts. Here's why:


Tax cuts = deficits. There's your proof.
Because you're jumping to conclusions before investigations have concluded. Until investigations are concluded, you cannot make these claims.

AGAIN, "I' am not jumping to anything. "I" am stating a FACT, the FACT that:

The FBI has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'
The CIA has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'
The NSA has declare 'No Collusion Evidence'
The DIA has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'
The House Intel Committee Chairman has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'
D-Fenistein, House Intel Committee Member has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'
D-Maxine Waters has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'

"I" certainly CAN say that there is no evidence because

The FBI has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'
The CIA has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'
The NSA has declare 'No Collusion Evidence'
The DIA has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'
The House Intel Committee Chairman has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'
D-Fenistein, House Intel Committee Member has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'
D-Maxine Waters has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'

...despite the 'digging' continuing without having found any evidence to date.

And AGAIN, at some point the Democrats have to be told to finally PUT UP or STFU.

They can NOT be allowed to continue to drag out the multiple investigations based on false narratives, false accusations, ZERO evidence (EVER), and election-loss butt-hurt...all of which they are using to justify their seditious/anti-American PARTY-1st commitment to obstructing EVEYTHING the GOP and President seeks to do - no matter what it is - in an attempt to undermine the US government to increase their chances of gaining power back in 2018 and/or 2020.
They have been lied to for many years by socialist like yourself. I've been lied to by many years by the same people. Millenials wonder why it is that their generation is finding it hard to get ahead when previoius generations didn't have a problem. Eventually it will catch up with them.
No, you can't. Because the investigations are currently ongoing. So you can't conclude that no evidence exists before the investigations have concluded. You're jumping the gun, otherwise. Which is suspicious.

The "investigation" has been going on for a year with nothing to show for it. If I work on something for a year and have nothing to show my boss would tell me to stop if not fire me for wasting time and money
It has become a regular habit for some media contributors to blame millennials for the death of many businesses and other profitable institutions. This blame focuses on millennials because they refuse to spend there limited incomes to benefit the billionaires and other corporate fat cats.

The American people have listened to conservatives tout the benefits of Reagan’s snake oil known as “Trickle Down” for the last four decades. Reliable numbers charting the success of Reagan’s snake oil have proven consistently, that during these years, the wealthiest top 0.1% (that’s one tenth of one percent) have flourished beyond all expectations.

Unfortunately, those same reliable numbers prove the bottom 90%, and especially the lowest half of American families haven’t fared well, at all.

But, in the years when Reagan first started selling his snake oil, in younger, baby boomer families, both spouses began working, so the negative impact of his trickle-down-snake-oil was slow to be noticed by the masses. The generation that fought in WWII and produced the baby-boomers were already established financially, so they too were also slow to notice as their buying power decreased.

The WWII generation did have one advantage (if you can call it that) over the baby boomers they bore. The WWII generation lived through the Great Depression. Their families were forced to learn to make do with less, appreciate the value of money, and live within their limited means.

This was not the case with the “boomers”. As conservative policies slowly began to strangle wages, destroy unions, and create an environment hostile to working people, easy credit became available to provide the money needed by the boomers to buy the trappings of middle class, which were rapidly becoming more and more expensive.

Living expenses, whether for necessities or luxuries, increased at a rate much more quickly than incomes. The bubble burst in the middle of 2008, the final year of Dubya’s tax-cuts-for-the-very-rich, and borrow-money-for-two-needless-wars administration.

During the initial months of the Great Republican Recession, countless baby boomers lost their jobs, homes, cars, life savings, retirement accounts, etc. The following years of slow economic recovery resulting from the congressional Republicans many efforts to make Obama a one-term-president, saw economic conditions so bad, many of these boomers would never recover.

All this financial tragedy had little effect on the wealthiest top 0.1%, but it was a lesson to the millennial generation. Like their grandparents during the Great Depression, they watched while their parents [boomers] struggled financially. Savings ran out, as did long-term unemployment benefits, and eventually, the income from part-time jobs was barely enough to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads.

This generation-wide experience forced most millennials to develop a financial mindset that is currently being blamed for the dying retail industry, the slowing restaurant business, the bind being felt by automakers, unimpressive sales of new homes, and the loss of many jobs.

But blaming all this on millennials is Bullsh!t.

Unlike the suckers who believe in Reagan’s snake oil, these young people refuse to spend their meager incomes on the billionaires' over-priced crap. The same over-priced crap their boomer parents went deeply into debt to own, so as to live the middle class lifestyle, which was beyond the financial means of most.

No, the blame for the economic catastrophe of Reagan’s snake oil falls squarely on the suckers in the baby boomer generation. For four decades, they happily handed the vast majority of the wealth to the top 0.1%, in the mistaken belief the billionaires’ massive profits from ever-rising prices, substantial Republican tax cuts, the outsourcing these tax cuts helped finance, and the stagnant wages enjoyed by low and middle income families would finally be trickled down upon them.

That ain’t happened yet, and millennials know it never will. They understand they must live for the moment, and the few enjoyable experiences they are able to afford. Fu*k the businesses that are dying. The millennials are not to blame for the CEO baby boomers who were too stupid to understand Reagan’s snake oil would eventually cause their worlds to come crashing down around them.

Millennials can read the handwriting on the wall. They know Reagan’s “Trickle Down” snake oil is a scam to keep wealth moving upward, and always has been. They can also understand that, until the stupid, conservative baby boomers die out, there is little they can do to help themselves. The stupid members of the boomer generation still have too much power. “Trickle Down” will continue, for now.

'Psychologically scarred' millennials are killing dozens of industries — and it's their parents' fault


View attachment 131176


/---- I wish I earned what Trump paid in taxes each year.

Sent from my iPhone using
Millenials wonder why it is that their generation is finding it hard to get ahead when previoius generations didn't have a problem. Eventually it will catch up with them.

The reasons why Millennials are having a hard time today is the reason George Carlin said almost 20 years ago these kids have never heard the very important character building words "you failed".

Also because he have delayed growing up. In my parent's generation and previous ones you graduated high school and went to work. The jobs they had were hard entry level jobs. Now kids are going to college for 4 years at least so now they are starting those same jobs at 22 if they didn't take time to "find themselves".

Hopefully the next generation grows up faster.
Millenials wonder why it is that their generation is finding it hard to get ahead when previoius generations didn't have a problem. Eventually it will catch up with them.

The reasons why Millennials are having a hard time today is the reason George Carlin said almost 20 years ago these kids have never heard the very important character building words "you failed".

Also because he have delayed growing up. In my parent's generation and previous ones you graduated high school and went to work. The jobs they had were hard entry level jobs. Now kids are going to college for 4 years at least so now they are starting those same jobs at 22 if they didn't take time to "find themselves".

Hopefully the next generation grows up faster.

This is the new tactic of the left which is to blame the current failure of their economic ideas on generational laziness.
This is the new tactic of the left which is to blame the current failure of their economic ideas on generational laziness.

I don't think it is laziness. It is is some cases.

I work in a kitchen at a restaurant. We hire during the summer college kids for the line so we can do other things since the summer is so busy. The kids know things, but don't know how to apply anything.

My wife works in an office and hires interns and kids right out of college. She had to stop that practice and started hiring "uneducated" people with no experience, but they have common sense. She can do basic training and they can do what needs to be done correctly while the "educated" people need their hands held
This is the new tactic of the left which is to blame the current failure of their economic ideas on generational laziness.

I don't think it is laziness. It is is some cases.

I work in a kitchen at a restaurant. We hire during the summer college kids for the line so we can do other things since the summer is so busy. The kids know things, but don't know how to apply anything.

My wife works in an office and hires interns and kids right out of college. She had to stop that practice and started hiring "uneducated" people with no experience, but they have common sense. She can do basic training and they can do what needs to be done correctly while the "educated" people need their hands held

I find that to be true as well but that isn't a millennial issue because those uneducated people you hire are of the same age bracket. It could be just college kids really don't have much a future working in a kitchen and they know it so they don't apply themselves as much.
It has become a regular habit for some media contributors to blame millennials for the death of many businesses and other profitable institutions. This blame focuses on millennials because they refuse to spend there limited incomes to benefit the billionaires and other corporate fat cats.

The American people have listened to conservatives tout the benefits of Reagan’s snake oil known as “Trickle Down” for the last four decades. Reliable numbers charting the success of Reagan’s snake oil have proven consistently, that during these years, the wealthiest top 0.1% (that’s one tenth of one percent) have flourished beyond all expectations.

Unfortunately, those same reliable numbers prove the bottom 90%, and especially the lowest half of American families haven’t fared well, at all.

But, in the years when Reagan first started selling his snake oil, in younger, baby boomer families, both spouses began working, so the negative impact of his trickle-down-snake-oil was slow to be noticed by the masses. The generation that fought in WWII and produced the baby-boomers were already established financially, so they too were also slow to notice as their buying power decreased.

The WWII generation did have one advantage (if you can call it that) over the baby boomers they bore. The WWII generation lived through the Great Depression. Their families were forced to learn to make do with less, appreciate the value of money, and live within their limited means.

This was not the case with the “boomers”. As conservative policies slowly began to strangle wages, destroy unions, and create an environment hostile to working people, easy credit became available to provide the money needed by the boomers to buy the trappings of middle class, which were rapidly becoming more and more expensive.

Living expenses, whether for necessities or luxuries, increased at a rate much more quickly than incomes. The bubble burst in the middle of 2008, the final year of Dubya’s tax-cuts-for-the-very-rich, and borrow-money-for-two-needless-wars administration.

During the initial months of the Great Republican Recession, countless baby boomers lost their jobs, homes, cars, life savings, retirement accounts, etc. The following years of slow economic recovery resulting from the congressional Republicans many efforts to make Obama a one-term-president, saw economic conditions so bad, many of these boomers would never recover.

All this financial tragedy had little effect on the wealthiest top 0.1%, but it was a lesson to the millennial generation. Like their grandparents during the Great Depression, they watched while their parents [boomers] struggled financially. Savings ran out, as did long-term unemployment benefits, and eventually, the income from part-time jobs was barely enough to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads.

This generation-wide experience forced most millennials to develop a financial mindset that is currently being blamed for the dying retail industry, the slowing restaurant business, the bind being felt by automakers, unimpressive sales of new homes, and the loss of many jobs.

But blaming all this on millennials is Bullsh!t.

Unlike the suckers who believe in Reagan’s snake oil, these young people refuse to spend their meager incomes on the billionaires' over-priced crap. The same over-priced crap their boomer parents went deeply into debt to own, so as to live the middle class lifestyle, which was beyond the financial means of most.

No, the blame for the economic catastrophe of Reagan’s snake oil falls squarely on the suckers in the baby boomer generation. For four decades, they happily handed the vast majority of the wealth to the top 0.1%, in the mistaken belief the billionaires’ massive profits from ever-rising prices, substantial Republican tax cuts, the outsourcing these tax cuts helped finance, and the stagnant wages enjoyed by low and middle income families would finally be trickled down upon them.

That ain’t happened yet, and millennials know it never will. They understand they must live for the moment, and the few enjoyable experiences they are able to afford. Fu*k the businesses that are dying. The millennials are not to blame for the CEO baby boomers who were too stupid to understand Reagan’s snake oil would eventually cause their worlds to come crashing down around them.

Millennials can read the handwriting on the wall. They know Reagan’s “Trickle Down” snake oil is a scam to keep wealth moving upward, and always has been. They can also understand that, until the stupid, conservative baby boomers die out, there is little they can do to help themselves. The stupid members of the boomer generation still have too much power. “Trickle Down” will continue, for now.

'Psychologically scarred' millennials are killing dozens of industries — and it's their parents' fault


View attachment 131176

Carry on, Carrion!

Starting in the 1960s, through the Reagan Era, and afterwards, the Left Wing of the Establishment vulture has also had a lot of power, sinking its own claw into the economic corpse. By blaming it all on the Right Wing, you prove that you have been misled into meaninglessness. The entire specious spectrum is only good for creating rainbows and other optical illusions.
I find that to be true as well but that isn't a millennial issue because those uneducated people you hire are of the same age bracket. It could be just college kids really don't have much a future working in a kitchen and they know it so they don't apply themselves as much.

The kids at my restaurant do work hard and that is the problem. They work hard and not smart. The kids complain in the beginning, but after I show them so common sense ways to do things they are happier and don't complain. It is just getting them there that is the issue.
This is the new tactic of the left which is to blame the current failure of their economic ideas on generational laziness.

I don't think it is laziness. It is is some cases.

I work in a kitchen at a restaurant. We hire during the summer college kids for the line so we can do other things since the summer is so busy. The kids know things, but don't know how to apply anything.

My wife works in an office and hires interns and kids right out of college. She had to stop that practice and started hiring "uneducated" people with no experience, but they have common sense. She can do basic training and they can do what needs to be done correctly while the "educated" people need their hands held
College Is for Coolies--That's Why Asians Are Such Good Students

College is work without pay and has nothing to do with education. If students aren't paid, they're not worth anything. The fact that they submit to such class-biased indentured servitude proves that they have no self-respect. So why should we respect college graduates, just because the parasite employers who mandate this say so?
It has become a regular habit for some media contributors to blame millennials for the death of many businesses and other profitable institutions. This blame focuses on millennials because they refuse to spend there limited incomes to benefit the billionaires and other corporate fat cats.

The American people have listened to conservatives tout the benefits of Reagan’s snake oil known as “Trickle Down” for the last four decades. Reliable numbers charting the success of Reagan’s snake oil have proven consistently, that during these years, the wealthiest top 0.1% (that’s one tenth of one percent) have flourished beyond all expectations.

Unfortunately, those same reliable numbers prove the bottom 90%, and especially the lowest half of American families haven’t fared well, at all.

But, in the years when Reagan first started selling his snake oil, in younger, baby boomer families, both spouses began working, so the negative impact of his trickle-down-snake-oil was slow to be noticed by the masses. The generation that fought in WWII and produced the baby-boomers were already established financially, so they too were also slow to notice as their buying power decreased.

The WWII generation did have one advantage (if you can call it that) over the baby boomers they bore. The WWII generation lived through the Great Depression. Their families were forced to learn to make do with less, appreciate the value of money, and live within their limited means.

This was not the case with the “boomers”. As conservative policies slowly began to strangle wages, destroy unions, and create an environment hostile to working people, easy credit became available to provide the money needed by the boomers to buy the trappings of middle class, which were rapidly becoming more and more expensive.

Living expenses, whether for necessities or luxuries, increased at a rate much more quickly than incomes. The bubble burst in the middle of 2008, the final year of Dubya’s tax-cuts-for-the-very-rich, and borrow-money-for-two-needless-wars administration.

During the initial months of the Great Republican Recession, countless baby boomers lost their jobs, homes, cars, life savings, retirement accounts, etc. The following years of slow economic recovery resulting from the congressional Republicans many efforts to make Obama a one-term-president, saw economic conditions so bad, many of these boomers would never recover.

All this financial tragedy had little effect on the wealthiest top 0.1%, but it was a lesson to the millennial generation. Like their grandparents during the Great Depression, they watched while their parents [boomers] struggled financially. Savings ran out, as did long-term unemployment benefits, and eventually, the income from part-time jobs was barely enough to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads.

This generation-wide experience forced most millennials to develop a financial mindset that is currently being blamed for the dying retail industry, the slowing restaurant business, the bind being felt by automakers, unimpressive sales of new homes, and the loss of many jobs.

But blaming all this on millennials is Bullsh!t.

Unlike the suckers who believe in Reagan’s snake oil, these young people refuse to spend their meager incomes on the billionaires' over-priced crap. The same over-priced crap their boomer parents went deeply into debt to own, so as to live the middle class lifestyle, which was beyond the financial means of most.

No, the blame for the economic catastrophe of Reagan’s snake oil falls squarely on the suckers in the baby boomer generation. For four decades, they happily handed the vast majority of the wealth to the top 0.1%, in the mistaken belief the billionaires’ massive profits from ever-rising prices, substantial Republican tax cuts, the outsourcing these tax cuts helped finance, and the stagnant wages enjoyed by low and middle income families would finally be trickled down upon them.

That ain’t happened yet, and millennials know it never will. They understand they must live for the moment, and the few enjoyable experiences they are able to afford. Fu*k the businesses that are dying. The millennials are not to blame for the CEO baby boomers who were too stupid to understand Reagan’s snake oil would eventually cause their worlds to come crashing down around them.

Millennials can read the handwriting on the wall. They know Reagan’s “Trickle Down” snake oil is a scam to keep wealth moving upward, and always has been. They can also understand that, until the stupid, conservative baby boomers die out, there is little they can do to help themselves. The stupid members of the boomer generation still have too much power. “Trickle Down” will continue, for now.

'Psychologically scarred' millennials are killing dozens of industries — and it's their parents' fault


View attachment 131176

Mr. Trump publicly asked for Russian assistance.
I jokingly stated I wished a bus would run over Hillary (not really) - if it happens, that does not mean I colluded with the bus driver, lil' snowflake. Obama himself stated foreign countries try to hack us and impact our elections all the time. You're REACHING.

Why should anyone take the right wing seriously about politics or economics.

Millenials wonder why it is that their generation is finding it hard to get ahead when previoius generations didn't have a problem. Eventually it will catch up with them.

The reasons why Millennials are having a hard time today is the reason George Carlin said almost 20 years ago these kids have never heard the very important character building words "you failed".

Also because he have delayed growing up. In my parent's generation and previous ones you graduated high school and went to work. The jobs they had were hard entry level jobs. Now kids are going to college for 4 years at least so now they are starting those same jobs at 22 if they didn't take time to "find themselves".

Hopefully the next generation grows up faster.

This is the new tactic of the left which is to blame the current failure of their economic ideas on generational laziness.
nope; just the right wing.

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