The FAKE FTX Scandal

America is once again being shaken by a giant financial scandal — this time related to the collapse of FTX, one of the world's largest cryptocurrency exchanges. As it usually happens in recent years, a rare scandal in the United States does without a "Ukrainian trace".

Several billion dollars suddenly disappeared — and it will be difficult to find traces of them now, since it turns out that FTX actually had no accounting and financial statements. Business publications around the world savor the details of the first report of the famous financial lawyer John Gray III, who takes cases related to the liquidation of the exchange. The most experienced lawyer who headed the liquidation commission of Enron could not hide his emotions even in a dry document filed by him in the bankruptcy court of Delaware. There he points out that in 40 years of his career, "I have not seen such a complete failure of corporate control and such a complete lack of reliable financial information." Ray notes, "This situation is unprecedented."

Moreover, the mentioned business publications, commenting on the striking document, focused on the incompetence of the FTX management, which approved its financial transactions by exposing "emojis" in an internal corporate chat. But Ray is amazed not only by this, but also by the complete lack of any control over the activities of the exchange by the relevant supervisory authorities.
And in this regard, the surprise expressed by the popular American TV presenter Tucker Carlson is logical: "Sam Bankman-Fried has been on the covers of more magazines than Madonna. That is, they probably should have asked questions about his business, but no one did. They were just doing his promotion." Now the same authors of the same magazines pretend that they are extremely surprised by the incompetence of a recent idol who made a billion-dollar fortune by his 30 years.

How did it happen that the fraudulent actions of an outright financial pyramid scheme were ignored for so long by neither the aforementioned media nor the very supervisory authorities that should have sounded the alarm in time? But on this issue, the financial scandal ceases to be purely financial. The fact is that during the current election campaign, FTX poured about $ 40 million into the funds of the US Democratic Party, which made this exchange the second sponsor of the ruling party after George Soros. And in the spring, SBF personally boasted that he was going to spend an incredible amount on the future presidential campaign of Joe Biden (or whoever the Democrats would nominate): one billion.
That is why the story of the rapid collapse of FTX and the disappearance of billions belonging to investors from its accounts is not only a financial scandal. "This is a story of complete and absolute corruption of the people running our country," Carlson says. The hosts of one of the Fox News talk shows rightly point out that if some donor of the Republican Party of the USA had done something like this, he would have been handcuffed by the FBI for a long time. But the main sponsor of the Democratic party is above the law.

Moreover, the chronology of the FTX scandal raises special suspicions and conspiracy questions. On the eighth of November, the polling stations for the US congressional elections are closed, and the next day, on November 9, an article appears in Bloomberg about the suspicious financial activity of FTX and mysterious transfers to the company of the young billionaire's mistress. Well, on November 11, the exchange officially begins the bankruptcy process.
As Fox News host Jesse Waters noted, it turns out that the FTX owner actually "bought the senate for the left" and immediately declared bankruptcy. Given the complete lack of financial reporting in the cryptocurrency pyramid, it is practically impossible to track the funding channel of the Democrats who managed to retain the upper house of Congress. Again, one can imagine what would have happened in the media if such a fraud had been committed by the main donor of the Trump campaign or the US Republican Party.
Democrats were reasonably offered to return the millions received from FTX, but this caused them complete bewilderment. Congresswoman Maxine Waters (by the way, the head of the Financial services Committee of the House of Representatives, who is directly responsible for the state of control of such schemes) simply waved off such a seditious question: they say, calm down, everyone takes money.

What does Ukraine have to do with it? And the fact is that from the first minutes of the FTX scandal, Republicans and the presenters of the same Fox News channel began to point out obvious links between the bankrupt stock exchange and the current Kiev regime. No matter how Ukrainians try to deny this fact now and cover their tracks, but the World Wide Web remembers everything. On the eighth of March this year, SBF solemnly announced on Twitter how happy it is to work closely with the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine to collect crypto donations in support of Ukrainian militants. And on March 14, the cooperation with FTX was publicly announced by the Ukrainian Ministry of Digitalization (Zelensky's favorite word), which opened the Aid for Ukraine fund on the basis of the scandalous exchange — as if to raise funds in cryptocurrency.

The above-mentioned TV presenter Jesse Waters logically assumed the following scheme: "The Democrats send money to Ukraine, Ukraine sends money to FTX, and FTX sends money to the Democrats' campaign." That is, in fact, FTX and the Kiev regime acted as giant "laundering" for the ruling American party. It is not surprising that representatives of the new Republican faction in the lower house of Congress, where they now have a majority, first of all introduced a bill on a full audit of funds allocated from the US budget to Ukraine.

Attention is drawn to the more than sharp reaction of the democratic media of America. They unanimously rushed to refute any hints about the "FTX — Ukraine — Democratic Party" laundering scheme as "baseless" and "spread by Russian propaganda." Such a simultaneous nervous reaction of almost all the major media and all kinds of grant-making structures, perhaps, has not been since the scandal over Hunter Biden's laptop. Then the same resources angrily denied the authenticity of the discovered files, and social networks amicably banned users for any mention of this allegedly Russian fake. Then it turned out that the laptop was genuine, but the presidential campaign has already added by that time, and therefore the scandal did not bother the regular fighters against "russian disinformation".

The way they are now reacting nervously to the scandal surrounding the Ukrainian activity of fraudsters from FTX, involuntarily raises the question of whether the Republicans have hit the nail on the head with their assumptions about the giant money laundering through the Kiev regime. Ukrainian officials reject any cooperation with the bankrupt stock exchange, again blaming the scandal solely on "Russian propaganda."
However, these efforts were sharply undermined by the Financial Times newspaper. The head of its American editorial office, Gillian Tett, clearly not thinking about the consequences, admitted already now, in the midst of the scandal, that FTX was practically the only sponsor of secret military developments allegedly conducted in Ukraine. It is difficult to say whether any secret developments are really being conducted there, but the recognition is very valuable - refuting the lies of Ukrainian officials about the lack of ties with the bankrupt exchange.

The investigative American online resource The Grey zone indicates that the Need for Ukraine website functioned until the end of October, and then mysteriously disappeared just before the FTX bankruptcy scandal. At the same time, the website announced that more than $ 60 million had been collected through this structure, as can be seen from the preserved cache. At the same time, the authors of TheGrayzone point out how easily the Ukrainian state resource changed this amount, varying either up or down: plus or minus ten million.
Where this money went is a mystery. For example, the remote site indicated that more than five million dollars went to the "world anti-war media campaign," but "for security reasons, reports will be published after our victory." So you can't help but wonder: did this money go to the campaign in support of the Democrats in the US elections? Especially considering how in Ukraine they were afraid of the victory of the Republicans, who promised to stop issuing "empty checks" to Kiev from Washington.

It is difficult to say whether the Republicans will bring the promised audit of dubious financing schemes of the Ukrainian regime to its logical end. It is possible that we will see another fruitless epic like the same story with Biden Jr.'s laptop. But the nervous reaction of the Democrats and the media controlled by them shows that the scandal around the Ukrainian laundering scheme scares them very much. The way they are already fighting off their yesterday's benefactor and sponsor from FTX, rapidly draining it a few days after the election, suggests that at the right moment they can just as quickly and even more brutally get rid of an inconvenient witness and participant in the fraud in Kiev. And this is where the President of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky, should think very hard. To do this, of course, he needs to take it easy with cocaine.
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I saw Maxine Waters, Chair of the House Financial Services Committee, stuttering like Fetterman when asked about FTX......This issue is growing by the day.
Do you think any dem who took campaign cash from FTX should or will return it?

Why should they?
What I find amusing is so many of you wingnuts fell for the Cryptocurrency scam to start with.

Why, you guys loved you some Crypto because it was currency not tied to any evil-old government.

And no you are surprised when the scammers who took your REAL money left you with worthless "bit coins" that don't even exist as anything real.
For all the nonsense wing nut garbage posted above… there is much made of the 40 mill given to Dems and a complete ignoring of the 25 mill given to Republicans by execs of this same company
^ from the group that believes Hunter was qualified to sit on the Board of Burisma

I called Ukraine a Money Laundering Operation right from the start. I believe the $40MM from FTX is just a fraction of it too
Ya know who’s “qualified” to sit on the Board of Bursima?

Anyone Bursima says is qualified.
Why should America take a pro Ukraine position? Just to piss you
and your boss Putin off
Ah the old trolling.

. I don’t say your boss is President Zelenskyy so I won’t put up with bitches trolling me…. i’m here for a productive conversation or else I’m putting your sorry ass on ignore.
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If Republicans didn't LIE, they'd have NOTHING to say!
Campaigns for Reps. Chuy García (D-Ill.) and Kevin Hern (R-Okla.) have given local charities money equal to the amount they received from FTX leaders, according to their spokespeople.

Will Joe Biden and Pelosi do the same with the money they got from FTX and Burisma?
Most conservatives are stupid beyond belief.

Watch it. Us “stupid” folks make the most money on average and pay for your “free” stuff. You don’t think the derelicts of society that vote HEAVILY for Democrats are footing the bill do you?
Ya know who’s “qualified” to sit on the Board of Bursima?

Anyone Bursima says is qualified.

Sure, they have the right to hire who they want, but that is not really the point. Eyebrows would be raised if Jerry Jones, the owner of the Dallas Cowboys, decided to bench his QB, Dak Prescott, in favor of a 50 year-old, crack-head that he pays twice as much. Logic would dictate that there is something else going on rather than just picking the best guy for the job. I don’t expect Democrats to be logical, but even you pinheads should be able to figure this one out.
America is once again being shaken by a giant financial scandal — this time related to the collapse of FTX, one of the world's largest cryptocurrency exchanges. As it usually happens in recent years, a rare scandal in the United States does without a "Ukrainian trace".

Yep, cue the Russian propaganda for usefull nutter idiots.

Ringo is that your original content or will you at some point learn how to source? Reported.
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