The FAKE FTX Scandal

You seem confused. Explain what you’re claiming occurred. As far as I have read the Ukraine donations that were cashed in had nothing to do FTX crashing and burning
I never mentioned what you say....I believe you are confused.
So you’re unaware that another FTX exec gave 25 mill to Republicans?

You filthy ass Moon Bats may not think it was wrong for the Democrat turds to get a half billion dollars from an illegal Ponsi scheme but we Americans know that it is just another example of Democrat corruption.
Libasrds are always in denial about their corruption.

They were in denial about the massive corruption of the Clintons.

They were in denial about how bad the Worthless Negro fucked up this country.

They are in denial about the corruption of Joe Potatohead.

They are in denial about the damage Potatohead is doing to this country.

They were in denial about the 2020 stolen election.

They are in denial about the tremendous damage the Negros and Communists did during the BLM insurrection.

Now we see they are in denial about FTX being an illegal money laundering operation to fund Democrat candidates.

We can always expect to get dishonesty from the Moon Bats.
This is what really boils Americans blood when the president of Ukraine denies that two of his missiles killed Polish farmers. With NATO, President Biden and Poland saying it was Ukraine.

So there is a credibility issue with Ukraine.

If it all goes back to another thing why should Americans take a pro Ukrainian position?. There’s good people on both sides of this war. And Russia never gave Any weapons to Iraq when America invaded Iraq… so we’re doing the wrong thing here by giving weapons to Ukraine.
So you’re unaware that another FTX exec gave 25 mill to Republicans?
That doesn't surprise me in the least. Find me a congressman who can't smell free cash in the air.
Are you aware there is a huge campaign cash raising thing on crypto?
I believe it will be found that pac's have been scammed too.
It's almost as if no money went to Republicans from FTX. Ignorance is bliss.
If it did and they knew what was going on. Then they should be prosecuted too. That's our money they are playing with. Tired of, our side cannot do no wrong. My gosh, you people are making excuses for the leader of your party. Taking inappropriate showers with his daughter.
The company was very real and it milked thousands of dollars off people and used part of that donate to the demafasict who helped protect the company
And probably a contributing factor to Tom Brady's recent poor performances and demeanor on the field.
If it did and they knew what was going on. Then they should be prosecuted too. That's our money they are playing with. Tired of, our side cannot do no wrong. My gosh, you people are making excuses for the leader of your party. Taking inappropriate showers with his daughter.
What does.your shower conspiracy have to do with anything? Good grief.

What would.they be prosecuted for?
This is what really boils Americans blood when the president of Ukraine denies that two of his missiles killed Polish farmers. With NATO, President Biden and Poland saying it was Ukraine.

So there is a credibility issue with Ukraine.

If it all goes back to another thing why should Americans take a pro Ukrainian position?. There’s good people on both sides of this war. And Russia never gave Any weapons to Iraq when America invaded Iraq… so we’re doing the wrong thing here by giving weapons to Ukraine.
Why should America take a pro Ukraine position? Just to piss you
and your boss Putin off
Why should America take a pro Ukraine position? Just to piss you
and your boss Putin off
You know when America pulls the plug, Ukraine goes extinct, so you just continue on shooting your mouth off, all that needs doing at this stage, is for Elon to switch off starlink access and Ukraine evaporates into swamp land, Russian swamp land! :wink:
It truly cracks me up how the left pretends like they never accept fake hoaxes hook line and sinker when it suits their political agenda to do so. You are just as blindly partisan and as massively stuipd as those you rant about. People on both sides do this but before any of you cast that first stone you should take a long hard honest serious look at yourself because if you did I don't think you would like what you see.
Everyone is so desperate to prove it's THE OTHER GUYS who are corrupt.
Bad News for ALL of youse.
They are ALL corrupt and ALL working together to keep YOU under control and themselves high and mighty.

Classic Good Cop / Bad Cop Dog and Pony Show and people will fall for it eternally.
You hear the EXACT SAME SHIT year after year, election cycle after election cycle.....GONNA GET YOU THIS TIME !!!!

And then millions are spent on "investigations" (MORE money disappears) and NOTHING ever comes of it. It just fades away until you are distracted by the next "THIS TIME BABY". Then you die and they repeat the scam on your prodigy.

Hard to believe no one else can see it.
Good Gawd people are so easy!!!
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