The Fake Leatherface: An Eagles (NFL) Omen


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is an Eagles (NFL) parody inspired by Scary Movie and Wet Hot American Summer.




A group of young Americans were feeling giddy about life one summer despite the threats of global warming and decided to throw a very fun musical party in the forest near the city (upstate New York). The young folks were all NYU students, and most of the woods-party attendees were sophomore students at NYU. There were gorgeous young women, lively young men, musicians, chefs, dancers, storytellers (etc.) at the woods-party. As the sun set, the sky was an eerie sombre-blue, which is when one of the storytellers began his chant.

ERIC: They say that in these woods, when the right combination of weather, sunlight, moonlight, and a young American cross-section of society assemble, the demonic spirit of the chainsaw-wielding Leatherface(!) emerges/appears out of nowhere(!) and begins the chase around humans. Leatherface wears a mask made out of human skin and sometimes a suit and sometimes a butcher's apron. They also say he's a cannibal and a figure of pure morbidity.


Eric's party did not pay his storytelling-omen any heed. As the sun set, and the youngsters continued on their merry way, Eric mysteriously disappeared. Two other woods-party attendees started asking everyone at the party about his whereabouts and then went searching for him...and then disappeared too! Finally, the party heard the faint/distant sound of a buzzing chainsaw(!). Shelbye (one of the female attendees) asked if that was Eric playing a cruel prank. The youngsters panicked and scattered, and they ran in a myriad of different directions.


After three days passed, most of the woods-party attendees survived to relay their very odd tale. The 'survivors' returned to the NYU campus to begin their summer-session of classes, and they decided to watch The Texas Chainsaw Massacre together one Saturday night in August. They wondered if Eric's strange tale about a 'real Leatherface' haunting the forests in New York was meant to be some sarcastic pun about everyday psychos copying horror-film ghouls/characters. Nevertheless, since not all the woods-party attendees showed up to campus, the survivors wondered if some of the guests were attacked by someone (perhaps Eric's 'Leatherface').


Apparently, the demonic spirit of Leatherface was indeed 'real' and it did begin to stalk the woods-party attendees that one summer day. Apparently, Leatherface was 'upset' that American youngsters (college students) were frolicking around in the forest right after the tremendous NFL Super Bowl underdog-victory by the gritty-scrappy Philadelphia Eagles(!). Leatherface wanted to know why more NYU students weren't writing about the sociocultural impact of an underdog rising to sports-media glory. This was Eric's theory, but Eric was missing. So were some of the woods-party attendees. Perhaps Leatherface was real after all...


ERIC: I found myself wandering around the woods that summer day (on the day of the forest-party with my NYU friends). After I told them the 'spook-story' about the 'real Leatherface' haunting the woods, I decided to personally go snooping around for him. I discovered within 400 yards that Leatherface was dragging one of the female NYU woods-party attendees and chanting, "Fly, Eagles, fly!" It was like a scene from Scary Movie (a horror-comedy spoof). When Leatherface spotted me, he gave me a chase, and I found another NYU woods-party attendee (a 20-something future investment banker) running around a tree, so I ran around and double-looped the tree to confuse Leatherface and when I swung out, Leatherface swung out and ran off into the foggy depths of the woods chasing that other guy (that investment banker dude). I survived...but why?



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