The Fake Story About the IRS Commissioner and the White House


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
"Drip Drip"..the unraveling of a "scandal".

White House records show Douglas Shulman signed in for 11 visits, not 157, between 2009 and 2012.

The latest twist in the conservative effort to tie the IRS tax-exempt targeting scandal to the president is to focus on public visitor records released by the White House, in which former IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman's name appears 157 times between 2009 and 2012. Unfortunately, few of those pushing this line have bothered to read more than the topline of that public information. Bill O'Reilly on Thursday called them the "smoking gun" and demanded of Shulman, "You must explain under oath what you were doing at the White House on 157 separate occasions." His statement built on a Daily Caller story, "IRS's Shulman had more public White House visits than any Cabinet member." An Investors Business Daily story and slew of blog items repeated the charges.

"The alibi the White House has wedded itself to is that it had to work closely with the IRS to implement ObamaCare," the Investor's Business Daily has written -- as if that were not true.

And yet the public meeting schedules available for review to any media outlet show that very thing: Shulman was cleared primarily to meet with administration staffers involved in implementation of the health-care reform bill. He was cleared 40 times to meet with Obama's director of the Office of Health Reform, and a further 80 times for the biweekly health reform deputies meetings and others set up by aides involved with the health-care law implementation efforts. That's 76 percent of his planned White House visits just there, before you even add in all the meetings with Office of Management and Budget personnel also involved in health reform.
The Fake Story About the IRS Commissioner and the White House - Garance Franke-Ruta - The Atlantic

Daily Caller again?

Why am I not surprised..

"Drip Drip"..the unraveling of a "scandal".

White House records show Douglas Shulman signed in for 11 visits, not 157, between 2009 and 2012.

The latest twist in the conservative effort to tie the IRS tax-exempt targeting scandal to the president is to focus on public visitor records released by the White House, in which former IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman's name appears 157 times between 2009 and 2012. Unfortunately, few of those pushing this line have bothered to read more than the topline of that public information. Bill O'Reilly on Thursday called them the "smoking gun" and demanded of Shulman, "You must explain under oath what you were doing at the White House on 157 separate occasions." His statement built on a Daily Caller story, "IRS's Shulman had more public White House visits than any Cabinet member." An Investors Business Daily story and slew of blog items repeated the charges.

"The alibi the White House has wedded itself to is that it had to work closely with the IRS to implement ObamaCare," the Investor's Business Daily has written -- as if that were not true.

And yet the public meeting schedules available for review to any media outlet show that very thing: Shulman was cleared primarily to meet with administration staffers involved in implementation of the health-care reform bill. He was cleared 40 times to meet with Obama's director of the Office of Health Reform, and a further 80 times for the biweekly health reform deputies meetings and others set up by aides involved with the health-care law implementation efforts. That's 76 percent of his planned White House visits just there, before you even add in all the meetings with Office of Management and Budget personnel also involved in health reform.
The Fake Story About the IRS Commissioner and the White House - Garance Franke-Ruta - The Atlantic

Daily Caller again?

Why am I not surprised..


Actually the white house chief of staff has already admitted to having knowledge of what the IRS was doing.
obama defenders are some of the dumbest people. The white house chief of staff admitted that they had knowledge of the IRS targeting of the TEA party. Don't think for one second obama did not have knowledge of what was going on.

The notice Ruemmler saw on April 24 gave her a thumbnail sketch of a disturbing finding: that the IRS had improperly targeted tea party and other conservative groups. She shared the news with White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough and other senior White House aides, who all recognized the danger of the findings.

On IRS issue, senior White House aides were focused on shielding Obama - Washington Post
"Drip Drip"..the unraveling of a "scandal".

White House records show Douglas Shulman signed in for 11 visits, not 157, between 2009 and 2012.

The latest twist in the conservative effort to tie the IRS tax-exempt targeting scandal to the president is to focus on public visitor records released by the White House, in which former IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman's name appears 157 times between 2009 and 2012. Unfortunately, few of those pushing this line have bothered to read more than the topline of that public information. Bill O'Reilly on Thursday called them the "smoking gun" and demanded of Shulman, "You must explain under oath what you were doing at the White House on 157 separate occasions." His statement built on a Daily Caller story, "IRS's Shulman had more public White House visits than any Cabinet member." An Investors Business Daily story and slew of blog items repeated the charges.

"The alibi the White House has wedded itself to is that it had to work closely with the IRS to implement ObamaCare," the Investor's Business Daily has written -- as if that were not true.

And yet the public meeting schedules available for review to any media outlet show that very thing: Shulman was cleared primarily to meet with administration staffers involved in implementation of the health-care reform bill. He was cleared 40 times to meet with Obama's director of the Office of Health Reform, and a further 80 times for the biweekly health reform deputies meetings and others set up by aides involved with the health-care law implementation efforts. That's 76 percent of his planned White House visits just there, before you even add in all the meetings with Office of Management and Budget personnel also involved in health reform.
The Fake Story About the IRS Commissioner and the White House - Garance Franke-Ruta - The Atlantic

Daily Caller again?

Why am I not surprised..


Actually the white house chief of staff has already admitted to having knowledge of what the IRS was doing.
obama defenders are some of the dumbest people. The white house chief of staff admitted that they had knowledge of the IRS targeting of the TEA party. Don't think for one second obama did not have knowledge of what was going on.

The notice Ruemmler saw on April 24 gave her a thumbnail sketch of a disturbing finding: that the IRS had improperly targeted tea party and other conservative groups. She shared the news with White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough and other senior White House aides, who all recognized the danger of the findings.

On IRS issue, senior White House aides were focused on shielding Obama - Washington Post


First off - Having knowledge about it doesn't indicate collusion at all. What conservatives are trying to say is that the white house directed it. So far there's ZERO evidence of that.

Second off - THE DAILY CALLER was the root of the "visit" story. Looks like they "got it wrong". No..I am being kind to an outfit that BRIBED A PROSTITUTE TO LIE ABOUT SENATOR MENENDEZ and call him a pedophile. No one should be taking those fucking liars all.

Did Daily Caller pay to frame Menendez?
We've already demonstrated your story is fake, so why do you feel the need to post it yet again?
"Drip Drip"..the unraveling of a "scandal".

The Fake Story About the IRS Commissioner and the White House - Garance Franke-Ruta - The Atlantic

Daily Caller again?

Why am I not surprised..


Actually the white house chief of staff has already admitted to having knowledge of what the IRS was doing.
obama defenders are some of the dumbest people. The white house chief of staff admitted that they had knowledge of the IRS targeting of the TEA party. Don't think for one second obama did not have knowledge of what was going on.

On IRS issue, senior White House aides were focused on shielding Obama - Washington Post


First off - Having knowledge about it doesn't indicate collusion at all. What conservatives are trying to say is that the white house directed it. So far there's ZERO evidence of that.

Second off - THE DAILY CALLER was the root of the "visit" story. Looks like they "got it wrong". No..I am being kind to an outfit that BRIBED A PROSTITUTE TO LIE ABOUT SENATOR MENENDEZ and call him a pedophile. No one should be taking those fucking liars all.

Did Daily Caller pay to frame Menendez?

"If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, 'We're gonna punish our enemies, and we're gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us'
BHO 2010
We've already demonstrated your story is fake, so why do you feel the need to post it yet again?

Who's "we've"?

And the source of the 157 visits comes from the Daily Caller.

They should never ever be trusted as a source.
Personally I am glad the IRS was doing their job. Fuking lying ass tea party types claiming they are a non profit when their entire purpose is acting as a political organization is bull shit.

You stupid fuks do understand that political organizations are not non profits? Nah probably not.
Personally I am glad the IRS was doing their job. Fuking lying ass tea party types claiming they are a non profit when their entire purpose is acting as a political organization is bull shit.

You stupid fuks do understand that political organizations are not non profits? Nah probably not.

Personally I am glad the IRS was doing their job. Fuking lying ass tea party types claiming they are a non profit when their entire purpose is acting as a political organization is bull shit.

You stupid fuks do understand that political organizations are not non profits? Nah probably not.


Gee staph. Speechless?

Or do YOU not understand that politcal organizations are not non profits? Or will you try and claim that the TEA party is not a political organization?

This could be good.
We've already demonstrated your story is fake, so why do you feel the need to post it yet again?

Who's "we've"?

And the source of the 157 visits comes from the Daily Caller.

They should never ever be trusted as a source.

but the Atlantic should be a trusted source I suppose?

Well golly gee yes!!!... Just like the huffo puffo, stink progress, Thom Hartman's blog, Rhandi Rhodes site, and anyone else who gives any positive press to the left....

Don't you know that??!!?? :rolleyes:
When people in this country care more about a Government Agency (IRS) that can DESTROY people by taking everything they have worked for, who's motto is Guilty and good luck proving you're innocent more than they DO their fellow citizens...

Personally I am glad the IRS was doing their job. Fuking lying ass tea party types claiming they are a non profit when their entire purpose is acting as a political organization is bull shit.

You stupid fuks do understand that political organizations are not non profits? Nah probably not.

Media Matters?

Tides Foundation?
When people in this country care more about a Government Agency (IRS) that can DESTROY people by taking everything they have worked for, who's motto is Guilty and good luck proving you're innocent more than they DO their fellow citizens...


Good God. These TEA party folks were/are lying through their teeth. TEA party a non profit. Bull shit. Every tea party person I have come in contact with was campaigning for someone or something. Political campaigning.

Where does it say in the IRS guidelines that politcal organizations should be treated as a non profit organization? Where steph?

In case you missed it steph. If you lie to the IRS, they come after you. It is their job. Don't you want government employees doing their jobs for the tax dollars they get paid?
When people in this country care more about a Government Agency (IRS) that can DESTROY people by taking everything they have worked for, who's motto is Guilty and good luck proving you're innocent more than they DO their fellow citizens...


Good God. These TEA party folks were/are lying through their teeth. TEA party a non profit. Bull shit. Every tea party person I have come in contact with was campaigning for someone or something. Political campaigning.

Where does it say in the IRS guidelines that politcal organizations should be treated as a non profit organization? Where steph?

In case you missed it steph. If you lie to the IRS, they come after you. It is their job. Don't you want government employees doing their jobs for the tax dollars they get paid?

good gawd you have a lot of hate for your fellow Americans..sad for you
When people in this country care more about a Government Agency (IRS) that can DESTROY people by taking everything they have worked for, who's motto is Guilty and good luck proving you're innocent more than they DO their fellow citizens...


Good God. These TEA party folks were/are lying through their teeth. TEA party a non profit. Bull shit. Every tea party person I have come in contact with was campaigning for someone or something. Political campaigning.

Where does it say in the IRS guidelines that politcal organizations should be treated as a non profit organization? Where steph?

In case you missed it steph. If you lie to the IRS, they come after you. It is their job. Don't you want government employees doing their jobs for the tax dollars they get paid?

Media Matters

Tides Foundation

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
When people in this country care more about a Government Agency (IRS) that can DESTROY people by taking everything they have worked for, who's motto is Guilty and good luck proving you're innocent more than they DO their fellow citizens...


Good God. These TEA party folks were/are lying through their teeth. TEA party a non profit. Bull shit. Every tea party person I have come in contact with was campaigning for someone or something. Political campaigning.

Where does it say in the IRS guidelines that politcal organizations should be treated as a non profit organization? Where steph?

In case you missed it steph. If you lie to the IRS, they come after you. It is their job. Don't you want government employees doing their jobs for the tax dollars they get paid?

good gawd you have a lot of hate for your fellow Americans..sad for you

Is that all you got? Did you get your meds adjusted? Is the TEA party a political organization or not steph?
Good God. These TEA party folks were/are lying through their teeth. TEA party a non profit. Bull shit. Every tea party person I have come in contact with was campaigning for someone or something. Political campaigning.

Where does it say in the IRS guidelines that politcal organizations should be treated as a non profit organization? Where steph?

In case you missed it steph. If you lie to the IRS, they come after you. It is their job. Don't you want government employees doing their jobs for the tax dollars they get paid?

good gawd you have a lot of hate for your fellow Americans..sad for you

Is that all you got? Did you get your meds adjusted? Is the TEA party a political organization or not steph?

you say they are and is cheering their rights denied by this go on with yourself

they now get to CHOOSE who is what in this country...real friggen fair and big of them
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