The Fashion of Violence: Rogue/DNA [Marvel Comics]


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Sep 22, 2013
This is a gender-parable for our media-society inspired by the film Species.

It's dedicated to First Lady Melania Trump who's growing on me as a voter...



An Internet-blogger and self-proclaimed 'vigilante' named Ajay Satan was something of a mad scientist and wanted to do something more 'radical' to talk about the fear of censorship in the modern age of media and consumerism. Ajay designed a body-transformation device which metamorphosized him into a gold-armored female centurion named Stana. As Stana, Ajay could be more liberal/radical about gender-intrigue (e.g., media sex-scandals) in the age of media.


Ajay/Stana studied the history of gender-intriguing 'role-reversals' in culture/society such as Misandry and Polyandry. Images of women taking vengeance on men or one woman/queen taking multiple men/husbands was a radical concept, and Ajay/Stana wanted to use such images/storylines to talk about things like 'intolerable language' on the Internet. No one questioned Stana's devotion to gender-radicalism, since of course, no one knew Stana was once a man named Ajay!


Stana approached American celebrity Val Kilmer and told him of this new revolutionary plan/scheme and then revealed the body-transformation device. Val loved the whole thing and agreed to become a 'soldier' and entered the machine and transformed into a female soldier named Akila. Now, Stana and Akila were able to work in tandem, using the media to promote all kinds of crazy ideas beneficial to free-speech democracy. Even President Trump noticed.


Stana and Akila referenced the Quit India heroine and freedom-fighter Aruna Asaf Ali who defiantly hoisted the Indian national flag of independence to demand that England depart from colonial rule on the Asian subcontinent. Stana and Akila suggested that Aruna should be a 'masthead' for new age ideas regarding the contributions of women in the realm of politics, society, customs, and even fashion! It was a radical 'crusade,' and it caught the attention of avant-garde American film-maker Wes Andersen.


Wes had the vision of making a comic book film about a superheroine surrounded by men. The female avatar he chose was Marvel Comics' Rogue, a woman who had incredible powers of flight and energy which emanated from her 'charged hands.' Wes wanted to cast Jennifer Aniston, star of the hit comedy-sitcom Friends (symbolic of modern values!) as Rogue. Rogue would be first challenged by a gang of camp-dwelling Neo-Nazis called the Ks who always wore sleeveless t-shirts (also known colloquially as 'wife-beater shirts').


Wes was excited about the film-project, and Stana and Akila cheered him on to success. The film would be titled Rogue: Army of Darkness. The film would co-star Chris Hemmsworth (star of Thor films) as Rogue's beau Gambit and Channing Tatum (star of G.I. Joe films) as the super-villain known as Mister Sinister. Wes Andersen wanted this to be a magnificent feather for Marvel Comics and new age gender-politics, and even Hillary Clinton praised the film concept. Stana and Akila were thrilled, since Wes Andersen was considered by many to be the new Woody Allen.


The cast was set and filming began. Rogue would deal with the Neo-Nazi Ks handedly and then move onto tackle the insidious Mister Sinister. Gambit, meanwhile, would provide romance and comic relief and a dash of sidekick-heroism, but it was mostly the 'Rogue Show.' Aniston was performing very well, and Andersen was happy with her performance. The budget for the film was $30 million, but it generated over $100 million in box-office sales. Stana and Akila began blogging on the Internet about Aniston/Rogue.


Critics praised the film for its stark portrayal of energy and politics. Rogue, after all, was a 'genetic mutant' and therefore could represent new age political ideas regarding genetic-engineering, feminism, and even democratic idealism. Critics also liked Hemmsworth's portrayal of Rogue's love/sidekick Gambit, a gambler and powerful laser-card 'shooter.' Stana and Katic tweeted, "Gambit/Hemmsworth reminds us that not all boyfriends are pigs!"


In the Andersen film, Rogue challenges the evil scheme of the vile Mister Sinister. Channing Tatum earned an Academy Award nomination for his ideal portrayal of the Marvel villain. Since Mister Sinister represented all the anarchy associated with anti-democratic thoughts, Tatum gave the character a certain 'chauvinistic' edge which is exactly what Andersen wanted. Andersen tweeted, "I got the cool feeling that Tatum's Sinister was like the Devil himself."


In the final sequence of the charged film, Rogue deals with a giant evil super-computer that Mister Sinister has built to scramble all intelligence-signals (e.g., CIA, Interpol, etc.) and also create unnatural wind currents using electric-energy to generate spontaneous storm-systems. Rogue would use her 'charged hands' to cool the computer down while ripping out its wires. Stana and Katic told fans that Sinister's computer, named 'JAX', represented all the malice and fury of 'modern fascism.' Tatum won the Oscar for best-supporting actor for his portrayal of the anti-human Mister Sinister.


ANISTON: I'm so happy with this film...and for Channing's Oscar!
CHARLIE ROSE: Yes, everyone's praising Tatum and Andersen.
ANISTON: It's a nice accomplishment for feminism too I think.
CHARLIE ROSE: Sure; did you read about the tweets between Trump and Stana/Akila?
ANISTON: I heard about those --- pedestrian rants/debates about the power of media.
CHARLIE ROSE: You must feel like an overnight 'heroine.'
ANISTON: I'm not a huge comic book fan, but playing Rogue has boosted my career!
CHARLIE ROSE: I hear Andersen's planning a sequel...
ANISTON: Yes! Jennifer Connelly (A Beautiful Mind) is slated to portray Lilandra (Marvel).
CHARLIE ROSE: Lilandra is a 'super-villainess' symbolizing fascism, right?
ANISTON: Yes, it should be cool to see how the Rogue-Lilandra 'battle' plays out.
CHARLES ROSE: Ain't Hollywood grand?
ANISTON: Sometimes, it is...



{Jennifer Connelly as Lilandra}


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